diff --git a/bob/bio/base/test/test_utils.py b/bob/bio/base/test/test_utils.py
index 8c7d3d4a0833b77604f95f210599c89723fee634..ce46232bf515a021342379ef4efc9828b94d49d5 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/test/test_utils.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/test/test_utils.py
@@ -119,45 +119,83 @@ def test_io_vstack():
   def reader_wrong_size(path):
     return numpy.arange(2 * path).reshape(2, path)
-  # test C and F readers
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_different_size_C,
-                                         paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_different_size_C, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_different_size_F,
-                                         paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_different_size_F, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_C, paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_C, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_F, paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_F, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_C, paths, True) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_C, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_F, paths, True) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_F, paths))
-  # test 3 dimensional readers
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_different_size_C2,
-                                         paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_different_size_C2, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_different_size_F2,
-                                         paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_different_size_F2, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_C2, paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_C2, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_F2, paths, False) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_F2, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_C2, paths, True) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_C2, paths))
-  numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_same_size_F2, paths, True) ==
-            oracle(reader_same_size_F2, paths))
+  # when same_size is False
+  for reader in [
+      reader_different_size_C,
+      reader_different_size_F,
+      reader_same_size_C,
+      reader_same_size_F,
+      reader_different_size_C2,
+      reader_different_size_F2,
+      reader_same_size_C2,
+      reader_same_size_F2,
+  ]:
+    numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader, paths) ==
+              oracle(reader, paths))
+  # when same_size is True
+  for reader in [
+      reader_same_size_C,
+      reader_same_size_F,
+      reader_same_size_C2,
+      reader_same_size_F2,
+  ]:
+    numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader, paths, True) ==
+              oracle(reader, paths))
   with nose.tools.assert_raises(AssertionError):
     bob.bio.base.vstack_features(reader_wrong_size, paths)
+  # test actual files
+  paths = [bob.io.base.test_utils.temporary_filename(),
+           bob.io.base.test_utils.temporary_filename(),
+           bob.io.base.test_utils.temporary_filename()]
+  try:
+    # try different readers:
+    for reader in [
+        reader_different_size_C,
+        reader_different_size_F,
+        reader_same_size_C,
+        reader_same_size_F,
+        reader_different_size_C2,
+        reader_different_size_F2,
+        reader_same_size_C2,
+        reader_same_size_F2,
+    ]:
+      # save some data in files
+      for i, path in enumerate(paths):
+        bob.bio.base.save(reader(i + 1), path)
+      # test when all data is present
+      reference = oracle(bob.bio.base.load, paths)
+      numpy.all(bob.bio.base.vstack_features(bob.bio.base.load, paths) ==
+                reference)
+      # delete the first one
+      os.remove(paths[0])
+      reference = oracle(bob.bio.base.load, paths[1:])
+      target = bob.bio.base.vstack_features(bob.bio.base.load, paths, False,
+                                            True)
+      numpy.all(target == reference)
+      # save back first one and delete second one
+      bob.bio.base.save(reader(1), paths[0])
+      os.remove(paths[1])
+      reference = oracle(bob.bio.base.load, paths[:1] + paths[2:])
+      target = bob.bio.base.vstack_features(bob.bio.base.load, paths, False,
+                                            True)
+      numpy.all(target == reference)
+      # Check if RuntimeError is raised when one of the files is missing and
+      # allow_missing_files if False
+      with nose.tools.assert_raises(RuntimeError):
+        bob.bio.base.vstack_features(bob.bio.base.load, paths)
+      # Check if ValueError is raised.
+      with nose.tools.assert_raises(ValueError):
+        bob.bio.base.vstack_features(bob.bio.base.load, paths, True, True)
+  finally:
+    try:
+      for path in paths:
+        os.remove(path)
+    except Exception:
+      pass
 def test_sampling():
   # test selection of elements
diff --git a/bob/bio/base/utils/io.py b/bob/bio/base/utils/io.py
index 9d57f7d4fcf14459af10c11a1f93fb52dd7252f4..e9f6424f6deb5282031c3fc76c7feee4b07f9fa6 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/utils/io.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/utils/io.py
@@ -175,9 +175,10 @@ def save_compressed(data, filename, compression_type='bz2', create_link=False):
   close_compressed(filename, hdf5, compression_type, create_link)
-def _generate_features(reader, paths):
-  """Load and stack features a memory efficient way. This function is meant to
-  be used inside :py:func:`vstack_features`.
