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COVD- and COVD-SLL Results
In addition to the M2U-Net architecture, we also evaluated the larger DRIU network and a variation of it
that contains batch normalization (DRIU BN) on COVD- and COVD-SSL. Perhaps surprisingly, for the
majority of combinations, the performance of the DRIU variants are roughly equal or worse than the M2U-Net.
We anticipate that one reason for this could be overparameterization of large VGG16 models
that are pretrained on ImageNet.
F1 Scores
F1 score together with standard deviation across test images.
| F1 score | :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.driu` | :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.driubn` | :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.m2unet` |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-drive` | 0.788 (0.018) | 0.797 (0.019) | `0.789 (0.018) <m2unet_covd-drive.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-drive_ssl` | 0.785 (0.018) | 0.783 (0.019) | `0.791 (0.014) <m2unet_covd-drive_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-stare` | 0.778 (0.117) | 0.778 (0.122) | `0.812 (0.046) <m2unet_covd-stare.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-stare_ssl` | 0.788 (0.102) | 0.811 (0.074) | `0.820 (0.044) <m2unet_covd-stare_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-chasedb1` | 0.796 (0.027) | 0.791 (0.025) | `0.788 (0.024) <m2unet_covd-chasedb1.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-chasedb1_ssl` | 0.796 (0.024) | 0.798 (0.025) | `0.799 (0.026) <m2unet_covd-chasedb1_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-hrf` | 0.799 (0.044) | 0.800 (0.045) | `0.802 (0.045) <m2unet_covd-hrf.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-hrf_ssl` | 0.799 (0.044) | 0.784 (0.048) | `0.797 (0.044) <m2unet_covd-hrf_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-iostar` | 0.791 (0.021) | 0.777 (0.032) | `0.793 (0.015) <m2unet_covd-iostar.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-iostar_ssl` | 0.797 (0.017) | 0.811 (0.074) | `0.785 (0.018) <m2unet_covd-iostar_ssl.pth>`_ |
Comparison of F1-micro-scores (std) of DRIU and M2U-Net on COVD- and COVD-SSL.
Standard deviation across test-images in brackets.
| F1 score | :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.driu`/:ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.driussl` | :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.driubn`/:ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.driubnssl` | :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.m2unet`/:ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.models.m2unetssl` |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-drive` | 0.788 (0.018) | 0.797 (0.019) | `0.789 (0.018) <m2unet_covd-drive.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-drive_ssl` | 0.785 (0.018) | 0.783 (0.019) | `0.791 (0.014) <m2unet_covd-drive_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-stare` | 0.778 (0.117) | 0.778 (0.122) | `0.812 (0.046) <m2unet_covd-stare.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-stare_ssl` | 0.788 (0.102) | 0.811 (0.074) | `0.820 (0.044) <m2unet_covd-stare_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-chasedb1` | 0.796 (0.027) | 0.791 (0.025) | `0.788 (0.024) <m2unet_covd-chasedb1.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-chasedb1_ssl` | 0.796 (0.024) | 0.798 (0.025) | `0.799 (0.026) <m2unet_covd-chasedb1_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-hrf` | 0.799 (0.044) | 0.800 (0.045) | `0.802 (0.045) <m2unet_covd-hrf.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-hrf_ssl` | 0.799 (0.044) | 0.784 (0.048) | `0.797 (0.044) <m2unet_covd-hrf_ssl.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-iostar` | 0.791 (0.021) | 0.777 (0.032) | `0.793 (0.015) <m2unet_covd-iostar.pth>`_ |
| :ref:`bob.ip.binseg.configs.datasets.covd-iostar_ssl` | 0.797 (0.017) | 0.811 (0.074) | `0.785 (0.018) <m2unet_covd-iostar_ssl.pth>`_ |
M2U-Net Precision vs. Recall Curves
Precision vs. recall curves for each evaluated dataset.
Note that here the F1-score is calculated on a macro level (see paper for more details).
.. figure:: img/pr_CHASEDB1.png