From 672d7678102901772b2818a8a3d6a91ea42df656 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Samuel Gaist <>
Date: Fri, 24 Apr 2020 10:43:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] [search][api] Pre-commit cleanup

 beat/web/search/ | 557 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 332 insertions(+), 225 deletions(-)

diff --git a/beat/web/search/ b/beat/web/search/
index 3f1c6f503..01f005e27 100644
--- a/beat/web/search/
+++ b/beat/web/search/
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@
 #                                                                             #
+import simplejson as json
+from functools import reduce
 from django.conf import settings
 from django.contrib.auth.models import User
 from django.db.models import Q
@@ -37,33 +42,32 @@ from rest_framework import permissions
 from rest_framework import generics
 from rest_framework import status
-from .utils import apply_filter
-from .utils import FilterGenerator
-from .utils import OR
 from ..algorithms.models import Algorithm
 from ..databases.models import Database
 from ..dataformats.models import DataFormat
 from ..experiments.models import Experiment
 from ..toolchains.models import Toolchain
 from ..common.models import Shareable
 from ..common.mixins import IsAuthorOrReadOnlyMixin
 from ..common.api import ShareView
 from ..common.utils import ensure_html
-from .models import Search
 from ..common.responses import BadRequestResponse
 from ..common.mixins import CommonContextMixin, SerializerFieldsMixin
+from ..common.utils import py3_cmp
 from ..ui.templatetags.gravatar import gravatar_hash
-from .serializers import SearchResultSerializer, SearchSerializer, SearchWriteSerializer
+from .utils import apply_filter
+from .utils import FilterGenerator
+from .utils import OR
-import simplejson as json
+from .models import Search
+from .serializers import SearchResultSerializer, SearchSerializer, SearchWriteSerializer
+# ------------------------------------------------
 class SearchView(APIView):
@@ -81,19 +85,24 @@ class SearchView(APIView):
-    permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]
+    permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]
-    FILTER_IEXACT      = 0
     def build_name_and_description_query(keywords):
-        return reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, map(lambda keyword: Q(name__icontains=keyword) |
-                                              Q(short_description__icontains=keyword), keywords))
+        return reduce(
+            lambda a, b: a & b,
+            map(
+                lambda keyword: Q(name__icontains=keyword)
+                | Q(short_description__icontains=keyword),
+                keywords,
+            ),
+        )
     def post(self, request):
         data =
@@ -102,225 +111,289 @@ class SearchView(APIView):
         filters = None
         display_settings = None
-        if 'query' in data:
-            if not(isinstance(data['query'], six.string_types)) or \
-               (len(data['query']) == 0):
-                return BadRequestResponse('Invalid query data')
+        if "query" in data:
+            if not (isinstance(data["query"], six.string_types)) or (
+                len(data["query"]) == 0
+            ):
+                return BadRequestResponse("Invalid query data")
-            query = data['query']
+            query = data["query"]
-            if not(isinstance(data['filters'], list)) or (len(data['filters']) == 0):
-                return BadRequestResponse('Invalid filter data')
+            if not (isinstance(data["filters"], list)) or (len(data["filters"]) == 0):
+                return BadRequestResponse("Invalid filter data")
-            filters = data['filters']
-            if 'settings' in data:
-                display_settings = data['settings']
+            filters = data["filters"]
+            if "settings" in data:
+                display_settings = data["settings"]
         # Process the query
-        scope_database  = None
-        scope_type      = None
+        scope_database = None
+        scope_type = None
         scope_toolchain = None
         scope_algorithm = None
-        scope_analyzer  = None
-        keywords        = []
+        scope_analyzer = None
+        keywords = []
         if filters is None:
-            for keyword in map(lambda x: x.strip(), query.split(' ')):
-                offset = keyword.find(':')
+            for keyword in map(lambda x: x.strip(), query.split(" ")):
+                offset = keyword.find(":")
                 if offset != -1:
                     command = keyword[:offset]
-                    keyword = keyword[offset+1:]
-                    if command in ['db', 'database']:
-                        scope_database = keyword.split(',')
-                    elif command in ['tc', 'toolchain']:
-                        scope_toolchain = keyword.split(',')
-                    elif command in ['algo', 'algorithm']:
-                        scope_algorithm = keyword.split(',')
-                    elif command == 'analyzer':
-                        scope_analyzer = keyword.split(',')
-                    elif command == 'type':
-                        if keyword in ['results', 'toolchains', 'algorithms', 'analyzers',
