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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
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-                "@babel/plugin-syntax-flow",
-                "@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread",
-                "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties"
-        ],
-        "presets": [
-		"@babel/preset-react",
-                [
-                        "@babel/preset-env",
-                        {
-                                "modules": false,
-                                "debug": true,
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-                                                "last 1 Firefox versions",
-                                                "last 1 Chrome versions"
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-                "@babel/preset-flow"
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--- a/conda/js/.eslintrc.js
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@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-module.exports = {
-	env: {
-		'browser': true,
-		'worker': true,
-	},
-	parserOptions: {
-		'parser': 'babel-eslint',
-		'ecmaVersion': 8,
-		'sourceType': 'module',
-		'modules': true,
-		'ecmaFeatures': {
-			'jsx': true,
-			'impliedStrict': true,
-			'experimentalObjectRestSpread': true,
-		},
-	},
-	extends: [
-		'plugin:react/recommended',
-		'plugin:flowtype/recommended',
-	],
-	plugins: [
-		// lints for browser support (APIs and such)
-		// uses browserslist tech
-		'compat',
-		// react
-		'react',
-		// flow type annotations
-		'flowtype',
-	],
-	rules: {
-		// tabs not spaces
-		'indent': [
-			'error',
-			'tab',
-			// indent for switch statements
-			{
-				'SwitchCase': 1,
-				'MemberExpression': 0
-			}
-		],
-		// we want tabs
-		'no-tabs': 0,
-		// only unix endings
-		'linebreak-style': ['error', 'unix'],
-		// single quotes & double quotes are the same,
-		// but encourage single quotes cuz its one less
-		// button press
-		'quotes': ['error', 'single', { 'allowTemplateLiterals': true }],
-		// always use semi-colons at end of statements
-		'semi': ['error', 'always'],
-		// errors from compat are real errors
-		'compat/compat': 2,
-		// always have spaces in template strings curly braces
-		'template-curly-spacing': ['error', 'always'],
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/.flowconfig b/conda/js/.flowconfig
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-module.name_mapper='^@helpers' ->'<PROJECT_ROOT>/src/helpers'
-module.name_mapper='^@store' ->'<PROJECT_ROOT>/src/store'
-module.name_mapper='^@test' ->'<PROJECT_ROOT>/test'
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-		"postcss-smart-import": {},
-		"postcss-cssnext": {}
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@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
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--- a/conda/js/.tern-project
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-	"ecmaVersion": 6,
-	"libs": [
-		"browser",
-		"react"
-	],
-	"plugins": {
-		"jsx": {},
-		"modules": {},
-		"es_modules": {},
-		"webpack": {
-			"configPath": "./webpack.config.js"
-		}
-	},
-	"loadEagerly": [
-		"./src/**/*.js",
-		"./src/**/*.jsx"
-	]
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index 604daab937d4156f00826e9ce5fe2706cf52b5bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/index.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-<!DOCTYPE html>
-<html lang="en">
-	<head>
-		<meta charset="UTF-8">
-		<title></title>
-	</head>
-	<body>
-		<div id="root"></div>
-	</body>
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index c50582ce9334a302bd2cade6ff023688f210a7be..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/karma.conf.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-// we can just use the exact same webpack config by requiring it
-// however, remember to delete the original entry since we don't
-// need it during tests
-let webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config.js');
-delete webpackConfig.entry;
-// karma.conf.js
-module.exports = function (config) {
-	config.set({
-		browsers: [
-			'FirefoxHeadless',
-			//'ChromiumHeadless',
-		],
-		customLaunchers: {
-			FirefoxHeadless: {
-				base: 'Firefox',
-				flags: ['-headless']
-			}
-		},
-		frameworks: ['mocha'],
-		// this is the entry file for all our tests.
-		files: [
-			'./test/index.js',
-		],
-		// we will pass the entry file to webpack for bundling.
-		preprocessors: {
-			'**/*': [ 'webpack', 'sourcemap' ],
-		},
-		reporters: [
-			'mocha',
-			'coverage'
-		],
-		coverageReporter: {
-			dir: './coverage',
-			reporters: [
-				{ type: 'html', subdir: 'report-html' },
-				{ type: 'lcov', subdir: 'report-lcov' },
-				{ type: 'cobertura', subdir: '.', file: 'cobertura.txt' },
-				{ type: 'lcovonly', subdir: '.', file: 'report-lcovonly.txt' },
-				{ type: 'teamcity', subdir: '.', file: 'teamcity.txt' },
-				{ type: 'text', subdir: '.', file: 'text.txt' },
-				{ type: 'text-summary', subdir: '.', file: 'text-summary.txt' },
-			]
-		},
-		// use the webpack config
-		webpack: webpackConfig,
-		// avoid walls of useless text
-		webpackMiddleware: {
-			stats: 'errors-only'
-		},
-		singleRun: true,
-	});
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-pre {
-	white-space: pre-wrap;
-.preInline {
-	display: inline;
-/* react-contextmenu styling
- * taken from react-contextmenu's example CSS https://github.com/vkbansal/react-contextmenu/blob/65df2dec9737eed4e5e1b0b8fbc1018629082f89/examples/react-contextmenu.css
- * adapted to more closely conform to this repo's stylelint's settings (see .stylelintrc)
- */
-.react-contextmenu {
-	min-width: 160px;
-	padding: 5px 0;
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-	transition: opacity 250ms ease;
-.react-contextmenu.react-contextmenu--visible {
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-	white-space: nowrap;
-	background: 0 0;
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-	cursor: pointer;
-.react-contextmenu-item.react-contextmenu-item--selected {
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-	border-color: #20a0ff;
-	text-decoration: none;
-.react-contextmenu-item.react-contextmenu-item--disabled:hover {
-	color: #878a8c;
-	background-color: transparent;
-	border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
-.react-contextmenu-item--divider {
-	margin-bottom: 3px;
-	padding: 2px 0;
-	border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
-	cursor: inherit;
-.react-contextmenu-item--divider:hover {
-	background-color: transparent;
-	border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
-.react-contextmenu-item.react-contextmenu-submenu {
-	padding: 0;
-.react-contextmenu-item.react-contextmenu-submenu > .react-contextmenu-item {
-.react-contextmenu-item.react-contextmenu-submenu > .react-contextmenu-item::after {
-	content: "â–¶";
-	display: inline-block;
-	position: absolute;
-	right: 7px;
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-	content: attr(data-count);
-	display: block;
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@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// bootstrap first
-import './main.css';
-import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
-// rest of app
-import React from 'react';
-import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
-import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
-import App from './src/components/App.jsx';
-import store from '@store';
-	<Provider store={ store }>
-		<App/>
-	</Provider>
-	,
-	document.getElementById('root')
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-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import {
-	HashRouter as Router,
-	Route,
-	Switch,
-} from 'react-router-dom';
-import { hot } from 'react-hot-loader';
-import MainNav from './MainNav.jsx';
-import MainContent from './MainContent.jsx';
-import HomeContent from './HomeContent.jsx';
-type Props = {
-type State = {
-class App extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	render () {
-		return (
-			<Router>
-				<Container>
-					<Route component={MainNav} />
-					<Switch>
-						<Route path='/:entity' component={MainContent} />
-						<Route>
-							<HomeContent />
-						</Route>
-					</Switch>
-				</Container>
-			</Router>
-		);
-	}
-export default hot(module)(App);
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@@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Input,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroup,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	UncontrolledTooltip,
-	Tooltip,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { rxField } from '@helpers/beat';
-type Props = {
-	// consumer-supplied func for validating input
-	// if the func finds the input isnt valid, it should return a react.node of text for the error message
-	validateFunc?: (string) => (true | React.Node),
-	// if the current input in the CacheInput instance is valid, this func will be called with that value
-	onChange: (any) => any,
-	// the current value for this cacheinput
-	value: string,
-	// for edge cases
-	children?: React.Node,
-	// many fields in the beat editor are restricted to a certain "slugified" format
-	// if this cacheinput needs that, use this flag
-	fieldTest?: boolean,
-	// update delay in ms, defaults to 500
-	// basically just simple throttling to keep from overwhelming complex updates in the parent
-	delay?: number,
-	// danger color highlight
-	invalid?: boolean,
-type State = {
-	// the current string in the CacheInput input field,
-	// which may or may not be valid
-	cache: string,
-	// whether the cache is valid
-	valid: boolean,
-	// a text-like react node that represents an error message
-	invalidityText?: React.Node,
-	// the delay to use (default 500)
-	msDelay: number,
-// test for the "fieldTest" flag, with a nice error message
-const fieldTestResults = (input: string): true | React.Node => {
-	return (rxField.test(input) ||
-		<span>
-			The field name must be at least one character and consisting of only of alphanumeric ASCII characters, `_`, and `-`.
-		</span>
-	);
-// top-level validity func with some edgecase checking
-// validateFunc arg lets you also check using a user-defined validate func
-const isValid = (input: string, currVal: string, validateFunc: (string) => true | React.Node, fieldTest: boolean): true | React.Node => {
-	if(input === currVal)
-		return true;
-	if(fieldTest){
-		const res = fieldTestResults(input);
-		if(res !== true)
-			return res;
-	}
-	const funcRes = validateFunc(input);
-	return funcRes;
-// Provides a bootstrap-styled wrapper around <input /> that caches the raw user input until a valid input is provided.
-// Also throttles the onChange event to prevent many parent state updates in a short time
-class CacheInput extends React.Component<Props, State>{
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		cache: this.props.value,
-		valid: false,
-		invalidityText: undefined,
-		// default of 500ms delay
-		msDelay: this.props.delay !== undefined ? this.props.delay : 500,
-	};
-	// check validation as soon as it mounts
-	componentDidMount () {
-		this.updateValidity(this.state.cache);
-	}
-	// if the parent's model (the props) changes, reset input
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props) => {
-		if(this.props.value !== prevProps.value){
-			this.setState({
-				cache: (this.props.value),
-			});
-			this.clearTimer();
-		}
-	}
-	// gets the validity info of an input string given a curr val
-	updateValidity = (input: string, currVal?: string = this.props.value) => {
-		const func = this.props.validateFunc || (() => true);
-		const validRes = isValid(input, currVal, func, this.props.fieldTest || false);
-		this.setState({
-			valid: validRes === true,
-			invalidityText: validRes !== true ? validRes : undefined
-		});
-		return validRes === true;
-	}
-	// the user can pass any props they want onto the inner <Input /> element
-	// some props shouldn't be passed though
-	getInputProps = () => {
-		const inputProps = { ...this.props };
-		delete inputProps['validateFunc'];
-		delete inputProps['children'];
-		delete inputProps['fieldTest'];
-		delete inputProps['delay'];
-		return inputProps;
-	}
-	// throttle timer ref
-	onChangeTimer = null;
-	// clears the throttle timer
-	clearTimer = () => {
-		if(this.onChangeTimer)
-			clearTimeout(this.onChangeTimer);
-	}
-	// called whenever the user changes the raw input with the raw input event
-	// for perf reasons it really focuses on returning when possible
-	change = (e: any) => {
-		this.clearTimer();
-		const newInput = e.target.value;
-		// no need to update the state if the value is the same
-		if(newInput === this.state.cache)
-			return;
-		const newValid = this.updateValidity(newInput);
-		this.setState({
-			cache: newInput,
-		});
-		// no need to update props if value is the same
-		if(newInput === this.props.value)
-			return;
-		if(newValid && this.props.onChange){
-			if(this.state.msDelay === 0){
-				this.props.onChange(e);
-			} else {
-				// by default in react events have a "persist" method
-				// that lets you keep it around for a bit longer than normal
-				// in testing environments the event persists by default
-				if(e.persist)
-					e.persist();
-				this.onChangeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
-					this.props.onChange(e);
-				}, this.state.msDelay);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// the Tooltips are annoying in test environments and need a react ref
-	target = null
-	render () {
-		// either if invalid or if the consuming component set it
-		const dangerColor = !this.state.valid || this.props.invalid;
-		return (
-			<InputGroup>
-				{ this.props.children }
-				<Input
-					type='text'
-					{...this.getInputProps()}
-					value={this.state.cache}
-					onChange={this.change}
-					valid={!dangerColor}
-					invalid={dangerColor}
-				/>
-				{ !this.state.valid &&
-						<div ref={target => {this.target = target;}} className='input-group-append'>
-							<span className='input-group-text'>
-								<strong className='text-danger'>!</strong>
-							</span>
-						</div>
-				}
-				{ !this.state.valid &&
-						<UncontrolledTooltip target={() => this.target}>
-							{ this.state.invalidityText }
-						</UncontrolledTooltip>
-				}
-			</InputGroup>
-		);
-	}
-export default CacheInput;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/CacheInput.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/CacheInput.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e0d055d6cabb38599041a0df4ceb5797ed4e86d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/CacheInput.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import C from './CacheInput.jsx';
-describe('<CacheInput />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	const validateFunc = sinon.spy();
-	const onChange = sinon.spy();
-	const fieldTest = true;
-	const children = <span>child</span>;
-	const value = 'value';
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	it(`has 2 required props`, () => {
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				onChange={onChange}
-				value={value}
-			/>
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-			['onChange', 'value']
-		).deep.equal(
-			[onChange, value]
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.not.have.props(
-			['validateFunc', 'fieldTest', 'children']
-		);
-	});
-	it(`can take up to 5 props`, () => {
-		const validateFunc = sinon.spy();
-		const onChange = sinon.spy();
-		const fieldTest = true;
-		const children = <span>child</span>;
-		const value = 'value';
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				validateFunc={validateFunc}
-				onChange={onChange}
-				fieldTest={fieldTest}
-				value={value}
-			>{ children }</C>
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-			['validateFunc', 'onChange', 'fieldTest', 'value', 'children']
-		).deep.equal(
-			[validateFunc, onChange, fieldTest, value, children]
-		);
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/DeleteInputBtn.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/DeleteInputBtn.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index bec3cd7ece45c1e31808f2c3f4eb0854c3d1c67c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/DeleteInputBtn.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	Button,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-type Props = {
-	deleteFunc: (any) => any,
-// super simple wrapper for a button that attaches to an input
-// styled like a Delete button
-const DeleteInputBtn = ({ deleteFunc }: Props) => (
-	<InputGroupAddon addonType='prepend'>
-		<Button
-			color='danger'
-			onClick={(e) => deleteFunc(e)}
-		>
-			X
-		</Button>
-	</InputGroupAddon>
-export default DeleteInputBtn;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/DeleteInputBtn.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/DeleteInputBtn.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 371aa2bd539e6bda876d79e3427658b2c43795b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/DeleteInputBtn.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '../../test';
-import C from './DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-describe('<DeleteInputBtn />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	it('takes a "deleteFunc" prop', () => {
-		const deleteFunc = sinon.spy();
-		wrapper = mount(<C deleteFunc={deleteFunc} />);
-		expect(wrapper).to.have.prop('deleteFunc', deleteFunc);
-	});
-	it('calls the deleteFunc when clicked', () => {
-		const deleteFunc = sinon.spy();
-		wrapper = mount(<C deleteFunc={deleteFunc} />);
-		wrapper.find('button').simulate('click');
-		expect(deleteFunc.calledOnce).to.equal(true);
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/EntityDetail.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/EntityDetail.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a00148cbe2726849364b78c0323b3bf825f50b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/EntityDetail.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	TabContent,
-	TabPane,
-	Nav,
-	NavItem,
-	NavLink,
-	Input,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	InputGroup,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import {
-	Route,
-	Link
-} from 'react-router-dom';
-import type { BeatObject, BeatEntity } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getDefaultEntityObject, pluralize } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { genModuleApiFuncs } from '@helpers/api';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from './ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import DataformatEditorContainer from './dataformat';
-import AlgorithmEditorContainer from './algorithm';
-import LibraryEditorContainer from './library';
-import DatabaseEditorContainer from './database';
-import ExperimentEditorContainer from './experiment';
-import ToolchainEditorContainer from './toolchain';
-import PlotterEditorContainer from './plotter';
-import PlotterparameterEditorContainer from './plotterparameter';
-type Props = {
-	// the match object from react-router
-	// used to find which object to render
-	match: any,
-	// the history object from react-router
-	// used to push new history to
-	history: any,
-	// gets the object based on the current URL
-	getEntityObject: () => BeatObject,
-	// gets the object's index # in the Redux array based on the current URL
-	getEntityIndex: () => number,
-	// updates the current object
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	// the current BEAT entity being show
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	// the absolute path to the user's prefix folder
-	prefix: string,
-// 3 tabs so far: editor, docs, raw json
-type Tab = '0' | '1' | '2';
-type State = {
-	// which tab is active
-	activeTab: Tab,
-// wrapper for editors
-// doesnt really do much now besides the raw json tab
-export class EntityDetail extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		activeTab: '0',
-	}
-	switchToTab = (tab: Tab) => {
-		this.setState({
-			activeTab: tab
-		});
-	}
-	saveChanges = (newObj: BeatObject) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc(newObj);
-		const put = genModuleApiFuncs(this.props.entity).put;
-		return put([newObj]);
-	}
-	render () {
-		const name = this.props.match.params.name;
-		const obj = this.props.getEntityObject();
-		const index = this.props.getEntityIndex();
-		let expName;
-		if(this.props.entity === 'experiment'){
-			const segs = name.split('/');
-			const usern = segs.shift();
-			const expn = segs.pop();
-			const tcn = segs.join('/');
-			expName = <span>{ usern }/<Link to={`/toolchain/${ tcn }`}>{ tcn }</Link>/{ expn }</span>
-		}
-		return (
-			<Container>
-				<Row className='mb-1'>
-					<Col>
-						{/* title line (name & validation info) */}
-						<h4 className='text-center'>
-							<span style={{'textTransform': 'capitalize'}}>
-								{ this.props.entity }
-							</span>
-							{' '}
-							<pre style={{display: 'inline'}}>
-								{ expName || name }
-							</pre>
-							<ValidSchemaBadge entity={this.props.entity} obj={obj} />
-						</h4>
-						{/* path line */}
-						<InputGroup>
-							<InputGroupAddon addonType='prepend'>Path:</InputGroupAddon>
-							<Input
-								readOnly
-								width='80'
-								value={`${ this.props.prefix }/${ pluralize(this.props.entity) }/${ name }`}
-							/>
-						</InputGroup>
-					</Col>
-				</Row>
-				<Row>
-					<Col sm='12'>
-						<Nav tabs className='nav-fill'>
-							<NavItem>
-								<NavLink
-									className={cn({ active: this.state.activeTab === '0' })}
-									onClick={() => this.switchToTab('0')}
-								>
-									Editor
-								</NavLink>
-							</NavItem>
-							<NavItem>
-								<NavLink
-									className={cn({ active: this.state.activeTab === '1' })}
-									onClick={() => this.switchToTab('1')}
-								>
-									Raw JSON
-								</NavLink>
-							</NavItem>
-						</Nav>
-						<TabContent activeTab={this.state.activeTab} className='mt-2'>
-							{/* Uses the appropriate editor, could probably be done nicer */}
-							<TabPane tabId='0'>
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'algorithm' &&
-										<AlgorithmEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'dataformat' &&
-										<DataformatEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'library' &&
-										<LibraryEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'database' &&
-										<DatabaseEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'experiment' &&
-										<ExperimentEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'toolchain' &&
-										<ToolchainEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'plotter' &&
-										<PlotterEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-								{
-									this.props.entity === 'plotterparameter' &&
-										<PlotterparameterEditorContainer
-											saveFunc={this.saveChanges}
-											index={index}
-										/>
-								}
-							</TabPane>
-							<TabPane tabId='1'>
-								<pre>{ JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4) }</pre>
-							</TabPane>
-						</TabContent>
-					</Col>
-				</Row>
-			</Container>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	// which beat entity is currently active: 'algorithm', 'plotter', 'database', etc.
-	const entity = ownProps.match.params.entity;
-	// the name of the object ("atnt/1", "plot/isoroc/1", "user/tc/test/1/exp", etc.)
-	const name = ownProps.match.params.name;
-	const obj = {
-		// uses a selector based off the entity and finds the obj given the name
-		// if the obj doesnt exist (huge edge case) just return a default obj to not break everything
-		getEntityObject: (): BeatObject => Selectors[`${ entity }Get`](state).find(o => o.name === name) || getDefaultEntityObject(),
-		getEntityIndex: (): number => Selectors[`${ entity }Get`](state).findIndex(o => o.name === name),
-		entity,
-		prefix: Selectors.settingsGet(state).prefix,
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		dispatch(Actions[`${ ownProps.match.params.entity }Update`](ownProps.match.params.name, obj));
-		ownProps.history.push(`/${ ownProps.match.params.entity }/${ obj.name }`);
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(EntityDetail);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/EntityHome.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/EntityHome.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 49d8f97c0ce8bcb2e7e9314116764a5bbdc49fc4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/EntityHome.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	ListGroup,
-	ListGroupItem,
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import {
-	Switch,
-	Route,
-} from 'react-router-dom';
-import type { BeatEntity } from '@helpers/beat.js';
-import { pluralize } from '@helpers/beat.js';
-import EntityListContainer from './EntityList.jsx';
-import NewEntityModal from './NewEntityModal.jsx';
-import EntityDetailContainer from './EntityDetail.jsx';
-import SearchBar from './SearchBar.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-type State = {
-	newOpen: boolean,
-class EntityHome extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		newOpen: false,
-	}
-	toggleNew = () => this.setState({ newOpen: !this.state.newOpen });
-	render () {
-		return (
-			<Switch>
-				<Route exact path={'/:entity/:name+'} component={EntityDetailContainer} />
-				<Route>
-					<Container>
-						<Row className='mb-3'>
-							<Col>
-								<div className='d-flex'>
-									<h3>{ pluralize(this.props.entity) }</h3>
-									<SearchBar
-										entity={this.props.entity}
-									/>
-									<div className='ml-auto'>
-										<Button outline color='success' onClick={this.toggleNew}>New</Button>
-										<NewEntityModal
-											toggle={this.toggleNew}
-											isOpen={this.state.newOpen}
-											entity={this.props.entity}
-											nameOrVersion={true}
-										/>
-									</div>
-								</div>
-							</Col>
-						</Row>
-						<Row>
-							<Col>
-								<EntityListContainer entity={this.props.entity} />
-							</Col>
-						</Row>
-					</Container>
-				</Route>
-			</Switch>
-		);
-	}
-export default EntityHome;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/EntityList.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/EntityList.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index f804d3c3876c53868d77d7f4c4771c51e97e7459..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/EntityList.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	ListGroup,
-	ListGroupItem,
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	Badge,
-	Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import {
-	Route,
-	Link
-} from 'react-router-dom';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions';
-import { BEAT_ENTITIES, getTcFromExpName } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatEntity, BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from './ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import NewEntityModal from './NewEntityModal.jsx';
-type ElProps = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	copyFunc: () => any,
-	deleteFunc: () => any,
-	versionFunc?: () => any,
-const El = ({ data, entity, copyFunc, deleteFunc, versionFunc }: ElProps) => (
-	<ListGroupItem className='d-flex align-items-center'>
-		<span>
-			<Link to={`/${ entity }/${ data.name }`}>
-				{ data.name }
-			</Link>
-			<ValidSchemaBadge entity={entity} obj={data} />
-			<small> { data.contents['description'] || data.contents['#description'] }</small>
-		</span>
-		<div className='ml-auto'>
-			{ versionFunc && <Button outline color='success' onClick={() => versionFunc()}>New Version</Button> }{' '}
-			<Button outline color='success' onClick={() => copyFunc()}>Clone</Button>{' '}
-			<Button outline color='danger' onClick={() => deleteFunc()}>Delete</Button>
-		</div>
-	</ListGroupItem>
-type Props = {
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	data: BeatObject[],
-	// deleting toolchains should show the exps that will be deleted in the popup
-	experiments: BeatObject[],
-	deleteFunc: (BeatObject, ?BeatEntity) => () => any,
-type State = {
-	newModalOpen: boolean,
-	copyObj: {},
-	deleteModalData: false | BeatObject,
-	nameOrVersion: boolean,
-export class EntityList extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor (props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		newModalOpen: false,
-		copyObj: {},
-		deleteModalData: false,
-		nameOrVersion: false,
-	}
-	toggleDeleteModal = (e: false | BeatObject = false) => this.setState({ deleteModalData: e || false });
-	toggleModal = () => this.setState({ newModalOpen: !this.state.newModalOpen });
-	copyFunc = (obj: BeatObject) => this.setState({ copyObj: obj, newModalOpen: true, nameOrVersion: true });
-	versionFunc = (obj: BeatObject) => this.setState({ copyObj: obj, newModalOpen: true, nameOrVersion: false });
-	render () {
-		// name to be deleted if any
-		const deleteName = this.state.deleteModalData ? this.state.deleteModalData.name : '';
-		// need to find which objects can be versioned (which objects have no newer versions)
-		let versionableNames;
-		if(this.props.entity === 'experiment')
-			versionableNames = [];
-		else {
-			const getNameAndVersion = name => {
-				const segs = name.split('/');
-				const n = segs.slice(0, -1).join('/');
-				const version = Number.parseInt(segs[segs.length - 1]);
-				return [n, version];
-			};
-			// sort the names so that all versions of an object are together,
-			// and the versions are sorted from first to laste
-			const sortedNames = this.props.data.map(d => d.name).sort();
-			const nameAndVersions = sortedNames.map(n => getNameAndVersion(n));
-			// find the complete names of the highest versions of each obj
-			// since we sorted we just find the last version of each obj
-			versionableNames = sortedNames.filter((n, i) => {
-				if(i === sortedNames.length - 1)
-					return true;
-				if(nameAndVersions[i + 1][0] === nameAndVersions[i][0])
-					return false;
-				return true;
-			});
-		}
-		return (
-			<React.Fragment>
-				<ListGroup>
-					<NewEntityModal
-						toggle={this.toggleModal}
-						isOpen={this.state.newModalOpen}
-						entity={this.props.entity}
-						copyObj={this.state.copyObj}
-						nameOrVersion={this.state.nameOrVersion}
-					/>
-					{ this.props.data.map((d, i) =>
-						<El
-							key={i}
-							data={d}
-							entity={this.props.entity}
-							copyFunc={() => this.copyFunc(d)}
-							versionFunc={versionableNames.includes(d.name) ? () => this.versionFunc(d) : undefined}
-							deleteFunc={() => this.toggleDeleteModal(d)}
-						/>)
-					}
-				</ListGroup>
-				<Modal
-					toggle={() => this.toggleDeleteModal()}
-					isOpen={this.state.deleteModalData !== false}
-				>
-					<ModalHeader toggle={() => this.toggleDeleteModal()}>Confirm Deletion</ModalHeader>
-					<ModalBody>
-						Are you sure you want to permanently delete{' '}
-						<pre className='preInline'>
-							{ deleteName }
-						</pre>?
-						This will delete the object from your BEAT prefix as well as the web app.
-						{
-							this.props.entity === 'toolchain' &&
-								<React.Fragment>
-									<p>Deleting this toolchain will also delete the following experiments that depend on it:</p>
-									<ListGroup>
-										{
-											this.props.experiments
-											.filter(e => getTcFromExpName(e.name) === deleteName)
-											.map((e, i) => <ListGroupItem key={i}>{ e.name }</ListGroupItem>)
-										}
-									</ListGroup>
-								</React.Fragment>
-						}
-					</ModalBody>
-					<ModalFooter>
-						<Button color='danger'
-							onClick={async () => {
-								if(this.state.deleteModalData){
-									if(this.props.entity === 'toolchain'){
-										await Promise.all(
-											this.props.experiments
-											.filter(e => getTcFromExpName(e.name) === deleteName)
-											.map((e) => this.props.deleteFunc(e, 'experiment'))
-										);
-									}
-									await this.props.deleteFunc(this.state.deleteModalData);
-								}
-								this.toggleDeleteModal();
-							}}
-						>Delete</Button>
-						<Button color='secondary'
-							autoFocus
-							onClick={() => this.toggleDeleteModal()}
-						>Cancel</Button>
-					</ModalFooter>
-				</Modal>
-			</React.Fragment>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
-	data: Selectors[`${ ownProps.entity }Get`](state),
-	experiments: Selectors.experimentGet(state),
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	deleteFunc: (obj, entity = ownProps.entity) => dispatch(Actions.deleteObject(entity, obj)()),
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(EntityList);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index e74ae2e6032fd467897453e7e238518d11bdb49d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Button,
-	Modal,
-	ModalBody,
-	ModalHeader,
-	ModalFooter,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import {
-	generateDatabaseTemplate,
-	generateAlgorithmTemplate,
-	generateLibraryTemplate,
-	generatePlotterTemplate,
-} from '@helpers/api';
-import { copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import type { BeatEntity, BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { pluralize } from '@helpers/beat';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-type State = {
-	infoOpen: boolean,
-	confirmOpen: boolean,
-export default class EntityTemplateGenerationButton extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		infoOpen: false,
-		confirmOpen: false,
-	}
-	toggleInfo = (val: boolean = !this.state.infoOpen) => {
-		this.setState({ infoOpen: val });
-	}
-	toggleConfirm = (val: boolean = !this.state.confirmOpen) => {
-		this.setState({ confirmOpen: val });
-	}
-	click = async (confirm: boolean) => {
-		let uses;
-		let res;
-		switch(this.props.entity){
-			case('database'):
-				if(!this.props.data.contents.protocols)
-					throw new Error(`Bad database object, no protocols field: ${ this.props.data.contents }`);
-				// need to find all the views
-				let views = Array.from(new Set(
-					this.props.data.contents.protocols
-					.map(p => p.sets.map(s => s.view))
-					.reduce((a, vs) => [...a, ...vs], [])
-				));
-				res = await generateDatabaseTemplate(this.props.data.name, confirm, views);
-				break;
-			case('algorithm'):
-				// find if the alg has parameters
-				// find the used libraries
-				if(!this.props.data.contents.parameters)
-					throw new Error(`Bad alg object, no params field: ${ this.props.data.contents }`);
-				res = await generateAlgorithmTemplate(this.props.data.name, confirm, this.props.data.contents);
-				break;
-			case('library'):
-				// find the used libraries
-				uses = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.uses);
-				res = await generateLibraryTemplate(this.props.data.name, confirm, uses);
-				break;
-			case('plotter'):
-				// find the used libraries and parameters
-				uses = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.parameters);
-				res = await generatePlotterTemplate(this.props.data.name, confirm, this.props.data.contents);
-				break;
-			default:
-				throw new Error(`Cannot generate template for entity "${ this.props.entity }"`);
-		}
-		// inspect the result
-		if(res === false){
-			// the python file already existed, ask for confirmation to overwrite
-			this.toggleConfirm(true);
-		} else {
-			// its fine
-			this.toggleInfo(true);
-		}
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		return (
-			<React.Fragment>
-				<Button outline
-					color='danger'
-					className='mx-auto'
-					onClick={e => this.click(false)}
-					title={`Some types of objects (databases, algorithms, and libraries) need Python files to be used in experiments. You may generate a template Python file to provide a starting point for development.`}
-				>
-					Generate Python File
-				</Button>
-				<br />
-				<Modal color='info' isOpen={this.state.infoOpen} toggle={e => this.toggleInfo(false)}>
-					<ModalHeader toggle={e => this.toggleInfo(false)}>
-						Information about the template file
-					</ModalHeader>
-					<ModalBody>
-						<p>
-							You have generated a template Python file to provide a starting point for development for this object.
-						</p>
-						The template { this.props.entity } Python file for this object can be found in the path:
-						<pre className='preInline'>
-							/your/beat/prefix/{ pluralize(this.props.entity) }/{ this.props.data.name }.py
-						</pre>
-					</ModalBody>
-				</Modal>
-				<Modal color='info' isOpen={this.state.confirmOpen} toggle={e => this.toggleConfirm(false)}>
-					<ModalHeader toggle={e => this.toggleConfirm(false)}>
-						Confirm Overwrite
-					</ModalHeader>
-					<ModalBody>
-						The generated Python file will overwrite the Python file that already exists at:
-						<pre className='preInline'>
-							/your/beat/prefix/{ pluralize(this.props.entity) }/{ this.props.data.name }.py
-						</pre>
-						Are you sure you want to overwrite this file?
-					</ModalBody>
-					<ModalFooter>
-						<Button color="primary" onClick={e => { this.toggleConfirm(false); this.click(true); }}>Overwrite</Button>{' '}
-						<Button color="secondary" onClick={e => this.toggleConfirm(false)}>Cancel</Button>
-					</ModalFooter>
-				</Modal>
-			</React.Fragment>
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/HomeContent.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/HomeContent.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a846bebba038286997240992d692d087c356acb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/HomeContent.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-const HomeContent = () => (
-	<Container>
-		<Row>
-			<Col sm='12'>
-				<p>
-					Welcome to the BEAT editor!
-				</p>
-				<p>
-					Please make sure your prefix is set to a path to a valid BEAT prefix (usually created by the {' '}<a href='https://gitlab.idiap.ch/beat/beat.cmdline'>BEAT cli</a>).
-				</p>
-				<h4>Platform overview</h4>
-				<p>
-					There are eight different primary entities within the BEAT platform:
-				</p>
-				<ul>
-					<li>Databases</li>
-					<li>Libraries</li>
-					<li>Dataformats</li>
-					<li>Algorithms</li>
-					<li>Toolchains</li>
-					<li>Experiments</li>
-					<li>Plotters</li>
-					<li>Plotterparameters</li>
-				</ul>
-				<p>
-					This web app edits the metadata of objects of all seven of these entities, but does not support editing code or documentation (e.g. editing Python or RST files).