+def _generate_features(reader, paths, same_size=False,
+                       allow_missing_files=False):
+  """Load and stack features in a memory efficient way. This function is meant
+  to be used inside :py:func:`vstack_features`.
@@ -185,6 +186,10 @@ def _generate_features(reader, paths):
       See the documentation of :py:func:`vstack_features`.
   paths : ``collections.Iterable``
       See the documentation of :py:func:`vstack_features`.
+  same_size : :obj:`bool`, optional
+      See the documentation of :py:func:`vstack_features`.
+  allow_missing_files : :obj:`bool`, optional
+      See the documentation of :py:func:`vstack_features`.
@@ -193,23 +198,33 @@ def _generate_features(reader, paths):
       features and the shape of the first feature. The rest of objects are
       the actual values in features. The features are returned in C order.
+  shape_determined = False
   for i, path in enumerate(paths):
+    if allow_missing_files and not os.path.isfile(path):
+      logger.debug("... File %s, that does not exist, has been ignored.", path)
+      continue
     feature = numpy.atleast_2d(reader(path))
     feature = numpy.ascontiguousarray(feature)
-    if i == 0:
+    if not shape_determined:
+      shape_determined = True
       dtype = feature.dtype
       shape = list(feature.shape)
       yield (dtype, shape)
-      # make sure all features have the same shape[1:] and dtype
-      assert shape[1:] == list(feature.shape[1:])
+      # make sure all features have the same shape and dtype
+      if same_size:
+        assert shape == list(feature.shape)
+      else:
+        assert shape[1:] == list(feature.shape[1:])
       assert dtype == feature.dtype
     for value in feature.flat:
       yield value
-def vstack_features(reader, paths, same_size=False):
+def vstack_features(reader, paths, same_size=False, allow_missing_files=False):
   """Stacks all features in a memory efficient way.
@@ -223,20 +238,29 @@ def vstack_features(reader, paths, same_size=False):
       dimension. First dimension is should correspond to the number of samples.
   paths : ``collections.Iterable``
       An iterable of paths to iterate on. Whatever is inside path is given to
-      ``reader``. If ``same_size`` is ``True``, ``len(paths)`` must be valid.
+      ``reader`` so they do not need to be necessarily paths to actual files.
+      If ``same_size`` is ``True``, ``len(paths)`` must be valid.
   same_size : :obj:`bool`, optional
       If ``True``, it assumes that arrays inside all the paths are the same
       shape. If you know the features are the same size in all paths, set this
       to ``True`` to improve the performance.
+  allow_missing_files : :obj:`bool`, optional
+      If ``True``, it assumes that the items inside paths are actual files and
+      ignores the ones that do not exist.
       The read features with the shape (n_samples, \*features_shape[1:]).
+  Raises
+  ------
+  ValueError
+      If both same_size and allow_missing_files are ``True``.
-  This function is equivalent to calling
+  This function in a simple way is equivalent to calling
   ``numpy.vstack(reader(p) for p in paths)``.
   >>> import numpy
@@ -276,8 +300,12 @@ def vstack_features(reader, paths, same_size=False):
          [4, 5],
          [6, 7],
          [8, 9]])
-  iterable = _generate_features(reader, paths)
+  if same_size and allow_missing_files:
+    raise ValueError("Both same_size and allow_missing_files cannot be True at"
+                     " the same time.")
+  iterable = _generate_features(reader, paths, same_size, allow_missing_files)
   dtype, shape = next(iterable)
   if same_size:
     total_size = int(len(paths) * numpy.prod(shape))
@@ -285,7 +313,7 @@ def vstack_features(reader, paths, same_size=False):
     all_features = numpy.fromiter(iterable, dtype)
-  # the shape is assumed to be (n_samples, ...) it can be (5, 2) or (5, 3, 3).
+  # the shape is assumed to be (n_samples, ...) it can be (5, 2) or (5, 3, 4).
   shape = list(shape)
   shape[0] = -1
   return numpy.reshape(all_features, shape, order='C')