-                                       'dataformats', 'databases', 'users']:
+                    keyword = keyword[offset + 1 :]
+                    if command in ["db", "database"]:
+                        scope_database = keyword.split(",")
+                    elif command in ["tc", "toolchain"]:
+                        scope_toolchain = keyword.split(",")
+                    elif command in ["algo", "algorithm"]:
+                        scope_algorithm = keyword.split(",")
+                    elif command == "analyzer":
+                        scope_analyzer = keyword.split(",")
+                    elif command == "type":
+                        if keyword in [
+                            "results",
+                            "toolchains",
+                            "algorithms",
+                            "analyzers",
+                            "dataformats",
+                            "databases",
+                            "users",
+                        ]:
                             scope_type = keyword
-            if (scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'results'):
+            if (scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "results"):
                 filters = []
                 if scope_toolchain is not None:
                     if len(scope_toolchain) > 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'toolchain',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains-any-of',
-                            'value': scope_toolchain,
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "toolchain",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains-any-of",
+                                "value": scope_toolchain,
+                            }
+                        )
                     elif len(scope_toolchain) == 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'toolchain',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains',
-                            'value': scope_toolchain[0],
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "toolchain",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains",
+                                "value": scope_toolchain[0],
+                            }
+                        )
                 if scope_algorithm is not None:
                     if len(scope_algorithm) > 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'algorithm',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains-any-of',
-                            'value': scope_algorithm,
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "algorithm",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains-any-of",
+                                "value": scope_algorithm,
+                            }
+                        )
                     elif len(scope_algorithm) == 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'algorithm',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains',
-                            'value': scope_algorithm[0],
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "algorithm",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains",
+                                "value": scope_algorithm[0],
+                            }
+                        )
                 if scope_analyzer is not None:
                     if len(scope_analyzer) > 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'analyzer',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains-any-of',
-                            'value': scope_analyzer,
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "analyzer",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains-any-of",
+                                "value": scope_analyzer,
+                            }
+                        )
                     elif len(scope_analyzer) == 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'analyzer',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains',
-                            'value': scope_analyzer[0],
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "analyzer",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains",
+                                "value": scope_analyzer[0],
+                            }
+                        )
                 if scope_database is not None:
                     if len(scope_database) > 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'database-name',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains-any-of',
-                            'value': scope_database,
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "database-name",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains-any-of",
+                                "value": scope_database,
+                            }
+                        )
                     elif len(scope_database) == 1:
-                        filters.append({
-                            'context': 'database-name',
-                            'name': None,
-                            'operator': 'contains',
-                            'value': scope_database[0],
-                        })
+                        filters.append(
+                            {
+                                "context": "database-name",
+                                "name": None,
+                                "operator": "contains",