-				</p>
-			</Col>
-		</Row>
-	</Container>
-export default HomeContent;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/InfoTooltip.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/InfoTooltip.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 36ba6805fd7627f7a8bc1fc9b8cd46a579c6f96e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/InfoTooltip.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	UncontrolledTooltip,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-type Props = {
-	id: string,
-	info: string,
-	children: React.Node,
-export class InfoTooltip extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	target = null
-	render = () => (
-		<React.Fragment>
-			<span id={this.props.id} ref={el => this.target = el }>{ this.props.children }<sup>ℹ</sup></span>
-			<UncontrolledTooltip target={() => this.target}>
-				{ this.props.info }
-			</UncontrolledTooltip>
-		</React.Fragment>
-	);
-export default InfoTooltip;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/MainContent.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/MainContent.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0515988621225661a5ee51a943c563a575efaa78..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/MainContent.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import {
-	Route,
-	Switch,
-} from 'react-router-dom';
-import EntityHome from './EntityHome.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	match: any,
-const MainContent = ({ match }: Props) => (
-	<div>
-		<EntityHome entity={match.params.entity} />
-	</div>
-export default MainContent;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/MainNav.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/MainNav.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ae70bbb397fd54ea4a4101bbb327afbf2dc66659..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/MainNav.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Button,
-	Navbar,
-	NavbarBrand,
-	Nav,
-	NavItem,
-	NavLink,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import {
-	Route,
-	Link,
-	NavLink as RLink,
-} from 'react-router-dom';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors';
-import { clearUnsaved } from '@store/actions';
-import { BEAT_ENTITIES, pluralize } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { genModuleApiFuncs } from '@helpers/api';
-import type { BeatEntity, BeatSettings } from '@helpers/beat';
-import Settings from './Settings.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	database: BeatEntity[],
-	library: BeatEntity[],
-	dataformat: BeatEntity[],
-	algorithm: BeatEntity[],
-	toolchain: BeatEntity[],
-	experiment: BeatEntity[],
-	plotter: BeatEntity[],
-	plotterparameter: BeatEntity[],
-	settings: BeatSettings,
-	unsavedChanges: boolean,
-	clearUnsaved: () => any,
-type State = {
-	settingsOpen: boolean,
-	isSaving: boolean,
-const saveAll = async (allLists: Props) => {
-	await Promise.all(
-		//.filter(e => Array.isArray(allLists[e]))
-		.map(e => {
-			const put = genModuleApiFuncs(e).put;
-			return put(allLists[e]);
-		})
-	);
-export class MainNav extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		settingsOpen: false,
-		isSaving: false,
-	}
-	toggle = () => {
-		this.setState({
-			settingsOpen: !this.state.settingsOpen
-		});
-	}
-	saveAllData = async () => {
-		try {
-			this.setState({
-				isSaving: true
-			});
-			const res = await saveAll(this.props);
-			this.setState({
-				isSaving: false
-			});
-			this.props.clearUnsaved();
-		} catch (e) {
-		}
-	}
-	render() {
-		return (
-			<Navbar color="faded" light expand>
-				<NavbarBrand href="/#/">beat.editor</NavbarBrand>
-				<Nav className="mr-auto" navbar>
-					{
-						.map((e, i) => {
-							return (
-								<NavItem key={i}>
-									<NavLink tag={RLink} to={`/${ (e: any) }`}>{ pluralize(e) }</NavLink>
-								</NavItem>
-							);
-						})
-					}
-				</Nav>
-				<Nav className="ml-auto" navbar>
-					{
-						// right now we have no settings so there's no need to offer the user this modal
-						/*
-						<NavItem className='mr-1'>
-							<Button outline onClick={this.toggle}>Settings</Button>
-							<Settings
-								isOpen={this.state.settingsOpen}
-								toggle={this.toggle}
-							/>
-						</NavItem>
-						*/
-					}
-					{
-						// Dont need a 'save all' button anymore
-						/*
-					<NavItem>
-						<Button outline color={this.props.unsavedChanges ? 'primary' : 'secondary'}
-							disabled={this.state.isSaving}
-							onClick={this.saveAllData}
-							title={this.props.unsavedChanges ? 'There may be unsaved changes on the web app. Click to save changes.' : 'There are no changes detected.'}
-						>
-							Save All
-						</Button>
-					</NavItem>
-						*/
-					}
-				</Nav>
-			</Navbar>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = state => ({
-	database: Selectors.databaseGet(state),
-	library: Selectors.libraryGet(state),
-	dataformat: Selectors.dataformatGet(state),
-	algorithm: Selectors.algorithmGet(state),
-	toolchain: Selectors.toolchainGet(state),
-	experiment: Selectors.experimentGet(state),
-	plotter: Selectors.plotterGet(state),
-	plotterparameter: Selectors.plotterparameterGet(state),
-	settings: Selectors.settingsGet(state),
-	unsavedChanges: Selectors.unsavedGet(state),
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	clearUnsaved: () => dispatch(clearUnsaved()),
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MainNav);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/NewEntityModal.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/NewEntityModal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a1ce167aa3ef55f369f86e0ba216a9b46f57747b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/NewEntityModal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,537 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Button,
-	Form, FormGroup, Label, Input,
-	Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter,
-	FormText,
-	Col,
-	Badge,
-	Row,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import { generateNewKey } from '@helpers';
-import { BEAT_ENTITIES, nameValidator, nameSegmentsForEntity, getTcFromExpName } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatEntity, BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import CacheInput from './CacheInput.jsx';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions';
-import { getValidDatabaseObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidDataformatObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidLibraryObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidAlgorithmObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidToolchainObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidExperimentObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidPlotterObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidPlotterparameterObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-const getObjs = {
-	database: getValidDatabaseObj,
-	dataformat: getValidDataformatObj,
-	library: getValidLibraryObj,
-	algorithm: getValidAlgorithmObj,
-	toolchain: getValidToolchainObj,
-	experiment: getValidExperimentObj,
-	plotter: getValidPlotterObj,
-	plotterparameter: getValidPlotterparameterObj,
-type Props = {
-	isOpen: boolean,
-	toggle: () => mixed,
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	copyObj?: BeatObject,
-	create: (string, BeatObject[], BeatObject[], ?BeatObject) => mixed,
-	data: BeatObject[],
-	toolchains: BeatObject[],
-	algorithms: BeatObject[],
-	// if true, the name is being changed but the version is stuck at 1 (for copying or creating new)
-	// if false, the name is stuck and the version is incremented (for making a new version)
-	nameOrVersion: boolean,
-type State = {
-	nameSegs: string[],
-	numSegs: number,
-const getStartNameSegs = (copyObj?: BeatObject, existingNames: string[], entity: BeatEntity, nameOrVersion: boolean) => {
-	const autoVersion = entity !== 'experiment';
-	if(copyObj){
-		const newName = copyObj.name || '';
-		const segs = newName.split('/');
-		if(autoVersion){
-			const version = Number.parseInt(segs[segs.length - 1]);
-			segs[segs.length - 1] = `${ nameOrVersion ? 1 : version + 1 }`;
-		}
-		return segs;
-	} else {
-		const len = nameSegmentsForEntity(entity);
-		return Array.apply(null, Array(len)).map((u, i) => i === len - 1 && autoVersion ? '1' : '');
-	}
-export class NewEntityModal extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		nameSegs: getStartNameSegs(this.props.copyObj, this.props.data.map(d => d.name), this.props.entity, this.props.nameOrVersion),
-		numSegs: nameSegmentsForEntity(this.props.entity),
-	}
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props) => {
-		if(this.props !== prevProps){
-			this.setState({
-				nameSegs: getStartNameSegs(this.props.copyObj, this.props.data.map(d => d.name), this.props.entity, this.props.nameOrVersion),
-				numSegs: nameSegmentsForEntity(this.props.entity),
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	titleStr = () => `New ${ this.props.entity }: "${ this.getNameString() }"`;
-	submit = (name: string) => {
-		if(!this.nameIsValid())
-			return;
-		this.props.create(name, this.props.algorithms, this.props.toolchains, this.props.copyObj);
-		this.props.toggle();
-	}
-	getNameString = (lastSeg?: string) => {
-		let segs = [...this.state.nameSegs];
-		if(lastSeg)
-			segs[segs.length - 1] = lastSeg;
-		return segs.join('/');
-	}
-	validatorFunc = () => nameValidator(this.props.entity, this.props.data.map(d => d.name));
-	nameIsValid = (str: string = this.getNameString()): true | React.Node => {
-		const err = `Please provide a unique and valid ${ this.props.entity } name`;
-		;
-		const isValid = this.validatorFunc()(str);
-		return isValid || err;
-	}
-	handleInput = (...segs: Array<?string>) => {
-		const newSegs = Array.apply(null, Array(this.state.numSegs))
-		.map((u, i) => segs[i] || this.state.nameSegs[i] || '');
-		this.setState({
-			nameSegs: newSegs,
-		});
-	}
-	render () {
-		const nameValidity = this.nameIsValid();
-		const nameOrVersion = this.props.nameOrVersion;
-		return (
-			<Modal isOpen={this.props.isOpen} toggle={this.props.toggle} size='lg'>
-				<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.toggle}>
-					{ this.titleStr() }
-					{' '}
-					<Badge
-						color={`${ nameValidity === true ? 'success' : 'danger' }`}
-						title={nameValidity === true ? undefined : nameValidity}
-					>
-						{`${ nameValidity === true ? 'Valid Name' : 'Invalid Name' }`}
-					</Badge>
-				</ModalHeader>
-				<ModalBody>
-					<Form>
-						<FormGroup row>
-							{/* database */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'database' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={6}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New database name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={6}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Database version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* library */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'library' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Library user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New library name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Library version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[2]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* dataformat */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'dataformat' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Dataformat user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New dataformat name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Dataformat version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[2]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* algorithm */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'algorithm' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Algorithm user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New algorithm name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Algorithm version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[2]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* toolchain */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'toolchain' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Toolchain user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New toolchain name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Toolchain version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[2]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* experiment */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'experiment' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Experiment user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Toolchain</Label>
-											<Input
-												type='select'
-												name='toolchain'
-												placeholder={`Experiment toolchain name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs.slice(1, 4).filter(s => s !== '').join('/')}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, ...e.target.value.split('/'))}
-											>
-												<option value=''>Toolchain...</option>
-												{
-													this.props.toolchains.map((tc, i) =>
-														<option key={i} value={tc.name}>{ tc.name}</option>
-													)
-												}
-											</Input>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Experiment name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[4]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* plotter */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'plotter' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Plotter user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New plotter name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Plotter version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[2]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							{/* plotterparameter */}
-							{ this.props.entity === 'plotterparameter' &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>User</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='user'
-												placeholder={`Plotterparameter user...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[0]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												autoFocus
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='name'
-												placeholder={`New plotterparameter name...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[1]}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, e.target.value)}
-												fieldTest
-												disabled={!nameOrVersion}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col sm={4}>
-											<Label>Version</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												delay={0}
-												type='text'
-												name='version'
-												placeholder={`Plotterparameter version...`}
-												value={this.state.nameSegs[2]}
-												validateFunc={(str) => `${ Number.parseInt(str) }` === str}
-												onChange={(e) => this.handleInput(undefined, undefined, e.target.value)}
-												disabled
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-						</FormGroup>
-					</Form>
-				</ModalBody>
-				<ModalFooter>
-					<Button
-						color="primary"
-						disabled={nameValidity !== true}
-						onClick={() => this.submit(this.getNameString())}
-					>Create</Button>{' '}
-					<Button color="secondary" onClick={this.props.toggle}>Cancel</Button>
-				</ModalFooter>
-			</Modal>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
-	data: Selectors[`${ ownProps.entity }Get`](state),
-	toolchains: Selectors.toolchainGet(state),
-	algorithms: Selectors.algorithmGet(state),
-	plotters: Selectors.plotterGet(state),
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	create: (name: string, algorithms: BeatObject[], toolchains: BeatObject[], copyObj?: any = {}) => {
-		let newObj;
-		if(ownProps.entity === 'experiment'){
-			const tcName = getTcFromExpName(name);
-			const tc = toolchains.find(o => o.name === tcName);
-			newObj = getObjs[ownProps.entity]({ ...copyObj, name }, tc, algorithms);
-		} else {
-			newObj = getObjs[ownProps.entity]({ ...copyObj, name });
-		}
-		return dispatch(Actions.createObject(ownProps.entity, newObj, copyObj.name)());
-	}
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(NewEntityModal);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/NewEntityModal.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/NewEntityModal.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ac8f5ba977e297faa88b6257ac13528593e4b792..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/NewEntityModal.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { NewEntityModal as C } from './NewEntityModal.jsx';
-import test_dbs from '@test/test_dbs.json';
-import test_dfs from '@test/test_dfs.json';
-import test_libs from '@test/test_libs.json';
-import test_algs from '@test/test_algs.json';
-import test_tcs from '@test/test_tcs.json';
-import test_exps from '@test/test_exps.json';
-type Props = {
-	isOpen: boolean,
-	toggle: () => mixed,
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	copyObj?: BeatObject,
-	create: (string, BeatObject[], BeatObject[], ?BeatObject) => mixed,
-	data: BeatObject[],
-	toolchains: BeatObject[],
-	algorithms: BeatObject[],
-	// if true, the name is being changed but the version is stuck at 1 (for copying or creating new)
-	// if false, the name is stuck and the version is incremented (for making a new version)
-	nameOrVersion: boolean,
-describe('<NewEntityModal />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	const entities = [
-		'database',
-		'dataformat',
-		'library',
-		'algorithm',
-		'toolchain',
-		'experiment',
-		'plotter',
-		'plotterparameter',
-	];
-	const isOpen = true;
-	const create = sinon.spy();
-	const toggle = sinon.spy();
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	it(`has 9 required props and is missing 1 optional`, () => {
-		const entity = 'database';
-		const nameOrVersion = true;
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				isOpen={isOpen}
-				toggle={toggle}
-				create={create}
-				entity={entity}
-				data={test_dbs}
-				algorithms={test_algs}
-				toolchains={test_tcs}
-				nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-			/>
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-			['isOpen', 'toggle', 'create', 'entity', 'data', 'algorithms', 'toolchains', 'nameOrVersion']
-		).deep.equal(
-			[isOpen, toggle, create, entity, test_dbs, test_algs, test_tcs, nameOrVersion]
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.not.have.props(
-			['copyObj']
-		);
-	});
-	it(`has all 10 props`, () => {
-		const entity = 'database';
-		const nameOrVersion = true;
-		const copyObj = test_dbs[0];
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				isOpen={isOpen}
-				toggle={toggle}
-				create={create}
-				entity={entity}
-				data={test_dbs}
-				algorithms={test_algs}
-				toolchains={test_tcs}
-				nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-				copyObj={copyObj}
-			/>
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-			['isOpen', 'toggle', 'create', 'entity', 'data', 'algorithms', 'toolchains', 'nameOrVersion', 'copyObj']
-		).deep.equal(
-			[isOpen, toggle, create, entity, test_dbs, test_algs, test_tcs, nameOrVersion, copyObj]
-		);
-	});
-	describe('for databases', () => {
-		const entity = 'database';
-		it(`properly handles creating a new object`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = undefined;
-			const newNameSegs = ['', `1`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it(`properly handles copying`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = test_dbs[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const copyVersion = Number.parseInt(oldNameSegs.slice(-1)[0]);
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs.slice(0, -1), `1`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it(`properly handles creating a new version`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = false;
-			const copyObj = test_dbs[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const copyVersion = Number.parseInt(oldNameSegs.slice(-1)[0]);
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs.slice(0, -1), `${ copyVersion + 1 }`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-	});
-	describe('for databases', () => {
-		const entity = 'database';
-		it(`properly handles creating a new object`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = undefined;
-			const newNameSegs = ['', `1`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it(`properly handles copying`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = test_dbs[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const copyVersion = Number.parseInt(oldNameSegs.slice(-1)[0]);
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs.slice(0, -1), `1`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it(`properly handles creating a new version`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = false;
-			const copyObj = test_dbs[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const copyVersion = Number.parseInt(oldNameSegs.slice(-1)[0]);
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs.slice(0, -1), `${ copyVersion + 1 }`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-	});
-	describe('for algorithms', () => {
-		const entity = 'algorithm';
-		it(`properly handles creating a new object`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = undefined;
-			const newNameSegs = ['', '', `1`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_algs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(3);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(2).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[2]);
-			expect(inputs.get(2).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it(`properly handles copying`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = test_algs[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const copyVersion = Number.parseInt(oldNameSegs.slice(-1)[0]);
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs.slice(0, -1), `1`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(3);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(false);
-			expect(inputs.get(2).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[2]);
-			expect(inputs.get(2).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it(`properly handles creating a new version`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = false;
-			const copyObj = test_algs[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const copyVersion = Number.parseInt(oldNameSegs.slice(-1)[0]);
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs.slice(0, -1), `${ copyVersion + 1 }`];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_dbs}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(3);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[1]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-			expect(inputs.get(2).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[2]);
-			expect(inputs.get(2).props.disabled).to.equal(true);
-		});
-	});
-	describe('for experiments', () => {
-		const entity = 'experiment';
-		it(`properly handles creating a new object`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = undefined;
-			const newNameSegs = ['', '', '', '', ''];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_exps}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			const select = wrapper.find('select');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.be.undefined;
-			expect(select.get(0).props.value).to.equal('');
-			expect(select.get(0).props.disabled).to.be.undefined;
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[4]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.be.undefined;
-		});
-		it(`properly handles copying`, () => {
-			const nameOrVersion = true;
-			const copyObj = test_exps[0];
-			const oldNameSegs = copyObj.name.split('/');
-			const newNameSegs = [...oldNameSegs];
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					isOpen={isOpen}
-					toggle={toggle}
-					create={create}
-					entity={entity}
-					data={test_exps}
-					algorithms={test_algs}
-					toolchains={test_tcs}
-					nameOrVersion={nameOrVersion}
-					copyObj={copyObj}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.state('numSegs')).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.state('nameSegs')).to.deep.equal(newNameSegs);
-			const inputs = wrapper.find('input');
-			const select = wrapper.find('select');
-			expect(inputs).to.have.length(2);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[0]);
-			expect(inputs.get(0).props.disabled).to.be.undefined;
-			expect(select.get(0).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs.slice(1, 4).join('/'));
-			expect(select.get(0).props.disabled).to.be.undefined;
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.value).to.equal(newNameSegs[4]);
-			expect(inputs.get(1).props.disabled).to.be.undefined;
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/ParameterConsume.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/ParameterConsume.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 128b6d9b173c5b598994b56e1fbf34746cd77b53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/ParameterConsume.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Label, Input,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { expGetDefaultParameterValue as getDefaultParameterValue } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { ParameterValue } from '@helpers/beat';
-type Props = {
-	parameter: any,
-	updateFunc: (ParameterValue) => any,
-	currVal?: ParameterValue,
-// given a parameter obj, its current value, and an update function,
-// return an input for the specific type of parameter
-const ParameterConsume = ({ parameter, updateFunc, currVal }: Props) => {
-	if((parameter === null || parameter === undefined) || !parameter.hasOwnProperty('type'))
-		return '';
-	const parseVal = (v: ParameterValue): ParameterValue => {
-		if(v === true || v === false)
-			return v;
-		if(parameter.type.includes('float'))
-			return Number.parseFloat(`${ v }`);
-		if(parameter.type.includes('int'))
-			return Number.parseInt(`${ v }`);
-		return v;
-	};
-	const pVal = currVal === undefined ? getDefaultParameterValue(parameter) : currVal;
-	if(parameter.hasOwnProperty('choice'))
-		return (
-			<Input
-				type='select'
-				className='custom-select'
-				value={pVal}
-				onChange={e => updateFunc(parseVal(e.target.value))}
-			>
-				{ parameter.choice.map((c, i) => <option key={i} value={c}>{c}</option>) }
-			</Input>
-		);
-	if(parameter.hasOwnProperty('range'))
-		return (
-			<Input
-				type='number'
-				min={parameter.range[0]}
-				max={parameter.range[1]}
-				value={pVal}
-				onChange={e => updateFunc(parseVal(e.target.value))}
-			/>
-		);
-	if(parameter.type === 'bool')
-		return (
-			<Label>
-				<Input
-					className='ml-0'
-					type='checkbox'
-					checked={pVal}
-					onChange={e => updateFunc(parseVal(e.target.checked))}
-				/>
-			</Label>
-		);
-	if(parameter.type === 'string')
-		return (
-			<Input
-				type='text'
-				value={pVal}
-				onChange={e => updateFunc(parseVal(e.target.value))}
-			/>
-		);
-	else {
-		const step = parameter.type.includes('float') ? 'any' : 1;
-		return (
-			<Input
-				type='number'
-				min={-1000000}
-				max={1000000}
-				step={step}
-				value={pVal}
-				onChange={e => updateFunc(parseVal(e.target.value))}
-			/>
-		);
-	}
-export default ParameterConsume;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/ParameterCreate.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/ParameterCreate.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ae95a89cd5e91260a13e6b55b97e013f34aea1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/ParameterCreate.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label, Input,
-	UncontrolledDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu,
-	InputGroup, InputGroupAddon,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { BUILTIN_TYPES, ANALYZER_RESULT_TYPES } from '@helpers/beat';
-import TypedField from './TypedField.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	name: string,
-	param: any,
-	params: any[],
-	updateParameter: (name: string | null, parameter: any | null, oldName: ?string) => any,
-type State = {
-	choiceCache: string
-export default class ParameterCreate extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		choiceCache: '',
-	}
-	shouldComponentUpdate = (nextProps: Props, nextState: State) => {
-		// basically PureComponent but not checking updateParameter func which wont change by itself
-		// props check
-		if(nextProps.name !== this.props.name || nextProps.param !== this.props.param || nextProps.params !== this.props.params)
-			return true;
-		// state check
-		if(nextState.choiceCache !== this.state.choiceCache)
-			return true;
-		return false;
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const name = this.props.name;
-		const param = this.props.param;
-		const params = this.props.params;
-		const updateParameter = this.props.updateParameter;
-		let new_param = false;
-		if (param.type == 'bool')
-		{
-			if(typeof(param.default) == 'string')
-			{
-				new_param = true;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				new_param = false;
-			}
-		}
-		return (
-			<React.Fragment>
-				<TypedField
-					placeholder='Parameter name...'
-					name={name}
-					type={param.type}
-					types={BUILTIN_TYPES.filter(d => !d.startsWith('complex'))}
-					existingFields={params.map(([n, v]) => n)}
-					nameUpdateFunc={str => updateParameter(str, param, name)}
-					typeUpdateFunc={(str) => {
-						const newParam = {
-							...param,
-							type: str
-						};
-						switch(newParam.type){
-							case 'string':
-								delete newParam['range'];
-								break;
-							case 'bool':
-								delete newParam['range'];
-								delete newParam['choice'];
-								break;
-							default:
-								break;
-						}
-						updateParameter(name, newParam);
-					}}
-					deleteFunc={() => {
-						updateParameter(null, null, name);
-					}}
-				>
-					<Col>
-						<Input
-							type='text'
-							placeholder='Description'
-							value={param[name] || param.description || ''}
-							onChange={(e) => updateParameter(name, {
-								...param,
-								description: e.target.value
-							})}
-						/>
-					</Col>
-				</TypedField>
-				<FormGroup row className='ml-3'>
-					{
-						param.type !== 'bool' &&
-							<Col sm='4'>
-								<Label>Restrict to...</Label>
-								<FormGroup check>
-									<Row>
-										<Col>
-											<Label check>
-												<Input
-													type='checkbox'
-													checked={Array.isArray(param.choice)}
-													onChange={e => {
-														const b = e.target.checked;
-														const newParam = {...param};
-														if(b){
-															delete newParam['range'];
-															newParam['choice'] = [];
-														} else {
-															delete newParam['choice'];
-														}
-														updateParameter(name, newParam);
-													}}
-												/>{' '}
-												Choices
-											</Label>
-										</Col>
-										{
-											param.type !== 'string' &&
-												<Col>
-													<Label check className='ml-3'>
-														<Input
-															type='checkbox'
-															checked={Array.isArray(param.range)}
-															onChange={e => {
-																const b = e.target.checked;
-																const newParam = {...param};
-																if(b){
-																	delete newParam['choice'];
-																	newParam['range'] = [0, 1];
-																} else {
-																	delete newParam['range'];
-																}
-																updateParameter(name, newParam);
-															}}
-														/>{' '}
-														Range
-													</Label>
-												</Col>
-										}
-									</Row>
-								</FormGroup>
-							</Col>
-					}
-					{
-						Array.isArray(param.choice) &&
-							<Col sm='auto'>
-								<Label>
-									Choices
-								</Label>
-								<UncontrolledDropdown>
-									<DropdownToggle caret>
-										Choices List
-									</DropdownToggle>
-									<DropdownMenu className='p-0'>
-										{
-											param.choice
-											.map((c, j) =>
-												<InputGroup key={j}>
-													<Input
-														defaultValue={c}
-														className='border-top-0 border-left-0 border-right-0 rounded-0'
-														onSubmit={e => {
-															e.preventDefault();
-														}}
-														onChange={e => {
-															updateParameter(
-																name,
-																{
-																	...param,
-																	choice: param.choice.map((c, k) => k === j ? e.target.value : c)
-																});
-														}}
-													/>
-													<InputGroupAddon addonType='append'>
-														<Button
-															className='border-top-0 border-left-0 border-right-0 rounded-0'
-															color='danger'
-															onClick={e => {
-																updateParameter(name,
-																	{
-																		...param,
-																		choice: param.choice.filter((c, k) => k !== j)
-																	}
-																);
-															}}
-														>
-															x
-														</Button>
-													</InputGroupAddon>
-												</InputGroup>
-											)
-										}
-										<Input
-											placeholder='New Choice...'
-											className='border-top-0 border-left-0 border-right-0 rounded-0'
-											value={this.state.choiceCache}
-											onSubmit={e => {
-												e.preventDefault();
-											}}
-											onBlur={e => {
-												if(this.state.choiceCache.length > 0)
-													updateParameter(name,
-														{
-															...param,
-															choice: [
-																...param.choice,
-																this.state.choiceCache
-															]
-														});
-												this.setState({ choiceCache: '' });
-											}}
-											onChange={e => {
-												this.setState({ choiceCache: e.target.value });
-											}}
-											onKeyPress={e => {
-												if(e.key === 'Enter'){
-													if(this.state.choiceCache.length > 0)
-														updateParameter(name,
-															{
-																...param,
-																choice: [
-																	...param.choice,
-																	this.state.choiceCache
-																]
-															}
-														);
-													this.setState({ choiceCache: '' });
-												}
-											}}
-										/>
-									</DropdownMenu>
-								</UncontrolledDropdown>
-							</Col>
-					}
-					{
-						Array.isArray(param.range) &&
-							<Col sm='4'>
-								<Label>
-									Range
-								</Label>
-								<FormGroup row>
-									<Col>
-										<InputGroup>
-											<InputGroupAddon>Min</InputGroupAddon>
-											<Input
-												type='number'
-												step={param.type.startsWith('float') ? 'any' : '1'}
-												value={param.range[0]}
-												onChange={e => {
-													const num = e.target.value;
-													const newParam = {
-														...param,
-														range: [
-															num,
-															param.range[1],
-														]
-													};
-													updateParameter(
-														name,
-														newParam
-													);
-												}}
-												required
-											/>
-										</InputGroup>
-									</Col>
-									<Col>
-										<InputGroup>
-											<InputGroupAddon>Max</InputGroupAddon>
-											<Input
-												type='number'
-												step={param.type.startsWith('float') ? 'any' : '1'}
-												value={param.range[1]}
-												required
-												onChange={e => {
-													const num = e.target.value;
-													const newParam = {
-														...param,
-														range: [
-															param.range[0],
-															num,
-														]
-													};
-													updateParameter(
-														name,
-														newParam
-													);
-												}}
-											/>
-										</InputGroup>
-									</Col>
-								</FormGroup>
-							</Col>
-					}
-					{ param.type !== 'bool' &&
-							<Col>
-								<Label for={`default${ name }`}>
-									Default
-								</Label>
-								<Input
-									name={`default${ name }`}
-									type='text'
-									placeholder='Default'
-									value={param.default}
-									onChange={(e) => updateParameter(name, {
-										...param,
-										default: e.target.value
-									})}
-								/>
-							</Col>
-							||
-							<Col sm='auto'>
-								<Label>
-									Default
-								</Label>
-								<FormGroup check>
-									<Row>
-										<Col>
-											<Label check>
-												<Input
-													name={`default${ name }`}
-													type='radio'
-													checked={param.default && !new_param}
-													value={true}
-													onChange={(e) => updateParameter(name, {
-														...param,
-														default: JSON.parse(e.target.value)
-													})}
-												/>
-												True
-											</Label>
-										</Col>
-										<Col>
-											<Label check className='ml-1'>
-												<Input
-													name={`default${ name }`}
-													type='radio'
-													checked={!param.default && !new_param}
-													value={false}
-													onChange={(e) => updateParameter(name, {
-														...param,
-														default: JSON.parse(e.target.value)
-													})}
-												/>
-												False
-											</Label>
-										</Col>
-									</Row>
-								</FormGroup>
-							</Col>
-					}
-				</FormGroup>
-			</React.Fragment>
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/ParameterCreate.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/ParameterCreate.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d2d6e251c5717db53bf152e9e63fdb328216db1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/ParameterCreate.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-//// @flow
-//import React from 'react';
-//import { expect } from 'chai';
-//import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-//import sinon from 'sinon';
-//import { spies } from '@test';
-//import C from './ParameterCreate.jsx';
-//describe.only('<ParameterCreate />', () => {
-//	let wrapper;
-//	const name = 'parameter';
-//	// shortcut for a func to update just the parameter obj, not the name
-//	const _updateParameter = (name, p, oldName) => {
-//		wrapper.setProps({
-//			param: p,
-//		});
-//	};
-//	const params = [];
-//	afterEach(() => {
-//		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-//			wrapper.unmount();
-//	});
-//	it(`saves the default value of a boolean parameter`, () => {
-//		let param = {
-//			type: '',
-//			default: '',
-//			description: '',
-//		};
-//		const updateParameter = sinon.spy(_updateParameter);
-//		wrapper = mount(
-//			<C
-//				name={name}
-//				param={param}
-//				params={params}
-//				updateParameter={updateParameter}
-//			/>
-//		);
-//		// sanity checks
-//		expect(wrapper.find('TypedField')).to.have.prop('name', name);
-//		wrapper.find('Input.custom-select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'bool' }});
-//		wrapper.update();
-//		console.log(wrapper.props().param);
-//		expect(wrapper.props().param).to.deep.equal(
-//			{
-//				type: 'bool',
-//				default: '',
-//				description: '',
-//			}
-//		);
-//		// wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { checked: 'true' }});;
-//		wrapper.find('input[type="radio"]').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'true' }});;
-//		wrapper.update();
-//		expect(updateParameter.args[0]).to.deep.equal([
-//			name,
-//			{
-//				type: 'bool',
-//				default: 'true',
-//				description: '',
-//			}
-//		]);
-//	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/SearchBar.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/SearchBar.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dc8e433f6de014c192f670d80c8b17eecb18f7f7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/SearchBar.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Badge,
-	Dropdown, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem, DropdownToggle,
-	Input,
-	Button,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import { pluralize } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatEntity, BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import SearchWorker from '@helpers/search.worker.js';
-type Props = {
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	data: BeatObject[],
-type State = {
-	searchResults: BeatObject[],
-	resultsOpen: boolean,
-class SearchBar extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		searchResults: [],
-		resultsOpen: false,
-	}
-	searchWorker = null;
-	componentDidMount = () => {
-		this.searchWorker = new SearchWorker();
-		this.searchWorker.onmessage = (m) => {
-			this.setState(prevState => ({
-				searchResults: m.data.slice(0, 5),
-				resultsOpen: m.data.length > 0,
-			}));
-		};
-		this.updateFuseInstance();
-	}
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props) => {
-		if(this.props.data !== prevProps.data){
-			this.updateFuseInstance(this.props.data);
-		}
-	}
-	updateFuseInstance = (data: BeatObject[] = this.props.data) => {
-		if(!this.searchWorker)
-			throw new Error(`searchWorker is not instantiated!`);
-		this.searchWorker.postMessage(
-			{
-				type: 'dataChanged',
-				payload: {
-					data,
-					options: {
-						shouldSort: true,
-						tokenize: true,
-						threshold: 0.6,
-						location: 0,
-						distance: 100,
-						maxPatternLength: 32,
-						minMatchCharLength: 1,
-						keys: ['name', 'contents.description', 'contents.#description'],
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	search = (str: string) => {
-		if(!this.searchWorker)
-			throw new Error(`searchWorker is not instantiated!`);
-		this.searchWorker.postMessage(
-			{
-				type: 'search',
-				payload: str
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	toggleResults = (val: boolean = !this.state.resultsOpen) => {
-		this.setState({ resultsOpen: val });
-	};
-	render = () => {
-		return (
-			<Dropdown
-				isOpen={this.state.resultsOpen}
-				toggle={e => this.toggleResults(false)}
-				style={{flex: 1}}
-				className='ml-2 mr-2'
-			>
-				<DropdownToggle
-					tag='span'
-				>
-					<Input
-						onChange={e => {
-							this.search(e.target.value);
-						}}
-						placeholder={`Search ${ pluralize(this.props.entity) }...`}
-					/>
-				</DropdownToggle>
-				<DropdownMenu>
-					{
-						this.state.searchResults.map((r, i) =>
-							<DropdownItem
-								tag={Link}
-								to={`/${ this.props.entity }/${ r.name }`}
-								key={i}
-							>
-								{ r.name }
-								{' '}
-								<small className='text-muted'>
-									{ r.contents.description || r.contents['#description'] || '' }
-								</small>
-							</DropdownItem>
-						)
-					}
-				</DropdownMenu>
-			</Dropdown>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
-	data: Selectors[`${ ownProps.entity }Get`](state),
-export default connect(mapStateToProps)(SearchBar);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/Settings.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/Settings.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index c7d047c8a5da65ae26574e3757dbb0229466001c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/Settings.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import {
-	Button,
-	Form, FormGroup, Label, Input,
-	Modal, ModalHeader, ModalBody, ModalFooter,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors';
-import { genModuleApiFuncs } from '@helpers/api';
-import type { BeatSettings } from '@helpers/beat';
-type Props = {
-	isOpen: boolean,
-	toggle: () => mixed,
-	settings: BeatSettings,
-	updateSettings: (obj: BeatSettings) => any,
-	fetchAllObjects: () => any,
-export class Settings extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	save = async () => {
-		await genModuleApiFuncs('settings').put(this.props.settings);
-		await this.props.fetchAllObjects();
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const {isOpen, toggle, settings} = this.props;
-		return (
-			<Modal isOpen={isOpen} toggle={toggle} autoFocus={true}>
-				<ModalHeader toggle={toggle}>Settings</ModalHeader>
-				<ModalBody>
-					<Form>
-						{
-							Object.entries(settings).map(([name, val], i) =>
-								<FormGroup key={i}>
-									<Label>{ name }</Label>
-									<Input
-										autoFocus
-										value={val}
-										onChange={e => {
-											this.props.updateSettings({
-												...settings,
-												[name]: e.target.value,
-											});
-										}}
-									/>
-								</FormGroup>
-							)
-						}
-					</Form>
-					<a href='https://gitlab.idiap.ch/jdiefenbaugh/beat.editor'>Github</a>
-				</ModalBody>
-				<ModalFooter>
-					<Button color="primary" onClick={this.save}>Write Settings to server</Button>
-					<Button color="secondary" onClick={toggle}>Close</Button>
-				</ModalFooter>
-			</Modal>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = state => ({
-	settings: Selectors.settingsGet(state),
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	updateSettings: (obj) => {
-		dispatch(Actions.settingsUpdate(obj));
-	},
-	fetchAllObjects: () => {
-		dispatch(Actions.fetchAllObjects());
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Settings);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/TypedField.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/TypedField.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 277b9264054c48e78095a7a8ba5860664ccfbfaa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/TypedField.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Col,
-	Input,
-	FormGroup,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from './ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from './DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import CacheInput from './CacheInput.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	name: string,
-	type: string,
-	types: string[],
-	typeTitles?: string[],
-	existingFields: string[],
-	nameUpdateFunc: (string) => any,
-	typeUpdateFunc: (string) => any,
-	nameValidateFunc?: (string) => boolean | React.Node,
-	deleteFunc: (any) => any,
-	children?: React.Node,
-	placeholder?: string,
-export const DupErr = ({ }: {}) => <span> Each field must have a unique name </span>;
-class TypedField extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	render = () => (
-		<FormGroup row>
-			<Col sm='6'>
-				<CacheInput
-					type='text'
-					placeholder={this.props.placeholder || 'Name...'}
-					value={this.props.name}
-					onChange={(e) => this.props.nameUpdateFunc(e.target.value)}
-					validateFunc={(str) => {
-						if(this.props.existingFields.includes(str))
-							return <DupErr />;
-						if(this.props.nameValidateFunc)
-							return this.props.nameValidateFunc(str);
-						return true;
-					}}
-					fieldTest
-				>
-					<DeleteInputBtn deleteFunc={this.props.deleteFunc} />
-				</CacheInput>
-			</Col>
-			<Col>
-				<Input
-					type='select'
-					className='custom-select'
-					value={this.props.type}
-					onChange={e => this.props.typeUpdateFunc(e.target.value)}
-				>
-					<option disabled value=''>Type...</option>
-					{
-						this.props.types.map((t, i) => (
-							<option key={i} value={t}>{Array.isArray(this.props.typeTitles) ? this.props.typeTitles[i] : (t === 'object' ? 'dict' : t)}</option>
-						))
-					}
-				</Input>
-			</Col>
-			{ this.props.children }
-		</FormGroup>
-	);
-export default TypedField;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/ValidSchemaBadge.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/ValidSchemaBadge.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 585e865916923a34bfc5eb44db24f06c42aec3b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/ValidSchemaBadge.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Badge,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import Validate, { VALIDATORS } from '@helpers/schema';
-import type { BeatObject, BeatEntity } from '@helpers/beat';
-type Props = {
-	entity: BeatEntity,
-	obj: BeatObject,
-const ValidSchemaBadge = (props: Props) => {
-	const errs = Validate(VALIDATORS[props.entity], props.obj);
-	const isValid = !errs;
-	if(!isValid){
-		//console.log(errs);
-	}
-	return (
-		<Badge className='ml-1' color={isValid ? 'success' : 'danger'}>
-			{isValid ? 'Valid' : 'Invalid'}
-		</Badge>
-	);
-export default ValidSchemaBadge;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/ValidSchemaBadge.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/ValidSchemaBadge.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 866e1f3bba6cf1a7fac3cef6395d1b99ae106b96..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/ValidSchemaBadge.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '../../test';
-import C from './ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import testAlgs from '@test/test_algs.json';
-import testLibs from '@test/test_libs.json';
-import testDfs from '@test/test_dfs.json';
-import testDbs from '@test/test_dbs.json';
-describe('<ValidSchemaBadge />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('should accept', () => {
-		describe('database', () => {
-			const dbs = [
-				{
-					name: 'test/test/1',
-					contents: {
-						'root_folder': '/testing',
-						description: 'this is the basic test case for database schema validation',
-						protocols: [
-							{
-								name: 'protocol_1',
-								template: 'template_1',
-								sets: [
-									{
-										name: 'set_1',
-										view: 'view_1',
-										template: 'set_template_1',
-										parameters: {
-											param1: 'i dont know what these are'
-										},
-										outputs: {
-											output_1: 'a/specific_dataformat/1',
-										}
-									}
-								]
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				}
-			].concat(testDbs);
-			dbs.forEach(function(db) {
-				it(`${ db.name }`, () => {
-					wrapper = mount(<C entity='database' obj={db} />);
-					expect(wrapper.find('Badge')).to.have.prop('color', 'success');
-				});
-			});
-		});
-		describe('algorithm', () => {
-			const algs = [
-				{
-					name: 'test/non-analyzer-alg/1',
-					contents: {
-						language: 'python',
-						description: 'A basic algorithm as a sanity test for the AlgorithmEditor',
-						groups: [
-							{
-								name: 'group_1',
-								inputs: {
-									'input_1': { type: 'test/df/1' },
-								},
-								outputs: {
-									'output_1': { type: 'test/df/2' },
-								},
-							}
-						],
-						uses: {
-							'library_1': 'a/lib/1',
-						},
-						parameters: {
-							'parameter_1': {
-								type: 'string',
-								choice: [
-									'choice_1',
-									'choice_2',
-									'choice_3',
-								],
-								default: 'choice_1',
-							}
-						},
-						// non-analyzer
-						splittable: false,
-					}
-				}
-			].concat(testAlgs);
-			algs.forEach(function(alg) {
-				it(`${ alg.name }`, () => {
-					wrapper = mount(<C entity='algorithm' obj={alg} />);
-					expect(wrapper.find('Badge')).to.have.prop('color', 'success');
-				});
-			});
-		});
-		describe('dataformat', () => {
-			const dfs = [
-				{
-					name: 'test/df/1',
-					contents: {
-						'field_1': 'string',
-					}
-				}
-			].concat(testDfs);
-			dfs.forEach(function(df) {
-				it(`${ df.name }`, () => {
-					wrapper = mount(<C entity='dataformat' obj={df} />);
-					expect(wrapper.find('Badge')).to.have.prop('color', 'success');
-				});
-			});
-		});
-		describe('library', () => {
-			const libs = [
-				{
-					name: 'test/lib/1',
-					contents: {
-						language: 'python',
-					}
-				}
-			].concat(testLibs);
-			libs.forEach(function(lib) {
-				it(`${ lib.name }`, () => {
-					wrapper = mount(<C entity='library' obj={lib} />);
-					expect(wrapper.find('Badge')).to.have.prop('color', 'success');
-				});
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('should reject', () => {
-		describe('database', () => {
-			const dbs = [
-				{
-					name: 'test/test/1',
-					contents: {
-						'root_folder': '/testing',
-						description: 'this is the basic test case for database schema validation',
-						protocols: [
-							{
-								name: 'protocol_1',
-								template: 'template_1',
-								sets: [
-									{
-										name: 'set_1',
-										view: 'view_1',
-										template: 'set_template_1',
-										parameters: {
-											param1: 'i dont know what these are'
-										},
-										outputs: {
-											output_1: 'a/wrong/output',
-										}
-									}
-								]
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				},
-				{
-					name: 'test/test/1',
-					contents: {
-						description: 'this is the basic test case for database schema validation',
-						protocols: [
-							{
-								name: 'protocol_1',
-								template: 'template_1',
-								sets: [
-									{
-										name: 'set_1',
-										view: 'view_1',
-										template: 'set_template_1',
-										parameters: {
-											param1: 'i dont know what these are'
-										},
-										outputs: {
-											output_1: 'a/wrong/output',
-										}
-									}
-								]
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				}
-			];
-			dbs.forEach(function(db) {
-				it(`${ db.name }`, () => {
-					wrapper = mount(<C entity='database' obj={db} />);
-					expect(wrapper.find('Badge')).to.have.prop('color', 'danger');
-				});
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/AlgorithmEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/AlgorithmEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 2318f550331f469e342df893293d8e80a53a6195..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/AlgorithmEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	Form, FormGroup,
-	Label, Input,
-	Card, CardHeader, CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink,
-	Alert,
-	UncontrolledDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu,
-	InputGroup, InputGroupAddon,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import { changeObjFieldName, generateNewKey, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import { algorithmValidator, BUILTIN_TYPES, ANALYZER_RESULT_TYPES, getValidAlgorithmObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { AlgorithmValidatorObject, BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import TemplateButton from '../EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx';
-import InfoTooltip from '../InfoTooltip.jsx';
-import ParameterCreate from '../ParameterCreate.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	algorithms: BeatObject[],
-	libraries: BeatObject[],
-	dataformats: BeatObject[],
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-type State = {
-	// which tab the user is viewing (endpoints, params, etc.)
