diff --git a/bob/bio/base/script/annotate.py b/bob/bio/base/script/annotate.py
index 03abb154893832b51bcd94d03fd0941d0fc1af29..f88b6645eda18055fb136c59a7bdb23c53951fcd 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/script/annotate.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/script/annotate.py
@@ -3,45 +3,87 @@
 import logging
 import json
 import click
+import functools
 from os.path import dirname, isfile, expanduser
 from bob.extension.scripts.click_helper import (
-    verbosity_option, ConfigCommand, ResourceOption, log_parameters)
+    verbosity_option,
+    ConfigCommand,
+    ResourceOption,
+    log_parameters,
 from bob.io.base import create_directories_safe
 from bob.bio.base.tools.grid import indices
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def annotate_common_options(func):
+    @click.option(
+        "--annotator",
+        "-a",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+        entry_point_group="bob.bio.annotator",
+        help="A callable that takes the database and a sample (biofile) "
+        "of the database and returns the annotations in a dictionary.",
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--output-dir",
+        "-o",
+        required=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+        help="The directory to save the annotations.",
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--force",
+        "-f",
+        is_flag=True,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+        help="Whether to overwrite existing annotations.",
+    )
+    @click.option(
+        "--array",
+        type=click.INT,
+        default=1,
+        cls=ResourceOption,
+        help="Use this option alongside gridtk to submit this script as an array job.",
+    )
+    @functools.wraps(func)
+    def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+        return func(*args, **kwds)
+    return wrapper
+    entry_point_group="bob.bio.config",
+    cls=ConfigCommand,
+    epilog="""\b
   $ bob bio annotate -vvv -d <database> -a <annotator> -o /tmp/annotations
   $ jman submit --array 64 -- bob bio annotate ... --array 64
-@click.command(entry_point_group='bob.bio.config', cls=ConfigCommand,
-               epilog=ANNOTATE_EPILOG)
-@click.option('--database', '-d', required=True, cls=ResourceOption,
-              entry_point_group='bob.bio.database',
-              help='''The database that you want to annotate.''')
-@click.option('--annotator', '-a', required=True, cls=ResourceOption,
-              entry_point_group='bob.bio.annotator',
-              help='A callable that takes the database and a sample (biofile) '
-              'of the database and returns the annotations in a dictionary.')
-@click.option('--output-dir', '-o', required=True, cls=ResourceOption,
-              help='The directory to save the annotations.')
-@click.option('--force', '-f', is_flag=True, cls=ResourceOption,
-              help='Whether to overwrite existing annotations.')
-@click.option('--array', type=click.INT, default=1, cls=ResourceOption,
-              help='Use this option alongside gridtk to submit this script as '
-              'an array job.')
-@click.option('--database-directories-file', cls=ResourceOption,
-              default=expanduser('~/.bob_bio_databases.txt'),
-              help='(Deprecated) To support loading of old databases.')
+    "--database",
+    "-d",
+    required=True,
+    cls=ResourceOption,
+    entry_point_group="bob.bio.database",
+    help="""The database that you want to annotate.""",
+    "--database-directories-file",
+    cls=ResourceOption,
+    default=expanduser("~/.bob_bio_databases.txt"),
+    help="(Deprecated) To support loading of old databases.",
-def annotate(database, annotator, output_dir, force, array,
-             database_directories_file, **kwargs):
+def annotate(
+    database, annotator, output_dir, force, array, database_directories_file, **kwargs
     """Annotates a database.