+                                "value": scope_database[0],
+                            }
+                        )
                 if len(keywords) > 0:
-                    filters.append({
-                        'context': 'any-field',
-                        'name': None,
-                        'operator': 'contains-any-of',
-                        'value': keywords,
-                    })
+                    filters.append(
+                        {
+                            "context": "any-field",
+                            "name": None,
+                            "operator": "contains-any-of",
+                            "value": keywords,
+                        }
+                    )
-            scope_type = 'results'
+            scope_type = "results"
         result = {
-            'users':       [],
-            'toolchains':  [],
-            'algorithms':  [],
-            'analyzers':   [],
-            'dataformats': [],
-            'databases':   [],
-            'results':     [],
-            'filters':     filters,
-            'settings':    display_settings,
-            'query': {
-                'type': scope_type,
-            },
+            "users": [],
+            "toolchains": [],
+            "algorithms": [],
+            "analyzers": [],
+            "dataformats": [],
+            "databases": [],
+            "results": [],
+            "filters": filters,
+            "settings": display_settings,
+            "query": {"type": scope_type},
         # Search for users matching the query
-        if (scope_database is None) and (scope_toolchain is None) and \
-           (scope_algorithm is None) and (scope_analyzer is None) and \
-           ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'users')):
-            result['users'] = []
+        if (
+            (scope_database is None)
+            and (scope_toolchain is None)
+            and (scope_algorithm is None)
+            and (scope_analyzer is None)
+            and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "users"))
+        ):
+            result["users"] = []
             if len(keywords) > 0:
-                q = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, map(lambda keyword: Q(username__icontains=keyword), keywords))
-                users = User.objects.filter(q).exclude(username__in=settings.ACCOUNTS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_SEARCH).order_by('username')
-                result['users'] = map(lambda u: { 'username': u.username,
-                                                  'gravatar_hash': gravatar_hash(,
-                                                  'join_date': u.date_joined.strftime('%b %d, %Y')
-                                      }, users)
+                q = reduce(
+                    lambda a, b: a & b,
+                    map(lambda keyword: Q(username__icontains=keyword), keywords),
+                )
+                users = (
+                    User.objects.filter(q)
+                    .exclude(username__in=settings.ACCOUNTS_TO_EXCLUDE_FROM_SEARCH)
+                    .order_by("username")
+                )
+                result["users"] = map(
+                    lambda u: {
+                        "username": u.username,
+                        "gravatar_hash": gravatar_hash(,
+                        "join_date": u.date_joined.strftime("%b %d, %Y"),
+                    },
+                    users,
+                )
         query = None
         if len(keywords) > 0:
             query = self.build_name_and_description_query(keywords)
         # Search for toolchains matching the query
-        if (scope_database is None) and (scope_algorithm is None) and \
-           (scope_analyzer is None) and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'toolchains')):
-            result['toolchains'] = self._retrieve_contributions(
-                Toolchain.objects.for_user(request.user, True),
-                scope_toolchain, query
+        if (
+            (scope_database is None)
+            and (scope_algorithm is None)
+            and (scope_analyzer is None)
+            and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "toolchains"))
+        ):
+            result["toolchains"] = self._retrieve_contributions(
+                Toolchain.objects.for_user(request.user, True), scope_toolchain, query
         # Search for algorithms matching the query
-        if (scope_database is None) and (scope_toolchain is None) and \
-           (scope_analyzer is None) and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'algorithms')):
-            result['algorithms'] = self._retrieve_contributions(
-                Algorithm.objects.for_user(request.user, True).filter(result_dataformat__isnull=True),
-                scope_algorithm, query
+        if (
+            (scope_database is None)
+            and (scope_toolchain is None)
+            and (scope_analyzer is None)
+            and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "algorithms"))
+        ):
+            result["algorithms"] = self._retrieve_contributions(
+                Algorithm.objects.for_user(request.user, True).filter(
+                    result_dataformat__isnull=True
+                ),
+                scope_algorithm,