-	activeTab: string,
-	// algorithm-specific validity checking (alerts for common errors & warnings)
-	validity: AlgorithmValidatorObject,
-	// parameters can restrict their values to individual choices
-	// this string represents a choice that is being edited
-	choiceCache: string,
-// represents an input or output value
-// inputs/outputs are just an object with a "type" field
-type IOEntry = {|
-	type: string,
-// represents a collection of inputs/outputs
-type IOObject = {
-	[string]: IOEntry,
-// represents a group/endpoint, optionally with outputs
-type Group = {
-	name: string,
-	inputs: IOObject,
-	outputs?: IOObject,
-export class AlgorithmEditor extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		//console.log(`Creating AlgDetail`);
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		activeTab: '0',
-		validity: algorithmValidator(this.props.data, this.props.algorithms),
-		choiceCache: '',
-	}
-	// if the data changes behind the scenes, update the editor with these changes
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props) => {
-		if(this.props !== prevProps){
-			this.setState({
-				validity: this.getValidity(this.props.data, this.props.algorithms),
-			});
-		}
-	}
-	// get the result types (analyzer result types are restricted to a subset of all available types)
-	getResultDfs = (): string[] => ANALYZER_RESULT_TYPES.concat(this.props.dataformats.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(d => d.name))
-	// returns a validity object based on the given algorithm cache and list of all algorithms
-	getValidity = (cache: BeatObject = this.props.data, algs: BeatObject[] = this.props.algorithms): AlgorithmValidatorObject => {
-		return algorithmValidator(cache, algs.filter(o => o !== this.props.data));
-	}
-	// much like getValidity but just returns a bool
-	// doesnt worry about warnings, just errors
-	isValid = (cache: BeatObject): boolean => {
-		const isValid = Object.entries(this.getValidity(cache))
-		.filter(([name, bool]) => name !== (this.isAnalyzer() ? 'endpoint0OutputExists' : 'result0Exists'))
-		.reduce((bool, [name, b]): boolean => (!!b) && bool, true)
-		;
-		return isValid;
-	}
-	// change the tab
-	tabTo = (tab: string) => { if(this.state.activeTab !== tab) this.setState({ activeTab: tab }); }
-	// is the algorithm an analyzer?
-	// theres no flag set, so instead check for the existence of a 'splittable' field which only normal algorithms have
-	isAnalyzer = (): boolean => { return !Object.keys(this.props.data.contents).includes('splittable');  }
-	// helper to change a value in the "contents" subobject of an algorithm
-	// (this is where the vast majority of change happens)
-	changeContentsVal = (field: string, val: any) => {
-		const newCache = {
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				...this.props.data.contents,
-				[field]: val
-			}
-		};
-		this.props.updateFunc(newCache);
-	}
-	// updates an old group object to a new group object
-	updateGroup = (oldGroup: Group, newGroup: Group) => {
-		const gIdx = this.props.data.contents.groups.findIndex(g => JSON.stringify(g) === JSON.stringify(oldGroup));
-		const newGroups = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.groups);
-		newGroups[gIdx] = newGroup;
-		this.changeContentsVal('groups', newGroups);
-	}
-	// 4 different functions:
-	// creates a parameter (provide name & value)
-	// updates a parameter (provide name & value)
-	// renames a parameter (provide name & value & the old name)
-	// deletes a parameter (provide null as name, value is optional, the name)
-	updateParameter = (name: null | string, value: any, oldName: ?string) => {
-		const params = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.parameters);
-		if(oldName)
-			delete params[oldName];
-		if(name !== null)
-			params[name] = value;
-		this.changeContentsVal('parameters', params);
-	}
-	// updates a result given the result name and the value obj
-	updateResult = (name: string, res: any) => {
-		const rs = this.props.data.contents.results;
-		rs[name] = res;
-		this.changeContentsVal('results', rs);
-	}
-	// toggles the algorithm to an analyzer algorithm
-	changeToAnalyzer = () => {
-		const contents = copyObj(this.props.data.contents);
-		contents.groups = contents.groups.map(g => {
-			delete g['outputs'];
-			return g;
-		});
-		contents.results = {};
-		delete contents['splittable'];
-		const newCache = {
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents
-		};
-		this.props.updateFunc(newCache);
-	}
-	// toggles the algorithm to a normal algorithm
-	changeToNormal = () => {
-		const contents = copyObj(this.props.data.contents);
-		delete contents.results;
-		if(contents.groups.length > 0)
-			contents.groups[0].outputs = {};
-		contents.splittable = false;
-		const newCache = {
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents
-		};
-		this.props.updateFunc(newCache);
-	}
-	// generates a func from a given group & type that takes an input/output name
-	// and deletes it from the group
-	deleteIO = (group: Group, type: 'inputs' | 'outputs') => (name: string) => {
-		if(!group[type])
-			return;
-		delete group[type][name];
-		this.updateGroup(group, { ...group });
-	}
-	// rendergs the endpoints tab
-	renderEndpoints = () => (
-		<TabPane tabId='0'>
-			{
-				// loop through all groups in the alg
-				this.props.data.contents.groups.map((group: Group, i, groups: Group[]) => {
-					// func to update an input/output
-					// lets you change the name and/or the type
-					const ioUpdate = (subObj: 'inputs' | 'outputs') => (oldName: string, newName: string, newObj: IOEntry) => {
-						const changedObj = changeObjFieldName(group[subObj], oldName, newName);
-						changedObj[newName] = newObj;
-						this.updateGroup(group,
-							{
-								...group,
-								[subObj]: changedObj
-							}
-						);
-					};
-					const inputsUpdate = ioUpdate('inputs');
-					const outputsUpdate = ioUpdate('outputs');
-					return (
-						<Row key={i} className='mb-2' id={`endpoint${ i }`}>
-							<Col sm='12'>
-								<Card>
-									{ groups.length > 1 &&
-											<CardHeader>
-												Group { i }
-											</CardHeader>
-									}
-									<CardBody>
-										{ Object.keys(group.inputs).length === 0 && i !== 0 &&
-												<Alert color='warning'>
-													In general, an endpoint group should have at least 1 input.
-												</Alert>
-										}
-										<Row>
-											<Col sm={group.outputs ? '6' : '12'}>
-												{
-													(Object.entries(group.inputs): [string, any][])
-													.map(([name, ioObj], i, gEntries) =>
-														<TypedField
-															className='algInput'
-															key={i}
-															name={name}
-															type={ioObj.type}
-															types={this.props.dataformats.map(d => d.name)}
-															existingFields={gEntries.map(([n, v]) => n)}
-															nameUpdateFunc={str => inputsUpdate(name, str, ioObj)}
-															typeUpdateFunc={str => inputsUpdate(
-																name,
-																name,
-																{ type: str }
-															)}
-															deleteFunc={() => this.deleteIO(group, 'inputs')(name)}
-														/>
-													)
-												}
-												<Button outline block
-													id='newInputBtn'
-													onClick={(e) => {
-														const newKey = generateNewKey('input', Object.keys(group.inputs));
-														this.updateGroup(
-															group,
-															{
-																...group,
-																inputs: {
-																	...group.inputs,
-																	[newKey]: { type: '' }
-																}
-															}
-														);
-													}}
-												>
-													New Input
-												</Button>
-											</Col>
-											{ group.outputs && (
-												<Col sm='6'>
-													{
-														(Object.entries(group.outputs): [string, any][])
-														.map(([name, ioObj], i, gEntries) =>
-															<TypedField
-																className='algOutput'
-																key={i}
-																name={name}
-																type={ioObj.type}
-																types={this.props.dataformats.map(d => d.name)}
-																existingFields={gEntries.map(([n, v]) => n)}
-																nameUpdateFunc={str => outputsUpdate(name, str, ioObj)}
-																typeUpdateFunc={str => outputsUpdate(
-																	name,
-																	name,
-																	{ type: str }
-																)}
-																deleteFunc={() => this.deleteIO(group, 'outputs')(name)}
-															/>
-														)
-													}
-													<Button outline block
-														id='newOutputBtn'
-														onClick={(e) => {
-															const newKey = generateNewKey('output', Object.keys(group.outputs));
-															this.updateGroup(
-																group,
-																{
-																	...group,
-																	outputs: {
-																		...group.outputs,
-																		[newKey]: { type: '' }
-																	}
-																}
-															);
-														}}
-													>
-														New Output
-													</Button>
-												</Col>
-											)}
-										</Row>
-									</CardBody>
-									{ i !== 0 &&
-										<Button block color='danger' outline
-											onClick={() => this.changeContentsVal(
-												'groups',
-												groups
-												.filter(g => g.name !== group.name)
-											)}
-										>
-											Delete Group
-										</Button>
-									}
-								</Card>
-							</Col>
-						</Row>
-					);
-				})
-			}
-			<Button block
-				id='newGroupBtn'
-				onClick={(e) => {
-					const newGroupName = generateNewKey('group', this.props.data.contents.groups.map(g => g.name));
-					const newGroup = {
-						name: newGroupName,
-						inputs: {},
-					};
-					if(!this.isAnalyzer() && this.props.data.contents.groups.length === 0)
-						newGroup.outputs = {};
-					this.changeContentsVal(
-						'groups',
-						[... this.props.data.contents.groups, newGroup ]
-					);
-				}}
-			>
-				New Group
-			</Button>
-		</TabPane>
-	);
-	// renders the parameters tab
-	renderParameters = () => {
-		return (
-			<TabPane tabId='1'>
-				{
-					// loop through all the parameters
-					(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.parameters): [string, any][]).map(([name, param], i, params) => (
-						<Row key={i} className='mb-2'>
-							<Col sm='12'>
-								<ParameterCreate
-									name={name}
-									param={param}
-									params={params}
-									updateParameter={this.updateParameter}
-								/>
-							</Col>
-						</Row>
-					))
-				}
-				<Button outline block
-					id='newParameterBtn'
-					onClick={() => {
-						const newKey = generateNewKey('parameter', Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.parameters || {}));
-						this.changeContentsVal('parameters',
-							{
-								...(this.props.data.contents.parameters || {}),
-								[newKey]: {
-									type: '',
-									default: '',
-									description: '',
-								}
-							}
-						);
-					}}
-				>
-					New Parameter
-				</Button>
-			</TabPane>
-		);
-	}
-	// renders the libraries tab
-	renderLibraries = () => (
-		<TabPane tabId='2'>
-			<Row>
-				<Col sm='12'>
-					{
-						// loop through all the used libs
-						(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.uses): [string, any][])
-						.map(([name, lib], i, lEntries) => (
-							<TypedField
-								key={i}
-								name={name}
-								type={lib}
-								types={this.props.libraries.map(l => l.name)}
-								existingFields={lEntries.map(([n, v]) => n)}
-								nameUpdateFunc={str => {
-									// update the alias
-									this.changeContentsVal('uses',
-										changeObjFieldName(
-											this.props.data.contents.uses,
-											name,
-											str
-										)
-									);
-								}}
-								typeUpdateFunc={str => {
-									// update the chosen library for the alias
-									const libs = {
-										...this.props.data.contents.uses,
-										[name]: str
-									};
-									this.changeContentsVal('uses', libs);
-								}}
-								deleteFunc={() => {
-									const libs = { ...this.props.data.contents.uses };
-									delete libs[name];
-									this.changeContentsVal('uses', libs);
-								}}
-							/>
-						))
-					}
-				</Col>
-			</Row>
-			<Button outline block
-				id='newLibraryBtn'
-				onClick={() => {
-					const newKey = generateNewKey('library', Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.uses));
-					this.changeContentsVal('uses',
-						{
-							...this.props.data.contents.uses,
-							[newKey]: ''
-						}
-					);
-				}}
-			>
-				New Library
-			</Button>
-		</TabPane>
-	);
-	// renders the results tab (only if the alg is an analyzer)
-	renderResults = () => (
-		<TabPane tabId='3'>
-			{
-				// loop through results
-				(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.results): [string, any][])
-				.map(([name, result], i, rEntries) => (
-					<TypedField
-						key={i}
-						name={name}
-						type={result.type}
-						types={this.getResultDfs()}
-						existingFields={rEntries.map(([n, v]) => n)}
-						nameUpdateFunc={str => this.changeContentsVal(
-							'results',
-							changeObjFieldName(
-								this.props.data.contents.results,
-								name,
-								str
-							)
-						)}
-						typeUpdateFunc={str => this.updateResult(name,
-							{
-								...result,
-								type: str
-							}
-						)}
-						deleteFunc={() => {
-							const newRes = {
-								...this.props.data.contents.results
-							};
-							delete newRes[name];
-							this.changeContentsVal(
-								'results',
-								newRes
-							);
-						}}
-					>
-						<Col>
-							{/* display by default checkbox */}
-							<Label check>
-								<Input
-									type='checkbox'
-									value={result.display ? true : false}
-									onChange={(e) => this.changeContentsVal(
-										'results',
-										{ ...this.props.data.contents.results,
-											[name] : {
-												...result,
-												display: e.target.checked
-											}
-										})
-									}
-								/>
-								{' '}
-								<span>Display By Default</span>
-							</Label>
-						</Col>
-					</TypedField>
-				))
-			}
-			<Button outline block
-				id='newResultBtn'
-				onClick={() => {
-					const newKey = generateNewKey('result', Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.results));
-					this.changeContentsVal(
-						'results',
-						{...this.props.data.contents.results,
-							[newKey]: {
-								display: false,
-								type: ''
-							}
-						}
-					);
-				}}
-			>
-				New Result
-			</Button>
-		</TabPane>
-	);
-	render = () => (
-		<div>
-			{/* header content (save button & template gen button) */}
-			<div className='d-flex'>
-				<Button
-					className='mx-auto'
-					outline
-					color='secondary'
-					onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-				>
-					Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='algorithm' obj={this.props.data} />)
-				</Button>
-				<TemplateButton
-					data={this.props.data}
-					entity={'algorithm'}
-				/>
-			</div>
-			{/* simple universal stuff - description, what type of alg, if its splittable */}
-			<Form>
-				<React.Fragment>
-				<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-					<FormGroup>
-						<Label for='algDesc'>Short Description</Label>
-						<Input
-							type='text'
-							name='desc'
-							id='algDesc'
-							placeholder='Algorithm description...'
-							value={this.props.data.contents.description}
-							onChange={(e) => this.changeContentsVal('description', e.target.value)}
-						/>
-					</FormGroup>
-					<FormGroup check>
-						<Label check>
-							<Input
-								id='algAnalyzer'
-								type='checkbox'
-								checked={this.isAnalyzer()}
-								onChange={e => e.target.checked ? this.changeToAnalyzer() : this.changeToNormal()}
-							/>{' '}
-							<InfoTooltip
-								id='analyzerTooltip'
-								info={`Checking this option makes this algorithm an "analyzer". Analyzers are made to analyze the experiment's performance (and other characteristics). Experiments must have 1 and only analyzer at the end of the experiment's toolchain. These types of algorithms produce evalution data for the user, such as plots, scores, and statistics.`}
-							>
-								Analyser
-							</InfoTooltip>
-						</Label>
-					</FormGroup>
-					{ !this.isAnalyzer() &&
-							<FormGroup check>
-								<Label check>
-									<Input
-										id='algSplittable'
-										type='checkbox'
-										checked={this.props.data.contents.splittable ? true : false}
-										onChange={e => this.changeContentsVal('splittable', e.target.checked)}
-									/>{' '}
-									<InfoTooltip
-										id='splittableTooltip'
-										info={`A non-analyzer algorithm may be decided to be "splittable". Being splittable means that multiple instances of the algorithm may be ran in parallel on different bits of input. Non-splittable algorithms usually have some sort of aggregation/cross-input activity. Most algorithms will be splittable, but it is much easier to debug an algorithm with it being non-splittable.`}
-									>
-										Splittable
-									</InfoTooltip>
-								</Label>
-							</FormGroup>
-					}
-				</FormGroup>
-				{/* most errors/warnings from the current AlgorithmValidator object are displayed here */}
-				{
-					(!this.isAnalyzer() || this.getValidity().result0Exists) ||
-						<Alert color='danger'>
-							You need at least 1 result from an Analyzer.
-						</Alert>
-				}
-				{
-					this.getValidity().endpoint0Exists ||
-						<Alert color='danger'>
-							You need at least 1 endpoint group.
-						</Alert>
-				}
-				{
-					(this.isAnalyzer() || this.getValidity().endpoint0OutputExists) ||
-						<Alert color='danger'>
-							You must have at least 1 output
-							in the first endpoint group.
-						</Alert>
-				}
-				{
-					this.getValidity().endpoint0InputExists ||
-						<Alert color='danger'>
-							You need at least 1 input in the first endpoint group.
-						</Alert>
-				}
-				{/* all the tabs: endpoints, params, libs, results */}
-				<Nav tabs className='mt-3 mb-3'>
-					<NavItem>
-						<NavLink
-							className={cn({ active: this.state.activeTab === '0' })}
-							onClick={() => this.tabTo('0')}
-						>
-							<InfoTooltip
-								id='endpointTooltip'
-								info={`Endpoints are groups of inputs & outputs. An algorithm can have multiple endpoints (and must have at least 1), but each endpoint must have at least 1 input. If the algorithm is an analyzer, no groups can have outputs. If it is not an analyzer, only the first endpoint can have outputs, and at least 1 output is required.`}
-							>
-								Endpoints
-							</InfoTooltip>
-						</NavLink>
-					</NavItem>
-					<NavItem>
-						<NavLink
-							className={cn({ active: this.state.activeTab === '1' })}
-							onClick={() => this.tabTo('1')}
-						>
-							<InfoTooltip
-								id='parametersTooltip'
-								info={`Parameters are completely optional, allowing for users to change the functionality of the block when configuring an experiment. Parameters lend themselves to building reusable and flexible blocks. For example, a parameter could allow configuring the number of components in PCA, or choosing kernels/kernel parameters for an SVM.`}
-							>
-								Parameters
-							</InfoTooltip>
-						</NavLink>
-					</NavItem>
-					<NavItem>
-						<NavLink
-							className={cn({ active: this.state.activeTab === '2' })}
-							onClick={() => this.tabTo('2')}
-						>
-							<InfoTooltip
-								id='libraryTooltip'
-								info={`Libraries provide DRYness to code development for objects in the BEAT platform. Libraries are groups of functions under a given namespace. You may use libraries by adding it to your algorithm and referencing the namespace in your algorithm by the nickname you provide here.`}
-							>
-								Libraries
-							</InfoTooltip>
-						</NavLink>
-					</NavItem>
-					{ this.isAnalyzer() &&
-							<NavItem>
-								<NavLink
-									className={cn({ active: this.state.activeTab === '3' })}
-									onClick={() => this.tabTo('3')}
-								>
-									<InfoTooltip
-										id='resultsTooltip'
-										info={`Results are only for analyzer algorithms. They are similar to outputs in normal algorithms, but provide evaluation information on the whole experiment instead of output data to be processed by another block. Examples are plot data (for example, data for an ROC curve), scores, and statistics.`}
-									>
-										Results
-									</InfoTooltip>
-								</NavLink>
-							</NavItem>
-					}
-				</Nav>
-				<TabContent className='mb-3' activeTab={this.state.activeTab}>
-					{ this.renderEndpoints() }
-					{ this.renderParameters() }
-					{ this.renderLibraries() }
-					{ this.props.data.contents.results && this.renderResults() }
-				</TabContent>
-			</React.Fragment>
-			</Form>
-		</div>
-	);
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const algs = Selectors.algorithmGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		algorithms: algs,
-		libraries: Selectors.libraryGet(state),
-		dataformats: Selectors.dataformatGet(state),
-		data: algs[ownProps.index] || getValidObj()
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`algorithmUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(AlgorithmEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/AlgorithmEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/AlgorithmEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 446093add5cfd621312af4302d281a43d781f6c9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/AlgorithmEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,691 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { AlgorithmEditor as C } from '.';
-import {  getValidAlgorithmObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import testAlgs from '@test/test_algs.json';
-import testDfs from '@test/test_dfs.json';
-import testLibs from '@test/test_libs.json';
-const libs = [];
-const dfs = [];
-describe('<AlgorithmEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const algs = [
-			{
-				name: 'test/non-analyzer-alg/1',
-				contents: {
-					language: 'python',
-					description: 'A basic algorithm as a sanity test for the AlgorithmEditor',
-					groups: [
-						{
-							name: 'group_1',
-							inputs: {
-								'input_1': { type: 'test/df/1' },
-							},
-							outputs: {
-								'output_1': { type: 'test/df/2' },
-							},
-						}
-					],
-					uses: {
-						'library_1': 'a/lib/1',
-					},
-					parameters: {
-						'parameter_1': {
-							type: 'string',
-							choice: [
-								'choice_1',
-								'choice_2',
-								'choice_3',
-							],
-							default: 'choice_1',
-						}
-					},
-					// non-analyzer
-					splittable: false,
-				}
-			}
-		].concat(testAlgs.map(a => getValidObj(a)));
-		algs.forEach(function(alg){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			it(`${ alg.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={getValidObj(alg)}
-						algorithms={algs}
-						dataformats={dfs}
-						libraries={libs}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-				).deep.equal(
-					[alg, algs, dfs, libs, saveFunc, updateFunc]
-				);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it('user/integers_echo/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const algName = 'user/integers_echo/1';
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: algName, contents: {}})}
-					algorithms={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', algName);
-			wrapper.find('#algSplittable input').prop('onChange')( { target: { checked: true }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('splittable', true);
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('groups').with.lengthOf(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('outputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('name', 'group');
-			wrapper.find('button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			wrapper.find('button#newOutputBtn').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			wrapper.find('.algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			wrapper.find('.algOutput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out_data' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(5);
-			const ioType = 'system/integer/1';
-			wrapper.find('.algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(6);
-			wrapper.find('.algOutput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(7);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data', { type: ioType });
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].outputs).to.have.deep.property('out_data', { type: ioType });
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				description: '',
-				'groups': [
-					{
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						},
-						'name': 'group',
-						'outputs': {
-							'out_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				],
-				parameters: {},
-				uses: {},
-				'splittable': true,
-				'language': 'python'
-			});
-		});
-		it('user/integers_add/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const algName = 'user/integers_add/1';
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: algName, contents: {}})}
-					algorithms={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', algName);
-			wrapper.find('#algSplittable input').prop('onChange')( { target: { checked: true }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('splittable', true);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('groups').with.lengthOf(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('outputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('name', 'group');
-			wrapper.find('button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newOutputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data' }});
-			wrapper.find('.algOutput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out_data' }});
-			const ioType = 'system/integer/1';
-			wrapper.find('.algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			wrapper.find('.algOutput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data', { type: ioType });
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].outputs).to.have.deep.property('out_data', { type: ioType });
-			wrapper.find('a')
-			.findWhere(w => {
-				const html = w.html();
-				return html && html.includes('Parameters');
-			})
-			.at(0)
-			.simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newParameterBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[placeholder="Parameter name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'offset' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="1"] select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'int32' }});
-			wrapper.find('input[placeholder="Default"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: '1' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.parameters).to.have.deep.property('offset', {
-				'default': '1',
-				'type': 'int32',
-				'description': '',
-			});
-			wrapper.find('a')
-			.findWhere(w => {
-				const html = w.html();
-				return html && html.includes('Libraries');
-			})
-			.at(0)
-			.simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newLibraryBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="2"] CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'lib' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="2"] select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'user/thelib/1' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.uses).to.have.property('lib', 'user/thelib/1');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				description: '',
-				'groups': [
-					{
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						},
-						'name': 'group',
-						'outputs': {
-							'out_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				],
-				'parameters': {
-					'offset': {
-						'default': '1',
-						'type': 'int32',
-						description: '',
-					}
-				},
-				'uses': {
-					'lib': 'user/thelib/1'
-				},
-				'splittable': true,
-				'language': 'python'
-			});
-		});
-		it('user/integers_echo_analyzer/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const algName = 'user/integer_echo_analyzer/1';
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: algName, contents: {}})}
-					algorithms={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', algName);
-			wrapper.find('#algAnalyzer input').prop('onChange')( { target: { checked: true }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('results');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('groups').with.lengthOf(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.not.have.property('outputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('name', 'group');
-			wrapper.find('button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data' }});
-			const ioType = 'system/integer/1';
-			wrapper.find('.algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data', { type: ioType });
-			wrapper.find('a')
-			.findWhere(w => {
-				const html = w.html();
-				return html && html.includes('Results');
-			})
-			.at(0)
-			.simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newResultBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newResultBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newResultBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newResultBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] CacheInput[type="text"]').at(0).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'roc' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] select').at(0).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'plot/isoroc/1' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] CacheInput[type="text"]').at(1).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'plot' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] select').at(1).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'plot/scatter/1' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] CacheInput[type="text"]').at(2).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out_data' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] select').at(2).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'int32' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] CacheInput[type="text"]').at(3).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'bar_plot' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] select').at(3).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'plot/bar/1' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.results).to.deep.equal({
-				'roc': {
-					'type': 'plot/isoroc/1',
-					'display': false
-				},
-				'plot': {
-					'type': 'plot/scatter/1',
-					'display': false
-				},
-				'out_data': {
-					'type': 'int32',
-					'display': false
-				},
-				'bar_plot': {
-					'type': 'plot/bar/1',
-					'display': false
-				}
-			});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				description: '',
-				'groups': [
-					{
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						},
-						'name': 'group'
-					}
-				],
-				parameters: {},
-				uses: {},
-				'language': 'python',
-				'results': {
-					'roc': {
-						'type': 'plot/isoroc/1',
-						'display': false
-					},
-					'plot': {
-						'type': 'plot/scatter/1',
-						'display': false
-					},
-					'out_data': {
-						'type': 'int32',
-						'display': false
-					},
-					'bar_plot': {
-						'type': 'plot/bar/1',
-						'display': false
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		it('user/integers_echo_ignore/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const algName = 'user/integers_echo/1';
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: algName, contents: {}})}
-					algorithms={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', algName);
-			wrapper.find('#algSplittable input').prop('onChange')( { target: { checked: true }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('splittable', true);
-			wrapper.find('button#newGroupBtn').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('groups').with.lengthOf(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('outputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[1]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[1]).to.not.have.property('outputs');
-			// Group 1
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('name', 'group');
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint0 button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint0 button#newOutputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint0 .algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data' }});
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint0 .algOutput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out_data' }});
-			const ioType = 'system/integer/1';
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint0 .algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint0 .algOutput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data', { type: ioType });
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].outputs).to.have.deep.property('out_data', { type: ioType });
-			// Group 2
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[1]).to.have.property('name', 'group0');
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint1 button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint1 .algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data2' }});
-			wrapper.find('#endpoint1 .algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[1].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data2', { type: ioType });
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.be.deep.equal({
-				description: '',
-				'groups': [
-					{
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						},
-						'name': 'group',
-						'outputs': {
-							'out_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data2': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						},
-						'name': 'group0'
-					}
-				],
-				parameters: {},
-				uses: {},
-				'splittable': true,
-				'language': 'python'
-			});
-		});
-		it('system/integers_echo_sleep/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const algName = 'user/integers_echo_sleep/1';
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: algName, contents: {}})}
-					algorithms={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', algName);
-			wrapper.find('#algSplittable input').prop('onChange')( { target: { checked: true }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('splittable', true);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('groups').with.lengthOf(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('outputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('name', 'group');
-			wrapper.find('button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newOutputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data' }});
-			wrapper.find('.algOutput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out_data' }});
-			const ioType = 'system/integer/1';
-			wrapper.find('.algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			wrapper.find('.algOutput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data', { type: ioType });
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].outputs).to.have.deep.property('out_data', { type: ioType });
-			wrapper.find('a')
-			.findWhere(w => {
-				const html = w.html();
-				return html && html.includes('Parameters');
-			})
-			.at(0)
-			.simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newParameterBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[placeholder="Parameter name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'delay' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="1"] select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'uint32' }});
-			wrapper.find('input[placeholder="Default"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: '30' }});
-			wrapper.find('input[placeholder="Description"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Time to sleep in seconds' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.parameters).to.have.deep.property('delay', {
-				'default': '30',
-				'type': 'uint32',
-				'description': 'Time to sleep in seconds',
-			});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.be.deep.equal({
-				description: '',
-				uses: {},
-				'language': 'python',
-				'splittable': true,
-				'groups': [
-					{
-						'name': 'group',
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						},
-						'outputs': {
-							'out_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				],
-				'parameters': {
-					'delay': {
-						'default': '30',
-						'type': 'uint32',
-						'description': 'Time to sleep in seconds'
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		it('user/integers_mean_analyzer/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const algName = 'user/integers_mean_analyzer/1';
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: algName, contents: {}})}
-					algorithms={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'algorithms', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', algName);
-			wrapper.find('#algAnalyzer input').prop('onChange')( { target: { checked: true }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('results');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('groups').with.lengthOf(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('inputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.not.have.property('outputs');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0]).to.have.property('name', 'group');
-			wrapper.find('button#newInputBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.algInput').find('CacheInput').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'in_data' }});
-			const ioType = 'system/integer/1';
-			wrapper.find('.algInput select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: ioType }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.groups[0].inputs).to.have.deep.property('in_data', { type: ioType });
-			wrapper.find('a')
-			.findWhere(w => {
-				const html = w.html();
-				return html && html.includes('Results');
-			})
-			.at(0)
-			.simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newResultBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('button#newResultBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] CacheInput[type="text"]').at(0).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'plot' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] select').at(0).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'plot/scatter/1' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] CacheInput[type="text"]').at(1).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out_data' }});
-			wrapper.find('[tabId="3"] select').at(1).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'float32' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.results).to.deep.equal({
-				'plot': {
-					'type': 'plot/scatter/1',
-					'display': false,
-				},
-				'out_data': {
-					'type': 'float32',
-					'display': false
-				},
-			});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				description: '',
-				uses: {},
-				parameters: {},
-				'language': 'python',
-				'groups': [
-					{
-						name: 'group',
-						'inputs': {
-							'in_data': {
-								'type': 'system/integer/1'
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				],
-				'results': {
-					'out_data': {
-						'type': 'float32',
-						'display': false
-					},
-					'plot': {
-						'type': 'plot/scatter/1',
-						'display': false
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ee4f49289cafcf9885af25b9aec6767fd5c0e390..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/algorithm/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedAlgorithmEditor, {AlgorithmEditor} from './AlgorithmEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	AlgorithmEditor,
-export default ConnectedAlgorithmEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.css b/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d5dca69cdd560a30fd44036f0fd5b50c9f4ea19..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-.databaseEditor .toc > h4 {
-	text-align: center;
-.databaseEditor .toc {
-	right: 0;
-	top: 3em;
-	width: calc(50% - (1140px / 2));
-	position: fixed;
-	overflow-y: auto;
-	bottom: 0;
-.databaseEditor .toc > .list-group > .list-group-item {
-	border-right: none;
-	border-top-right-radius: 0;
-	border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d90069e023f140b46f36fa3860dae79de4dc0fe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,984 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	Dropdown, UncontrolledDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	ListGroup, ListGroupItem,
-	UncontrolledTooltip,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import './DatabaseEditor.css';
-import { changeObjFieldName, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import { getValidDatabaseObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import fuse from 'fuse.js';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import TemplateButton from '../EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx';
-import InfoTooltip from '../InfoTooltip.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	databases: BeatObject[],
-	dataformats: BeatObject[],
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	protocols: SelectorProtocol[]
-export type Protocol = {
-	name: string,
-	template: string,
-	sets: Set[],
-// the protocols from the databaseProtocols selector has an additional field
-// that's not in the protocols in database objects
-type SelectorProtocol = Protocol & { database: string };
-type State = {
-	activeProtocol: number,
-	insertProtocolOpen: boolean,
-	searchResults: SelectorProtocol[],
-export type Set = {
-	name: string,
-	template: string,
-	view: string,
-	parameters: {
-		[string]: string,
-	},
-	outputs: {
-		[string]: string,
-	},
-const FuseOptions = {
-	shouldSort: true,
-	tokenize: true,
-	threshold: 0.6,
-	location: 0,
-	distance: 100,
-	maxPatternLength: 32,
-	minMatchCharLength: 1,
-	keys: ['template'],
-let Fuse;
-export class DatabaseEditor extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		activeProtocol: 0,
-		insertProtocolOpen: false,
-		searchResults: [],
-	}
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				'description': this.props.data.contents['description'],
-				...newContents,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	componentDidMount = () => {
-		this.updateFuseInstance();
-	}
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props, prevState: State) => {
-		this.updateFuseInstance(prevProps);
-	}
-	updateFuseInstance = (prevProps?: Props) => {
-		// update fuse & reset results if search data changed
-		if(!prevProps || this.props.protocols !== prevProps.protocols){
-			Fuse = new fuse(this.props.protocols, FuseOptions);
-		}
-	}
-	activateProtocol = (index: number) => {
-		this.setState({ activeProtocol: index });
-	}
-	updateProtocol = (index: number, obj: Protocol) => {
-		this.setContents({
-			...this.props.data.contents,
-			protocols: this.props.data.contents.protocols.map((o, i) => i === index ? obj : o)
-		});
-	}
-	updateSet = (idxProtocol: number, idxSet: number, obj: Set) => {
-		const protocol = this.props.data.contents.protocols[idxProtocol];
-		this.updateProtocol(
-			idxProtocol,
-			{
-				...protocol,
-				sets: protocol.sets.map((s, i) => i === idxSet ? obj : s)
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	toggleInsertProtocol = (val: boolean = !this.state.insertProtocolOpen) => {
-		this.setState({ insertProtocolOpen: val });
-	};
-	protocolSearch = (str: string) => {
-		const res = Fuse.search(str);
-		this.setState(prevState => ({
-			searchResults: res.slice(0, 5),
-			insertProtocolOpen: res.length > 0,
-		}));
-	};
-	// if the protocol template name has any uses with a different protocol makeup,
-	// returns the info on all other uses
-	validateProtocolTemplate = (protocol: Protocol): null | React.Node => {
-		const tName = protocol.template;
-		const prots = this.props.protocols.filter(p => p.template === tName);
-		// basically a hashmap of all the different protocols using this template name
-		// if theres more than one, theres at least two different protocols using the same template name!
-		const diffTemplateMap: {[string]: {name: string, database: string}[]} = {};
-		prots.forEach(prot => {
-			const p = copyObj(prot);
-			const pInfo = {
-				name: p.name,
-				database: p.database,
-			};
-			delete p['name'];
-			delete p['database'];
-			const json = JSON.stringify(p);
-			if(Object.keys(diffTemplateMap).includes(json)){
-				diffTemplateMap[json].push(pInfo);
-			} else {
-				diffTemplateMap[json] = [ pInfo ];
-			}
-		});
-		const tMapData = Object.entries(diffTemplateMap);
-		if(tMapData.length > 1){
-			// theres >=2 protocols using the same template name but with different contents
-			// get the currently active protocol
-			const prot = copyObj(protocol);
-			delete prot['name'];
-			delete prot['database'];
-			const pStr = JSON.stringify(prot);
-			// print out the protocols that are using the same template name but diff contents
-			const TemplateAlert = <Alert color='secondary'>
-				<p>
-					There are protocols using the same template name but with different contents:
-				</p>
-				<ul>
-					{
-						tMapData
-						// only protocols with different contents
-						.filter(([k, pData]) => k !== pStr)
-						// get all the protocols of all the different contents
-						.reduce((ps, [k, pData]) => [...ps, ...pData], [])
-						.map(({ name, database }, i) => <li key={i}>{`${ name } (${ database })`}</li>)
-					}
-				</ul>
-			</Alert>;
-			return TemplateAlert;
-		} else {
-			// valid template useage throughout all dbs
-			return null;
-		}
-	}
-	renderProtocol = (index: number, protocol: Protocol) => (
-		<Container className='protocol'>
-			<FormGroup row>
-				<Col sm='2'>
-					<Label for='protocolName' className='col-form-label'>Name</Label>
-				</Col>
-				<Col sm='10'>
-					<CacheInput
-						name='protocolName'
-						placeholder='Protocol name...'
-						value={protocol.name}
-						onChange={(e) => {
-							this.updateProtocol(index, {...protocol, name: e.target.value});
-						}}
-						fieldTest
-					/>
-				</Col>
-			</FormGroup>
-			<FormGroup row>
-				<Col sm='2'>
-					<Label for='protocolTemplate' className='col-form-label'>Template Name</Label>
-				</Col>
-				<Col sm='10'>
-					<CacheInput
-						name='protocolTemplate'
-						placeholder='Protocol Template name...'