     The annotations are written in text file (json) format which can be read
@@ -53,18 +95,103 @@ def annotate(database, annotator, output_dir, force, array,
     biofiles = database.objects(groups=None, protocol=database.protocol)
-    biofiles = sorted(biofiles)
+    samples = sorted(biofiles)
+    def reader(biofile):
+        return annotator.read_original_data(
+            biofile, database.original_directory, database.original_extension
+        )
+    def make_path(biofile, output_dir):
+        return biofile.make_path(output_dir, ".json")
+    return annotate_generic(
+        samples, reader, make_path, annotator, output_dir, force, array
+    )
+    entry_point_group="bob.bio.config",
+    cls=ConfigCommand,
+    epilog="""\b
+  $ bob bio annotate-samples -vvv config.py -a <annotator> -o /tmp/annotations
+  $ jman submit --array 64 -- bob bio annotate-samples ... --array 64
+You have to define samples, reader, and make_path in a python file (config.py) as in
+    "--samples",
+    required=True,
+    cls=ResourceOption,
+    help="A list of all samples that you want to annotate. The list must be sorted or "
+    "deterministic in consequent calls. This is needed so that this script works "
+    "correctly on the grid.",
+    "--reader",
+    required=True,
+    cls=ResourceOption,
+    help="A function with the signature of ``data = reader(sample)`` which takes a "
+    "sample and returns the loaded data. The data is given to the annotator.",
+    "--make-path",
+    required=True,
+    cls=ResourceOption,
+    help="A function with the signature of ``path = make_path(sample, output_dir)`` "
+    "which takes a sample and output_dir and returns the unique path for that sample "
+    "to be saved in output_dir. The extension of the path must be '.json'.",
+def annotate_samples(
+    samples, reader, make_path, annotator, output_dir, force, array, **kwargs
+    """Annotates a list of samples.
+    This command is very similar to ``bob bio annotate`` except that it works without a
+    database interface. You only need to provide a list of **sorted** samples to be
+    annotated and two functions::
+        def reader(sample):
+            # load data from sample here
+            # for example:
+            data = bob.io.base.load(sample)
+            # data will be given to the annotator
+            return data
+        def make_path(sample, output_dir):
+            # create a unique path for this sample in the output_dir
+            # for example:
+            return os.path.join(output_dir, str(sample) + ".json")
+    Please note that your samples must be a list and must be sorted!
+    """
+    log_parameters(logger, ignore=("samples",))
+    logger.debug("len(samples): %d", len(samples))
+    return annotate_generic(
+        samples, reader, make_path, annotator, output_dir, force, array
+    )
+def annotate_generic(samples, reader, make_path, annotator, output_dir, force, array):
     if array > 1:
-        start, end = indices(biofiles, array)
-        biofiles = biofiles[start:end]
+        start, end = indices(samples, array)
+        samples = samples[start:end]
-    total = len(biofiles)
+    total = len(samples)
     logger.info("Saving annotations in %s", output_dir)
     logger.info("Annotating %d samples ...", total)
-    for i, biofile in enumerate(biofiles):
-        outpath = biofile.make_path(output_dir, '.json')
+    for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
+        outpath = make_path(sample, output_dir)
+        if not outpath.endswith(".json"):
+            outpath += ".json"
         if isfile(outpath):
             if force:
                 logger.info("Overwriting the annotations file `%s'", outpath)
@@ -73,12 +200,11 @@ def annotate(database, annotator, output_dir, force, array,
-            "Extracting annotations for sample %d out of %d: %s", i + 1, total,
-            outpath)
-        data = annotator.read_original_data(
-            biofile, database.original_directory, database.original_extension)
+            "Extracting annotations for sample %d out of %d: %s", i + 1, total, outpath
+        )
+        data = reader(sample)
         annot = annotator(data)
-        with open(outpath, 'w') as f:
+        with open(outpath, "w") as f:
             json.dump(annot, f, indent=1, allow_nan=False)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index d8d2797ceb5096851a3c125475eaa28e461c7ff5..6f2d39cec5399e1b72f62fbbc3c9e30d2492841a 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -138,6 +138,7 @@ setup(
       # bob bio scripts
       'bob.bio.cli': [
         'annotate          = bob.bio.base.script.annotate:annotate',
+        'annotate-samples  = bob.bio.base.script.annotate:annotate_samples',
         'metrics           = bob.bio.base.script.commands:metrics',
         'multi-metrics     = bob.bio.base.script.commands:multi_metrics',
         'roc               = bob.bio.base.script.commands:roc',