+                query,
         # Search for analyzers matching the query
-        if (scope_database is None) and (scope_toolchain is None) and \
-           (scope_algorithm is None) and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'analyzers')):
-            result['analyzers'] = self._retrieve_contributions(
-                Algorithm.objects.for_user(request.user, True).filter(result_dataformat__isnull=False),
-                scope_analyzer, query
+        if (
+            (scope_database is None)
+            and (scope_toolchain is None)
+            and (scope_algorithm is None)
+            and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "analyzers"))
+        ):
+            result["analyzers"] = self._retrieve_contributions(
+                Algorithm.objects.for_user(request.user, True).filter(
+                    result_dataformat__isnull=False
+                ),
+                scope_analyzer,
+                query,
         # Search for data formats matching the query
-        if (scope_database is None) and (scope_toolchain is None) and \
-           (scope_algorithm is None) and (scope_analyzer is None) and \
-           ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'dataformats')):
+        if (
+            (scope_database is None)
+            and (scope_toolchain is None)
+            and (scope_algorithm is None)
+            and (scope_analyzer is None)
+            and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "dataformats"))
+        ):
             dataformats = DataFormat.objects.for_user(request.user, True)
             if query:
                 dataformats = dataformats.filter(query)
             serializer = SearchResultSerializer(dataformats, many=True)
-            result['dataformats'] =
+            result["dataformats"] =
         # Search for databases matching the query
-        if (scope_toolchain is None) and (scope_algorithm is None) and \
-           (scope_analyzer is None) and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'databases')):
-            result['databases'] = self._retrieve_databases(Database.objects.for_user(request.user, True), scope_database, query)
+        if (
+            (scope_toolchain is None)
+            and (scope_algorithm is None)
+            and (scope_analyzer is None)
+            and ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "databases"))
+        ):
+            result["databases"] = self._retrieve_databases(
+                Database.objects.for_user(request.user, True), scope_database, query
+            )
         # Search for experiments matching the query
-        if ((scope_type is None) or (scope_type == 'results')):
-            result['results'] = self._retrieve_experiment_results(request.user, filters)
+        if (scope_type is None) or (scope_type == "results"):
+            result["results"] = self._retrieve_experiment_results(request.user, filters)
         # Sort the results
-        result['toolchains'].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
-        result['algorithms'].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
-        result['analyzers'].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
-        result['dataformats'].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
-        result['databases'].sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['name'], y['name']))
+        result["toolchains"].sort(lambda x, y: py3_cmp(x["name"], y["name"]))
+        result["algorithms"].sort(lambda x, y: py3_cmp(x["name"], y["name"]))
+        result["analyzers"].sort(lambda x, y: py3_cmp(x["name"], y["name"]))
+        result["dataformats"].sort(lambda x, y: py3_cmp(x["name"], y["name"]))
+        result["databases"].sort(lambda x, y: py3_cmp(x["name"], y["name"]))
         return Response(result)
     def _retrieve_contributions(self, queryset, scope, query):
         generator = FilterGenerator()
         scope_filters = []
         if scope is not None:
             for contribution_name in scope:
-                scope_filters.append(generator.process_contribution_name(contribution_name))
+                scope_filters.append(
+                    generator.process_contribution_name(contribution_name)
+                )
         if len(scope_filters):
             queryset = queryset.filter(OR(scope_filters))
@@ -331,7 +404,6 @@ class SearchView(APIView):
         serializer = SearchResultSerializer(queryset, many=True)
     def _retrieve_databases(self, queryset, scope, query):
         generator = FilterGenerator()
@@ -346,26 +418,26 @@ class SearchView(APIView):
         if query:
             queryset = queryset.filter(query)
-        queryset= queryset.distinct()
+        queryset = queryset.distinct()
-        serializer = SearchResultSerializer(queryset, many=True, name_field='name')
+        serializer = SearchResultSerializer(queryset, many=True, name_field="name")
     def _retrieve_experiment_results(self, user, filters):
         results = {
-            'experiments':      [],
-            'dataformats':      {},
-            'common_analyzers': [],
-            'common_protocols': [],
+            "experiments": [],
+            "dataformats": {},
+            "common_analyzers": [],
+            "common_protocols": [],