-						value={protocol.template}
-						onChange={(e) => {
-							this.updateProtocol(index, {...protocol, template: e.target.value});
-						}}
-						fieldTest
-					/>
-				</Col>
-			</FormGroup>
-			{
-				// show an alert about protocol template usage
-				this.validateProtocolTemplate(protocol)
-			}
-			<Row className='protocolSets'>
-				<Col className='d-flex align-items-center mb-2'>
-					<h3 className='mb-0 mr-2'>
-						<InfoTooltip
-							id='setsTooltip'
-							info={`Sets provide different ways to separate the database. For example, one set providing training data and another providing testing data.`}
-						>
-							Sets
-						</InfoTooltip>
-					</h3>
-					<Button color='success'
-						id='newSet'
-						onClick={e => {
-							const newSets = [...protocol.sets, {
-								name: '',
-								template: '',
-								view: '',
-								outputs: {},
-								parameters: {},
-							}];
-							this.updateProtocol(
-								index,
-								{
-									...protocol,
-									sets: newSets
-								}
-							);
-						}}
-					>
-						+
-					</Button>
-				</Col>
-				<Col sm='12'>
-					{
-						protocol.sets.map((currSet, i) =>
-							<Row key={i} className={`set${ i }`}>
-								<Col>
-									<h4>
-										{ currSet.name }
-										{' '}
-										<ButtonGroup>
-											<Button outline color='danger'
-												onClick={e => {
-													this.updateProtocol(
-														index,
-														{
-															...protocol,
-															sets: protocol.sets.filter((s, j) => i !== j)
-														}
-													);
-												}}
-											>
-												Delete
-											</Button>
-											<Button outline color='secondary'
-												onClick={e => {
-													const newSets = [...protocol.sets];
-													newSets.splice(i + 1, 0, copyObj(currSet));
-													this.updateProtocol(
-														index,
-														{
-															...protocol,
-															sets: newSets
-														}
-													);
-												}}
-											>
-												Clone
-											</Button>
-										</ButtonGroup>
-									</h4>
-									<FormGroup row>
-										<Col>
-											<Label for={`setName${ i }`} className='col-form-label'>Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												name={`setName${ i }`}
-												placeholder='Set name...'
-												value={currSet.name}
-												onChange={(e) => {
-													this.updateSet(index, i, {...currSet, name: e.target.value});
-												}}
-												fieldTest
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col>
-											<Label for={`setTemplate${ i }`} className='col-form-label'>Template Name</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												name={`setTemplate${ i }`}
-												placeholder='Set Template name...'
-												value={currSet.template}
-												onChange={(e) => {
-													this.updateSet(index, i, {...currSet, template: e.target.value});
-												}}
-												fieldTest
-											/>
-										</Col>
-										<Col>
-											<Label for={`setView${ i }`} className='col-form-label'>
-												<InfoTooltip
-													id={`view${ i }Tooltip`}
-													info={`Every set in a database needs to have a View name assigned to it. This name references a class of the same name in the database's Python file. When data is requested from a set, the View class's code is executed.`}
-												>
-													View Name
-												</InfoTooltip>
-											</Label>
-											<CacheInput
-												name={`setView${ i }`}
-												placeholder='Set View name...'
-												value={currSet.view}
-												onChange={(e) => {
-													this.updateSet(index, i, {...currSet, view: e.target.value});
-												}}
-												fieldTest
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</FormGroup>
-									<Container className='setParameters'>
-										<Row>
-											<Col sm='12'>
-												<div className='d-flex align-items-center mb-2'>
-													<h5 className='mb-0 mr-2'>
-														<InfoTooltip
-															id={`parameters${ i }Tooltip`}
-															info={`Parameters are simple values that may be passed to the set's View class' "index" method. This lets a single View class support multiple sets by changing functionality based on these parameters.`}
-														>
-															Parameters
-														</InfoTooltip>
-													</h5>
-													<Button
-														color='success'
-														className='newParameter'
-														onClick={e => {
-															let newKey = '';
-															let v = 0;
-															while(true) {
-																const tryKey = `parameter_${ v }`;
-																if(Object.keys(currSet.parameters).includes(tryKey)){
-																	v++;
-																	continue;
-																}
-																newKey = tryKey;
-																break;
-															}
-															this.updateSet(index, i, {
-																...currSet,
-																parameters: {
-																	...currSet.parameters,
-																	[newKey]: ''
-																}
-															});
-														}}
-													>
-														+
-													</Button>
-												</div>
-											</Col>
-										</Row>
-										{
-											Object.keys(currSet.parameters).length > 0 &&
-												<Row>
-													<Col sm='6'>
-														<h6>Parameter Name</h6>
-													</Col>
-													<Col sm='6'>
-														<h6>Parameter Value</h6>
-													</Col>
-												</Row>
-										}
-										{
-											((Object.entries(currSet.parameters): any): [string, string][]).map(([pName, param], j, ps) =>
-												<FormGroup row key={j} className={`setParameter${ j }`}>
-													<Col sm='6'>
-														<CacheInput
-															fieldTest
-															value={pName}
-															onChange={e => {
-																const str = e.target.value;
-																const newParams = changeObjFieldName(
-																	currSet.parameters,
-																	pName,
-																	str
-																);
-																this.updateSet(index, i,
-																	{
-																		...currSet,
-																		parameters: newParams
-																	}
-																);
-															}}
-														>
-															<DeleteInputBtn
-																deleteFunc={() => {
-																	const newParameters = { ...currSet.parameters };
-																	delete newParameters[pName];
-																	this.updateSet(index, i,
-																		{
-																			...currSet,
-																			parameters: newParameters
-																		}
-																	);
-																}}
-															/>
-														</CacheInput>
-													</Col>
-													<Col sm='6'>
-														<CacheInput
-															fieldTest
-															value={param}
-															onChange={e => {
-																const str = e.target.value;
-																this.updateSet(index, i,
-																	{
-																		...currSet,
-																		parameters: {
-																			...currSet.parameters,
-																			[pName]: str
-																		}
-																	}
-																);
-															}}
-														/>
-													</Col>
-												</FormGroup>
-											)
-										}
-									</Container>
-									<Container className='setOutputs'>
-										<Row>
-											<Col sm='12'>
-												<div className='d-flex align-items-center mb-2'>
-													<h5 className='mb-0 mr-2'>
-														<InfoTooltip
-															id={`outputs${ i }Tooltip`}
-															info={`Every set in a database needs at least 1 output. These outputs are of a specific type and provide data to algorithm blocks connected to this output.`}
-														>
-															Outputs
-														</InfoTooltip>
-													</h5>
-													<Button
-														color='success'
-														className='newOutput'
-														onClick={e => {
-															let newKey = '';
-															let v = 0;
-															while(true) {
-																const tryKey = `output_${ v }`;
-																if(Object.keys(currSet.outputs).includes(tryKey)){
-																	v++;
-																	continue;
-																}
-																newKey = tryKey;
-																break;
-															}
-															this.updateSet(index, i, {
-																...currSet,
-																outputs: {
-																	...currSet.outputs,
-																	[newKey]: ''
-																}
-															});
-														}}
-													>
-														+
-													</Button>
-												</div>
-											</Col>
-										</Row>
-										{
-											Object.keys(currSet.outputs).length > 0 &&
-												<Row>
-													<Col sm='6'>
-														<h6>Output Name</h6>
-													</Col>
-													<Col sm='6'>
-														<h6>Output Type</h6>
-													</Col>
-												</Row>
-										}
-										{
-											((Object.entries(currSet.outputs): any): [string, string][]).map(([outputName, df], j, os) =>
-												<TypedField
-													className='setOutput'
-													key={j}
-													name={outputName}
-													type={df}
-													types={this.props.dataformats.map(d => d.name).filter(d => !['object', 'array'].includes(d))}
-													existingFields={Object.keys(currSet.outputs)}
-													nameUpdateFunc={str => {
-														const newOutputs = changeObjFieldName(
-															currSet.outputs,
-															outputName,
-															str
-														);
-														this.updateSet(index, i,
-															{
-																...currSet,
-																outputs: newOutputs
-															}
-														);
-													}}
-													typeUpdateFunc={str => this.updateSet(index, i,
-														{
-															...currSet,
-															outputs: {
-																...currSet.outputs,
-																[outputName]: str
-															}
-														}
-													)}
-													deleteFunc={() => {
-														const newOutputs = { ...currSet.outputs };
-														delete newOutputs[outputName];
-														this.updateSet(index, i,
-															{
-																...currSet,
-																outputs: newOutputs
-															}
-														);
-													}}
-												/>
-											)
-										}
-										<FormGroup row>
-											<Col sm='12'>
-											</Col>
-										</FormGroup>
-									</Container>
-								</Col>
-							</Row>
-						)
-					}
-				</Col>
-			</Row>
-		</Container>
-	);
-	render = () => {
-		const protocolIdx = this.state.activeProtocol;
-		const protocol = protocolIdx > -1 ? this.props.data.contents.protocols[protocolIdx] || undefined : undefined;
-		return (
-			<div className='databaseEditor'>
-				<div className='d-flex'>
-					<Button
-						className='mx-auto'
-						outline
-						color='secondary'
-						onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-					>
-						Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='database' obj={this.props.data} />)
-					</Button>
-					<TemplateButton
-						data={this.props.data}
-						entity={'database'}
-					/>
-				</div>
-				<Form onSubmit={(e) => e.preventDefault()}>
-					<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label for='description'>Short Description</Label>
-							<Input
-								type='text'
-								name='description'
-								placeholder='Database description...'
-								value={this.props.data.contents['description']}
-								onChange={e => this.setContents({ ...this.props.data.contents, 'description': e.target.value})}
-							/>
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label for='rootFolder'>Root Folder</Label>
-							<Input
-								type='text'
-								name='rootFolder'
-								placeholder='Valid system path...'
-								value={this.props.data.contents['root_folder']}
-								onChange={e => this.setContents({ ...this.props.data.contents, 'root_folder': e.target.value})}
-							/>
-						</FormGroup>
-					</FormGroup>
-					<div className='d-flex align-items-center mb-3'>
-						<h3 className='mr-2 mb-0'>
-							<InfoTooltip
-								id='protocolsTooltip'
-								info={`Protocols provide different use-cases for the database.`}
-							>
-								Protocols
-							</InfoTooltip>
-						</h3>
-						<UncontrolledDropdown className='mr-3'>
-							<DropdownToggle color='secondary' caret className=''>
-								Active Protocol: { protocol ? protocol.name : '' }
-							</DropdownToggle>
-							<DropdownMenu>
-								{
-									this.props.data.contents.protocols
-									.map((p, i) =>
-										<DropdownItem
-											id={`protocolChoice${ i }`}
-											key={i}
-											onClick={() => this.activateProtocol(i)}
-										>
-											{ this.props.data.contents.protocols[i].name }{' '}
-											({ this.props.data.contents.protocols[i].template })
-										</DropdownItem>
-									)
-								}
-							</DropdownMenu>
-						</UncontrolledDropdown>
-						<ButtonGroup>
-							<Button outline color='danger'
-								onClick={e => {
-									const protocols = this.props.data.contents.protocols
-									.filter((p, i) => i !== protocolIdx);
-									this.setContents({
-										...this.props.data.contents,
-										protocols
-									});
-									this.activateProtocol(protocolIdx === 0 ? 0 : protocolIdx - 1);
-								}}
-							>
-								Delete
-							</Button>
-							<Button outline color='secondary'
-								onClick={e => {
-									const protocols = [...this.props.data.contents.protocols];
-									protocols.splice(
-										protocolIdx + 1,
-										0,
-										copyObj(protocol)
-									);
-									this.setContents({
-										...this.props.data.contents,
-										protocols
-									});
-									this.activateProtocol(protocolIdx + 1);
-								}}
-							>
-								Clone
-							</Button>
-							<Button
-								outline
-								color='success'
-								id='newProtocol'
-								onClick={e => {
-									const protocols = [...this.props.data.contents.protocols, {
-										name: '',
-										template: '',
-										sets: [],
-									}];
-									this.setContents({
-										...this.props.data.contents,
-										protocols
-									});
-									this.activateProtocol(protocols.length - 1);
-								}}
-							>
-								Create
-							</Button>
-						</ButtonGroup>
-						<Dropdown
-							isOpen={this.state.insertProtocolOpen}
-							toggle={e => this.toggleInsertProtocol(false)}
-							style={{flex: 1}}
-							className='ml-2 mr-2'
-						>
-							<DropdownToggle
-								tag='span'
-							>
-								<Input
-									onChange={e => {
-										this.protocolSearch(e.target.value);
-									}}
-									id='insertProtocolSearch'
-									placeholder={`Insert protocol from template...`}
-									title={`You may insert a protocol from a template from any database`}
-								/>
-							</DropdownToggle>
-							<DropdownMenu>
-								{
-									this.state.searchResults.map((r, i) =>
-										<DropdownItem
-											tag={Button}
-											key={i}
-											className='insertProtocolOption'
-											onClick={e => {
-												const newProtocol = copyObj(r);
-												delete newProtocol['database'];
-												const newProtocols = [...this.props.data.contents.protocols, newProtocol];
-												this.setContents({
-													...this.props.data.contents,
-													protocols: newProtocols,
-												});
-												this.activateProtocol(newProtocols.length - 1);
-											}}
-										>
-											{ `${ r.template } (${ r.database })` }
-											{' '}
-											<small className='text-muted'>
-												Sets: { r.sets.length }
-											</small>
-										</DropdownItem>
-									)
-								}
-							</DropdownMenu>
-						</Dropdown>
-					</div>
-					{ protocol && this.renderProtocol(
-						protocolIdx,
-						protocol
-					)}
-				</Form>
-				<div className='toc'>
-					<h4>Quick Jump:</h4>
-					<ListGroup>
-						{
-							this.props.data.contents.protocols.map((p, i) => {
-								const setList = (
-									<ListGroup className='mt-1'>
-										{
-											p.sets.map((s, j) => {
-												return (
-													<ListGroupItem
-														key={j}
-													>
-														<Button
-															color='link'
-															size='sm'
-															onClick={e => {
-																const setEl = document.querySelector(`.set${ j }`);
-																if(!setEl)
-																	return;
-																setEl.scrollIntoView(true);
-															}}
-														>
-															{ s.name.length > 20 ? `${ s.name.slice(0, 20) }…` : s.name }
-															{' '}
-														</Button>
-														<ButtonGroup className='float-right'>
-															<Button size='sm' outline color='danger'
-																onClick={e => {
-																	this.updateProtocol(
-																		i,
-																		{
-																			...p,
-																			sets: p.sets.filter((s, k) => j !== k)
-																		}
-																	);
-																}}
-															>
-																Delete
-															</Button>
-															<Button size='sm' outline color='secondary'
-																onClick={e => {
-																	const newSets = [...p.sets];
-																	newSets.splice(j + 1, 0, copyObj(s));
-																	this.updateProtocol(
-																		i,
-																		{
-																			...p,
-																			sets: newSets
-																		}
-																	);
-																}}
-															>
-																Clone
-															</Button>
-														</ButtonGroup>
-													</ListGroupItem>
-												);
-											})
-										}
-										<ListGroupItem tag='button' action className='text-primary'
-											onClick={e => {
-												const newSets = [...p.sets, {
-													name: '',
-													template: '',
-													view: '',
-													outputs: {},
-													parameters: {},
-												}];
-												this.updateProtocol(
-													i,
-													{
-														...p,
-														sets: newSets
-													}
-												);
-											}}
-										>
-											New Set
-										</ListGroupItem>
-									</ListGroup>
-								);
-								return (
-									<ListGroupItem
-										key={i}
-									>
-										<div
-											className='clearfix'
-										>
-											<Button
-												active={i === protocolIdx}
-												color='link'
-												size='sm'
-												onClick={() => i !== protocolIdx && this.activateProtocol(i)}
-												title={p.name}
-											>
-												{ p.name.length > 25 ? `${ p.name.slice(0, 25) }…` : p.name }
-											</Button>
-											<ButtonGroup className='float-right'>
-												<Button size='sm' outline color='danger'
-													onClick={e => {
-														const protocols = this.props.data.contents.protocols
-														.filter((p, i) => i !== protocolIdx);
-														this.setContents({
-															...this.props.data.contents,
-															protocols
-														});
-														this.activateProtocol(protocolIdx === 0 ? 0 : protocolIdx - 1);
-													}}
-												>
-													Delete
-												</Button>
-												<Button size='sm' outline color='secondary'
-													onClick={e => {
-														const protocols = [...this.props.data.contents.protocols];
-														protocols.splice(
-															protocolIdx + 1,
-															0,
-															copyObj(protocol)
-														);
-														this.setContents({
-															...this.props.data.contents,
-															protocols
-														});
-														this.activateProtocol(protocolIdx + 1);
-													}}
-												>
-													Clone
-												</Button>
-											</ButtonGroup>
-										</div>
-										{ i === protocolIdx && setList }
-									</ListGroupItem>
-								);
-							})
-						}
-						<ListGroupItem tag='button' action className='text-primary'
-							onClick={e => {
-								const protocols = [...this.props.data.contents.protocols, {
-									name: '',
-									template: '',
-									sets: [],
-								}];
-								this.setContents({
-									...this.props.data.contents,
-									protocols
-								});
-								this.activateProtocol(protocols.length - 1);
-							}}
-						>
-							New Protocol
-						</ListGroupItem>
-					</ListGroup>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const dbs = Selectors.databaseGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		databases: dbs,
-		dataformats: Selectors.dataformatGet(state),
-		data: dbs[ownProps.index] || getValidObj(),
-		protocols: Selectors.databaseProtocols(state),
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`databaseUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(DatabaseEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b0d2e5145c7ac227cba9e915464bf70b6f84902..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/database/DatabaseEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { getValidDatabaseObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { DatabaseEditor as C } from '.';
-import { databaseProtocols } from '@store/selectors';
-import testDbs from '@test/test_dbs.json';
-import testDfs from '@test/test_dfs.json';
-const dfs = [];
-describe('<DatabaseEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const dbs = [
-			{
-				name: 'test/test/1',
-				contents: {
-					'root_folder': '/testing',
-					description: 'this is the basic test case for database schema validation',
-					protocols: [
-						{
-							name: 'protocol_1',
-							template: 'template_1',
-							sets: [
-								{
-									name: 'set_1',
-									view: 'view_1',
-									template: 'set_template_1',
-									parameters: {
-										param1: 'i dont know what these are'
-									},
-									outputs: {
-										output_1: 'a/specific_dataformat/1',
-									}
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					]
-				}
-			}
-		].concat(testDbs.map(db => getValidObj(db)));
-		dbs.forEach(function(db){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			it(`${ db.name }`, () => {
-				const protocols = databaseProtocols({ database: [ db ]});
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={db}
-						databases={dbs}
-						dataformats={dfs}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-						protocols={protocols}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'databases', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc', 'protocols']
-				).deep.equal(
-					[db, dbs, dfs, saveFunc, updateFunc, protocols]
-				);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it('simple/1', () => {
-			const dbName = 'simple/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: dbName, contents: {}})}
-					databases={testDbs.filter(d => d.name !== dbName).map(d => getValidObj(d))}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					protocols={[]}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'databases', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc']
-			);
-			// general db
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', dbName);
-			wrapper.find('input[name="description"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'A test database that emits integers' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('description', 'A test database that emits integers');
-			wrapper.find('input[name="rootFolder"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: '/this/database/does/not/require/a/path' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('root_folder', '/this/database/does/not/require/a/path');
-			// create protocols
-			wrapper.find('button#newProtocol').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			wrapper.find('button#newProtocol').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('protocols').with.lengthOf(2);
-			// protocol 1
-			wrapper.find('button#protocolChoice0').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolName"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'protocol' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0]).to.have.property('name', 'protocol');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolTemplate"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'test_integers' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(6);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0]).to.have.property('template', 'test_integers');
-			// protocol 1 sets
-			wrapper.find('button#newSet').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(7);
-			wrapper.find('button#newSet').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(8);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0]).to.have.property('sets').with.lengthOf(2);
-			// protocol 1 set 1
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setName0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(9);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0]).to.have.property('name', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setTemplate0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(10);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0]).to.have.property('template', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setView0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'View' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(11);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0]).to.have.property('view', 'View');
-			wrapper.find('.set0 button.newOutput').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(12);
-			wrapper.find('.set0 .setOutput CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(13);
-			wrapper.find('.set0 .setOutput select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'system/integer/1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(14);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0].outputs).to.have.property('out', 'system/integer/1');
-			// protocol 1 set 2
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setName1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(15);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1]).to.have.property('name', 'set2');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setTemplate1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(16);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1]).to.have.property('template', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setView1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'View2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(17);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1]).to.have.property('view', 'View2');
-			wrapper.find('.set1 button.newOutput').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(18);
-			wrapper.find('.set1 .setOutput CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(19);
-			wrapper.find('.set1 .setOutput select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'system/integer/1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(20);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1].outputs).to.have.property('out', 'system/integer/1');
-			// protocol 2
-			wrapper.find('button#protocolChoice1').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolName"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'protocol2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(21);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1]).to.have.property('name', 'protocol2');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolTemplate"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'test_integers' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(22);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1]).to.have.property('template', 'test_integers');
-			// protocol 2 sets
-			wrapper.find('button#newSet').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(23);
-			wrapper.find('button#newSet').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(24);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1]).to.have.property('sets').with.lengthOf(2);
-			// protocol 2 set 1
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setName0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(25);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[0]).to.have.property('name', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setTemplate0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(26);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[0]).to.have.property('template', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setView0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'LargeView' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(27);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[0]).to.have.property('view', 'LargeView');
-			wrapper.find('.set0 button.newOutput').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(28);
-			wrapper.find('.set0 .setOutput CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(29);
-			wrapper.find('.set0 .setOutput select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'system/integer/1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(30);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[0].outputs).to.have.property('out', 'system/integer/1');
-			// protocol 2 set 2
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setName1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(31);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[1]).to.have.property('name', 'set2');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setTemplate1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(32);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[1]).to.have.property('template', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setView1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'View2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(33);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[1]).to.have.property('view', 'View2');
-			wrapper.find('.set1 button.newOutput').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(34);
-			wrapper.find('.set1 .setOutput CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(35);
-			wrapper.find('.set1 .setOutput select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'system/integer/1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(36);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1].sets[1].outputs).to.have.property('out', 'system/integer/1');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'root_folder': '/this/database/does/not/require/a/path',
-				'description': 'A test database that emits integers',
-				'protocols': [
-					{
-						'name': 'protocol',
-						'template': 'test_integers',
-						'sets': [
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View',
-								parameters: {},
-							},
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set2',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View2',
-								parameters: {},
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					{
-						'name': 'protocol2',
-						'template': 'test_integers',
-						'sets': [
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'LargeView',
-								parameters: {},
-							},
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set2',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View2',
-								parameters: {},
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			});
-		});
-		// tests inserting a protocol from a database
-		it('simple/2', () => {
-			const dbName = 'simple/2';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({
-					data: obj,
-					protocols: databaseProtocols({ database: [ obj ] })
-				});
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const startData = getValidObj({name: dbName, contents: {}});
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={startData}
-					databases={testDbs.filter(d => d.name !== dbName).map(d => getValidObj(d))}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					protocols={databaseProtocols({ database: [ startData ] })}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'databases', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc', 'protocols']
-			);
-			// general db
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', dbName);
-			wrapper.find('input[name="description"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'A test database that emits integers' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('description', 'A test database that emits integers');
-			wrapper.find('input[name="rootFolder"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: '/this/database/does/not/require/a/path' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('root_folder', '/this/database/does/not/require/a/path');
-			// create protocols
-			wrapper.find('button#newProtocol').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('protocols').with.lengthOf(1);
-			// protocol 1
-			wrapper.find('button#protocolChoice0').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolName"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'protocol' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0]).to.have.property('name', 'protocol');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolTemplate"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'test_integers' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0]).to.have.property('template', 'test_integers');
-			// protocol 1 sets
-			wrapper.find('button#newSet').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(6);
-			wrapper.find('button#newSet').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(7);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0]).to.have.property('sets').with.lengthOf(2);
-			// protocol 1 set 1
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setName0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(8);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0]).to.have.property('name', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setTemplate0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(9);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0]).to.have.property('template', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setView0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'View' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(10);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0]).to.have.property('view', 'View');
-			wrapper.find('.set0 button.newOutput').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(11);
-			wrapper.find('.set0 .setOutput CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(12);
-			wrapper.find('.set0 .setOutput select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'system/integer/1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(13);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[0].outputs).to.have.property('out', 'system/integer/1');
-			// protocol 1 set 2
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setName1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(14);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1]).to.have.property('name', 'set2');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setTemplate1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'set' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(15);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1]).to.have.property('template', 'set');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="setView1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'View2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(16);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1]).to.have.property('view', 'View2');
-			wrapper.find('.set1 button.newOutput').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(17);
-			wrapper.find('.set1 .setOutput CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'out' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(18);
-			wrapper.find('.set1 .setOutput select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'system/integer/1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(19);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[0].sets[1].outputs).to.have.property('out', 'system/integer/1');
-			// protocol 2
-			wrapper.find('input#insertProtocolSearch').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'test_integers' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('button.insertProtocolOption').at(0).simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(20);
-			wrapper.find('button#protocolChoice1').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[name="protocolName"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'protocol2' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(21);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.protocols[1]).to.have.property('name', 'protocol2');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'root_folder': '/this/database/does/not/require/a/path',
-				'description': 'A test database that emits integers',
-				'protocols': [
-					{
-						'name': 'protocol',
-						'template': 'test_integers',
-						'sets': [
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View',
-								parameters: {},
-							},
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set2',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View2',
-								parameters: {},
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					{
-						'name': 'protocol2',
-						'template': 'test_integers',
-						'sets': [
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View',
-								parameters: {},
-							},
-							{
-								'outputs': {
-									'out': 'system/integer/1'
-								},
-								'name': 'set2',
-								'template': 'set',
-								'view': 'View2',
-								parameters: {},
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/database/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/database/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 6436068cc34e0d8362d53b3a9f1126c627b0b6bb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/database/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedDatabaseEditor, {DatabaseEditor} from './DatabaseEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	DatabaseEditor,
-export default ConnectedDatabaseEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/DataformatEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/DataformatEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index dcd2d03b4e9eb824c9c7450ad5878b5d16b13d75..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/DataformatEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,292 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	InputGroupText,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import { BUILTIN_TYPES, getValidDataformatObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type {
-	BeatObject,
-} from '@helpers/beat.js';
-import { changeObjFieldName, generateNewKey, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	dataformats: BeatObject[],
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-const isObj = (obj): boolean => !Array.isArray(obj) && typeof obj === 'object' && obj !== null;
-const shownType = (obj: any): string => {
-	if(Array.isArray(obj))
-		return 'array';
-	if(isObj(obj))
-		return 'object';
-	return obj;
-const RecursiveObj = ({ obj, dfs, updateFunc }: {obj: any, dfs: string[], updateFunc: (any) => any}) => (
-	<div className='ml-3 pl-3 border border-top-0 border-right-0 border-bottom-0 my-1 dfLevel'>
-		{
-			(Object.entries(obj): [string, any][]).map(([name, val], i, entries) =>
-				<div key={i} className={`field${ i }`}>
-					<TypedField
-						className='fieldNameType'
-						name={name}
-						type={shownType(val)}
-						types={dfs}
-						existingFields={Object.keys(obj)}
-						nameUpdateFunc={str => {
-							const newObj = changeObjFieldName(obj, name, str);
-							updateFunc(newObj);
-						}}
-						typeUpdateFunc={str => {
-							let newTypeObj;
-							switch(str){
-								case 'array':
-									newTypeObj = [0, 'string'];
-									break;
-								case 'object':
-									newTypeObj = {};
-									break;
-								default:
-									newTypeObj = str;
-									break;
-							}
-							updateFunc({ ...obj, [name]: newTypeObj });
-						}}
-						deleteFunc={() => {
-							const newObj = { ...obj };
-							delete newObj[name];
-							updateFunc(newObj);
-						}}
-					/>
-					{
-						Array.isArray(val) &&
-							<FormGroup className='ml-3 pl-3 border border-top-0 border-right-0 border-bottom-0'>
-								<FormGroup row>
-									<Col sm='3'>
-										<InputGroup className='mb-1 dimensions'>
-											<InputGroupAddon addonType='prepend'>Dimensions</InputGroupAddon>
-											<Input
-												type='number'
-												min='1'
-												max='5'
-												value={val.filter(v => Number.isInteger(v)).length}
-												onChange={(e) => {
-													const newLength = Number.parseInt(`${ e.target.value }`);
-													const currVals = val.filter(v => Number.isInteger(v));
-													const newVals = Array.apply(null, Array(newLength))
-													.map((n, i) => currVals[i] !== undefined ? currVals[i] : 0);
-													newVals.push(val[val.length - 1]);
-													obj[name] = newVals;
-													updateFunc(obj);
-												}}
-											/>
-										</InputGroup>
-									</Col>
-									<Col sm='auto' className='d-flex my-auto p-0'>
-										<h5>Sizes:</h5>
-									</Col>
-									{
-										val.filter(v => Number.isInteger(v)).map((v, i) =>
-											<Col key={i} className={`dimension${ i }`}>
-												<InputGroup className='mb-1'>
-													<InputGroupAddon addonType='prepend'>
-														<InputGroupText>
-															Dim. {i}
-														</InputGroupText>
-													</InputGroupAddon>
-													<Input
-														key={i}
-														type='number'
-														min='0'
-														value={v}
-														size='3'
-														onChange={(e) => {
-															obj[name][i] = Number.parseInt(`${ e.target.value }`);
-															updateFunc(obj);
-														}}
-													/>
-												</InputGroup>
-											</Col>
-										)
-									}
-								</FormGroup>
-								<InputGroup className='mb-3'>
-									<InputGroupAddon addonType='prepend'>Subtype</InputGroupAddon>
-									<Input
-										type='select'
-										value={typeof val[val.length - 1] === 'string' ? val[val.length - 1] : 'object'}
-										className='custom-select subtype'
-										onChange={(e) => {
-											let newTypeObj;
-											switch(e.target.value){
-												case 'array':
-													newTypeObj = [0, 'string'];
-													break;
-												case 'object':
-													newTypeObj = {};
-													break;
-												default:
-													newTypeObj = e.target.value;
-													break;
-											}
-											obj[name][val.length - 1] = newTypeObj;
-											updateFunc(obj);
-										}}
-									>
-										<option disabled value=''>Type...</option>
-										{
-											dfs.map((d, i) => (
-												<option key={i} value={d}>{d === 'object' ? 'dict' : d}</option>
-											))
-										}
-									</Input>
-								</InputGroup>
-								{
-									shownType(val[val.length - 1]) === 'object' &&
-										<RecursiveObj
-											dfs={dfs}
-											obj={val[val.length - 1]}
-											updateFunc={(subobj) => {
-												obj[name][val.length - 1] = subobj;
-												updateFunc(obj);
-											}}
-										/>
-								}
-							</FormGroup>
-					}
-					{
-						isObj(val) &&
-							<RecursiveObj
-								dfs={dfs}
-								obj={val}
-								updateFunc={(subobj) => {
-									obj[name] = subobj;
-									updateFunc(obj);
-								}}
-							/>
-					}
-				</div>
-			)
-		}
-		<Button
-			color='success'
-			onClick={e => {
-				let newKey = generateNewKey('field', Object.keys(obj));
-				updateFunc({
-					...obj,
-					[newKey]: 'string'
-				});
-			}}
-		>
-			+
-		</Button>
-	</div>
-export class DataformatEditor extends React.Component<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				'#description': this.props.data.contents['#description'],
-				...newContents,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	allDfs = () => this.props.dataformats.map(d => d.name).concat(BUILTIN_TYPES);
-	filteredContents = (obj: any = this.props.data.contents) => Object.entries(obj).filter(([n, v]) => n !== '#description').reduce((o, [n, v]) => ({...o, [n]: v}), {});
-	render = () => (
-		<div>
-			<div className='d-flex'>
-				<Button
-					className='mx-auto'
-					outline
-					color='secondary'
-					onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-				>
-					Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='dataformat' obj={this.props.data} />)
-				</Button>
-			</div>
-			<Form onSubmit={(e) => e.preventDefault()}>
-				<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-					<FormGroup>
-						<Label for='description'>Short Description</Label>
-						<Input
-							type='text'
-							name='description'
-							placeholder='Dataformat description...'
-							value={this.props.data.contents['#description']}
-							onChange={e => this.setContents({ ...this.props.data.contents, '#description': e.target.value})}
-						/>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</FormGroup>
-				<h4>Fields</h4>
-				<RecursiveObj obj={this.filteredContents()} dfs={this.allDfs()} updateFunc={(obj) => this.setContents(obj)} />
-			</Form>
-		</div>
-	);
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const dfs = Selectors.dataformatGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		dataformats: dfs,
-		data: dfs[ownProps.index] || getValidObj()
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`dataformatUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(DataformatEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/DataformatEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/DataformatEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 280172ab2756c93b01a31e8499d57ec5320b574d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/DataformatEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { getValidDataformatObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { DataformatEditor as C } from '.';
-import testDfs from '@test/test_dfs.json';
-describe('<DataformatEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const dfs = [
-			{
-				name: 'test/df/1',
-				contents: {
-					'#description': '',
-					'field_1': 'string',
-				}
-			}
-		].concat(testDfs.map(df => getValidObj(df)));
-		dfs.forEach(function(df){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			it(`${ df.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={df}
-						dataformats={dfs}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-				).deep.equal(
-					[df, dfs, saveFunc, updateFunc]
-				);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it('system/integer/1', () => {
-			const dfName = 'system/integer/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: dfName, contents: {}})}
-					dataformats={testDfs.filter(d => d.name !== dfName)}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', dfName);
-			wrapper.find('input[name="description"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Single (32 bits) integer value'}});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('#description', 'Single (32 bits) integer value');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			wrapper.find('button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'value' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			wrapper.find('select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'int32' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('value', 'int32');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'system/integer/1',
-				'contents': {
-					'#description': 'Single (32 bits) integer value',
-					'value': 'int32'
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		it('system/array_1d_text/1', () => {
-			const dfName = 'system/array_1d_text/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: dfName, contents: {}})}
-					dataformats={testDfs.filter(d => d.name !== dfName)}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', dfName);
-			wrapper.find('button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'text' }});
-			wrapper.find('select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'array' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('text', [0, 'string']);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'system/array_1d_text/1',
-				'contents': {
-					'#description': '',
-					'text': [
-						0,
-						'string'
-					]
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		it('system/array_2d_floats/1', () => {
-			const dfName = 'system/array_2d_floats/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: dfName, contents: {}})}
-					dataformats={testDfs.filter(d => d.name !== dfName)}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', dfName);
-			wrapper.find('input[name="description"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Basic format containing a two-dimensional array of float values'}});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('#description', 'Basic format containing a two-dimensional array of float values');
-			wrapper.find('button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'value' }});
-			wrapper.find('select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'array' }});
-			wrapper.find('input[type="number"][min="1"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: '2' }});
-			wrapper.find('select').at(1).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'float64' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('value', [0, 0, 'float64']);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'system/array_2d_floats/1',
-				'contents': {
-					'#description': 'Basic format containing a two-dimensional array of float values',
-					'value': [
-						0,
-						0,
-						'float64'
-					]
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		it('plot/bar/1', () => {
-			const dfName = 'plot/bar/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: dfName, contents: {}})}
-					dataformats={testDfs.filter(d => d.name !== dfName)}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'dataformats', 'saveFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', dfName);
-			wrapper.find('input[name="description"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Array of bar plots'}});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('#description', 'Array of bar plots');
-			// 'data' field
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'data' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'array' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 select.subtype').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'object' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('data', [0, {}]);
-			// 'label' subfield
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field0 CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'label' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field0 select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'string' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.data[1]).to.have.deep.property('label', 'string');
-			// 'x' subfield
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field1 CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'x' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field1 select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'array' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field1 select.subtype').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'float64' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.data[1]).to.have.deep.property('x', [0, 'float64']);
-			// 'y' subfield
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field2 CacheInput[placeholder="Name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'y' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field2 select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'array' }});
-			wrapper.find('.dfLevel .field0 .dfLevel .field2 select.subtype').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'float64' }});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.data[1]).to.have.deep.property('y', [0, 'float64']);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'plot/bar/1',
-				'contents': {
-					'#description': 'Array of bar plots',
-					'data': [
-						0,
-						{
-							'label': 'string',
-							'x': [
-								0,
-								'float64'
-							],
-							'y': [
-								0,
-								'float64'
-							]
-						}
-					]
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a1ab793fbd4471019a41646d23a8cc4b48df1d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/dataformat/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedDataformatEditor, {DataformatEditor} from './DataformatEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	DataformatEditor,
-export default ConnectedDataformatEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.css b/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index be97899105aebf9882e6695b5bb75e1191d3ba81..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-.experimentEditor .fo {
-	cursor: pointer;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index acc55144d1bbae5b3b94671868d37af4f5c9e5f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1398 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button, ButtonGroup,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	Badge,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import lev from 'fast-levenshtein';
-import './ExperimentEditor.css';
-import { getValidExperimentObj as getValidObj, expGetDefaultParameterValue as getDefaultParameterValue } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatObject, ParameterValue, BeatEnvironment } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { changeObjFieldName, sortObject, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import InfoTooltip from '../InfoTooltip.jsx';
-import ParameterConsume from '../ParameterConsume.jsx';
-import GraphicalEditor from '../toolchain/GraphicalEditor.jsx';
-import type { BlockSet } from '../toolchain/types.js';
-import { connectionToId } from '../toolchain/ToolchainConnection.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	experiments: BeatObject[],
-	normalBlocks: BeatObject[],
-	analyzerBlocks: BeatObject[],
-	datasets: any[],
-	toolchain: BeatObject,
-	environments: { [string]: BeatEnvironment },
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-type State = {
-	/* LockMap: map of which blocks are used in the type inference
-	 * This is a per-block mapping of which blocks are used for type inference.
-	 * There are more references (including some commented-out buttons & such) to
-	 * block-level control of the lock map. Currently this is managed behind-the-scenes,
-	 * where once a dataset/block has a valid dataset/algorithm assigned to it,
-	 * its lock map value is true. The user can only influence this by disabling
-	 * the entire lock map via "disable type inference" button.
-	 */
-	lockMap: LockMap,
-	// info for the modal for editing blocks
-	activeBlockInfo: {
-		set: ?BlockSet,
-		name: ?string,
-	},
-	// is type inference disabled globally?
