diff --git a/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py b/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py
index 504ac8f14911de180bb668a4ddd826c4b2bb7ecf..fb8cd8cf766229eb47d29cd2c15344d4ed64d4b2 100644
--- a/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py
+++ b/bob/bio/base/utils/resources.py
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@ def load_resource(resource, keyword, imports = ['bob.bio.base'], preferred_packa
     A list of strings defining which modules to import, when constructing new objects (option 3).
   preferred_package : str or ``None``
-    When several resources with the same name are found in different extension (in different ``bob.bio`` packages), this specifies the preferred package to load the resource from.
-    If not specified, the extension that is **not** ``bob.bio.base`` is selected.
+    When several resources with the same name are found in different packages (e.g., in different ``bob.bio`` or other packages), this specifies the preferred package to load the resource from.
+    If not specified, the extension that is **not** from ``bob.bio`` is selected.
@@ -129,20 +129,26 @@ def load_resource(resource, keyword, imports = ['bob.bio.base'], preferred_packa
       # Now: check if there are only two entry points, and one is from the bob.bio.base, then use the other one
       index = -1
-      if preferred_package:
+      if preferred_package is not None:
         for i,p in enumerate(entry_points):
-          if p.dist.project_name == preferred_package: index = i
+          if p.dist.project_name == preferred_package:
+            index = i
+            break
       if index == -1:
-        if len(entry_points) == 2:
-          if entry_points[0].dist.project_name == 'bob.bio.base': index = 1
-          elif entry_points[1].dist.project_name == 'bob.bio.base': index = 0
+        # by default, use the first one that is not from bob.bio
+        for i,p in enumerate(entry_points):
+          if not p.dist.project_name.startswith('bob.bio'):
+            index = i
+            break
       if index != -1:
-        logger.info("RESOURCES: Using the resource '%s' from '%s', and ignoring the one from '%s'", resource, entry_points[index].module_name, entry_points[1-index].module_name)
+        logger.debug("RESOURCES: Using the resource '%s' from '%s', and ignoring the one from '%s'", resource, entry_points[index].module_name, entry_points[1-index].module_name)
         return entry_points[index].load()
-        raise ImportError("Under the desired name '%s', there are multiple entry points defined: %s" %(resource, [entry_point.module_name for entry_point in entry_points]))
+        logger.warn("Under the desired name '%s', there are multiple entry points defined, we return the first one: %s", resource, [entry_point.module_name for entry_point in entry_points])
+        return entry_points[0].load()
   # if the resource is neither a config file nor an entry point,
   # just execute it as a command
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index f50a4f2ef255ce121c6b4fdaac7a885cdbf46c37..26e9c57ddb91c5d2fd0511d34c3966197e606108 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@ setup(
     url = 'https://www.github.com/bioidiap/bob.bio.base',
     license = 'GPLv3',
-    author = '<YourName>',
-    author_email = '<YourEmail>',
+    author = 'Manuel Gunther',
+    author_email = 'siebenkopf@googlemail.com',
     keywords = 'bob, biometric recognition, evaluation',
     # If you have a better, long description of your package, place it on the
@@ -110,7 +110,6 @@ setup(
         'extract.py        = bob.bio.base.script.extract:main',
         'enroll.py         = bob.bio.base.script.enroll:main',
         'score.py          = bob.bio.base.script.score:main',
-        'fusion_llr.py   = bob.bio.base.script.fusion_llr:main',
       'bob.bio.database': [