         if len(filters) == 0:
             return results
         # Use the experiment filters
-        experiments = Experiment.objects.for_user(user, True).filter(status=Experiment.DONE)
+        experiments = Experiment.objects.for_user(user, True).filter(
+            status=Experiment.DONE
+        )
         for filter_entry in filters:
             experiments = apply_filter(experiments, filter_entry)
@@ -375,7 +447,6 @@ class SearchView(APIView):
         if experiments.count() == 0:
             return results
         # Retrieve informations about each experiment and determine if there is at least
         # one common analyzer
         common_protocols = None
@@ -383,77 +454,95 @@ class SearchView(APIView):
         for experiment in experiments.iterator():
             experiment_entry = {
-                'name':               experiment.fullname(),
-                'toolchain':          experiment.toolchain.fullname(),
-                'description':        experiment.short_description,
-                'public':             (experiment.sharing == Shareable.PUBLIC),
-                'attestation_number': None,
-                'attestation_locked': False,
-                'end_date':           experiment.end_date,
-                'protocols':          list(set(map(lambda x: x.protocol.fullname(), experiment.referenced_datasets.iterator()))),
-                'analyzers':          [],
+                "name": experiment.fullname(),
+                "toolchain": experiment.toolchain.fullname(),
+                "description": experiment.short_description,
+                "public": (experiment.sharing == Shareable.PUBLIC),
+                "attestation_number": None,
+                "attestation_locked": False,
+                "end_date": experiment.end_date,
+                "protocols": list(
+                    set(
+                        map(
+                            lambda x: x.protocol.fullname(),
+                            experiment.referenced_datasets.iterator(),
+                        )
+                    )
+                ),
+                "analyzers": [],
             if experiment.has_attestation():
-                experiment_entry['attestation_number'] = experiment.attestation.number
-                experiment_entry['attestation_locked'] = experiment.attestation.locked
+                experiment_entry["attestation_number"] = experiment.attestation.number
+                experiment_entry["attestation_locked"] = experiment.attestation.locked
             experiment_analyzers = []
             for analyzer_block in experiment.blocks.filter(analyzer=True).iterator():
                 analyzer_entry = {
-                    'name':    analyzer_block.algorithm.fullname(),
-                    'block':,
-                    'results': {},
+                    "name": analyzer_block.algorithm.fullname(),
+                    "block":,
+                    "results": {},
-                experiment_entry['analyzers'].append(analyzer_entry)
-                experiment_analyzers.append(analyzer_entry['name'])
+                experiment_entry["analyzers"].append(analyzer_entry)
+                experiment_analyzers.append(analyzer_entry["name"])
-                if analyzer_entry['name'] not in results['dataformats']:
-                    results['dataformats'][analyzer_entry['name']] = json.loads(analyzer_block.algorithm.result_dataformat)
+                if analyzer_entry["name"] not in results["dataformats"]:
+                    results["dataformats"][analyzer_entry["name"]] = json.loads(
+                        analyzer_block.algorithm.result_dataformat
+                    )
             if common_analyzers is None:
                 common_analyzers = experiment_analyzers
             elif len(common_analyzers) > 0:
-                common_analyzers = filter(lambda x: x in experiment_analyzers, common_analyzers)
+                common_analyzers = filter(
+                    lambda x: x in experiment_analyzers, common_analyzers
+                )
             if common_protocols is None:
-                common_protocols = experiment_entry['protocols']
+                common_protocols = experiment_entry["protocols"]
             elif len(common_protocols) > 0:
-                common_protocols = filter(lambda x: x in experiment_entry['protocols'], common_protocols)
+                common_protocols = filter(
+                    lambda x: x in experiment_entry["protocols"], common_protocols
+                )
-            results['experiments'].append(experiment_entry)
-        results['common_analyzers'] = common_analyzers
-        results['common_protocols'] = common_protocols
+            results["experiments"].append(experiment_entry)
+        results["common_analyzers"] = common_analyzers
+        results["common_protocols"] = common_protocols
         # No common analyzer found, don't retrieve any result
         if len(common_analyzers) == 0:
-            results['dataformats'] = {}
+            results["dataformats"] = {}
             return results
         # Retrieve the results of each experiment
         for index, experiment in enumerate(experiments.iterator()):
             for analyzer_block in experiment.blocks.filter(analyzer=True).iterator():
-                analyzer_entry = filter(lambda x: x['block'] ==,