-	disableTypeInference: boolean,
-type LockMap = {
-	[string]: boolean,
-// parses a string resulting from the "datasetFieldToString" function into the original database, protocol, and set
-const rxStringToDataset = /^(\S+)\/(\S+)\s\((\S+\/\d+)\)/;
-// parses a string resulting from the "datasetProtocolFieldToString" function into the original database and protocol
-const rxStringToDatasetProtocol = /^(\S+)\s\((\S+\/\d+)\)/;
-// given a dataset obj (with database, protocol, and set fields), return a user-readable string representing this dataset
-const datasetFieldToString = (dataset: any) => `${ dataset.protocol }/${ dataset.set } (${ dataset.database })`;
-// given a dataset obj (with database, protocol, and set fields), return a user-readable string representing this dataset's protocol
-const datasetProtocolFieldToString = (dataset: any) => `${ dataset.protocol } (${ dataset.database })`;
-// given an algorithm, returns maps of the inputs and outputs of the algorithm (the i/o name mapped to its type)
-const algIOs = (alg: any) => {
-	const inputs = alg.contents.groups.map(g => {
-		if(!g.inputs)
-			return [];
-		return Object.entries(g.inputs)
-		.map(([iName, tObj]) => ({[iName]: tObj.type}))
-		.reduce((o, iObj) => ({...o, ...iObj}), {})
-		;
-	})
-	.reduce((o, is) => ({...o, ...is}), {});
-	const outputs = alg.contents.groups.map(g => {
-		if(!g.outputs)
-			return [];
-		return Object.entries(g.outputs)
-		.map(([iName, tObj]) => ({[iName]: tObj.type}))
-		.reduce((o, iObj) => ({...o, ...iObj}), {})
-		;
-	})
-	.reduce((o, is) => ({...o, ...is}), {});
-	return [
-		inputs,
-		outputs,
-	];
-// given a block and the available algorithms,
-// remap the chosen algorithm type data onto the block i/o names
-const getBlockIOTypes = (block: any, algs: any[]) => {
-	const alg = algs.find(alg => alg.name === block.algorithm);
-	const [ais, aos] = alg ? algIOs(alg) : [{}, {}];
-	const bis = Object.entries(block.inputs).reduce((o, [name, bi]) => ({...o, [bi]: ais[name] || ''}), {});
-	const bos = Object.entries(block.outputs || {}).reduce((o, [name, bo]) => ({...o, [bo]: aos[name] || ''}), {});
-	return [bis, bos];
-// generate a new lock map for the given toolchain
-const genLockMap = (toolchain: any): LockMap => [...toolchain.contents.datasets, ...toolchain.contents.blocks, ...toolchain.contents.analyzers]
-.map(b => b.name)
-.reduce((o, name) => ({...o, [name]: false}), {});
-// checks if the given object is valid for the current entity given the i/o types and inferred types map
-const isValidEntity = (
-	entityName: string,
-	blockTcEntity: {inputs?: [], outputs?: []} = {},
-	possibleObj: {inputs: any, outputs: any} = {inputs:{},outputs:{}},
-	inferredTypes = {}
-): boolean => {
-	const hasInputs = Array.isArray(blockTcEntity.inputs);
-	const hasOutputs = Array.isArray(blockTcEntity.outputs);
-	if(!hasInputs && Object.keys(possibleObj.inputs).length > 0)
-		return false;
-	if(!hasOutputs && Object.keys(possibleObj.outputs).length > 0)
-		return false;
-	if(hasInputs && blockTcEntity.inputs.length !== Object.keys(possibleObj.inputs).length)
-		return false;
-	if(hasInputs && hasOutputs &&
-		blockTcEntity.outputs.length !== Object.keys(possibleObj.outputs).length
-	)
-		return false;
-	if(inferredTypes.hasOwnProperty(entityName)){
-		if(inferredTypes[entityName][0] !== undefined){
-			const remainingEntityInputTypes = Object.values(possibleObj.inputs);
-			const remainingInferredInputTypes = Object.values(inferredTypes[entityName][0]).filter(t => t !== '');
-			while(remainingInferredInputTypes.length > 0){
-				const it = remainingInferredInputTypes.pop();
-				if(!remainingEntityInputTypes.includes(it))
-					return false;
-				remainingEntityInputTypes.splice(remainingEntityInputTypes.indexOf(it), 1);
-			}
-		}
-		if(inferredTypes[entityName][1] !== undefined){
-			const remainingEntityOutputTypes = Object.values(possibleObj.outputs);
-			const remainingInferredOutputTypes = Object.values(inferredTypes[entityName][1]).filter(t => t !== '');
-			while(remainingInferredOutputTypes.length > 0){
-				const it = remainingInferredOutputTypes.pop();
-				if(!remainingEntityOutputTypes.includes(it))
-					return false;
-				remainingEntityOutputTypes.splice(remainingEntityOutputTypes.indexOf(it), 1);
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return true;
-const dbSetIsValidForTcDataset = (dbSet, tcDs) => {
-	if(Object.keys(dbSet.outputs).length < tcDs.outputs.length)
-		return false;
-	if(!tcDs.outputs.reduce((b, output) => b && dbSet.outputs.hasOwnProperty(output), true))
-		return false;
-	return true;
-// maps key strings to value strings via levenshtein distances
-// must have the same # of keys as vals
-const levMapStrings = (keyArr: string[], valArr: string[]): { [string]: string } => {
-	if(keyArr.length !== valArr.length){
-		throw new Error(`Cannot lev map arrays of different lengths!`);
-	}
-	const keys = [...keyArr];
-	const vals = [...valArr];
-	const map = {};
-	//console.log(keys);
-	//console.log(vals);
-	while(keys.length > 0){
-		const scores = {};
-		const matches = {};
-		for(const k of keys){
-			scores[k] = 10000;
-			matches[k] = 'notfound';
-			for(const v of vals){
-				const score = lev.get(k, v);
-				if(score < scores[k]){
-					scores[k] = score;
-					matches[k] = v;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		let chosenKey = keys[0];
-		let bestScore = 10000;
-		for(const k of keys){
-			if(scores[k] < bestScore){
-				chosenKey = k;
-				bestScore = scores[k];
-			}
-		}
-		map[chosenKey] = matches[chosenKey];
-		keys.splice(keys.indexOf(chosenKey), 1);
-		vals.splice(vals.indexOf(matches[chosenKey]), 1);
-		//console.log(map);
-	}
-	const orderedMap = {};
-	for(const k of keyArr){
-		orderedMap[k] = map[k];
-	}
-	//console.log(orderedMap);
-	return orderedMap;
-type EnvironmentConfigProps = {
-	envInfo: {
-		name: string,
-		version: string,
-	},
-	queue: string,
-	availableEnvs: { [string]: BeatEnvironment },
-	updateEnvInfo: (name: string, version: string) => any,
-	updateQueue: (queue: string) => any,
-	disabled?: boolean,
-const formatEnv = (name, version) => `${ name } (${ version })`;
-const EnvironmentConfig = ({ envInfo, queue, availableEnvs, updateEnvInfo, updateQueue, disabled = false }: EnvironmentConfigProps) => {
-	const eObjs = Object.values(availableEnvs).map(e => ({[formatEnv(e.name, e.version)]: Object.keys(e.queues)}));
-	const envQueues = Object.assign({}, ...eObjs);
-	const currEnv = formatEnv(envInfo.name, envInfo.version);
-	const queues = envQueues[currEnv];
-	return (
-		<FormGroup row>
-			<Col>
-				<Label>
-					<InfoTooltip
-						id='envTooltip'
-						info={`When executing an experiment in a docker-ized execution system (on BEAT web or in beat.cmdline using the "--docker" flag), there are certain Python environments available to run the experiment in. To choose a non-default environment, select the environment (and queue) here.`}
-					>
-						Environment Name
-					</InfoTooltip>
-				</Label>
-				<Input
-					type='select'
-					className='env custom-select'
-					value={currEnv}
-					onChange={e => {
-						// deconstruct selected env
-						const rx = /^(.*) \((.*)\)$/;
-						const res = rx.exec(e.target.value);
-						if(!res)
-							return;
-						const [n, v] = res.slice(1, 3);
-						updateEnvInfo(n, v);
-					}}
-					placeholder='Environment'
-					disabled={disabled}
-				>
-					<option value={''}>Environment...</option>
-					{
-						Object.keys(envQueues).map((name, i) =>
-							<option key={i} value={name}>{ name }</option>
-						)
-					}
-				</Input>
-			</Col>
-			{ Array.isArray(queues) && queues.length > 0 &&
-					<Col>
-						<Label>
-							<InfoTooltip
-								id='queueTooltip'
-								info={`The "queue" refers to the job queue to put the experiment in once a user decides to run it. This setting currently is only used on the BEAT web platform, and has no effect if ran through beat.cmdline.`}
-							>
-								Queue
-							</InfoTooltip>
-						</Label>
-						<Input
-							type='select'
-							className='queue custom-select'
-							value={queue}
-							onChange={e => updateQueue(e.target.value)}
-							placeholder='Queue'
-							disabled={disabled}
-						>
-							{
-								(queues).map((queue, i) =>
-									<option key={i} value={queue}>{ queue }</option>
-								)
-							}
-						</Input>
-					</Col>
-			}
-		</FormGroup>
-	);
-export class ExperimentEditor extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		lockMap: genLockMap(this.props.toolchain),
-		activeBlockInfo: {
-			name: undefined,
-			set: undefined,
-		},
-		disableTypeInference: false,
-	}
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				'description': this.props.data.contents['description'],
-				...newContents,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	// handles left clicking on a block
-	handleBlockClick = (blockName: string, set: BlockSet) => {
-		const newMBI = {
-			set,
-			name: blockName
-		};
-		this.setState({
-			activeBlockInfo: newMBI,
-		});
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			const elForm = document.querySelector(`.${ set === 'datasets' ? 'dataset' : 'block' }_${ blockName }`);
-			if(!elForm){
-				return;
-			}
-			elForm.scrollIntoView(true);
-		}, 50);
-	}
-	setLockMap = (name: string, value: boolean) => {
-		this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
-			lockMap: {
-				...prevState.lockMap,
-				[name]: value,
-			},
-		}));
-	}
-	// gets parameter data for all the blocks with selected algorithms
-	getParameterObjs = (): any[] => {
-		const algs = [...this.props.normalBlocks, ...this.props.analyzerBlocks];
-		return Object.entries({...this.props.data.contents.blocks, ...this.props.data.contents.analyzers})
-		.map(([bName, block]) => algs.find(a => a.name === block.algorithm))
-		.filter(a => a !== null && a !== undefined && a.contents.parameters !== undefined && Object.keys(a.contents.parameters).length > 0)
-		.map(a => [a.name, a.contents.parameters])
-		;
-	}
-	// tries to infer the types of inputs & outputs given the structure of the toolchain,
-	// the algorithms currently chosen for blocks,
-	// and the database/protocol/set currently chosen for datasets.
-	// Does forward (from datasets to analyzers) and backward (from analyzers to datasets).
-	getConnectionInferredTypes = (): any => {
-		const isLocked = (name) => !this.state.disableTypeInference && this.state.lockMap[name];
-		const dsTypes = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.datasets)
-		.reduce((o, [name, ds]) => {
-			const d = this.props.datasets.find(pds => datasetFieldToString(pds) === datasetFieldToString(ds));
-			const outputs = d ? d.outputs : {};
-			return {
-				...o,
-				[name]: [{}, outputs]
-			};
-		}, {});
-		const nTypes = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.blocks)
-		.filter(([name, block]) => isLocked(name))
-		.reduce((o, [name, block]) => ({
-			...o,
-			[name]: getBlockIOTypes(block, this.props.normalBlocks),
-		}), {});
-		const aTypes = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.analyzers)
-		.filter(([name, block]) => isLocked(name))
-		.reduce((o, [name, block]) => ({
-			...o,
-			[name]: getBlockIOTypes(block, this.props.analyzerBlocks),
-		}), {});
-		const missingDatasets = [...this.props.toolchain.contents.datasets]
-		.filter(ds => !dsTypes.hasOwnProperty(ds.name))
-		.reduce((o, ds) => ({
-			...o,
-			[ds.name]: [{}, ds.outputs.reduce((o, out) => ({...o, [out]: ''}), {})]
-		}), {});
-		const missingBlocks = Object.entries({
-			...this.props.data.contents.blocks,
-			...this.props.data.contents.analyzers
-		})
-		.filter(([name, block]) => !nTypes.hasOwnProperty(name) && !aTypes.hasOwnProperty(name))
-		.reduce((o, [name, block]) => ({...o, [name]: getBlockIOTypes(block, [...this.props.normalBlocks, ...this.props.analyzerBlocks])}), {});
-		const inferredCache = Object.keys({...missingDatasets, ...missingBlocks}).reduce((o, name) => ({...o, [name]: []}), {});
-		const getSetTypes = (entityName: string) => {
-			if(dsTypes.hasOwnProperty(entityName))
-				return dsTypes[entityName];
-			if(nTypes.hasOwnProperty(entityName))
-				return nTypes[entityName];
-			if(aTypes.hasOwnProperty(entityName))
-				return aTypes[entityName];
-			return [{}, {}];
-		};
-		// false === forwards, inferring input types
-		// true === backwards, inferring output types
-		const calcInferredType = (entityName: string, forwardsOrBackwards: boolean): [any, any][] => {
-			//forwards
-			if(!forwardsOrBackwards) {
-				const connectionsTo = this.props.toolchain.contents.connections.filter(c => c.to.split('.')[0] === entityName);
-				const types = connectionsTo.map(c => {
-					const [bName, oName] = c.from.split('.');
-					const iName = c.to.split('.')[1];
-					const fromTypes = getSetTypes(bName)[1];
-					return [iName, fromTypes[oName] || ''];
-				})
-				.reduce((o, [iName, type]) => ({...o, [iName]: o.hasOwnProperty(iName) ? (o[iName] === '' ? type : o[iName]) : type}), {});
-				inferredCache[entityName] = [types, inferredCache[entityName][1]];
-			} else {
-				const connectionsFrom = this.props.toolchain.contents.connections.filter(c => c.from.split('.')[0] === entityName);
-				const types = connectionsFrom.map(c => {
-					const [bName, iName] = c.to.split('.');
-					const oName = c.from.split('.')[1];
-					const toTypes = getSetTypes(bName)[0];
-					return [oName, toTypes[iName] || ''];
-				})
-				.reduce((o, [oName, type]) => ({...o, [oName]: o.hasOwnProperty(oName) ? (o[oName] === '' ? type : o[oName]) : type}), {});
-				inferredCache[entityName] = [inferredCache[entityName][0], types];
-			}
-			return inferredCache[entityName];
-		};
-		Object.keys({...missingBlocks, ...missingDatasets})
-		.forEach(name => {
-			calcInferredType(name, false);
-			calcInferredType(name, true);
-		});
-		return inferredCache;
-	};
-	// finds any issues/errors/misconfiguration throughout the experiment. things it checks:
-	// - whether a block doesnt have a dataset/algorithm assigned yet
-	// - whether a block with an algorithm doesnt have an input/output assigned yet
-	// - whether a connection of a block has different types at the output and input
-	getErrorMap = (): {
-		dataSourceMissing: string[],
-		algorithmMissing: string[],
-		ioMissing: string[],
-	} => {
-		const dataSourceMissing = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.datasets)
-		.filter(([name, ds]) => ds.set === '')
-		.map(([name, b]) => name)
-		;
-		const algorithmMissing = [
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.blocks),
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.analyzers),
-		].filter(([name, b]) => b.algorithm === '')
-		.map(([name, b]) => name)
-		;
-		const ioMissing = [
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.blocks),
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.analyzers),
-		].filter(([name, b]) => {
-			if(b.algorithm === '')
-				return false;
-			const inputs = Object.values(b.inputs);
-			if(inputs.includes('') || Array.from(new Set(inputs)).length !== inputs.length)
-				return true;
-			if(b.hasOwnProperty('outputs')){
-				const outputs = Object.values(b.outputs);
-				if(outputs.includes('') || Array.from(new Set(outputs)).length !== outputs.length)
-					return true;
-			}
-			return false;
-		})
-		.map(([name, b]) => name)
-		;
-		const dsTypes = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.datasets)
-		.reduce((o, [name, ds]) => {
-			const d = this.props.datasets.find(pds => datasetFieldToString(pds) === datasetFieldToString(ds));
-			const outputs = d ? d.outputs : {};
-			return {
-				...o,
-				[name]: [{}, outputs]
-			};
-		}, {});
-		const nTypes = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.blocks)
-		.reduce((o, [name, block]) => ({
-			...o,
-			[name]: getBlockIOTypes(block, this.props.normalBlocks),
-		}), {});
-		const aTypes = Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.analyzers)
-		.reduce((o, [name, block]) => ({
-			...o,
-			[name]: getBlockIOTypes(block, this.props.analyzerBlocks),
-		}), {});
-		// returns the connection ids instead of block names
-		const incompatibleConnectionTypes = this.props.toolchain.contents.hasOwnProperty('connections') ?
-			this.props.toolchain.contents.connections.map(c => {
-				const [fromBlock, fromOutput] = c.from.split('.');
-				const [toBlock, toInput] = c.to.split('.');
-				const fromTypes = dsTypes[fromBlock] || nTypes[fromBlock];
-				if(!fromTypes)
-					return false;
-				const fromType = fromTypes[1][fromOutput];
-				const toTypes = dsTypes[toBlock] || nTypes[toBlock];
-				if(!toTypes)
-					return false;
-				const toType = toTypes[0][toInput];
-				if(!fromType || !toType)
-					return false;
-				if(fromType === toType)
-					return false;
-				return connectionToId(c);
-			}).filter(id => id) :
-			[]
-		;
-		return {
-			dataSourceMissing,
-			algorithmMissing,
-			ioMissing,
-			incompatibleConnectionTypes,
-		};
-	};
-	renderDatasets = () => (
-		<FormGroup className='datasets'>
-			<FormGroup className='d-flex'>
-				<h3 className='mr-2'>
-					<InfoTooltip
-						id='datasetsTooltip'
-						info={`Assign sets from database protocols to your dataset blocks. Or, assign all your dataset blocks at once using a compatible database protocol.`}
-					>
-						Datasets
-					</InfoTooltip>
-				</h3>
-				<Input
-					type='select'
-					className='custom-select'
-					value={JSON.stringify(sortObject(this.props.data.contents.datasets))}
-					onChange={e => {
-						const str = e.target.value;
-						const newDs = JSON.parse(str);
-						//console.log(newDs);
-						this.setContents({...this.props.data.contents, datasets: newDs});
-						/*
-						for(const dataset in this.props.data.contents.datasets){
-							this.setLockMap(dataset, true);
-						}
-						*/
-					}}
-				>
-					<option value=''>Protocol...</option>
-					{
-						Object.entries(
-							this.props.datasets
-							.reduce((o, ds) => {
-								const key = datasetProtocolFieldToString(ds);
-								return {
-									...o,
-									[key]: [
-										...(o[key] || []),
-										ds
-									]
-								};
-							}, {})
-						)
-						.map(([dbProtStr, sets]) => {
-							const enoughSets = sets.length == Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.datasets).length;
-							if(!enoughSets)
-								return [dbProtStr, false];
-							// least to greatest outputs len
-							const tcDss = [...this.props.toolchain.contents.datasets]
-							.sort((a, b) => a.outputs.length - b.outputs.length);
-							const newDataset = {};
-							// start at greatest go to least
-							while(tcDss.length > 0){
-								const tcDs = tcDss.pop();
-								let setsIdx = sets.findIndex(set => set.set === tcDs.name && dbSetIsValidForTcDataset(set, tcDs));
-								if(setsIdx === -1){
-									const validSets = sets.filter(set => dbSetIsValidForTcDataset(set, tcDs));
-									let bestScore = 10000;
-									let bestMatch = 'notfound';
-									for(const s of validSets){
-										const score = lev.get(tcDs.name, s.set);
-										if(score < bestScore){
-											bestScore = score;
-											bestMatch = s;
-										}
-									}
-									setsIdx = sets.findIndex(set => set == bestMatch);
-								}
-								if(setsIdx === -1)
-									return [dbProtStr, false];
-								const dbSet = sets.splice(setsIdx, 1)[0];
-								newDataset[tcDs.name] = {
-									set: dbSet.set,
-									protocol: dbSet.protocol,
-									database: dbSet.database,
-								};
-							}
-							return [dbProtStr, newDataset];
-						})
-						.filter(([dbProtStr, dss]) => dss !== false)
-						.map(([dbProtStr, dss], i) => <option key={i} value={JSON.stringify(sortObject(dss))}>{dbProtStr}</option>)
-					}
-				</Input>
-			</FormGroup>
-			{
-				(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.datasets): [string, any][])
-				.sort(([n1, ds1], [n2, ds2]) => n1 > n2 ? 1 : -1)
-				.map(([name, dataset], i, dEntries) => {
-					const inferredTypes = this.getConnectionInferredTypes();
-					const tcDataset = this.props.toolchain.contents.datasets.find(d => d.name === name);
-					const dsString = datasetFieldToString(dataset);
-					return (
-						<FormGroup row key={i} className={`dataset${ i } dataset_${ name }`}>
-							<Label sm={4}>
-								{ name }
-								{' '}
-								<Badge
-									title={`This dataset provides the "${ name }" synchronization channel.`}
-									color='info'
-								>
-									{ name }
-								</Badge>
-								{/*
-								{' '}
-								<Button
-									color={this.state.lockMap[name] ? 'primary' : 'secondary'}
-									title={`When unlocked, connected blocks will not restrict their available algorithms to those compatible with this dataset's output types. When locked, connected blocks will take into account this dataset's output types.`}
-									onClick={() => {
-										this.setLockMap(name, !this.state.lockMap[name] && dataset.set !== '');
-									}}
-								>
-									{ this.state.lockMap[name] ? 'Locked' : 'Unlocked' }
-								</Button>
-								*/}
-							</Label>
-							<Col sm={8}>
-								<Input
-									type='select'
-									className='custom-select'
-									valid={dsString !== datasetFieldToString({database:'',protocol:'',set:''})}
-									value={dsString}
-									onChange={e => {
-										const str = e.target.value;
-										const res = rxStringToDataset.exec(str) || [];
-										const ds = {
-											set: res[2] || '',
-											protocol: res[1] || '',
-											database: res[3] || '',
-										};
-										const newDs = {...this.props.data.contents.datasets, [name]: ds};
-										this.setContents({...this.props.data.contents, datasets: newDs});
-										//this.setLockMap(name, true);
-									}}
-								>
-									<option value=''>Dataset...</option>
-									{
-										this.props.datasets
-										.filter(ds => dbSetIsValidForTcDataset(ds, tcDataset))
-										.filter(ds => isValidEntity(
-											name,
-											tcDataset,
-											{outputs: ds.outputs, inputs: {}},
-											inferredTypes
-										))
-										.map(ds => datasetFieldToString(ds))
-										.map((str, i) =>
-											<option key={i} value={str}>{ str }</option>
-										)
-									}
-								</Input>
-							</Col>
-						</FormGroup>
-					);
-				})
-			}
-		</FormGroup>
-	);
-	// update a block's data (and the globals object, if it changed)
-	updateBlock = (blockName: string, isAnalyzer: boolean, newBlock: any, globals: any = this.props.data.contents.globals) => {
-		if(isAnalyzer)
-			delete newBlock.outputs;
-		const bKey = isAnalyzer ? 'analyzers' : 'blocks';
-		const newBlocks = copyObj(this.props.data.contents[bKey]);
-		newBlocks[blockName] = newBlock;
-		this.setContents({
-			...this.props.data.contents,
-			[bKey]: newBlocks,
-			globals,
-		});
-	}
-	// renders the currently selected block to edit, if any
-	renderBlock = (blockName: string, block: any, isAnalyzer: boolean, key: number) => {
-		// gets the block info from the tc
-		const tcBlock = isAnalyzer ? this.props.toolchain.contents.analyzers.find(b => b.name === blockName) : this.props.toolchain.contents.blocks.find(b => b.name === blockName);
-		// gets the possible algorithms
-		const algorithms = isAnalyzer ? this.props.analyzerBlocks : this.props.normalBlocks;
-		// finds the current algorithm, if any
-		const alg = algorithms.find(nb => nb.name === block.algorithm) || {contents: {groups: []}};
-		// gets the input & output info of the current alg
-		const [ inputs, outputs ] = algIOs(alg);
-		// calculates the inferred types throughout the experiment
-		const inferredTypes = this.getConnectionInferredTypes();
-		// filters through the algs based on shape (input/output count) and type inferrence
-		// to get the list of possible algs for this block
-		const possibleAlgorithms = algorithms.filter(pa => {
-			const [iAlg, oAlg] = algIOs(pa);
-			return isValidEntity(blockName, tcBlock, {inputs: iAlg, outputs: oAlg}, inferredTypes);
-		});
-		// func to update the exp's block info
-		const updateBlock = (newBlock: any, globals: any = this.props.data.contents.globals) =>
-			this.updateBlock(blockName, isAnalyzer, newBlock, globals);
-		// get info that could be from the block or from the global settings
-		const envInfo = block.environment || this.props.data.contents.globals.environment;
-		const queue = block.queue || this.props.data.contents.globals.queue;
-		const envDisabled = !block.hasOwnProperty('environment');
-		const getClearedGlobals = () => {
-			const globals = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.globals);
-			// if the old algorithm had parameters and no other block is using that alg,
-			// delete the global param defaults for the old alg
-			if(globals.hasOwnProperty(block.algorithm) &&
-				[...this.props.toolchain.contents.analyzers, ...this.props.toolchain.contents.blocks]
-				.filter(b => b.algorithm === block.algorithm).length <= 1)
-				delete globals[block.algorithm];
-			return globals;
-		};
-		return (
-			<FormGroup key={key} className={`block${ key } block_${ blockName }`}>
-				<h4>
-					<InfoTooltip
-						id='blockTooltip'
-						info={`Choose a compatible algorithm for this block to run when execution reaches this place in the toolchain. When you choose an algorithm, inputs & outputs in the algorithm are automatically mapped to the inputs & outputs of the block - but make sure to check this mapping and manually fix incorrect assignments.`}
-					>
-						Block <pre className='preInline'>{ blockName }</pre>
-					</InfoTooltip>
-					{' '}
-					<Badge
-						title={`Block is synchronized to the "${ tcBlock.synchronized_channel }" channel`}
-						color='info'
-					>{ tcBlock.synchronized_channel }</Badge>
-				</h4>
-				<FormGroup row>
-					<Col sm='2'>
-						<Label>Execution Info</Label>
-						<Button
-							color={envDisabled ? 'secondary' : 'warning'}
-							onClick={() => {
-								if(envDisabled)
-									updateBlock({
-										...block,
-										environment: {
-											name: envInfo.name,
-											version: envInfo.version,
-										},
-										queue: queue,
-									});
-								else {
-									const newBlock = copyObj(block);
-									delete newBlock.environment;
-									delete newBlock.queue;
-									updateBlock(newBlock);
-								}
-							}}
-							title={`Toggle whether or not the block is using the global default value for execution information, or is using a custom setting for this specific block.`}
-						>
-							{ envDisabled ? 'Using global defaults' : 'Using block value' }
-						</Button>
-					</Col>
-					<Col>
-						<EnvironmentConfig
-							envInfo={envInfo}
-							queue={queue}
-							availableEnvs={this.props.environments}
-							disabled={envDisabled}
-							updateEnvInfo={(name, version) => {
-								const env = Object.values(this.props.environments).find(e => e.name === name && e.version === version);
-								if(!env)
-									return;
-								const queue = Object.keys(env.queues)[0];
-								updateBlock({
-									...block,
-									environment: {
-										name,
-										version,
-									},
-									queue,
-								});
-							}}
-							updateQueue={queue => updateBlock({
-								...block,
-								queue,
-							})}
-						/>
-					</Col>
-				</FormGroup>
-				<FormGroup className='algorithm'>
-					<Label>
-						Algorithm
-					</Label>
-					<FormGroup row>
-						<Col>
-							<Input
-								type='select'
-								className='custom-select'
-								valid={block.algorithm !== ''}
-								value={block.algorithm}
-								onChange={e => {
-									// user selected a different algorithm
-									const str = e.target.value;
-									// find the alg or use a dummy algorithm instead
-									const alg = algorithms.find(nb => nb.name === str) || {name: '', contents: {groups: []}};
-									const [ inputs, outputs ] = algIOs(alg);
-									// try to map the IOs from the algorithm to the block via names
-									const findCloseIOMatch = (s: string, arr: string[]): string => {
-										if(arr.length === 1)
-											return arr[0];
-										const findRes = arr.find(str => str.includes(s));
-										if(findRes !== undefined)
-											return findRes;
-										return '';
-									};
-									// create the new block obj with the new alg
-									const thisBlock = {
-										...block,
-										algorithm: str,
-									};
-									// assign new inputs
-									if(tcBlock.inputs)
-										thisBlock.inputs = levMapStrings(Object.keys(inputs), tcBlock.inputs);
-									// assign new outputs
-									if(tcBlock.outputs)
-										thisBlock.outputs = levMapStrings(Object.keys(outputs), tcBlock.outputs);
-									// setup the parameters (erase & create stuff)
-									const globals = getClearedGlobals();
-									// if the new alg has parameters, gen the global defaults for the params
-									if(alg.contents.parameters && Object.keys(alg.contents.parameters).length > 0)
-										globals[alg.name] = {
-											...Object.entries(alg.contents.parameters || {})
-											.map(([pName, param]) => ({[pName]: getDefaultParameterValue(param)}))
-											.reduce((o, p) => ({...o, ...p}), {}),
-											...this.props.data.contents.globals[alg.name],
-										};
-									updateBlock(thisBlock, globals);
-									//this.setLockMap(blockName, true);
-								}}
-							>
-								<option value=''>Algorithm...</option>
-								{
-									possibleAlgorithms
-									.map(nb => nb.name)
-									.map((str, i) =>
-										<option key={i} value={str}>{ str }</option>
-									)
-								}
-							</Input>
-						</Col>
-						<Col sm='auto'>
-							{ !isAnalyzer &&
-									<React.Fragment>
-										<Button
-											color='primary'
-											disabled={block.algorithm === ''}
-											title={`Copies the algorithm & IO mappings to all unconfigured blocks with the same inputs & outputs`}
-											onClick={() => {
-												// copy the algorithm and input/output mappings to blocks
-												// that are the same except for the block name and dont have an algorithm assigned already
-												const targetBlocks = this.props.toolchain.contents.blocks
-												// not the block being copied from
-												.filter(b => b.name !== blockName)
-												// same IO
-												.filter(b => JSON.stringify(b.inputs) === JSON.stringify(tcBlock.inputs))
-												.filter(b => JSON.stringify(b.outputs) === JSON.stringify(tcBlock.outputs))
-												.map(b => b.name)
-												;
-												//console.log(targetBlocks);
-												// because the target blocks have the exact same inputs/outputs as the current block
-												// we dont need to re-compute the block object that we will copy!
-												// instead, just reuse the current block object and assign it to all
-												// the target blocks.
-												// also, because all these blocks are the same algorithm as the current block
-												// we dont need to mess with the globals.
-												const newBlocks = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.blocks);
-												targetBlocks.forEach(bName => { newBlocks[bName] = copyObj(block); });
-												this.setContents({
-													...this.props.data.contents,
-													blocks: newBlocks,
-												});
-											}}
-										>
-											Copy to similar blocks
-										</Button>
-										{' '}
-									</React.Fragment>
-							}
-							<Button
-								color='secondary'
-								title={`Clears the block data, resetting the selected block.`}
-								onClick={() => {
-									const newBlock = copyObj(block);
-									const newGlobals = getClearedGlobals();
-									newBlock.algorithm = '';
-									if(newBlock.inputs)
-										newBlock.inputs = {};
-									if(newBlock.outputs)
-										newBlock.outputs = {};
-									if(newBlock.parameters)
-										newBlock.parameters = {};
-									updateBlock(newBlock, newGlobals);
-								}}
-							>
-								Reset
-							</Button>
-						</Col>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</FormGroup>
-				{ Object.entries(alg.contents.parameters || {}).length > 0 && <h5>Parameters</h5> }
-				{
-					Object.entries(alg.contents.parameters || {}).map(([pName, paramObj], i) => {
-						const isTethered = !block.parameters.hasOwnProperty(pName);
-						const globalParams = this.props.data.contents.globals[alg.name];
-						const currVal = block.parameters[pName] || globalParams[pName];
-						const deleteParam = () => {
-							const thisBlock = {...block,
-							};
-							delete block.parameters[pName];
-							updateBlock(thisBlock);
-						};
-						const updateParam = (val: ParameterValue) => {
-							const thisBlock = {...block,
-								parameters: {...block.parameters,
-									[pName]: val
-								}
-							};
-							updateBlock(thisBlock);
-						};
-						return (
-							<FormGroup key={i} className={`parameter${ i }`}>
-								<Label>
-									{ pName }
-								</Label>
-								<FormGroup row>
-									<Col sm='auto'>
-										<Button
-											color={isTethered ? 'secondary' : 'warning'}
-											onClick={() => {
-												if(isTethered){
-													updateParam(currVal);
-												} else {
-													deleteParam();
-												}
-											}}
-											title={`Toggle whether or not the block is using the global default value for this parameter, or is using a custom value for this specific block.`}
-										>
-											{ isTethered ? 'Using global defaults' : 'Using block value' }
-										</Button>
-									</Col>
-									<Col>
-										<ParameterConsume
-											parameter={paramObj}
-											currVal={currVal}
-											updateFunc={updateParam}
-										/>
-									</Col>
-								</FormGroup>
-							</FormGroup>
-						);
-					})
-				}
-				<h5>Inputs</h5>
-				{
-					Object.entries(inputs).map(([iName, type], i, inputs) => {
-						const iLabel = `${ iName } (${ type })`;
-						const value = block.inputs[iName] || '';
-						const foundCount = Object.values(block.inputs).filter(s => s === value).length;
-						return (
-							<FormGroup row key={i} className={`input${ i }`}>
-								<Label sm={6}>{ iLabel }</Label>
-								<Col sm={6}>
-									<Input
-										type='select'
-										className='custom-select'
-										valid={value !== '' && foundCount === 1}
-										value={value}
-										onChange={e => {
-											const str = e.target.value;
-											const thisBlock = {
-												...block,
-												inputs: {...block.inputs, [iName]: str}
-											};
-											for(const key in block.inputs){
-												if(block.inputs[key] === str)
-													thisBlock.inputs[key] = value;
-											}
-											updateBlock(thisBlock);
-										}}
-									>
-										<option value=''>Input...</option>
-										{
-											tcBlock.inputs
-											.map((str, i) =>
-												<option key={i} value={str}>{ str }</option>
-											)
-										}
-									</Input>
-								</Col>
-							</FormGroup>
-						);
-					})
-				}
-				{ Object.keys(outputs).length > 0 && <h5>Outputs</h5> }
-				{
-					Object.entries(outputs).map(([oName, type], i) => {
-						const oLabel = `${ oName } (${ type })`;
-						const value = block.outputs[oName] || '';
-						const foundCount = Object.values(block.outputs).filter(s => s === value).length;
-						return (
-							<FormGroup row key={i} className={`output${ i }`}>
-								<Label sm={6}>{ oLabel }</Label>
-								<Col sm={6}>
-									<Input
-										type='select'
-										className='custom-select'
-										valid={value !== '' && foundCount === 1}
-										value={value}
-										onChange={e => {
-											const str = e.target.value;
-											const thisBlock = {
-												...block,
-												outputs: {...block.outputs, [oName]: str}
-											};
-											for(const key in block.outputs){
-												if(block.outputs[key] === str)
-													thisBlock.outputs[key] = value;
-											}
-											updateBlock(thisBlock);
-										}}
-									>
-										<option value=''>Output...</option>
-										{
-											tcBlock.outputs
-											.map((str, i) =>
-												<option key={i} value={str}>{ str }</option>
-											)
-										}
-									</Input>
-								</Col>
-							</FormGroup>
-						);
-					})
-				}
-			</FormGroup>
-		);
-	}
-	renderBlocks = () => this.state.activeBlockInfo.set === 'blocks' && (
-		<FormGroup>
-			{
-				(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.blocks): [string, any][])
-				.filter(([n, b]) => n === this.state.activeBlockInfo.name)
-				.sort(([n1, ds1], [n2, ds2]) => n1 > n2 ? 1 : -1)
-				.map(([name, blk], i) =>
-					this.renderBlock(name, blk, false, i)
-				)
-			}
-		</FormGroup>
-	);
-	renderAnalyzers = () => this.state.activeBlockInfo.set === 'analyzers' && (
-		<FormGroup>
-			<h3>Analyzers</h3>
-			{
-				(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.analyzers): [string, any][])
-				.filter(([n, b]) => n === this.state.activeBlockInfo.name)
-				.sort(([n1, ds1], [n2, ds2]) => n1 > n2 ? 1 : -1)
-				.map(([name, blk], i) =>
-					this.renderBlock(name, blk, true, i)
-				)
-			}
-		</FormGroup>
-	)
-	renderGlobals = () => {
-		const paramObjs = this.getParameterObjs();
-		return (
-			<FormGroup className='globals'>
-				<h3>
-					<InfoTooltip
-						id='globalSettingsTooltip'
-						info={`These settings are for the entire experiment, not for a specific block.`}
-					>
-						Global Settings
-					</InfoTooltip>
-				</h3>
-				<EnvironmentConfig
-					envInfo={this.props.data.contents.globals.environment}
-					queue={this.props.data.contents.globals.queue}
-					availableEnvs={this.props.environments}
-					updateEnvInfo={(name, version) => this.setContents({
-						...this.props.data.contents,
-						globals: {
-							...this.props.data.contents.globals,
-							environment: {
-								...this.props.data.contents.globals.environment,
-								name,
-								version,
-							},
-							queue: '',
-						}
-					})}
-					updateQueue={queue => this.setContents({
-						...this.props.data.contents,
-						globals: {
-							...this.props.data.contents.globals,
-							queue,
-						}
-					})}
-				/>
-				{ paramObjs.length > 0 &&
-						<h3>
-							Algorithm Parameter Defaults
-						</h3>
-				}
-				{
-					paramObjs.map(([algName, ps], i) => (
-						<FormGroup key={i} className={`globalParameter${ i }`}>
-							<h4>{ algName }</h4>
-							{
-								Object.entries(ps).map(([pName, paramObj], j) => (
-									<FormGroup key={j}>
-										<Label for={`${ algName }/${ pName }`}>{ pName }</Label>
-										<ParameterConsume
-											name={`${ algName }/${ pName }`}
-											parameter={paramObj}
-											currVal={this.props.data.contents.globals[algName][pName]}
-											updateFunc={(val: ParameterValue) => {
-												const globals = {
-													...this.props.data.contents.globals,
-													[algName]: {
-														...this.props.data.contents.globals[algName],
-														[pName]: val
-													}
-												};
-												this.setContents({
-													...this.props.data.contents,
-													globals
-												});
-											}}
-										/>
-									</FormGroup>
-								))
-							}
-						</FormGroup>
-					))
-				}
-			</FormGroup>
-		);
-	}
-	renderGraphicalEditor = () => {
-		const tc = this.props.toolchain;
-		const {representation, blocks, datasets, analyzers, connections} = tc.contents;
-		const groups = tc.extraContents ? tc.extraContents.groups : [];
-		const expData = [
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.datasets)
-			.map(([name, ds]) => ({ [name]: datasetFieldToString(ds) })),
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.blocks)
-			.map(([name, b]) => ({ [name]: b.algorithm })),
-			...Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.analyzers)
-			.map(([name, a]) => ({ [name]: a.algorithm })),
-		].reduce((o, data) => ({ ...o, ...data }), {});
-		const errorMap = this.getErrorMap();
-		const errorStrings: { [string]: string[] } = ((Object.entries(errorMap): any): [ string, string[] ][])
-		.map(([ error, names ]) => names.reduce((o, n) => {
-			let errorMessage = '';
-			// messages need to be short enough to not be clipped (up to 1 char longer than the ioMissing message)
-			switch(error){
-				case 'dataSourceMissing':
-					errorMessage = 'Data source not assigned!';
-					break;
-				case 'algorithmMissing':
-					errorMessage = 'Algorithm not assigned!';
-					break;
-				case 'ioMissing':
-					errorMessage = 'Input/output not assigned!';
-					break;
-				case 'incompatibleConnectionTypes':
-					errorMessage = '. Connection has incompatible start/end types!';
-					break;
-				default:
-					errorMessage = error;
-					break;
-			}
-			return {...o, [n]: errorMessage};
-		}, {}))
-		.reduce((o, errors) => {
-			Object.entries(errors).forEach(([name, errorString]) => {
-				if(o.hasOwnProperty(name))
-					o[name].push(errorString);
-				else
-					o[name] = [errorString];
-			});
-			return o;
-		}, {});
-		const scrollToGlobalSettings = (e) => {
-			const elSettings = document.querySelector('.globals');
-			if(!elSettings){
-				return;
-			}
-			elSettings.scrollIntoView(true);
-		};
-		return (
-			<FormGroup row>
-				<Col sm={12}>
-					<GraphicalEditor
-						repData={representation || {blocks: {}, connections: {}, channel_colors: {}}}
-						blocks={blocks || []}
-						datasets={datasets || []}
-						analyzers={analyzers || []}
-						connections={connections || []}
-						groups={groups}
-						experimentData={expData}
-						handleBlockClick={this.handleBlockClick}
-						errorBlocks={errorStrings}
-						focusBlocks={[this.state.activeBlockInfo.name || '']}
-						handleBackgroundClick={scrollToGlobalSettings}
-					/>
-				</Col>
-			</FormGroup>
-		);
-	}
-	render = () => (
-		<div className='experimentEditor'>
-			<div className='d-flex'>
-				<Button
-					className='mx-auto'
-					outline
-					color='secondary'
-					onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-				>
-					Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='experiment' obj={this.props.data} />)
-				</Button>
-			</div>
-			<Form onSubmit={(e) => e.preventDefault()}>
-				<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-					<FormGroup>
-						<Label>Short Description</Label>
-						<Input
-							type='text'
-							className='expDescription'
-							placeholder='Experiment description...'
