diff --git a/install/from-scratch.sh b/install/from-scratch.sh
index 82af9be966e2fdc9aa79f623311df52bb1d7c92e..ee0a40dbc290cecb83d041cf242965a795ee6ddd 100755
--- a/install/from-scratch.sh
+++ b/install/from-scratch.sh
@@ -22,46 +22,56 @@ if [ -d ${BASEDIR}/envs/${NAME} ]; then
+if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ] && [ ${PYTHON_VERSION} == "2.7" ]; then
+    CAFFE=caffe
+    CAFFE=
 # For a complete list of dependencies, please read:
 # https://gitlab.idiap.ch/bob/bob/wikis/Dependencies
 echo "[>>] Creating environment ${NAME} for python ${PYTHON_VERSION} with bob dependencies..."
-${CONDA} create --yes -n ${NAME} --override-channels -c conda-forge -c defaults python=$PYTHON_VERSION \
-  boost \
+${CONDA} create --yes -n ${NAME} --override-channels -c https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/conda -c defaults python=$PYTHON_VERSION \
+  anaconda=4.2.0 \
+  boost=1.61 \
+  ${CAFFE} \
   cmake \
   coverage \
-  cython \
-  dask \
+  cython=0.24.1 \
+  dask=0.11.0 \
   docopt \
-  ffmpeg \
-  giflib \
-  hdf5 \
-  ipdb \
+  ffmpeg=2.8.10 \
+  gcc=4.8.5 \
+  libgcc=4.8.5 \
+  giflib=5.1.4 \
+  hdf5=1.8.17 \
   ipython \
-  jpeg \
-  libblitz \
-  libmatio \
-  libpng \
-  libsvm \
-  libtiff \
-  matplotlib=1 \
-  nose \
-  numexpr \
-  numpy \
+  jpeg=8d \
+  libblitz=0.10 \
+  libmatio=1.5 \
+  libpng=1.6.22 \
+  libsvm=3.21 \
+  libtiff=4.0.6 \
+  matplotlib=1.5.3 \
+  nose=1.3.7 \
+  numexpr=2.6.1 \
+  numpy=1.11 \
   opencv=3 \
-  pillow \
-  pip \
+  pillow=3.3.1 \
+  pip=8.1.2 \
   pkg-config \
-  psutil \
-  scikit-image \
-  scikit-learn \
-  scipy \
-  sox \
-  sphinx \
+  psutil=4.3.1 \
+  scikit-image=0.12.3 \
+  scikit-learn=0.17.1 \
+  scipy=0.18.1 \
+  sox=14.4.2 \
+  sphinx=1.4.6 \
   sphinx_rtd_theme \
-  sqlalchemy \
+  sqlalchemy=1.0.13 \
   tensorflow \
+  toolchain \
   virtualenv \
-  vlfeat
+  vlfeat=0.9.20
 # Commented out while @amohammadi fixes it in conda-forge
 #if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ] && [ ${PYTHON_VERSION} == "2.7" ]; then
@@ -76,7 +86,7 @@ cyvlfeat=git+https://github.com/menpo/cyvlfeat@v0.4.5
 if [ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]; then
   CFLAGS="-I${CONDA_PREFIX}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib -lvl -Wl,-rpath=${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib" pip --no-cache-dir install ${cyvlfeat}
-  CFLAGS="-I${CONDA_PREFIX}/include -mmacosx-version-min=10.9" LDFLAGS="-L${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib -lvl -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names" pip --no-cache-dir install ${cyvlfeat}
+  CFLAGS="-I${CONDA_PREFIX}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib -lvl -Wl,-headerpad_max_install_names" pip --no-cache-dir install ${cyvlfeat}
 pip --no-cache-dir install \
@@ -84,7 +94,8 @@ pip --no-cache-dir install \
   git+https://github.com/menpo/menpofit@v0.4.1 \
   schema \
   pyedflib \
-  mne
+  mne \
+  ipdb
 echo "[>>] Bye!"
 exit 0
diff --git a/install/install-conda.sh b/install/install-conda.sh
index f87a79302be69274c281de0afc80eab1ba7f055e..734afc0cfb84fcaf07400913b531c879cbd72621 100755
--- a/install/install-conda.sh
+++ b/install/install-conda.sh
@@ -29,13 +29,9 @@ if [ ! -x ${CONDA} ]; then
   echo "[>>] Creating root environment and setting basic options..."
   bash ${MINICONDA} -b -p ${BASEDIR}
   ${CONDA} config --set show_channel_urls True
-  ${CONDA} config --add channels conda-forge
+  ${CONDA} config --add channels defaults
+  ${CONDA} config --add channels https://www.idiap.ch/software/bob/conda
 echo "[>>] Updating conda in the root environment..."
 ${CONDA} update --yes -n root conda
-echo "[>>] Installing conda-smithy..."
-${CONDA} install --yes -n root conda-smithy
-echo "You need to manually install https://hub.github.com/ too ..."