[algorithm] a "warning" for algorithms
A strange warning appears when loading algorithms in the interface:
Warning: Failed prop type: Invalid prop `children` supplied to `Form`, expected a ReactNode.
in Form (created by AlgorithmEditor)
in AlgorithmEditor (created by Connect(AlgorithmEditor))
in Connect(AlgorithmEditor) (created by EntityDetail)
in div (created by TabPane)
in TabPane (created by EntityDetail)
in div (created by TabContent)
in TabContent (created by EntityDetail)
in div (created by Col)
in Col (created by EntityDetail)
in div (created by Row)
in Row (created by EntityDetail)
in div (created by Container)
in Container (created by EntityDetail)
in EntityDetail (created by Connect(EntityDetail))
in Connect(EntityDetail) (created by Route)
in Route (created by EntityHome)
in Switch (created by EntityHome)
in EntityHome (created by MainContent)
in div (created by MainContent)
in MainContent (created by Route)
in Route (created by App)
in Switch (created by App)
in div (created by Container)
in Container (created by App)
in Router (created by HashRouter)
in HashRouter (created by App)
in App (created by HotExportedApp)
in AppContainer (created by HotExportedApp)
in HotExportedApp
in Provider
printWarning @ checkPropTypes.js:19
checkPropTypes @ checkPropTypes.js:82
validatePropTypes @ react.development.js:1300
createElementWithValidation @ react.development.js:1388
React$$1.createElement @ react-hot-loader.development.js:964
AlgorithmEditor.render @ AlgorithmEditor.jsx:566
finishClassComponent @ react-dom.development.js:13193
updateClassComponent @ react-dom.development.js:13155
beginWork @ react-dom.development.js:13824
performUnitOfWork @ react-dom.development.js:15863
workLoop @ react-dom.development.js:15902
renderRoot @ react-dom.development.js:15942
performWorkOnRoot @ react-dom.development.js:16560
performWork @ react-dom.development.js:16482
performSyncWork @ react-dom.development.js:16454
interactiveUpdates$1 @ react-dom.development.js:16719
interactiveUpdates @ react-dom.development.js:2150
dispatchInteractiveEvent @ react-dom.development.js:4532