-							value={this.props.data.contents['description']}
-							onChange={e => this.setContents({ ...this.props.data.contents, 'description': e.target.value})}
-						/>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</FormGroup>
-				{/*
-				<pre>{JSON.stringify(this.getConnectionInferredTypes(), null, 4)}</pre>
-				*/}
-				{ this.renderGraphicalEditor() }
-				<FormGroup>
-					<Button block outline
-						onClick={e => {
-							this.setState({ disableTypeInference: !this.state.disableTypeInference });
-						}}
-						title={`When assigning algorithms & datasets to blocks, the platform tries to infer types throughout the toolchain to filter the possibilities. If you don't want any filtering, you may turn this feature off to be able to select any compatible algorithm/dataset. You may re-enable filtering at any time by clicking the button again.`}
-					>
-						{ this.state.disableTypeInference ? 'Enable' : 'Disable' } Type Inference
-					</Button>
-				</FormGroup>
-				{ this.state.activeBlockInfo.set === 'blocks' && this.renderBlocks() }
-				{ this.state.activeBlockInfo.set === 'analyzers' && this.renderAnalyzers() }
-				{ this.state.activeBlockInfo.set === 'datasets' && this.renderDatasets() }
-				{ this.renderGlobals() }
-			</Form>
-		</div>
-	);
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const exps = Selectors.experimentGet(state);
-	const data = exps[ownProps.index] || undefined;
-	const tcName = data ? data.name.split('/').slice(1, 4).join('/') : '';
-	const tc = Selectors.toolchainGet(state).find(t => t.name === tcName) || {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {
-			blocks: [],
-			analyzers: [],
-			datasets: [],
-		}
-	};
-	const normalBlocks = Selectors.normalBlocks(state);
-	const analyzerBlocks = Selectors.analyzerBlocks(state);
-	const obj = {
-		experiments: exps,
-		data: data || getValidObj({name: '', contents: {}}, tc, [normalBlocks, ...analyzerBlocks]),
-		// algorithms for normal blocks
-		normalBlocks,
-		// algorithms for analyzer blocks
-		analyzerBlocks,
-		datasets: Selectors.flattenedDatabases(state),
-		toolchain: tc,
-		environments: Selectors.environmentsGet(state),
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`experimentUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ExperimentEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 017ee392ddfbcb7caab93b133df3df2c3334fce9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/ExperimentEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,694 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import { ExperimentEditor as C } from '.';
-import {  getValidExperimentObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import testAlgs from '@test/test_algs.json';
-import testDbs from '@test/test_dbs.json';
-import testExps from '@test/test_exps.json';
-import testTcs from '@test/test_tcs.json';
-const envs = {
-	'Scientific Python 2.7': {
-		name: 'Scientific Python 2.7',
-		version: '1.0.0',
-		queues: {
-			Default: {}
-		},
-		packages: {}
-	}
-describe('<ExperimentEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	const normalBlocks = Selectors.normalBlocks({ algorithm: testAlgs });
-	const analyzerBlocks = Selectors.analyzerBlocks({ algorithm: testAlgs });
-	const datasets = Selectors.flattenedDatabases({ database: testDbs });
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const exps = [
-		].concat(testExps);
-		exps.forEach(function(exp){
-			if(exp.name !== 'user/user/single/1/single_add')
-				return;
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			const tc = testTcs.find(tc => exp.name.includes(tc.name));
-			it(`${ exp.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={exp}
-						experiments={exps}
-						normalBlocks={normalBlocks}
-						analyzerBlocks={analyzerBlocks}
-						datasets={datasets}
-						toolchain={tc}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						environments={envs}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'experiments', 'normalBlocks', 'analyzerBlocks', 'datasets', 'toolchain', 'saveFunc', 'environments', 'updateFunc']
-				);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it(`user/user/single/1/single_add`, () => {
-			const expName = 'user/user/single/1/single_add';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const tc = testTcs.find(tc => expName.includes(tc.name));
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: expName, contents: {}}, tc, [...normalBlocks, ...analyzerBlocks])}
-					experiments={[]}
-					normalBlocks={normalBlocks}
-					analyzerBlocks={analyzerBlocks}
-					datasets={datasets}
-					toolchain={tc}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					environments={envs}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			//console.log('doing name');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', expName);
-			//console.log('finished name change, doing dataset');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_set').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('div.dataset0 select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'protocol/set (simple/1)'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('datasets', {
-				'set': {
-					'set': 'set',
-					'protocol': 'protocol',
-					'database': 'simple/1'
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished dataset, doing block');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_echo').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'echo', set: 'blocks'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/integers_add/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks', {
-				'echo': {
-					'inputs': {
-						'in_data': 'in'
-					},
-					'algorithm': 'user/integers_add/1',
-					'outputs': {
-						'out_data': 'out'
-					},
-					parameters: {}
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished block, doing analyzer');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_analysis').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'analysis', set: 'analyzers'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/integers_echo_analyzer/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('analyzers', {
-				'analysis': {
-					'inputs': {
-						'in_data': 'in'
-					},
-					'algorithm': 'user/integers_echo_analyzer/1',
-					parameters: {},
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished analyzer, doing env');
-			wrapper.find('.globals select.env').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Scientific Python 2.7 (1.0.0)'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			wrapper.find('.globals select.queue').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'Default'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('globals', {
-				'queue': 'Default',
-				'environment': {
-					'version': '1.0.0',
-					'name': 'Scientific Python 2.7'
-				},
-				'user/integers_add/1': {
-					offset: 1
-				},
-			});
-			//console.log('finished env, doing cache check');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.be.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'user/user/single/1/single_add',
-				'contents': {
-					description: '',
-					'analyzers': {
-						'analysis': {
-							'inputs': {
-								'in_data': 'in'
-							},
-							'algorithm': 'user/integers_echo_analyzer/1',
-							parameters: {},
-						}
-					},
-					'datasets': {
-						'set': {
-							'set': 'set',
-							'protocol': 'protocol',
-							'database': 'simple/1'
-						}
-					},
-					'blocks': {
-						'echo': {
-							'inputs': {
-								'in_data': 'in'
-							},
-							'algorithm': 'user/integers_add/1',
-							'outputs': {
-								'out_data': 'out'
-							},
-							parameters: {}
-						}
-					},
-					'globals': {
-						'queue': 'Default',
-						'environment': {
-							'version': '1.0.0',
-							'name': 'Scientific Python 2.7'
-						},
-						'user/integers_add/1': {
-							offset: 1
-						},
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		// tests:
-		// - assigning protocol for datasets
-		// - copy block algs
-		it('test/test/iris_advanced/1/iris', () => {
-			const expName ='test/test/iris_advanced/1/iris';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const tc = testTcs.find(tc => expName.includes(tc.name));
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: expName, contents: {}}, tc, [...normalBlocks, ...analyzerBlocks])}
-					experiments={[]}
-					normalBlocks={normalBlocks}
-					analyzerBlocks={analyzerBlocks}
-					datasets={datasets}
-					toolchain={tc}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					environments={envs}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', expName);
-			//console.log('doing dataset');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_training_data').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('div.datasets select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: '{"testing_data":{"database":"iris/1","protocol":"Main","set":"testing"},"training_data":{"database":"iris/1","protocol":"Main","set":"training"}}'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('datasets', {
-				'testing_data': {
-					'database': 'iris/1',
-					'protocol': 'Main',
-					'set': 'testing'
-				},
-				'training_data': {
-					'database': 'iris/1',
-					'protocol': 'Main',
-					'set': 'training'
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished dataset, doing preprocessor blocks');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_pre_training').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'pre_training', set: 'blocks'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'test/iris_preprocessor/1'}});
-			//console.log('finished preprocessor_training, copying alg to other preprocessors');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm button').at(0).simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks', {
-				'pre_testing': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'pre_training': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'testing_alg': {
-					'algorithm': '',
-					'inputs': {
-						'lda_machine': '',
-						'measurements': ''
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'scores': ''
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'training_alg': {
-					'algorithm': '',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': '',
-						'species': ''
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'lda_machine': ''
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished preprocessors, doing training');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_training_alg').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'training_alg', set: 'blocks'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'test/iris_training/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks', {
-				'pre_testing': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'pre_training': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'testing_alg': {
-					'algorithm': '',
-					'inputs': {
-						'lda_machine': '',
-						'measurements': ''
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'scores': ''
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'training_alg': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_training/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements',
-						'species': 'species'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'lda_machine': 'lda_machine'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished training, doing testing');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_testing_alg').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'testing_alg', set: 'blocks'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'test/iris_testing/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks', {
-				'pre_testing': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'pre_training': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'testing_alg': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_testing/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'lda_machine': 'lda_machine',
-						'measurements': 'measurements'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'scores': 'scores'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				},
-				'training_alg': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_training/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'measurements': 'measurements',
-						'species': 'species'
-					},
-					'outputs': {
-						'lda_machine': 'lda_machine'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished blocks, doing analyzer');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_analyzer').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'analyzer', set: 'analyzers'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'test/iris_analyzer/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(6);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('analyzers', {
-				'analyzer': {
-					'algorithm': 'test/iris_analyzer/1',
-					'inputs': {
-						'scores': 'scores',
-						'species': 'species'
-					},
-					'parameters': {}
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished analyzer, doing cache check');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.be.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'test/test/iris_advanced/1/iris',
-				'contents': {
-					'description': '',
-					'analyzers': {
-						'analyzer': {
-							'algorithm': 'test/iris_analyzer/1',
-							'inputs': {
-								'scores': 'scores',
-								'species': 'species'
-							},
-							'parameters': {}
-						}
-					},
-					'blocks': {
-						'pre_testing': {
-							'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-							'inputs': {
-								'measurements': 'measurements'
-							},
-							'outputs': {
-								'measurements': 'measurements'
-							},
-							'parameters': {}
-						},
-						'pre_training': {
-							'algorithm': 'test/iris_preprocessor/1',
-							'inputs': {
-								'measurements': 'measurements'
-							},
-							'outputs': {
-								'measurements': 'measurements'
-							},
-							'parameters': {}
-						},
-						'testing_alg': {
-							'algorithm': 'test/iris_testing/1',
-							'inputs': {
-								'lda_machine': 'lda_machine',
-								'measurements': 'measurements'
-							},
-							'outputs': {
-								'scores': 'scores'
-							},
-							'parameters': {}
-						},
-						'training_alg': {
-							'algorithm': 'test/iris_training/1',
-							'inputs': {
-								'measurements': 'measurements',
-								'species': 'species'
-							},
-							'outputs': {
-								'lda_machine': 'lda_machine'
-							},
-							'parameters': {}
-						}
-					},
-					'datasets': {
-						'testing_data': {
-							'database': 'iris/1',
-							'protocol': 'Main',
-							'set': 'testing'
-						},
-						'training_data': {
-							'database': 'iris/1',
-							'protocol': 'Main',
-							'set': 'training'
-						}
-					},
-					'globals': {
-						'queue': 'Default',
-						'environment': {
-							'name': 'Scientific Python 2.7',
-							'version': '0.0.4'
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('Regression Tests', () => {
-		it(`clears the 'echo' & 'analysis' blocks from user/user/single/1/single_add`, () => {
-			const expName = 'user/user/single/1/single_add';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const exp = testExps.find(exp => expName === exp.name);
-			const tc = testTcs.find(tc => expName.includes(tc.name));
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj(exp, tc, [...normalBlocks, ...analyzerBlocks])}
-					experiments={[]}
-					normalBlocks={normalBlocks}
-					analyzerBlocks={analyzerBlocks}
-					datasets={datasets}
-					toolchain={tc}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					environments={envs}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', expName);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks', {
-				'echo': {
-					'inputs': {
-						'in_data': 'in'
-					},
-					'algorithm': 'user/integers_add/1',
-					'outputs': {
-						'out_data': 'out'
-					},
-					parameters: {}
-				}
-			});
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_echo').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.algorithm button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks',
-				{ echo: {
-					inputs: {},
-					algorithm: '',
-					outputs: {},
-					parameters: {}
-				}}
-			);
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_analysis').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.algorithm button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('analyzers',
-				{ analysis: {
-					inputs: {},
-					algorithm: '',
-					parameters: {}
-				}}
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.be.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'user/user/single/1/single_add',
-				'contents': {
-					description: '',
-					'analyzers': {
-						'analysis': {
-							inputs: {},
-							algorithm: '',
-							parameters: {}
-						}
-					},
-					'datasets': {
-						'set': {
-							'set': 'set',
-							'protocol': 'protocol',
-							'database': 'simple/1'
-						}
-					},
-					'blocks': {
-						'echo': {
-							algorithm: '',
-							inputs: {},
-							outputs: {},
-							parameters: {}
-						}
-					},
-					'globals': {
-						'queue': 'queue',
-						'environment': {
-							'version': '1.2.0',
-							'name': 'Python 2.7'
-						},
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-		it(`doesnt change the lockMap after an algorithm or dataset is assigned`, () => {
-			const expName = 'user/user/single/1/single_add';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const tc = testTcs.find(tc => expName.includes(tc.name));
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: expName, contents: {}}, tc, [...normalBlocks, ...analyzerBlocks])}
-					experiments={[]}
-					normalBlocks={normalBlocks}
-					analyzerBlocks={analyzerBlocks}
-					datasets={datasets}
-					toolchain={tc}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					environments={envs}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', expName);
-			//console.log('finished name change, doing dataset');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_set').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('div.dataset0 select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'protocol/set (simple/1)'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('datasets', {
-				'set': {
-					'set': 'set',
-					'protocol': 'protocol',
-					'database': 'simple/1'
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished dataset, doing block');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_echo').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'echo', set: 'blocks'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/integers_add/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('blocks', {
-				'echo': {
-					'inputs': {
-						'in_data': 'in'
-					},
-					'algorithm': 'user/integers_add/1',
-					'outputs': {
-						'out_data': 'out'
-					},
-					parameters: {}
-				}
-			});
-			//console.log('finished block, doing analyzer');
-			wrapper.find('svg #block_analysis').simulate('click');
-			expect(wrapper.find({ name: 'analysis', set: 'analyzers'}).find('.tcBlockBackground').prop('className')).to.include('highlighted');
-			wrapper.find('div.block0 div.algorithm select').at(0).simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/integers_echo_analyzer/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.deep.property('analyzers', {
-				'analysis': {
-					'inputs': {
-						'in_data': 'in'
-					},
-					'algorithm': 'user/integers_echo_analyzer/1',
-					parameters: {},
-				}
-			});
-			expect(wrapper.state().lockMap).to.deep.equal({
-				set: false,
-				echo: false,
-				analysis: false,
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/experiment/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f530318bf5159e3f10fac017232405a281c941c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/experiment/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedExperimentEditor, {ExperimentEditor} from './ExperimentEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	ExperimentEditor,
-export default ConnectedExperimentEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/library/LibraryEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/library/LibraryEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a241194e34dad84106ed4b6e33fa8c60599aaa53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/library/LibraryEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,188 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import { getValidLibraryObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { changeObjFieldName, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import TemplateButton from '../EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	libraries: BeatObject[],
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-export class LibraryEditor extends React.Component<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: newContents
-		});
-	}
-	updateLibraries = (libraries: {}) => {
-		this.setContents({...this.props.data.contents, uses: libraries});
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const data = this.props.data;
-		return (
-			<div>
-				<div className='d-flex'>
-					<Button
-						className='mx-auto'
-						outline
-						color='secondary'
-						onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(data)}
-					>
-						Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='library' obj={data} />)
-					</Button>
-					<TemplateButton
-						data={data}
-						entity={'library'}
-					/>
-				</div>
-				<Form onSubmit={(e) => e.preventDefault()}>
-					<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-						<legend>Library Settings</legend>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label for='description'>Short Description</Label>
-							<CacheInput
-								type='text'
-								name='description'
-								placeholder='Library description...'
-								value={data.contents['description']}
-								onChange={e => this.setContents({ ...data.contents, 'description': e.target.value})}
-							/>
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label>Language</Label>
-							<Input
-								id='libLanguage'
-								type='select'
-								className='custom-select'
-								value={data.contents.language}
-								onChange={() => {}}
-							>
-								<option value='python'>Python</option>
-								<option disabled value='cxx'>C++</option>
-								<option disabled value='matlab'>Matlab</option>
-								<option disabled value='r'>R</option>
-							</Input>
-						</FormGroup>
-					</FormGroup>
-					<FormGroup id='usedLibs'>
-						<h4>Libraries Used</h4>
-						{
-							(Object.entries(data.contents.uses): [string, any][]).map(([name, lib], i) => (
-								<TypedField
-									key={i}
-									name={name}
-									type={lib}
-									types={this.props.libraries.filter(l => l.name !== data.name).map(l => l.name)}
-									existingFields={Object.keys(data.contents.uses)}
-									nameUpdateFunc={str => {
-										const newLibs = changeObjFieldName(data.contents.uses, name, str);
-										this.updateLibraries(newLibs);
-									}}
-									typeUpdateFunc={str => {
-										const newLibs = {
-											...data.contents.uses,
-											[name]: str
-										};
-										this.updateLibraries(newLibs);
-									}}
-									deleteFunc={() => {
-										const newLibs = { ...data.contents.uses };
-										delete newLibs[name];
-										this.updateLibraries(newLibs);
-									}}
-								/>
-							))
-						}
-						<Button
-							outline
-							block
-							id='newLibrary'
-							onClick={e => {
-								let newKey = '';
-								let v = 0;
-								while(true) {
-									const tryKey = `lib_${ v }`;
-									if(Object.keys(data.contents.uses).includes(tryKey)){
-										v++;
-										continue;
-									}
-									newKey = tryKey;
-									break;
-								}
-								this.updateLibraries({
-									...data.contents.uses,
-									[newKey]: ''
-								});
-							}}
-						>
-							Use Another Library
-						</Button>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</Form>
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const libs = Selectors.libraryGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		libraries: libs,
-		data: libs[ownProps.index] || getValidObj()
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`libraryUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(LibraryEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/library/LibraryEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/library/LibraryEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index aa5e29ea081c7bbb2f27eb54c3d9af48c8e6c716..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/library/LibraryEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { LibraryEditor as C } from '.';
-import testLibs from '@test/test_libs.json';
-describe('<LibraryEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount){
-			wrapper.unmount();
-		}
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const libs = [
-			{
-				name: 'test/lib/1',
-				contents: {
-					language: 'python',
-					uses: [],
-				}
-			}
-		].concat(testLibs);
-		libs.forEach(function(lib){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			it(`${ lib.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={lib}
-						libraries={libs}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-				).deep.equal(
-					[lib, libs, saveFunc, updateFunc]
-				);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it('user/anotherlib/1', () => {
-			const libName = 'user/anotherlib/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy();
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={{name: libName, contents: { description: '', uses: {}, language: 'python' }}}
-					libraries={testLibs.filter(l => l.name !== libName)}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'libraries', 'saveFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', libName);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'description': '',
-				'uses': {},
-				'language': 'python'
-			});
-		});
-		it('user/thelib/1', () => {
-			const libName = 'user/thelib/1';
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const data = {name: libName, contents: { description: '', uses: {}, language: 'python' }};
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={data}
-					libraries={testLibs.filter(l => l.name !== libName)}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			let props = wrapper.props();
-			expect(props.data).to.have.property('name', libName);
-			wrapper.find('button#newLibrary').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			wrapper.find('#usedLibs CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')({ target: { value: 'lib'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			wrapper.find('#usedLibs select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/anotherlib/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			props = wrapper.props();
-			expect(props.data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'description': '',
-				'uses': {
-					lib: 'user/anotherlib/1'
-				},
-				'language': 'python'
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/library/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/library/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e331ab4e8558a1ea3b0656f1ae10679944653300..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/library/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedLibraryEditor, {LibraryEditor} from './LibraryEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	LibraryEditor,
-export default ConnectedLibraryEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/plotter/PlotterEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/plotter/PlotterEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9095ced7458b68202d338e36c413b1979bfb3ce5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/plotter/PlotterEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	Form, FormGroup,
-	Label, Input,
-	Card, CardHeader, CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink,
-	Alert,
-	UncontrolledDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu,
-	InputGroup, InputGroupAddon,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import { changeObjFieldName, generateNewKey, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import { BUILTIN_TYPES, ANALYZER_RESULT_TYPES, getValidPlotterObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import TemplateButton from '../EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx';
-import InfoTooltip from '../InfoTooltip.jsx';
-import ParameterCreate from '../ParameterCreate.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	data: BeatObject,
-	libraries: BeatObject[],
-	plotDfNames: string[],
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-type State = {
-	choiceCache: string,
-export class PlotterEditor extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		//console.log(`Creating AlgDetail`);
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		choiceCache: '',
-	}
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				...this.props.data.contents,
-				...newContents,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	updateDescription = (desc: string) => {
-		this.setContents({ description: desc });
-	}
-	updateDataformat = (df: string) => {
-		this.setContents({ dataformat: df });
-	}
-	// 4 different functions:
-	// creates a parameter (provide name & value)
-	// updates a parameter (provide name & value)
-	// renames a parameter (provide name & value & the old name)
-	// deletes a parameter (provide null as name, value is optional, the name)
-	updateParameter = (name: null | string, value: any, oldName: ?string) => {
-		const params = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.parameters);
-		if(oldName)
-			delete params[oldName];
-		if(name !== null)
-			params[name] = value;
-		this.setContents({ parameters: params });
-	}
-	// helper to change a value in the "contents" subobject of a plotter
-	// (this is where the vast majority of change happens)
-	changeContentsVal = (field: string, val: any) => {
-		const newCache = {
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				...this.props.data.contents,
-				[field]: val
-			}
-		};
-		this.props.updateFunc(newCache);
-	}
-	renderLibraries = () => (
-		<TabPane tabId='2'>
-			<Row>
-				<Col sm='12'>
-					{
-						// loop through all the used libs
-						(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.uses): [string, any][])
-						.map(([name, lib], i, lEntries) => (
-							<TypedField
-								key={i}
-								name={name}
-								type={lib}
-								types={this.props.libraries.map(l => l.name)}
-								existingFields={lEntries.map(([n, v]) => n)}
-								nameUpdateFunc={str => {
-									// update the alias
-									this.changeContentsVal('uses',
-										changeObjFieldName(
-											this.props.data.contents.uses,
-											name,
-											str
-										)
-									);
-								}}
-								typeUpdateFunc={str => {
-									// update the chosen library for the alias
-									const libs = {
-										...this.props.data.contents.uses,
-										[name]: str
-									};
-									this.changeContentsVal('uses', libs);
-								}}
-								deleteFunc={() => {
-									const libs = { ...this.props.data.contents.uses };
-									delete libs[name];
-									this.changeContentsVal('uses', libs);
-								}}
-							/>
-						))
-					}
-				</Col>
-			</Row>
-			<Button outline block
-				id='newLibraryBtn'
-				onClick={() => {
-					const newKey = generateNewKey('library', Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.uses));
-					this.changeContentsVal('uses',
-						{
-							...this.props.data.contents.uses,
-							[newKey]: ''
-						}
-					);
-				}}
-			>
-				New Library
-			</Button>
-		</TabPane>
-	);
-	render = () => {
-		return (
-			<div>
-				<div className='d-flex'>
-					<Button
-						className='mx-auto'
-						outline
-						color='secondary'
-						onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-					>
-						Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='plotter' obj={this.props.data} />)
-					</Button>
-					<TemplateButton
-						data={this.props.data}
-						entity={'plotter'}
-					/>
-				</div>
-				<Form>
-					<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label>Short Description</Label>
-							<Input
-								type='text'
-								id='plDesc'
-								placeholder='Plotter description...'
-								value={this.props.data.contents.description}
-								onChange={(e) => this.updateDescription(e.target.value)}
-							/>
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label>Input Dataformat</Label>
-							<Input
-								id='plDf'
-								type='select'
-								className='custom-select'
-								value={this.props.data.contents.dataformat}
-								onChange={e => this.updateDataformat(e.target.value)}
-							>
-								{
-									this.props.plotDfNames.map((df, i) =>
-										<option key={i} value={df}>{ df }</option>
-									)
-								}
-							</Input>
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup id='usedLibs'>
-							<h5>Libraries</h5>
-								{ this.renderLibraries() }
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup id='paramsForm'>
-							<h5>Parameters</h5>
-							{
-								(Object.entries(this.props.data.contents.parameters): [string, any][]).map(([name, param], i, params) => (
-									<Row key={i} className='mb-2'>
-										<Col sm='12'>
-											<ParameterCreate
-												name={name}
-												param={param}
-												params={params}
-												updateParameter={this.updateParameter}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</Row>
-								))
-							}
-							<Button outline block
-								id='newParameterBtn'
-								onClick={() => {
-									const newKey = generateNewKey('parameter', Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.parameters || {}));
-									this.updateParameter(
-										newKey,
-										{
-											type: '',
-											default: '',
-											description: '',
-										}
-									);
-								}}
-							>
-								New Parameter
-							</Button>
-						</FormGroup>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</Form>
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const plotters = Selectors.plotterGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		libraries: Selectors.libraryGet(state),
-		plotDfNames: Selectors.dataformatGet(state).map(df => df.name).filter(df => df.startsWith('plot/')),
-		data: plotters[ownProps.index] || getValidObj(),
-	};
-	if(obj.data.contents.dataformat === "")
-	{
-		obj.plotDfNames.unshift("-- select an option --")
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`plotterUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(PlotterEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/plotter/PlotterEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/plotter/PlotterEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 5aa3bd3b9649c8cdeb218805d826655059ede4b6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/plotter/PlotterEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { PlotterEditor as C } from '.';
-import {  getValidPlotterObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import testPlotters from '@test/test_plotters.json';
-import testDfs from '@test/test_dfs.json';
-import testLibs from '@test/test_libs.json';
-const libs = [];
-describe('<PlotterEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const plots = [
-			{
-				name: 'test/myplot/1',
-				contents: {
-					description: 'A basic plotter as a sanity test for the PlotterEditor',
-					language: 'python',
-					parameters: {
-						'parameter_1': {
-							type: 'string',
-							default: 'default',
-							description: 'description',
-						}
-					},
-					dataformat: "plot/bar/1",
-					uses: {
-						'library': 'plot/baselib/1',
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		].concat(testPlotters.map(a => getValidObj(a)));
-		plots.forEach(function(plot){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			const dfs = testDfs.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(testDfs => testDfs.name);
-			it(`${ plot.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={getValidObj(plot)}
-						plotters={plots}
-						dataformats={plot.contents.dataformat}
-						plotDfNames={dfs}
-						libraries={libs}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'plotters', 'dataformats', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-				)
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it('test/createplot/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const plotName = 'test/createplot/1';
-			const dfs = testDfs.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(testDfs => testDfs.name);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: plotName, contents: {}})}
-					plotters={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					plotDfNames={dfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'plotters', 'dataformats', 'plotDfNames', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', plotName);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat', '');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat').with.lengthOf(0);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language').with.lengthOf(6);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language', 'python');
-			wrapper.find('#plDf select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/anotherdataformat/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat', 'user/anotherdataformat/1');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language', 'python');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('description').with.lengthOf(0);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language').with.lengthOf(6);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat').with.lengthOf(24);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('parameters').that.deep.equals({});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('uses').that.deep.equals({});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'description': '',
-				'uses': {},
-				'parameters': {},
-				'language': 'python',
-				'dataformat': 'user/anotherdataformat/1'
-			});
-		});
-		it('test/plot_add_lib/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const plotName = 'test/plot_other/1';
-			const dfs = testDfs.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(testDfs => testDfs.name);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: plotName, contents: {}})}
-					plotters={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					plotDfNames={dfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'plotters', 'dataformats', 'plotDfNames', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', plotName);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat', '');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat').with.lengthOf(0);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language').with.lengthOf(6);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language', 'python');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('parameters').that.deep.equals({});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('uses').that.deep.equals({});
-			wrapper.find('button#newLibraryBtn').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.find('#usedLibs CacheInput[type="text"]').prop('onChange')({ target: { value: 'lib'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			wrapper.find('#usedLibs select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/anotherlib/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'description': '',
-				'uses': {
-					lib: 'user/anotherlib/1'
-				},
-				'language': 'python',
-				'parameters': {},
-				'dataformat': ''
-			});
-		});
-		it('test/plot_add_param/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const plotName = 'test/plot_param/1';
-			const dfs = testDfs.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(testDfs => testDfs.name);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: plotName, contents: {}})}
-					plotters={[]}
-					dataformats={testDfs}
-					plotDfNames={dfs}
-					libraries={testLibs}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'plotters', 'dataformats', 'plotDfNames', 'libraries', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', plotName);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat', '');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('dataformat').with.lengthOf(0);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language').with.lengthOf(6);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('language', 'python');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('parameters').that.deep.equals({});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('uses').that.deep.equals({});
-			wrapper.find('button#newParameterBtn').simulate('click');
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			wrapper.find('CacheInput[placeholder="Parameter name..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'offset' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			wrapper.find('#paramsForm select').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'int32' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			wrapper.find('input[placeholder="Default"]').simulate('change', { target: { value: '1' }});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.parameters).to.have.deep.property('offset', {
-				'default': '1',
-				'type': 'int32',
-				'description': '',
-			});
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'description': '',
-				'uses': {},
-				'language': 'python',
-				'parameters': {
-					'offset': {
-						'default': '1',
-						'type': 'int32',
-						description: '',
-					}
-				},
-				'dataformat': ''
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/plotter/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/plotter/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c3bf287afd9e56c9f6f38ade911beb8c725b746b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/plotter/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedPlotterEditor, {PlotterEditor} from './PlotterEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	PlotterEditor,
-export default ConnectedPlotterEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/PlotterParameterEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/PlotterParameterEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c90b2ffa4a41704514325ccd068cd3273362101..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/PlotterParameterEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,193 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	Form, FormGroup,
-	Label, Input,
-	Card, CardHeader, CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane, Nav, NavItem, NavLink,
-	Alert,
-	UncontrolledDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu,
-	InputGroup, InputGroupAddon,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import { changeObjFieldName, generateNewKey, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import { BUILTIN_TYPES, ANALYZER_RESULT_TYPES, getValidPlotterparameterObj as getValidObj, expGetDefaultParameterValue as getDefaultParameterValue } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import TypedField from '../TypedField.jsx';
-import TemplateButton from '../EntityTemplateGenerationButton.jsx';
-import InfoTooltip from '../InfoTooltip.jsx';
-import ParameterConsume from '../ParameterConsume.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	plotters: BeatObject[],
-	data: BeatObject,
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-export class PlotterParameterEditor extends React.Component<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		//console.log(`Creating AlgDetail`);
-		super(props);
-	}
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				...this.props.data.contents,
-				...newContents,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	updateDescription = (desc: string) => {
-		this.setContents({ description: desc });
-	}
-	getPlotterName = (): string => {
-		return this.props.data.contents.plotter;
-	}
-	getPlotter = (name: ?string) => {
-		const n = name || this.getPlotterName();
-		const pl = this.props.plotters.find(pl => pl.name === n);
-		return pl || {};
-	}
-	updatePlotter = (plName: string) => {
-		const pl = this.getPlotter(plName);
-		const oldPlotter = this.getPlotterName();
-		if(oldPlotter === pl.name)
-			return;
-		this.setContents({
-			plotter: pl.name,
-			data: Object.entries(pl.contents.parameters)
-			.map(([p, info]) => ({ [p]: getDefaultParameterValue(info) }))
-			.reduce((o, p) => ({ ...o, ...p }), {})
-		});
-	}
-	updateParameter = (pName: string, v: number | string | boolean) => {
-		this.setContents({
-			data: {
-				...this.props.data.contents.data,
-				[pName]: v
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const pn = this.getPlotterName();
-		const pl = this.getPlotter(pn);
-		return (
-			<div>
-				<div className='d-flex'>
-					<Button
-						className='mx-auto'
-						outline
-						color='secondary'
-						onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-					>
-						Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='plotterparameter' obj={this.props.data} />)
-					</Button>
-					{/*
-					<TemplateButton
-						data={this.props.data}
-						entity={'plotter'}
-					/>
-					*/}
-				</div>
-				<Form>
-					<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label>Short Description</Label>
-							<Input
-								type='text'
-								id='ppDesc'
-								placeholder='Parameter description...'
-								value={this.props.data.contents.description}
-								onChange={(e) => this.updateDescription(e.target.value)}
-							/>
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup>
-							<Label>Plotter</Label>
-							<Input
-								type='select'
-								className='custom-select'
-								id='ppPl'
-								placeholder='Plotter...'