-                                        results['experiments'][index]['analyzers'])[0]
+                analyzer_entry = filter(
+                    lambda x: x["block"] ==,
+                    results["experiments"][index]["analyzers"],
+                )[0]
                 for analyzer_result in analyzer_block.results.iterator():
-                    analyzer_entry['results'][] = {
-                        'type':    analyzer_result.type,
-                        'primary': analyzer_result.primary,
-                        'value':   analyzer_result.value()
+                    analyzer_entry["results"][] = {
+                        "type": analyzer_result.type,
+                        "primary": analyzer_result.primary,
+                        "value": analyzer_result.value(),
         return results
+# ------------------------------------------------
-class SearchSaveView(CommonContextMixin, SerializerFieldsMixin, generics.CreateAPIView, generics.UpdateAPIView):
+class SearchSaveView(
+    CommonContextMixin,
+    SerializerFieldsMixin,
+    generics.CreateAPIView,
+    generics.UpdateAPIView,
     This endpoint allows to save and update a search query
@@ -474,12 +563,12 @@ class SearchSaveView(CommonContextMixin, SerializerFieldsMixin, generics.CreateA
         fields_to_return = self.get_serializer_fields(request)
         # Retrieve the description in HTML format
-        if 'html_description' in fields_to_return:
+        if "html_description" in fields_to_return:
             description = search.description
             if len(description) > 0:
-                result['html_description'] = ensure_html(description)
+                result["html_description"] = ensure_html(description)
-                result['html_description'] = ''
+                result["html_description"] = ""
         return result
     def post(self, request):
@@ -487,73 +576,91 @@ class SearchSaveView(CommonContextMixin, SerializerFieldsMixin, generics.CreateA
         search =
         result = self.build_results(request, search)
-        result['fullname'] = search.fullname()
-        result['url'] = search.get_absolute_url()
+        result["fullname"] = search.fullname()
+        result["url"] = search.get_absolute_url()
         return Response(result, status=status.HTTP_201_CREATED)
     def put(self, request, author_name, name):
         search = get_object_or_404(Search, author__username=author_name, name=name)
-        serializer = self.get_serializer(instance=search,, partial=True)
+        serializer = self.get_serializer(
+            instance=search,, partial=True
+        )
         result = self.build_results(request, search)
         return Response(result)
+# ------------------------------------------------
 class ListSearchView(CommonContextMixin, generics.ListAPIView):
     Lists all available search from a user
     permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]
     serializer_class = SearchSerializer
     def get_queryset(self):
-        author_name = self.kwargs['author_name']
-        return Search.objects.for_user(self.request.user, True).select_related().filter(author__username=author_name)
+        author_name = self.kwargs["author_name"]
+        return (
+            Search.objects.for_user(self.request.user, True)
+            .select_related()
+            .filter(author__username=author_name)
+        )
+# ----------------------------------------------------------
-class RetrieveDestroySearchAPIView(CommonContextMixin, SerializerFieldsMixin, IsAuthorOrReadOnlyMixin, generics.RetrieveDestroyAPIView):
+class RetrieveDestroySearchAPIView(
+    CommonContextMixin,
+    SerializerFieldsMixin,
+    IsAuthorOrReadOnlyMixin,
+    generics.RetrieveDestroyAPIView,
     Delete the given search
     model = Search
     serializer_class = SearchSerializer
     def get_object(self):
-        author_name = self.kwargs.get('author_name')
-        name = self.kwargs.get('object_name')
+        author_name = self.kwargs.get("author_name")
+        name = self.kwargs.get("object_name")
         user = self.request.user
-        return get_object_or_404(self.model.objects.for_user(user, True),
-                                 author__username=author_name,
-                                 name=name)
+        return get_object_or_404(
+            self.model.objects.for_user(user, True),
+            author__username=author_name,
+            name=name,
+        )
     def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
         search = self.get_object()
         # Process the query string
         allow_sharing = request.user ==
-        fields_to_return = self.get_serializer_fields(request, allow_sharing=allow_sharing)
+        fields_to_return = self.get_serializer_fields(
+            request, allow_sharing=allow_sharing
+        )
         serializer = self.get_serializer(search, fields=fields_to_return)
         return Response(
+# ------------------------------------------------
 class ShareSearchView(ShareView):
     Share the given search with other users/teams
     model = Search
     permission_classes = [permissions.AllowAny]
     def get_queryset(self):
-        self.kwargs['version'] = 1
+        self.kwargs["version"] = 1
         return super(ShareSearchView, self).get_queryset()