-								value={pn}
-								onChange={e => this.updatePlotter(e.target.value)}
-							>
-								{
-									this.props.plotters.map((pl, i) =>
-										<option key={i} value={pl.name}>{ pl.name }</option>
-									)
-								}
-							</Input>
-						</FormGroup>
-						<h5>Parameters</h5>
-						{
-							pl.contents &&
-								Object.entries(pl.contents.parameters).map(([pName, o], i) =>
-									<FormGroup row key={i}>
-										<Label sm={4}>{ pName }</Label>
-										<Col>
-											<ParameterConsume
-												parameter={o}
-												updateFunc={(v: any) => this.updateParameter(pName, v)}
-												currVal={this.props.data.contents.data[pName]}
-											/>
-										</Col>
-									</FormGroup>
-								)
-						}
-					</FormGroup>
-				</Form>
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const params = Selectors.plotterparameterGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		plotters: Selectors.plotterGet(state),
-		data: params[ownProps.index] || getValidObj(),
-	};
-	if(!obj.data.contents.hasOwnProperty('plotter') ||
-		obj.data.contents.plotters === "")
-	{
-		obj.plotters.unshift({name: "-- select an option --"})
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`plotterparameterUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(PlotterParameterEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/PlotterParameterEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/PlotterParameterEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 1efd25522acc86d43fc4d14c6ae00a496e8aa098..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/PlotterParameterEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { PlotterParameterEditor as C } from '.';
-import {  getValidPlotterparameterObj as getValidObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import testPlotterParameters from '@test/test_plotterparameters.json';
-import testPlotters from '@test/test_plotters.json';
-const libs = [];
-describe('<PlotterParameterEditor />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const plotparams = [
-			{
-				name: 'test/myplotterparameter/1',
-				contents: {
-					description: 'A basic plotterparameter as a sanity test for the PlotterParameterEditor',
-					data: {
-						legend_loc: 'string'
-					},
-					plotter: "plot/bar/1"
-				}
-			}
-		].concat(testPlotterParameters.map(a => getValidObj(a)));
-		plotparams.forEach(function(plotparam){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			const plotters = testPlotters.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(testPlotters => testPlotters.name);
-			it(`${ plotparam.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={getValidObj(plotparam)}
-						plotterparameters={plotparams}
-						plotters={plotters}
-						plotterNames={plotters}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'plotterparameters', 'plotters', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-				)
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		it('test/createplotparam/1', () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const plotparamName = 'test/createplotparam/1';
-			const plotters = testPlotters.filter(d => d.name.startsWith('plot')).map(testPlotters => testPlotters);
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={getValidObj({name: plotparamName, contents: {}})}
-					plotterparameters={[]}
-					plotters={plotters}
-					plotterNames={plotters}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'plotterparameters', 'plotters', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', plotparamName);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('description');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('description').with.lengthOf(0);
-			wrapper.find('#ppPl select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'user/anotherploter/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(0);
-			wrapper.find('#ppPl select').simulate('change', { target: { value: 'plot/bar/1'}});
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('plotter', 'plot/bar/1');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('description').with.lengthOf(0);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('plotter').with.lengthOf(10);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.have.property('data');
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents).to.deep.equal({
-				'description': '',
-				'plotter': 'plot/bar/1',
-				'data': {
-					'axis-fontsize': 10,
-					'bar-alpha': 0.75,
-					'bar-norm': true,
-					'bar_attributes': '',
-					'content_type': 'image/png',
-					'dpi': 60,
-					'grid': false,
-					'height': 300,
-					'legend': '',
-					'legend-bbox-to-anchor': 1,
-					'legend-fontsize': 12,
-					'legend-loc': 'best',
-					'title': 'Bar plot',
-					'title-fontsize': 10,
-					'width': 400,
-					'xaxis_multiplier': 1,
-					'xlabel': '',
-					'yaxis_log': false,
-					'yaxis_multiplier': 1,
-					'ylabel': ''
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b74bd5b0fe019e80666462f790bbed8e247b55..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/plotterparameter/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedPlotterParameterEditor, {PlotterParameterEditor} from './PlotterParameterEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	PlotterParameterEditor,
-export default ConnectedPlotterParameterEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditor.css b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 169634b8db9f43cad1e996eb9d58beaaa58d7a05..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-svg {
-	background-color: white;
-	user-select: none;
-line {
-	stroke-linecap: round;
-.editorWrapper {
-	height: 500px;
-	width: 100%;
-	background-color: grey;
-	z-index: 1;
-.editorWrapper.maximized {
-	position: fixed;
-	left: 5%;
-	top: 5%;
-	width: 90%;
-	height: 90%;
-	background-color: grey;
-	border: solid 1px grey;
-	border-radius: 2px;
-	box-shadow: 0 0 5px grey;
-.editorWrapper2 {
-	height: 100%;
-	width: 100%;
-	background-color: white;
-	overflow: scroll;
-.tcBlock:hover > .tcBlockWhiteFill {
-	filter: brightness(95%);
-.tcBlock > .highlighted {
-	stroke-dasharray: 10, 10;
-.experimentEditor .tcBlock > .highlighted {
-	stroke-width: 3px;
-.editorMenu {
-	background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
-	position: absolute;
-	margin: auto;
-	margin-top: 0.5em;
-	right: 2em;
-.editorWrapper.maximized > .editorMenu {
-	right: 1em;
-text {
-	user-select: none;
-	font-family: monospace;
-.tcBlockTitle {
-	font-weight: bold;
-.tcConnection > .error {
-	stroke: crimson;
-	stroke-dasharray: 10, 10;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a78ced3420f98d62ec961e45ce89239a14fc86e9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1134 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import './GraphicalEditor.css';
-import * as React from 'react';
-import * as d3 from 'd3';
-import {
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import Block from './ToolchainBlock.jsx';
-import Connection, { connectionToId } from './ToolchainConnection.jsx';
-import HelpModal from './GraphicalEditorHelpModal.jsx';
-import { ContextMenuTrigger } from 'react-contextmenu';
-import { changeObjFieldName, generateNewKey } from '@helpers';
-import type {
-	BlockType,
-	NormalBlock,
-	AnalyzerBlock,
-	DatasetBlock,
-	BlockSet,
-	BlockCoords,
-	ConnectionType,
-	Group,
-	LocationMapEntry,
-	LocationMap ,
-} from '@helpers/toolchainTypes';
-type Props = {
-	// the representation data of the toolchain (block locations & channel colors)
-	repData: {
-		blocks: {
-			[string]: {
-				col: number,
-				row: number,
-			}
-		},
-		channel_colors: {
-			[string]: string
-		},
-	},
-	// the blocks in the toolchain
-	blocks: NormalBlock[],
-	// the datasets in the toolchain
-	datasets: DatasetBlock[],
-	// the analyzers in the toolchain
-	analyzers: AnalyzerBlock[],
-	// the connections in the toolchain
-	connections: ConnectionType[],
-	// block groups (not a feature in beat web)
-	groups: Group[],
-	handleBlockClick?: (blockName: string, set: BlockSet) => any,
-	handleBackgroundClick?: (e: any) => any,
-	// updates a block location to col #x & row #y
-	updateBlockLocations?: (bLocs: {blockName: string, x: number, y: number}[]) => any,
-	createConnection?: (from: string, to: string, channel: string) => any,
-	// extra svg to be drawn after the blocks & connections
-	svgChildren?: React.Node,
-	// extra children (e.g. context menus) that arent svg
-	divChildren?: React.Node,
-	// should the d3 behaviours be enabled?
-	interactable?: boolean,
-	// map of block names to strings of text to display on the bottom of a block
-	// used for showing the selected dataset/algorithm in an exp
-	experimentData?: { [string]: string },
-	// block names mapped to an array of error strings
-	errorBlocks?: { [string]: string[] },
-	// blocks to highlight strongly
-	focusBlocks?: string[],
-	toolbarContent?: React.Node,
-type State = {
-	// the scale transformation for the svg
-	zoomLevel: number,
-	// represents the most recent click at a specific point on the svg's grid background
-	svgActionLocation: {
-		x: number,
-		y: number,
-	},
-	selectedBlocks: BlockType[],
-	maximized: boolean,
-	helpActive: boolean,
-	rightClickBlock: ?string,
-	rightClickConnection: ?ConnectionType,
-// note: all measurements are in px by default for svg
-// how tall  a line of text is in a block
-export const blockTextHeight = 20;
-export const svgDimensionLength = 6000;
-export const svgWidth = svgDimensionLength;
-export const svgHeight = svgDimensionLength;
-export const startingZoomLevel = svgDimensionLength;
-export const minZoomLevel = 5000;
-export const svgWidthHalf = svgWidth / 2;
-export const svgHeightHalf = svgHeight / 2;
-export const blockWidth = 200;
-// spacing between grid rows/cols
-export const gridDistance = 20;
-// how much the scaling changes at once
-export const zoomAdjustmentAmount = 100;
-// convert coords in the SVG element to coords to save in data
-export const convertWorldToDataCoords = (x: number, y: number) => {
-	return [x - svgWidthHalf, y - svgHeightHalf];
-// convert coords in the data to the actual SVG locations
-export const convertDataToWorldCoords = (x: number, y: number) => {
-	return [x + svgWidthHalf, y + svgHeightHalf];
-export const clampCoordsToGrid = (x: number, y: number): [number, number] => {
-	const nx = Math.round(x / gridDistance) * gridDistance;
-	const ny = Math.round(y / gridDistance) * gridDistance;
-	return [nx, ny];
-export default class GraphicalEditor extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		zoomLevel: startingZoomLevel,
-		svgActionLocation: {
-			x: -1,
-			y: -1,
-		},
-		selectedBlocks: [],
-		maximized: false,
-		helpActive: false,
-		rightClickBlock: undefined,
-		rightClickConnection: undefined,
-	};
-	// initializes d3 behaviours (most SVG interactions)
-	componentDidMount = () => {
-		this.initD3Behaviours();
-		this.fitToToolchain(this.getLocationMap());
-		//this.scrollToMiddle();
-	}
-	// initalize all the d3 behaviours again if the tc changed,
-	// so new blocks have the d3 stuff and old blocks are removed
-	// (they overwrite older ones)
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props, prevState: State, snapshot: any) => {
-		if(prevProps !== this.props){
-			this.initD3Behaviours();
-		}
-	}
-	initD3Behaviours = () => {
-		if(this.props.interactable){
-			this.initD3Drag();
-			this.initD3Connections();
-			this.initD3AreaSelect();
-			this.initD3MouseMovement();
-		}
-	}
-	// used for the scrollElement ref
-	scrollElement = null;
-	// used for the svgContextMenu ref
-	svgContextMenu = null;
-	// used for the blockContextMenu ref
-	blockContextMenu = null;
-	handleBlockContextMenu = (e: any, name: string, set: string) => {
-		//console.log(`${ name } : ${ set }`);
-		if(this.blockContextMenu){
-			this.setState({ rightClickBlock: name });
-			e.persist();
-			e.preventDefault();
-			e.stopPropagation();
-			setTimeout(() => {
-				if(this.blockContextMenu)
-					this.blockContextMenu.handleContextClick(e);
-			}, 0);
-		}
-	}
-	// used for the connectionContextMenu ref
-	connectionContextMenu = null;
-	handleConnectionContextMenu = (e: any, connection: ConnectionType) => {
-		//console.log(`${ name } : ${ set }`);
-		if(this.connectionContextMenu){
-			this.setState({ rightClickConnection: connection });
-			e.persist();
-			e.preventDefault();
-			e.stopPropagation();
-			setTimeout(() => {
-				if(this.connectionContextMenu)
-					this.connectionContextMenu.handleContextClick(e);
-			}, 0);
-		}
-	}
-	scrollTo = (x: number, y: number) => {
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			if(this.scrollElement){
-				this.scrollElement.scrollLeft = x;
-				this.scrollElement.scrollTop = y;
-			}
-		}, 50);
-	};
-	// scrolls to the middle of the page
-	scrollToMiddle = () => {
-		this.scrollTo(svgWidthHalf - 300, svgHeightHalf - 300);
-	};
-	// adjusts the zoomlevel
-	setZoomLevel = (zoomLevel: number) => zoomLevel >= minZoomLevel && this.setState({zoomLevel: zoomLevel});
-	// zoom out
-	zoomOut = () => this.setZoomLevel(this.state.zoomLevel + zoomAdjustmentAmount);
-	// zoom in
-	zoomIn = () => this.setZoomLevel(this.state.zoomLevel - zoomAdjustmentAmount);
-	// toggle maximized
-	toggleMaximized = () => this.setState({ maximized: !this.state.maximized });
-	// toggles the help modal
-	toggleHelp = () => this.setState({ helpActive: !this.state.helpActive });
-	// generates the string representing the viewbox of the svg. The first two numbers represent the offset, the last two the scaling.
-	getSvgViewBox = () => `0 0 ${ this.state.zoomLevel } ${ this.state.zoomLevel }`;
-	findBlock = (name: string): BlockType => {
-		const b = this.props.blocks.find(b => b.name === name) ||
-			this.props.datasets.find(b => b.name === name) ||
-			this.props.analyzers.find(b => b.name === name)
-		;
-		if(!b)
-			throw new Error(`invalid block name: ${ name }`);
-		return b;
-	}
-	// generates a map of the location (and sizes) of all blocks, inputs, & outputs on the graphical editor.
-	// necessary to draw lines between connected outputs & inputs.
-	getLocationMap = (): LocationMap => {
-		const locMap = {};
-		const hasExpData = this.props.experimentData !== undefined;
-		const ioVerticalOffset = hasExpData ? blockTextHeight : blockTextHeight / 4;
-		const notShownBlocks: string[] = hasExpData ? [] : this.props.groups.reduce((arr, g) => g.collapsed ? [...g.blocks, ...arr] : arr, []);
-		((Object.entries(this.props.repData.blocks): any): [string, any][])
-		.forEach(([name, rep], i) => {
-			const data: BlockType = this.findBlock(name);
-			const [x, y] = convertDataToWorldCoords(rep.col * gridDistance, rep.row * gridDistance);
-			const inputs = data.inputs || [];
-			const outputs = data.outputs || [];
-			const height = ((Math.max(inputs.length, outputs.length, 1) + 1) + 1) * blockTextHeight;
-			const width = blockWidth;
-			const locBlock = { x, y, height, width };
-			locMap[name] = {
-				block: locBlock,
-			};
-			if(data.inputs){
-				const locInputs = {};
-				inputs.forEach((inp, i) => {
-					locInputs[inp] = {
-						x: x - 8,
-						y: (y + blockTextHeight) + (i * blockTextHeight) + (blockTextHeight * 0.3) + ioVerticalOffset,
-						width: 8,
-						height: blockTextHeight * 0.75,
-					};
-				});
-				locMap[name].inputs = locInputs;
-			}
-			if(data.outputs){
-				const locOutputs = {};
-				outputs.forEach((out, i) => {
-					locOutputs[out] = {
-						x: x + blockWidth,
-						y: (y + blockTextHeight) + (i * blockTextHeight) + (blockTextHeight * 0.3) + ioVerticalOffset,
-						width: 8,
-						height: blockTextHeight * 0.75,
-					};
-				});
-				locMap[name].outputs = locOutputs;
-			}
-		});
-		const getBlocksBoundingBox = (names: string[], collapsed: boolean) => {
-			const blockLocs = names.filter(n => locMap.hasOwnProperty(n)).map(n => locMap[n].block);
-			let x = collapsed && !hasExpData ?
-				blockLocs.map(l => l.x).reduce((n, x) => n + x, 0) / blockLocs.length :
-				Math.min(...blockLocs.map(l => l.x))
-			;
-			let y = collapsed && !hasExpData ?
-				blockLocs.map(l => l.y).reduce((n, y) => n + y, 0) / blockLocs.length :
-				Math.min(...blockLocs.map(l => l.y))
-			;
-			if(collapsed && !hasExpData)
-				[x, y] = clampCoordsToGrid(x, y);
-			const width = collapsed && !hasExpData ?
-				blockWidth :
-				Math.max(...blockLocs.map(l => l.x + l.width - x)) + gridDistance * 2
-			;
-			const height = collapsed && !hasExpData ?
-				gridDistance * 3 :
-				Math.max(...blockLocs.map(l => l.y + l.height - y)) + gridDistance * 2
-			;
-			return {
-				x: x - gridDistance,
-				y: y - gridDistance,
-				width,
-				height,
-			};
-		};
-		this.props.groups.forEach(g => {
-			// get the x,y,width,height for the group box
-			const bbox = getBlocksBoundingBox(g.blocks, g.collapsed);
-			locMap[g.name] = {
-				block: bbox,
-			};
-			// if the group is collapsed,
-			// patch the locMap so that connections to/from blocks in the group
-			// instead are to/from the group block
-			if(g.collapsed && !hasExpData){
-				g.blocks.forEach(b => {
-					if(locMap[b].inputs){
-						for(const inp in locMap[b].inputs){
-							const o = locMap[b].inputs[inp];
-							o.x = bbox.x - 1;
-							o.y = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
-						}
-					}
-					if(locMap[b].outputs){
-						for(const out in locMap[b].outputs){
-							const o = locMap[b].outputs[out];
-							o.x = bbox.x + bbox.width - 2;
-							o.y = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;
-						}
-					}
-				});
-			}
-		});
-		return locMap;
-	}
-	// manually triggers the svg's context menu
-	triggerSvgAction = (x: number, y: number, clickEvent: any) => {
-		this.setState({
-			svgActionLocation: {
-				x,
-				y,
-			}
-		});
-		if(this.svgContextMenu)
-			this.svgContextMenu.handleContextClick(clickEvent);
-	}
-	scaleD3EventLocation = (d3X: number, d3Y: number): [number, number] => {
-		const x = d3X * (this.state.zoomLevel / svgWidth);
-		const y = d3Y * (this.state.zoomLevel / svgHeight);
-		return [x, y];
-	};
-	selectBlocks = (blocks: BlockType[]) => {
-		this.setState({
-			selectedBlocks: blocks,
-		});
-		this.initD3Drag();
-	}
-	// synchronizes setState call via passing a func instead of an object
-	// uses names instead of block objects so it can find them in the latest props
-	safeSelectBlocksByName = (blockNames: string[]) => {
-		this.setState((prevState, props) => {
-			return {
-				selectedBlocks: blockNames
-				.map(name =>
-					props.blocks.find(b => b.name === name) ||
-					props.datasets.find(b => b.name === name) ||
-					props.analyzers.find(b => b.name === name)
-				).filter(b => b)
-			};
-		});
-		this.initD3Drag();
-	}
-	// d3 hooks for dragging blocks around
-	// to get around perf problems with updating the entire react state every drag event,
-	// a placeholder (that's outside the react framework!) is drawn via d3.
-	// only at the end of the drag is the react state updated.
-	initD3Drag = () => {
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			const updateBlockLocations = this.props.updateBlockLocations;
-			if(!updateBlockLocations)
-				return;
-			const that = this;
-			// currently debouncing isnt necessary perf-wise
-			let startX = 0;
-			let startY = 0;
-			let dx = 0;
-			let dy = 0;
-			let mx = 0;
-			let my = 0;
-			// the event handler for all the drag events in between the start/end
-			function dragged(d) {
-				// keep track of the change to mouse location across drag events
-				dx += d3.event.dx;
-				dy += d3.event.dy;
-				// if the user has dragged enough to move at least one grid space,
-				// calculate the amount of grid spaces to move
-				if(Math.abs(dx) > gridDistance){
-					mx = Math.round(dx / gridDistance);
-					dx = dx - mx * gridDistance;
-				}
-				if(Math.abs(dy) > gridDistance){
-					my = Math.round(dy / gridDistance);
-					dy = dy - my * gridDistance;
-				}
-				// if theres any grid movement to be made, make it
-				if(mx != 0 || my != 0){
-					const dRect = d3.select('.dragRect');
-					dRect
-					.attr('x', Number.parseInt(dRect.attr('x')) + mx * gridDistance)
-					.attr('y', Number.parseInt(dRect.attr('y')) + my * gridDistance);
-				}
-				// reset the grid movement since we made it already
-				mx = 0;
-				my = 0;
-			}
-			// when the user starts dragging, create the placeholder block
-			function startDrag(d) {
-				const b = d3.select(this);
-				const x = Number.parseFloat(b.attr('x'));
-				const y = Number.parseFloat(b.attr('y'));
-				const height = b.attr('height');
-				const width = b.attr('width');
-				startX = x / gridDistance;
-				startY = y / gridDistance;
-				d3.select('svg')
-				.insert('rect', '.tcBlock')
-				.attr('class', 'dragRect')
-				.attr('fill', 'grey')
-				.attr('stroke', 'black')
-				.attr('stroke-width', '2')
-				.attr('stroke-dasharray', '10, 10')
-				.attr('opacity', '0.4')
-				.attr('x', x)
-				.attr('y', y)
-				.attr('height', height)
-				.attr('width', width)
-				;
-				// reset vals for a new drag
-				dx = 0;
-				dy = 0;
-				mx = 0;
-				my = 0;
-			}
-			// when the user lets go, move the block to the location of the placeholder
-			function endDrag(d) {
-				const dRect = d3.select('.dragRect');
-				const d3this = d3.select(this);
-				const x = Number.parseInt(dRect.attr('x')) / gridDistance;
-				const y = Number.parseInt(dRect.attr('y')) / gridDistance;
-				const xShift = x - startX;
-				const yShift = y - startY;
-				if(xShift !== 0 || yShift !== 0){
-					let bNames = [];
-					if(d3this.classed('areaSelect')){
-						bNames = that.state.selectedBlocks.map(b => b.name);
-					} else if(d3this.classed('tcGroup')){
-						const gId = d3this.attr('id').slice(6);
-						const g = that.props.groups.find(g => g.name === gId);
-						if(!g)
-							return;
-						bNames = g.blocks;
-					} else {
-						bNames = [d3this.attr('id').slice(6)];
-					}
-					const bLocs = bNames.map(b => {
-						const x = that.props.repData.blocks[b].col;
-						const y = that.props.repData.blocks[b].row;
-						const bx = x + xShift;
-						const by = y + yShift;
-						return {blockName: b, x: bx, y: by};
-					});
-					updateBlockLocations(bLocs);
-				}
-				dRect.remove();
-			}
-			// all block elements should be draggable
-			d3.selectAll('.fo,.areaSelect,.tcGroup').call(
-				d3.drag()
-				.on('start', startDrag)
-				.on('end', endDrag)
-				.on('drag', dragged)
-			);
-		}, 50);
-	};
-	// d3 behaviour for connecting an output and input and creating a connection
-	// allows users to drag from output to input,
-	// or click an output and click an input
-	initD3Connections = () => {
-		// creating connections
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			let startId;
-			const createConnection = this.props.createConnection;
-			const channelColors = this.props.repData.channel_colors;
-			const {datasets, blocks} = this.props;
-			let startBlock;
-			let startX = 0;
-			let startY = 0;
-			// the user has started dragging from an output block,
-			// or it might be starting a click event!
-			// to see if the user is clicking or dragging,
-			// check in endDrag() if the distance travelled is small
-			// enough to be considered a click or not
-			function startDrag(d) {
-				//console.log('startDrag');
-				startX = d3.event.x;
-				startY = d3.event.y;
-				// find the block that the user started from
-				const rawId = d3.select(this).attr('id');
-				const bName = rawId.split('-output-')[0];
-				startId = rawId.replace('-output-', '.');
-				startBlock = datasets.find(d => d.name === bName);
-				if(!startBlock)
-					startBlock = blocks.find(d => d.name === bName);
-				// draw a line from the output rect to the mouse location
-				d3.select('svg')
-				.append('line')
-				.classed('tmp', true)
-				.attr('stroke', 'black')
-				.attr('x1', startX)
-				.attr('y1', startY)
-				.attr('x2', startX)
-				.attr('y2', startY);
-			}
-			const processEndBlock = (endInput: HTMLElement) => {
-				if(!startBlock)
-					return;
-				//console.log(endInput);
-				const endId = endInput.id.replace('-input-', '.');
-				// create a new connection assuming theres a given func that does it
-				if(createConnection)
-					createConnection(startId, endId, startBlock.synchronized_channel || startBlock.name);
-				startBlock = undefined;
-			};
-			// create a connection if the user ended the drag on an input block,
-			// else just remove the temp svg line
-			function endDrag(d) {
-				//console.log('endDrag');
-				const {x, y} = d3.event;
-				if(Math.abs(startX - x) < 10 && Math.abs(startY - y) < 10) {
-					// click event not drag
-				} else {
-					// probably not a click event
-					d3.select('.tmp').remove();
-					// with the location of the end event,
-					// compare the location to the location & dims of all input blocks
-					// in the svg.
-					const endInput = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.iBlock'))
-					.find(n => {
-						const nx = n.x.baseVal.value;
-						const ny = n.y.baseVal.value;
-						const width = n.width.baseVal.value;
-						const height = n.height.baseVal.value;
-						return nx <= x && x <= nx + width && ny <= y && y <= ny + height;
-					});
-					if(endInput === undefined){
-						startBlock = undefined;
-					} else {
-						processEndBlock(endInput);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			// create a connection if the user clicked an input block,
-			// else just reset the startBlock
-			function endClick() {
-				processEndBlock(this);
-			}
-			// update the temp line
-			function dragged() {
-				d3.select('.tmp')
-				.attr('x2', d3.event.x)
-				.attr('y2', d3.event.y);
-			}
-			d3.selectAll('.oBlock')
-			.call(
-				d3.drag()
-				.on('start', startDrag)
-				.on('end', endDrag)
-				.on('drag', dragged)
-			);
-			d3.selectAll('.iBlock')
-			.on('click', endClick);
-		}, 50);
-	}
-	// show a little black dot signifying the closest grid point to the current mouse location.
-	// right-clicking the svg background will use this location for its context menu's actions (e.g. adding/pasting blocks).
-	initD3MouseMovement = () => {
-		// mouse movement
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			let cx = 0;
-			let cy = 0;
-			d3.select('.puck')
-			.remove();
-			// draw the puck
-			d3.select('svg')
-			.insert('circle', '.backgroundLimit')
-			.attr('class', 'puck background')
-			.attr('cx', 0)
-			.attr('cy', 0)
-			.attr('r', 5);
-			const svg = document.querySelector('svg');
-			// when the mouse moves, recalc the puck's point on the grid
-			// needs to scale to the zoomlevel
-			d3.select('svg')
-			.on('mousemove', () => {
-				const [rawx, rawy] = d3.mouse(svg);
-				const [x, y] = clampCoordsToGrid(rawx, rawy);
-				cx = x;
-				cy = y;
-				d3.select('.puck')
-				.attr('cx', cx)
-				.attr('cy', cy)
-				;
-			})
-			// if the click event's target is the svg background,
-			// trigger the svg action at the puck's current point
-			.on('contextmenu', () => {
-				if(!Array.from(d3.event.target.classList).includes('background'))
-					return;
-				const [xData, yData] = convertWorldToDataCoords(cx, cy);
-				this.triggerSvgAction(xData / gridDistance, yData / gridDistance, d3.event);
-			})
-			;
-		}, 50);
-	}
-	// d3 behaviour for selecting all blocks inside a rect (via click-and-drag)
-	initD3AreaSelect = () => {
-		setTimeout(() => {
-			const {findBlock, selectBlocks} = this;
-			let startX, startY;
-			let currX, currY;
-			const getPolygonPoints = () => {
-				return `${ startX },${ startY } ${ startX },${ currY } ${ currX },${ currY } ${ currX },${ startY }`;
-			};
-			function startDrag(d) {
-				const [rawx, rawy] = d3.mouse(document.querySelector('svg'));
-				const [x, y] = clampCoordsToGrid(rawx, rawy);
-				startX = x;
-				startY = y;
-				currX = x;
-				currY = y;
-				d3.select('svg')
-				.insert('polygon', '.backgroundLimit')
-				.attr('class', 'tmp')
-				.attr('fill', 'grey')
-				.attr('stroke', 'black')
-				.attr('opacity', '0.3')
-				.attr('points', getPolygonPoints())
-				;
-			}
-			function endDrag(d) {
-				const p = d3.select('polygon.tmp');
-				const lesserX = Math.min(startX, currX);
-				const lesserY = Math.min(startY, currY);
-				const greaterX = Math.max(startX, currX);
-				const greaterY = Math.max(startY, currY);
-				const isInArea = (svgEl) => {
-					const ex = svgEl.x.baseVal.value;
-					const ey = svgEl.y.baseVal.value;
-					const ew = svgEl.width.baseVal.value;
-					const eh = svgEl.height.baseVal.value;
-					if(ex >= greaterX || ex + ew <= lesserX)
-						return false;
-					if(ey >= greaterY || ey + eh <= lesserY)
-						return false;
-					return true;
-				};
-				const blocksInArea = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.fo'))
-				.filter(el => isInArea(el))
-				.map(el => el.id.slice(6))
-				.map(name => findBlock(name))
-				;
-				selectBlocks(blocksInArea);
-				p.remove();
-				startX = 0;
-				startY = 0;
-				currX = 0;
-				currY = 0;
-			}
-			// update the temp rect
-			function dragged(d) {
-				const [rawx, rawy] = d3.mouse(document.querySelector('svg'));
-				const [x, y] = clampCoordsToGrid(rawx, rawy);
-				currX = x;
-				currY = y;
-				d3.select('polygon.tmp')
-				.attr('points', getPolygonPoints())
-				;
-			}
-			d3.selectAll('.background').call(
-				d3.drag()
-				.on('start', startDrag)
-				.on('end', endDrag)
-				.on('drag', dragged)
-			);
-		}, 50);
-	}
-	fitToToolchain = (locMap: LocationMap) => {
-		if(!this.scrollElement)
-			return;
-		// need to check the editorWrapper size dynamically
-		// because it changes when the user maximizes/minimizes the editor
-		const editorWrapper = document.querySelector('.editorWrapper');
-		if(!editorWrapper)
-			return;
-		const wrapperWidth = editorWrapper.offsetWidth;
-		const wrapperHeight = editorWrapper.offsetHeight;
-		// find the min/max coords (boundaries) for the entire toolchain
-		const ls = ((Object.values(locMap): any): LocationMapEntry[]);
-		const minX = Math.min(...ls.map(l => l.block.x));
-		const minY = Math.min(...ls.map(l => l.block.y));
-		const maxX = Math.max(...ls.map(l => l.block.x + l.block.width));
-		const maxY = Math.max(...ls.map(l => l.block.y + l.block.height));
-		// calculate needed zoom level via the largest dimension
-		const width = (maxX - minX) * svgWidth / wrapperWidth;
-		const height = (maxY - minY) * svgWidth / wrapperHeight;
-		// the scrollbars cut into the space so pad it a bit
-		const zoomScaling =  1.05;
-		const maxDimension = Math.max(Math.max(width, height) * zoomScaling, minZoomLevel);
-		// zoom so the entire toolchain can fit in the window
-		this.setZoomLevel(maxDimension);
-		// scroll to view the entire toolchain
-		const scaleFactor = startingZoomLevel / maxDimension;
-		const centerX = Number.isFinite(minX) ? minX : svgWidthHalf - wrapperWidth / 4;
-		const centerY = Number.isFinite(minY) ? minY : svgHeightHalf - wrapperHeight / 4;
-		this.scrollTo(centerX * scaleFactor, centerY * scaleFactor);
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const gridX = gridDistance;
-		const gridY = gridDistance;
-		const locMap = this.getLocationMap();
-		// scales width/height to the zoomlevel so the background grid lines cover the entire svg
-		const scaledSvgWidth = svgWidth * (this.state.zoomLevel / startingZoomLevel);
-		const scaledSvgHeight = svgHeight * (this.state.zoomLevel / startingZoomLevel);
-		const getBlocksBoundingBox = (names: string[]) => {
-			const blockLocs = names.filter(n => locMap.hasOwnProperty(n)).map(n => locMap[n].block);
-			const xMin = Math.min(...blockLocs.map(l => l.x));
-			const yMin = Math.min(...blockLocs.map(l => l.y));
-			const width = Math.max(...blockLocs.map(l => l.x + l.width - xMin));
-			const height = Math.max(...blockLocs.map(l => l.y + l.height - yMin));
-			return {
-				x: xMin - gridDistance,
-				y: yMin - gridDistance,
-				width: width + gridDistance * 2,
-				height: height + gridDistance * 2,
-			};
-		};
-		const selectedBlockNames = this.state.selectedBlocks.map(b => b.name);
-		const selectBoxCoords = getBlocksBoundingBox(selectedBlockNames);
-		const hiddenBlocks = this.props.experimentData !== undefined ? [] : this.props.groups.reduce((bs, g) => g.collapsed ? [...g.blocks, ...bs] : bs, []);
-		const shownConnections = (
-			selectedBlockNames.length === 0 ? this.props.connections : this.props.connections
-			.filter(conn => selectedBlockNames.find(n => conn.from.startsWith(`${ n }.`) || conn.to.startsWith(`${ n }.`)))
-		).filter(({ from, to }) => {
-			const fb = from.split('.')[0];
-			const tb = to.split('.')[0];
-			return !this.props.groups.find(g => g.collapsed && g.blocks.includes(fb) && g.blocks.includes(tb));
-		})
-		;
-		const datasetData = {};
-		for(const b of this.props.datasets){
-			datasetData[b.name] = b;
-		}
-		const blockData = {};
-		for(const b of this.props.blocks){
-			blockData[b.name] = b;
-		}
-		const analyzerData = {};
-		for(const b of this.props.analyzers){
-			analyzerData[b.name] = b;
-		}
-		return (
-			<div className={cn('editorWrapper', {maximized: this.state.maximized})}>
-				<div className='editorMenu'>
-					<ButtonGroup>
-						{ this.props.toolbarContent || null }
-						<Button
-							size='sm'
-							onClick={this.zoomOut}
-						>
-							Zoom out
-						</Button>
-						<Button
-							size='sm'
-							onClick={this.zoomIn}
-						>
-							Zoom in
-						</Button>
-						<Button
-							size='sm'
-							onClick={() => this.fitToToolchain(locMap)}
-						>
-							Fit
-						</Button>
-						<Button
-							size='sm'
-							onClick={this.toggleMaximized}
-						>
-							{ this.state.maximized ? 'Pop In' : 'Pop Out' }
-						</Button>
-						{ !this.props.experimentData &&
-								<Button
-									color='primary'
-									size='sm'
-									onClick={this.toggleHelp}
-								>
-									See help
-								</Button>
-						}
-					</ButtonGroup>
-				</div>
-				<div className='editorWrapper2'
-					ref={e => this.scrollElement = e}
-				>
-					<svg
-						onClick={e => {
-							if((e.button === 0 || e.button === undefined) && this.props.handleBackgroundClick)
-								this.props.handleBackgroundClick(e);
-						}}
-						className='background'
-						width={svgWidth}
-						height={svgHeight}
-						viewBox={this.getSvgViewBox()}
-						onWheel={e => {
-							// zoom when scrolling only with the shift key held
-							if(!e.shiftKey)
-								return;
-							e.preventDefault();
-							if(e.deltaY < 0)
-								this.zoomIn();
-							else if(e.deltaY > 0)
-								this.zoomOut();
-						}}
-					>
-						{
-							/* horizontal grid lines */
-							[...Array(Math.round(scaledSvgHeight / gridY))].map((u, i) => {
-								return (
-									<line
-										className='background'
-										key={`gridY${ i }`}
-										x1={0}
-										y1={i * gridY}
-										x2={scaledSvgWidth}
-										y2={i * gridY}
-										stroke='#EEEEEE'
-										strokeWidth={1}
-									/>
-								);
-							})
-						}
-						{
-							/* vertical grid lines */
-							[...Array(Math.round(scaledSvgWidth / gridX))].map((u, i) => {
-								return (
-									<line
-										className='background'
-										key={`gridX${ i }`}
-										x1={i * gridX}
-										y1={0}
-										x2={i * gridX}
-										y2={scaledSvgHeight}
-										stroke='#EEEEEE'
-										strokeWidth={1}
-									/>
-								);
-							})
-						}
-						<line
-							className='background'
-							id='gridXCenter'
-							x1={0}
-							y1={svgHeightHalf - 2}
-							x2={scaledSvgWidth}
-							y2={svgHeightHalf - 2}
-							stroke='gainsboro'
-							strokeWidth={4}
-						/>
-						<line
-							className='background'
-							id='gridYCenter'
-							x1={svgWidthHalf - 2}
-							y1={0}
-							x2={svgWidthHalf - 2}
-							y2={scaledSvgHeight}
-							stroke='gainsboro'
-							strokeWidth={4}
-						/>
-						<g className='backgroundLimit'>
-						</g>
-						{
-							this.props.groups.map(({name, blocks, collapsed}, i) => {
-								const {x, y, width, height} = locMap[name].block;
-								const nameClipId = `groupClip_${ name }`;
-								return (
-									<ContextMenuTrigger
-										key={i}
-										id='groupContextMenu'
-										collect={props => ({ group: name, selectBlocks: this.selectBlocks })}
-										renderTag='g'
-									>
-										<rect
-											id={`group_${ name }`}
-											className='tcGroup'
-											x={x}
-											y={y}
-											width={width}
-											height={height}
-											fill='grey'
-											opacity='0.2'
-										>
-											<title>Group { `"${ name }"` } contains { blocks.join(', ') }</title>
-										</rect>
-										<text
-											x={x}
-											y={y + 16}
-											clipPath={`url(#${ nameClipId })`}
-										>
-											{ name }
-										</text>
-										<clipPath id={nameClipId}>
-											<rect
-												x={x}
-												y={y}
-												height={height}
-												width={width}
-											/>
-										</clipPath>
-									</ContextMenuTrigger>
-								);
-							})
-						}
-						{
-							Number.isFinite(selectBoxCoords.x) &&
-								<ContextMenuTrigger
-									id='areaSelectContextMenu'
-									renderTag='g'
-									collect={props => ({ selection: this.state.selectedBlocks })}
-								>
-									<rect
-										className='areaSelect'
-										x={selectBoxCoords.x}
-										y={selectBoxCoords.y}
-										width={selectBoxCoords.width}
-										height={selectBoxCoords.height}
-										fill='grey'
-										opacity='0.5'
-									/>
-								</ContextMenuTrigger>
-						}
-						<ContextMenuTrigger
-							id='connectionContextMenu'
-							renderTag='g'
-							ref={e => this.connectionContextMenu = e}
-							collect={props => ({ connection: this.state.rightClickConnection })}
-						>
-							<g></g>
-						</ContextMenuTrigger>
-						<ContextMenuTrigger
-							id='blockContextMenu'
-							renderTag='g'
-							ref={e => this.blockContextMenu = e}
-							collect={props => ({ name: this.state.rightClickBlock })}
-						>
-							<g></g>
-						</ContextMenuTrigger>
-						{
-							/* connections between blocks */
-							shownConnections.map((conn, i) => {
-								const fromInfo = conn.from.split('.');
-								const toInfo = conn.to.split('.');
-								const fromLoc = locMap[fromInfo[0]].outputs[fromInfo[1]];
-								const toLoc = locMap[toInfo[0]].inputs[toInfo[1]];
-								return (
-									<Connection
-										key={i}
-										connection={conn}
-										locMap={locMap}
-										fromLocMap={fromLoc}
-										toLocMap={toLoc}
-										channelColor={this.props.repData.channel_colors[conn.channel]}
-										errors={this.props.errorBlocks ? this.props.errorBlocks[connectionToId(conn)] || [] : []}
-										handleContextMenu={this.handleConnectionContextMenu}
-									/>
-								);
-							})
-						}
-						{
-							/* blocks */
-							Object.entries(this.props.repData.blocks)
-							.filter(([name, rep]) => !hiddenBlocks.includes(name))
-							.map(([name, rep], i) => {
-								// assume the block is in "blocks"
-								let data: ?BlockType = blockData[name];
-								// find the set the block belongs to manually
-								let set: BlockSet = 'blocks';
-								if(data === undefined){
-									// if its not in there, try datasets
-									data = datasetData[name];
-									set = 'datasets';
-									if(data === undefined){
-										// the block isnt in datasets, is in analyzers
-										data = analyzerData[name];
-										set = 'analyzers';
-									}
-								}
-								if(!data)
-									return null;
-								const isSelected = this.state.selectedBlocks.find(b => b.name === name);
-								/*
-								 * the block handleClick must be bound here, not in a different file!
-								 * it needs to be bound afterish the d3 drag setup code runs
-								 */
-								return (
-									<Block
-										key={i}
-										name={name}
-										locMap={locMap[name]}
-										data={data}
-										set={set}
-										highlighted={isSelected !== undefined || (this.props.focusBlocks !== undefined && this.props.focusBlocks.includes(name))}
-										handleClick={() => this.props.handleBlockClick ? this.props.handleBlockClick(name, set) : undefined}
-										handleShiftClick={() => {
-											const sels = this.state.selectedBlocks;
-											if(!this.props.interactable)
-												return;
-											if(sels.find(b => b.name === name))
-												this.selectBlocks(sels.filter(b => b.name !== name));
-											else
-												this.selectBlocks([...sels, data]);
-										}}
-										channelColor={this.props.repData.channel_colors[data.synchronized_channel || data.name]}
-										opacity={isSelected ? 0.5 : 1}
-										experimentString={this.props.experimentData ? this.props.experimentData[name] || 'Not Selected' : undefined}
-										errors={this.props.errorBlocks ? this.props.errorBlocks[name] || [] : []}
-										handleContextMenu={this.handleBlockContextMenu}
-									/>
-								);
-							})
-						}
-						{ this.props.svgChildren }
-					</svg>
-					{/* the trigger to the menu that pops up on left-clicking the background.
-					  * there needs to be a <ContextMenu> element with the same id somewhere in the divChildren to show anything.
-					  */}
-					<ContextMenuTrigger
-						id='svgContextMenu'
-						ref={e => this.svgContextMenu = e}
-						collect={props => ({...this.state.svgActionLocation, selectBlocks: this.safeSelectBlocksByName})}
-						attributes={{
-							onContextMenu: (e) => {
-								e.stopPropagation();
-								e.preventDefault();
-							}
-						}}
-					>
-						<span></span>
-					</ContextMenuTrigger>
-					{ this.props.divChildren }
-				</div>
-				<HelpModal
-					toggle={this.toggleHelp}
-					active={this.state.helpActive}
-				/>
-			</div>
-		);
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditorHelpModal.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditorHelpModal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index bc6f7a7e658aac47cf45bfbaefd89a9efc43e7d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/GraphicalEditorHelpModal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	TabContent, TabPane,
-	Alert,
-	Badge,
-	Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader, ModalFooter,
-	Table,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-type Props = {
-	// func to close modal
-	toggle: () => any,
-	// is the modal active?
-	active: boolean,
-class GraphicalEditorHelpModal extends React.PureComponent<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		return (
-			<Modal
-				size='lg'
-				isOpen={this.props.active}
-				toggle={this.props.toggle}
-				fade={true}
-				onOpened={e => {
-					/*
-					const f = document.querySelector('#tcModalInitFocus');
-					if(f && f.focus)
-						f.focus();
-						*/
-				}}
-			>
-				<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.toggle}>
-					Graphical Editor
-				</ModalHeader>
-				<ModalBody>
-					<h3>How do I...</h3>
-					<h5>Add a block?</h5>
-					<p>
-						Right-clicking anywhere on the background grid will open a menu for adding (or pasting) blocks to the grid point where the puck (the black dot that follows your mouse) is.
-					</p>
-					<h5>Change the information of a block?</h5>
-					<p>
-						Left-clicking on a block will bring up the Block Editor modal, which lets you change the block name, add &amp; remove &amp; rename inputs and outputs, change the synchronized channel, and delete the block. Remember to click <i>Save Changes</i>! If you want to discard your changes, you can either click outside of the modal or click the <b>x</b> button on the top-right corner.
-					</p>
-					<h5>Create a connection?</h5>
-					<p>
-						Connections are between an output of a block and an input of a block. To create a connection, click on the black rectangle to the right of the desired output, and drag onto the black rectangle next to the desired input.
-					</p>
-					<h5>Delete a block or connection?</h5>
-					<p>
-						Besides being able to delete a block in the Block Editor, you can right-click blocks or connections to show a menu where you may delete the corresponding element.
-					</p>
-					<h5>Temporarily hide connections?</h5>
-					<p>
-						The editor only displays connections connected to selected blocks. For example, to only see connections to/from Block X, select Block X (via shift+clicking on the block).
-					</p>
-					<h5>Insert blocks from another toolchain, an algorithm, or a database?</h5>
-					<p>
-						Right-click on the background grid and select <i>Insert Object Here</i> to insert blocks for an object relative to the position of your mouse. A modal will pop up, and lets you insert a toolchain, algorithm, or part of a database, to easily create toolchains using BEAT objects that you already have created.
-					</p>
-					<h3>Keyboard Shortcuts</h3>
-					<Table striped>
-						<thead>
-							<tr>
-								<th>Action</th>
-								<th>Shortcut</th>
-								<th>Additional Info</th>
-							</tr>
-						</thead>
-						<tbody>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Pan
-								</td>
-								<td><pre className='preInline'>
-									Middle-click and move
-								</pre></td>
-								<td>
-									The preferred way to pan around the editor is to use a mouse with middle-click functionality. You can middle-click anywhere in the canvas and then move your mouse to pan around on both axis. If this does not work for you, you may need to turn on <i>autoscrolling</i> in your browser settings.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Pan vertically
-								</td>
-								<td><pre className='preInline'>
-									Scroll up/down
-								</pre></td>
-								<td>
-									You can also manually drag the scroll bar on the right edge of the editor.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Pan horizontally
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									<pre className='preInline'>Scroll left/right</pre>
-									{' '}
-									<span>
-										or
-									</span>
-									{' '}
-									<pre className='preInline'>Left arrow key &amp; Right arrow key</pre>
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									You can also manually drag the scroll bar on the bottom edge of the editor. To scroll left or right, three-button mice will usually let you click &amp; hold on the middle button to scroll freely.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Zoom in/out
-								</td>
-								<td><pre className='preInline'>
-									Shift + scroll up/down
-								</pre></td>
-								<td>
-									You can also use the {`"Zoom in"`} and {`"Zoom out"`} buttons in the top-right menu.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Edit a block
-								</td>
-								<td><pre className='preInline'>
-									Left click
-								</pre></td>
-								<td>
-									Left-clicking a block will open a modal where you can edit the block name, the synchronized channel, inputs, and outputs.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Move blocks
-								</td>
-								<td><pre className='preInline'>
-									Left click + drag
-								</pre></td>
-								<td>
-									You may move a block at a time by clicking &amp; dragging on a block. You may move a selection or group of blocks by dragging the grey rectangle representing the selection or group.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Open a context (right-click) menu
-								</td>
-								<td><pre className='preInline'>
-									Right click
-								</pre></td>
-								<td>
-									There are context menus for: blocks, connections, area selections, groups, and the background.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Select Multiple Blocks
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									<pre className='preInline'>
-										Shift + left click
-									</pre>
-									{' '}
-									<span>
-										or
-									</span>
-									{' '}
-									<pre className='preInline'>
-										Click + drag
-									</pre>
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									Shift + left-clicking a block will toggle selection. Clicking on the background grid will clear the selection.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Create a Connection between an output and an input
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									<pre className='preInline'>
-										Left click + drag
-									</pre>
-									{' '}
-									<span>
-										on the black rectangle next to the desired output, and release the drag on the black rectangle next to the desired input.
-									</span>
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									You can also create a connection by clicking on the black rectangle of an output and then clicking on the black rectangle of an input. This lets you create connections between distant blocks and move around the canvas.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									Create an Algorithm based on a block
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									<pre className='preInline'>
-										Left click
-									</pre>
-									{' '}
-									<span>
-										on the block to bring up the block editor. At the top of the modal, enter the username and name for the algorithm to be created, and click the <i>Create</i> button to generate an algorithm based off of the connections, inputs, and outputs of the block. You will have to edit the algorithm in the editor to choose the types, and to add any any parameters or results.
-									</span>
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									This only works for normal and analyzer blocks. If you do not see your new algorithm, refresh the browser tab/window.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-							<tr>
-								<td>
-									See more information
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									<pre className='preInline'>
-										Hover
-									</pre>
-								</td>
-								<td>
-									Blocks and connections in the editor have extra information found by hovering over the element for a couple seconds.
-								</td>
-							</tr>
-						</tbody>
-					</Table>
-				</ModalBody>
-			</Modal>
-		);
-	}
-export default GraphicalEditorHelpModal;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/InsertObjectModal.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/InsertObjectModal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 788a81579879efea33539f85c15bf621ba3b6bfe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/InsertObjectModal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	TabContent, TabPane,
-	Alert,
-	Badge,
-	Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader, ModalFooter,
-	Table,
-	Input,
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	FormGroup,
-	ListGroup,
-	ListGroupItem,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import type { FlattenedDatabaseEntry } from '@store/selectors';
-import type { ConnectionType } from '@helpers/toolchainTypes';
-import type { Protocol, Set as ProtocolSet } from '../database/DatabaseEditor.jsx';
-import type { BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { generateNewKey } from '@helpers';
-import SearchWorker from '@helpers/search.worker.js';
-type ObjectTypeOption = 'toolchains' | 'protocols' | 'sets' | 'normalAlgorithms' | 'analyzerAlgorithms';
-type Props = {
-	// func to close modal
-	toggle: () => any,
-	// is the modal active?
-	active: boolean,
-	// user selected a search result
-	addNewBlocks: (type: ObjectTypeOption, newBlocksData: any[], newConnections?: ConnectionType[]) => any,
-	// all toolchains
-	toolchains: BeatObject[],
-	// all database protocols
-	protocols: BeatObject[],
-	// sets of protocols of protocols
-	sets: FlattenedDatabaseEntry[],
-	// algorithms for normal blocks (inputs & outputs)
-	normalAlgorithms: BeatObject[],
-	// algorithms for analyzer blocks (inputs & results)
-	analyzerAlgorithms: BeatObject[],
-	usedNames: string[],
-type Res = BeatObject[] | FlattenedDatabaseEntry[] | any;
-type State = {
-	searchResults: ?Res,
-	searchFilter: ObjectTypeOption,
-const options: ObjectTypeOption[] = ['toolchains', 'protocols', 'sets', 'normalAlgorithms', 'analyzerAlgorithms'];
-const optionText = {
-	toolchains: 'Toolchain',
-	protocols: 'Protocol',
-	sets: 'Dataset',
-	normalAlgorithms: 'Block Algorithm',
-	analyzerAlgorithms: 'Analyzer Algorithm',
-class InsertObjectModal extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		searchResults: this.props[options[0]],
-		searchFilter: options[0],
-	}
-	searchWorker = null;
-	componentDidMount = () => {
-		this.searchWorker = new SearchWorker();
-		this.searchWorker.onmessage = (m) => {
-			this.setState(prevState => ({ searchResults: m.data }));
-		};
-		this.updateFuseInstance();
-	}
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props) => {
-		if(this.props[this.state.searchFilter] !== prevProps[this.state.searchFilter]){
-			this.updateFuseInstance(this.props[this.state.searchFilter]);
-		}
-	}
-	updateFuseInstance = (data: any[] = this.props[this.state.searchFilter]) => {
-		if(!this.searchWorker)
-			throw new Error(`searchWorker is not instantiated!`);
-		this.searchWorker.postMessage(
-			{
-				type: 'dataChanged',
-				payload: {
-					data,
-					options: {
-						shouldSort: true,
-						threshold: 0.6,
-						location: 0,
-						distance: 100,
-						maxPatternLength: 32,
-						minMatchCharLength: 1,
-						keys: Object.keys(data.length > 0 ? data[0] : {}),
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	search = (str: string) => {
-		if(!this.searchWorker)
-			throw new Error(`searchWorker is not instantiated!`);
-		this.searchWorker.postMessage(
-			{
-				type: 'search',
-				payload: str
-			}
-		);
-	}
-	updateSearchFilter = (filter: ObjectTypeOption) => {
-		this.setState(prevState => ({
-			searchFilter: filter,
-			searchResults:this.props[filter],
-		}));
-		this.updateFuseInstance(this.props[filter]);
-	}
-	stringifyResult = (obj: any, type: ObjectTypeOption): string => {
-		if(!obj)
-			return '';
-		switch(type){
-			case 'toolchains':
-				// tc obj
-				return `datasets: ${ obj.contents.datasets.length }, blocks: ${ obj.contents.blocks.length }`;
-			case 'protocols':
-				// protocol obj w "database" field for db name
-				return `sets: ${ obj.sets.length }`;
-			case 'sets':
-				// set w protocol & db
-				return `outputs: ${ Object.keys(obj.outputs).length }`;
-			case 'normalAlgorithms':
-				// alg obj
-				return `inputs: ${
-					obj.contents.groups.reduce((iNum, g) => g.inputs ? iNum + Object.keys(g.inputs).length : iNum, 0)
-				}, outputs: ${
-					obj.contents.groups.reduce((iNum, g) => g.outputs ? iNum + Object.keys(g.outputs).length : iNum, 0)
-				}`;
-			case 'analyzerAlgorithms':
-				// alg obj
-				return `inputs: ${
-					obj.contents.groups.reduce((iNum, g) => g.inputs ? iNum + Object.keys(g.inputs).length : iNum, 0)
-				}`;
-			default:
-				return obj.name;
-		}
-	}
-	stringifyResultName = (obj: any) => {
-		if(!obj)
-			return '';
-		if(obj.set)
-			return `${ obj.protocol }/${ obj.set } (${ obj.database })`;
-		if(obj.database)
-			return `${ obj.name } (${ obj.database })`;
-		if(obj.name)
-			return obj.name;
-		return 'undefined';
-	}
-	generateNewBlockData = (obj: any): {blocks: any[], connections: ConnectionType[]} | any[] => {
-		const copiedObj = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
-		const usedNames = this.props.usedNames;
-		const type = this.state.searchFilter;
-		switch(type){
-			case 'toolchains':
-				const rep = copiedObj.contents.representation.blocks;
-				// add blocks/connections from a toolchain
-				// map all the blocks to new data to give to addBlocks()
-				const newBlocksData = [
-					...copiedObj.contents.datasets
-					.map((blk) => ([generateNewKey(blk.name, usedNames), 'datasets', rep[blk.name].col, rep[blk.name].row, blk])),
-					...copiedObj.contents.blocks
-					.map((blk) => ([generateNewKey(blk.name, usedNames), 'blocks', rep[blk.name].col, rep[blk.name].row, blk])),
-					...copiedObj.contents.analyzers
-					.map((blk) => ([generateNewKey(blk.name, usedNames), 'analyzers', rep[blk.name].col, rep[blk.name].row, blk])),
-				];
-				const nameMap = {};
-				for(const b of newBlocksData){
-					nameMap[b[4].name] = b[0];
-					if(b[1] === 'blocks' || b[1] === 'analyzers')
-						b[4].synchronized_channel = nameMap[b[4].synchronized_channel];
-				}
-				const connections = copiedObj.contents.connections
-				.map(({ from, to, channel }) => {
-					const fromSplit = from.split('.');
-					const toSplit = to.split('.');
-					return {
-						from: `${ nameMap[fromSplit[0]] }.${ fromSplit[1] }`,
-						to: `${ nameMap[toSplit[0]] }.${ toSplit[1] }`,
-						channel: nameMap[channel],
-					};
-				});
-				// reset the locations of all these blocks - make sure that the point (0,0) is at the top-left of the toolchain
-				const minX = Math.min(...newBlocksData.map(d => d[2]));
-				const minY = Math.min(...newBlocksData.map(d => d[3]));
-				for(const b of newBlocksData){
-					b[2] -= minX;
-					b[3] -= minY;
-					b[4].name = b[0];
-				}
-				return {
-					blocks: newBlocksData,
-					connections,
-				};
-			case 'protocols':
-				// add a block for each set in each protocol in the database
-				const newBlocks = obj.sets
-				// compile basic info for the set (the new name & the outputs for the block)
-				.map((set, i) => ({
-					name: generateNewKey(`${ obj.name }_${ set.name }`, usedNames),
-					outputs: Object.keys(set.outputs),
-				}))
-				// convert the set's basic info into data arrs for addBlocks()
-				.map((setData, i) => [setData.name, 'datasets', 0, 0, { outputs: setData.outputs }]);
-				// shift the y coord of each new block down according to the # of outputs
-				// accumulate this change so the blocks will all be x-aligned with 1 row between them
-				let yCount = 0;
-				for(const i in newBlocks){
-					newBlocks[i][3] = yCount;
-					yCount += newBlocks[i][4].outputs.length + 3;
-				}
-				return newBlocks;
-			case 'sets':
-				// add from database's protocol's set
-				const setBlock = [
-					generateNewKey(`${ obj.protocol }_${ obj.set }`, usedNames),
-					'datasets',
-					0,
-					0,
-					{ outputs: Object.keys(obj.outputs) }
-				];
-				return [setBlock];
-			case 'normalAlgorithms':
-				// create a block compatible with the alg
-				const normalBlock = [
-					generateNewKey(obj.name.replace(/\//g, '_'), usedNames),
-					'blocks',
-					0,
-					0,
-					{
-						outputs: Object.keys(obj.contents.groups[0].outputs),
-						inputs: obj.contents.groups
-						.map(g => Object.keys(g.inputs))
-						.reduce((arr, is) => [...arr, ...is], []),
-						synchronized_channel: '',
-					}
-				];
-				return [normalBlock];
-			case 'analyzerAlgorithms':
-				// create a block compatible with the alg
-				const analyzerBlock = [
-					generateNewKey(obj.name.replace(/\//g, '_'), usedNames),
-					'analyzers',
-					0,
-					0,
-					{
-						inputs: obj.contents.groups
-						.map(g => Object.keys(g.inputs))
-						.reduce((arr, is) => [...arr, ...is], []),
-						synchronized_channel: '',
-					}
-				];
-				return [analyzerBlock];
-			default:
-				return [];
-		}
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		return (
-			<Modal
-				size='lg'
-				isOpen={this.props.active}
-				toggle={this.props.toggle}
-				fade={true}
-				onOpened={e => {
-					/*
-					const f = document.querySelector('#tcModalInitFocus');
-					if(f && f.focus)
-						f.focus();
-						*/
-				}}
-			>
-				<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.toggle}>
-					Insert blocks from an existing object
-				</ModalHeader>
-				<ModalBody>
-					<FormGroup row>
-						<Col>
-							<span className='text-muted'>
-								Insert the blocks from a compatible BEAT object into this toolchain. You may insert an existing toolchain or blocks generated from a database protocol, database protocol set, or algorithm.
-							</span>
-						</Col>
-					</FormGroup>
-					<FormGroup row>
-						<Col>
-						</Col>
-						<Col sm='auto'>
-							<ButtonGroup>
-								{
-									options.map((o, i) => {
-										const isCurrentOption = this.state.searchFilter === o;
-										return (
-											<Button
-												key={i}
-												onClick={e => this.updateSearchFilter(o)}
-												color={isCurrentOption ? 'primary' : 'secondary'}
-											>
-												{ optionText[o] }
-											</Button>
-										);
-									})
-								}
-							</ButtonGroup>
-						</Col>
-						<Col>
-						</Col>
-					</FormGroup>
-					<FormGroup row>
-						<Col sm={12}>
-							<Input
-								type='text'
-								placeholder='Search...'
-								onChange={e => this.search(e.target.value)}
-								autoFocus
-							/>
-						</Col>
-					</FormGroup>
-					<FormGroup row>
-						<Col sm={12}>
-							<ListGroup className='searchResults'>
-								{
-									this.state.searchResults &&
-										this.state.searchResults.map((res, i) =>
-											<ListGroupItem
-												key={i}
-												tag='button'
-												action
-												onClick={e => {
-													const newData = this.generateNewBlockData(res);
-													if(Array.isArray(newData))
-														this.props.addNewBlocks(
-															this.state.searchFilter,
-															newData,
-														);
-													else
-														this.props.addNewBlocks(
-															this.state.searchFilter,
-															newData.blocks,
-															newData.connections,
-														);
-													this.props.toggle();
-												}}
-											>
-												{ this.stringifyResultName(res) }
-												{' '}
-												<small className='text-muted'>
-													{ this.stringifyResult(res, this.state.searchFilter) }
-												</small>
-											</ListGroupItem>
-										)
-								}
-							</ListGroup>
-						</Col>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</ModalBody>
-			</Modal>
-		);
-	}
-export default InsertObjectModal;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/RenameGroupModal.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/RenameGroupModal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index bdee3cf31e6e739b1265423f97cceb8752995cfd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/RenameGroupModal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader, ModalFooter,
-	Button,
-	Form,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { generateNewKey } from '@helpers';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	// func to close modal
-	toggle: () => any,
-	// is the modal active?
-	active: boolean,
-	currentName: string,
-	usedNames: string[],
-	saveNewName: (newName: string) => any,
-type State = {
-	newName: string,
-class RenameGroupModal extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		newName: this.props.currentName,
-	}
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props) => {
-		if(this.props.currentName !== prevProps.currentName){
-			this.setState({ newName: this.props.currentName });
-		}
-	}
-	validateFunc = (str: string) => {
-		if(str === this.props.currentName)
-			return true;
-		if(!this.props.usedNames.includes(str))
-			return true;
-		return <span>The group name must be unique across all block &amp; group names in the toolchain</span>;
-	}
-	saveNewName = () => {
-		this.props.saveNewName(this.state.newName);
-		this.props.toggle();
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		return (
-			<Modal
-				isOpen={this.props.active}
-				toggle={this.props.toggle}
-				fade={true}
-			>
-				<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.toggle}>
-					Rename Group { `"${ this.props.currentName }"` }
-				</ModalHeader>
-				<ModalBody>
-					<Form
-						onSubmit={this.saveNewName}
-					>
-						<CacheInput
-							delay={0}
-							autoFocus
-							fieldTest
-							value={this.state.newName}
-							validateFunc={this.validateFunc}
-							onChange={e => this.setState({ newName: e.target.value })}
-						/>
-					</Form>
-				</ModalBody>
-				<ModalFooter>
-					<Button
-						block
-						onClick={this.saveNewName}
-					>
-						Save Changes
-					</Button>
-				</ModalFooter>
-			</Modal>
-		);
-	}
-export default RenameGroupModal;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainBlock.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainBlock.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index b06ea775e8e57621996f36facea72260ddd4606a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainBlock.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane,
-	Navbar,
-	Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	Badge,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { ContextMenuTrigger } from 'react-contextmenu';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import type { BlockSet, BlockCoords } from '@helpers/toolchainTypes';
-export type Props = {
-	name: string,
-	// provides the location & dimensions of the svg elements of the block
-	// (the block itself & its inputs/outputs)
-	locMap: {
-		block: BlockCoords,
-		inputs?: { [string]: BlockCoords },
-		outputs?: { [string]: BlockCoords },
-	},
-	// the block data (name, i/os, channel, etc.)
-	data: any,
-	// the set the block belongs to ('blocks', 'datasets', or 'analyzers')
-	set: BlockSet,
-	// handler for the user clicking the block
-	handleClick: (name: string, set: BlockSet) => any,
-	// handler for the user clicking the block
-	handleShiftClick: (name: string, set: BlockSet) => any,
-	// the color of the channel the block is sync'd to
-	channelColor: string,
-	// highlighted blocks have a dashed border (see the 'highlighted' CSS class styling in GraphicalEditor.css)
-	highlighted: boolean,
-	// string to show at the bottom of the block
-	// used to display the selected dataset/algorithm in the experiment editor
-	experimentString?: string,
-	errors: string[],
-	handleContextMenu?: (e: any, name: string, set: string) => any,
-export const blockNameToId = (name: string) => `block_${ name }`;
-class ToolchainBlock extends React.Component<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Custom implementation of shouldComponentUpdate for performance reasons!
-	 * "Why not just use PureComponent??"
-	 * PureComponent implements a default shouldComponentUpdate that shallowly compares
-	 * all current & next props/state values.
-	 * Because the click handlers are always not equal (since they're dynamically generated in the loop in
-	 * GraphicalEditor.jsx), blocks are *always* rerendered.
-	 * Also, the locMap object of every block is technically somehow a different object whenever
-	 * a subset of the blocks are moved.
-	 * This means that every block change means rerendering all the blocks.
-	 * By writing a custom shouldComponentUpdate, we can use more detailed logic that prevents
-	 * the unnecessary rerenders.
-	 * A couple things to keep in mind:
-	 * - the click handlers dont functionally change if the block data doesnt change.
-	 * - the locMap's inputs&outputs values dont change if the block's locMap or data hasnt changed
-	 * - the errors array is a different array every time technically, so check the values
-	 */
-	shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props){
-		for(const key in nextProps){
-			if(key === 'locMap' || key === 'handleClick' || key === 'handleShiftClick' || key === 'handleContextMenu'){
-				continue;
-			} else if(key === 'errors'){
-				if(nextProps[key].length !== this.props.errors.length)
-					return true;
-				for(const i in nextProps[key]){
-					if(nextProps[key][i] !== this.props[key][i])
-						return true;
-				}
-			} else if(nextProps[key] !== this.props[key]){
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		const nowLoc = this.props.locMap.block;
-		const nextLoc = nextProps.locMap.block;
-		if(nowLoc.x !== nextLoc.x)
-			return true;
-		if(nowLoc.y !== nextLoc.y)
-			return true;
-		if(nowLoc.width !== nextLoc.width)
-			return true;
-		if(nowLoc.height !== nextLoc.height)
-			return true;
-		return false;
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const name = this.props.name;
-		const {x, y, height, width} = this.props.locMap.block;
-		const hasInputs = this.props.data && this.props.data.hasOwnProperty('inputs');
-		const hasOutputs = this.props.data && this.props.data.hasOwnProperty('outputs');
-		const inputs = hasInputs ? this.props.data.inputs : [];
-		const outputs = hasOutputs ? this.props.data.outputs : [];
-		const nameText = name.length > 17 ? `${ name.slice(0, 17) }…` : name;
-		const expStr = this.props.experimentString;
-		return (
-			<g className='tcBlock'>
-				{/* white fill background */}
-				<rect
-					className='tcBlockWhiteFill'
-					x={x} y={y} height={height} width={width}
-					fill='white'
-				/>
-				{/* color background tint */}
-				<rect className={cn('tcBlockBackground', {highlighted: this.props.highlighted})}
-					x={x} y={y} height={height} width={width}
-					fill={this.props.channelColor}
-					fillOpacity={0.05}
-					stroke='black'
-				/>
-				{/* block name */}
-				<text
-					x={x}
-					y={y + 16}
-					width={width}
-					className='tcBlockTitle'
-				>
-					{ nameText }
-				</text>
-				{/* line below name */}
-				<line
-					x1={x}
-					y1={y + 20}
-					x2={x + width}
-					y2={y + 20}
-					stroke='grey'
-				/>
-				{/* the little upper-right block showing the color of the currently sync'd channel */}
-				<rect
-					x={x + width - 20}
-					y={y}
-					width={20}
-					height={20}
-					fill={this.props.channelColor}
-				/>
-				{/* exp string */}
-				{ expStr &&
-						<text
-							x={x}
-							y={y + 36}
-							fill='slategray'
-						>
-							{ expStr.length > 19 ? `${ expStr.slice(0, 19) }…` : expStr }
-						</text>
-				}
-				{
-					/* inputs
-					 * draws the inputs (both the black rects for connections and the corresponding input name)
-					 */
-					inputs.map((inp, i) => {
-						// get the location/dimensions of the input
-						const loc = this.props.locMap.inputs[inp];
-						// width changes between half the block and the full block depending if theres outputs or not
-						const varWidth = hasOutputs ? width / 2 : width;
-						// the shown text needs to be truncated based on the available space
-						// easy to calculate because the text is monospace!
-						const maxlen = hasOutputs ? 8 : 19;
-						// truncate text, add ellipsis if it's too long
-						const text = inp.length > maxlen ? `${ inp.slice(0, maxlen) }…` : inp;
-						return (
-							<g
-								key={i}
-								x={loc.x}
-								y={loc.y}
-							>
-								<rect
-									className='iBlock'
-									id={`${ name }-input-${ inp }`}
-									key={i}
-									{...loc}
-									fill='black'
-								/>
-								<text
-									x={loc.x + loc.width}
-									y={loc.y + loc.height * 0.75}
-									width={varWidth}
-								>
-									{ text }
-								</text>
-							</g>
-						);
-					})
-				}
-				{
-					/* outputs
-					 * draws the inputs (both the black rects for connections and the corresponding input name)
-					 */
-					outputs.map((out, i) => {
-						const loc = this.props.locMap.outputs[out];
-						// width changes between half the block and the full block depending if theres inputs or not
-						const varWidth = hasInputs ? width / 2 : width;
-						// the shown text needs to be truncated based on the available space
-						// easy to calculate because the text is monospace!
-						const maxlen = hasInputs ? 9 : 19;
-						// truncate text, add ellipsis if it's too long
-						const text = out.length > maxlen ? `${ out.slice(0, maxlen) }…` : out;
-						// to align output text to the output blocks (the right side of the block),
-						// calculate the x-offset needed, in character count
-						const offsetCharacterCount = (hasInputs ? 10 : 20) - text.length;
-						// a monospace char @font-size=16px is apparently 10px wide
-						const charWidthPx = 10;
-						// put it all together, offset 1px to the left to avoid chars overlapping with block border
-						const x = ((loc.x - varWidth) + offsetCharacterCount * charWidthPx) - 1;
-						return (
-							<g
-								key={i}
-							>
-								<rect
-									className='oBlock'
-									id={`${ name }-output-${ out }`}
-									key={i}
-									{...loc}
-									fill='black'
-								/>
-								<text
-									x={x}
-									y={loc.y + loc.height * 0.75}
-								>
-									{ text }
-								</text>
-							</g>
-						);
-					})
-				}
-				{/* block errors for the experiment editor */}
-				{ this.props.errors.length > 0 &&
-						<React.Fragment>
-							<rect className='errors'
-								x={x} y={y} height={height} width={width}
-								fill='crimson'
-								opacity='0.8'
-								stroke='crimson'
-							/>
-							<text
-								x={x + width / 2 - 5}
-								y={y + 40}
-								fontSize={50}
-								fill='white'
-							>
-								!
-							</text>
-							<text
-								x={x + 2}
-								y={y + height - 6}
-								fill='white'
-								fontSize={12}
-							>
-								{ this.props.errors[0] }
-							</text>
-						</React.Fragment>
-				}
-				{/* the background rectangle with the click handler */}
-				<rect id={blockNameToId(name)} className='fo'
-					x={x} y={y} height={height} width={width}
-					fill='white'
-					opacity={0.0001}
-					onClick={e => {
-						if(!(e.button === 0 || e.button === undefined))
-							return;
-						if(e.shiftKey)
-							this.props.handleShiftClick(name, this.props.set);
-						else
-							this.props.handleClick(name, this.props.set);
-						e.stopPropagation();
-						e.preventDefault();
-					}}
-					onContextMenu={e => this.props.handleContextMenu && this.props.handleContextMenu(e, this.props.name, this.props.set)}
-				>
-					<title>
-						{ name } synchronized to the {this.props.data.synchronized_channel || name} channel
-						{ this.props.experimentString ? ` with "${ this.props.experimentString }" assigned to it` : ''}
-					</title>
-				</rect>
-			</g>
-		);
-	}
-export default ToolchainBlock;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainConnection.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainConnection.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 400474f961c3570f9f72294cb8225cb19e2f6ff8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainConnection.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import { ContextMenu, MenuItem, ContextMenuTrigger } from 'react-contextmenu';
-import cn from 'classnames';
-import type { BlockCoords, ConnectionType } from '@helpers/toolchainTypes';
-type Props = {
-	fromLocMap: BlockCoords,
-	toLocMap: BlockCoords,
-	// provides the location of the ends of the connection
-	connection: ConnectionType,
-	// the color of the channel the connection is sync'd to
-	channelColor: string,
-	errors: string[],
-	handleContextMenu?: (e: any, ConnectionType) => any,
-// gets a unique id for the connection
-export const connectionToId = ({ from, to, channel }: {from: string, to: string, channel: string}) =>
-	`${ from.replace('.', '-') }-${ to.replace('.', '-') }`;
-class ToolchainConnection extends React.Component<Props> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Custom implementation of shouldComponentUpdate for performance reasons!
-	 * "Why not just use PureComponent??"
-	 * PureComponent implements a default shouldComponentUpdate that shallowly compares
-	 * all current & next props/state values.
-	 * Because the click handlers are always not equal (since they're dynamically generated in the loop in
-	 * GraphicalEditor.jsx), blocks are *always* rerendered.
-	 * Also, the locMap objects are technically somehow a different object whenever
-	 * a subset of the blocks are moved.
-	 * This means that every block change means rerendering all the blocks.
-	 * By writing a custom shouldComponentUpdate, we can use more detailed logic that prevents
-	 * the unnecessary rerenders.
-	 * A couple things to keep in mind:
-	 * - the click handlers dont functionally change if the block data doesnt change.
-	 * - the errors array is a different array every time technically, so check the values
-	 * - only the positions (x & y) of the locmap data matters
-	 * - the channel in the connection data can change, but not the to/from
-	 */
-	shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps: Props){
-		for(const key in nextProps){
-			if(key === 'fromLocMap' || key === 'toLocMap' || key === 'handleContextMenu'){
-				continue;
-			} else if(key === 'errors'){
-				if(nextProps[key].length !== this.props.errors.length)
-					return true;
-				for(const i in nextProps[key]){
-					if(nextProps[key][i] !== this.props[key][i])
-						return true;
-				}
-			} else if(key === 'connection'){
-				if(nextProps[key].channel !== this.props[key].channel
-					|| nextProps[key].from !== this.props[key].from
-					|| nextProps[key].to !== this.props[key].to
-				)
-					return true;
-			} else if(nextProps[key] !== this.props[key]){
-				return true;
-			}
-		}
-		const fromLoc = this.props.fromLocMap;
-		const toLoc = this.props.toLocMap;
-		const fromLocNext = nextProps.fromLocMap;
-		const toLocNext = nextProps.toLocMap;
-		if(fromLoc.x !== fromLocNext.x)
-			return true;
-		if(fromLoc.y !== fromLocNext.y)
-			return true;
-		if(toLoc.x !== toLocNext.x)
-			return true;
-		if(toLoc.y !== toLocNext.y)
-			return true;
-		return false;
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const conn = this.props.connection;
-		const connectionId = `${ connectionToId(conn) }`;
-		const fromLoc = this.props.fromLocMap;
-		const toLoc = this.props.toLocMap;
-		//console.log(`connecting "${ connId }" from ${ fromInfo } to ${ toInfo }`);
-		//x & y coords for the beginning and end of the connection
-		/* the right-click menu wraps the actual lines */
-		return (
-			<g className='tcConnection'
-				onContextMenu={e => this.props.handleContextMenu ? this.props.handleContextMenu(e, conn) : {}}
-			>
-				{/* the first line is almost invisible to widen the space for the mouse events (so its easier for users to do stuff */}
-				<line
-					id={connectionId}
-					stroke={this.props.channelColor}
-					strokeOpacity={0.005}
-					strokeWidth={10}
-					x1={fromLoc.x + 2}
-					y1={fromLoc.y + 9}
-					x2={toLoc.x + 2}
-					y2={toLoc.y + 9}
-				>
-					<title>
-						Connection from {conn.from} to {conn.to} synchronized to the {conn.channel} channel{' '}
-						{ this.props.errors[0] }
-					</title>
-				</line>
-				{/* the second line is just for show */}
-				<line
-					className={cn({ error: this.props.errors.length > 0 })}
-					stroke={this.props.channelColor}
-					strokeWidth={2}
-					x1={fromLoc.x + 2}
-					y1={fromLoc.y + 6}
-					x2={toLoc.x + 2}
-					y2={toLoc.y + 6}
-				>
-					<title>
-						Connection from {conn.from} to {conn.to} synchronized to the {conn.channel} channel{' '}
-						{ (this.props.errors || [])[0] }
-					</title>
-				</line>
-			</g>
-		);
-	}
-export default ToolchainConnection;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainConnection.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainConnection.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fca253da1df88e3daf8c7c4d903a6b251d11ec9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainConnection.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import C from './ToolchainConnection.jsx';
-describe('<ToolchainConnection />', () => {
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	const testLocMap = {
-		block1: {
-			inputs: {
-				input1: {
-					x: 1,
-					y: 1,
-					width: 0,
-					height: 0,
-				},
-			},
-			outputs: {
-				output1: {
-					x: 5,
-					y: 1,
-					width: 0,
-					height: 0,
-				},
-			},
-		},
-		block2: {
-			inputs: {
-				input2: {
-					x: 1,
-					y: 6,
-					width: 0,
-					height: 0,
-				},
-			},
-			outputs: {
-				output2: {
-					x: 5,
-					y: 6,
-					width: 0,
-					height: 0,
-				},
-			},
-		},
-	};
-	const testConn = {
-		from: 'block1.output1',
-		to: 'block2.input2',
-		channel: 'testChannel',
-	};
-	const testChannelColor = 'pink';
-	const fromLocMap = testLocMap.block1.outputs.output1;
-	const toLocMap = testLocMap.block2.inputs.input2;
-	it('accepts the test connection with the right props', () => {
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<svg width='10' height='10'>
-				<C
-					fromLocMap={fromLocMap}
-					toLocMap={toLocMap}
-					connection={testConn}
-					channelColor={testChannelColor}
-					errors={[]}
-				/>
-			</svg>
-		);
-		const c = wrapper.children();
-		expect(c).to.have.props(
-			['fromLocMap', 'toLocMap', 'connection', 'channelColor']
-		).deep.equal(
-			[fromLocMap, toLocMap, testConn, testChannelColor]
-		);
-	});
-	it('correctly styles the visible line', () => {
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<svg width='10' height='10'>
-				<C
-					fromLocMap={fromLocMap}
-					toLocMap={toLocMap}
-					connection={testConn}
-					channelColor={testChannelColor}
-					errors={[]}
-				/>
-			</svg>
-		);
-		const c = wrapper.children().find('line + line');
-		const expectedProps = {
-			stroke: 'pink',
-			strokeWidth: 2,
-			x1: 5 + 2,
-			y1: 1 + 6,
-			x2: 1 + 2,
-			y2: 6 + 6,
-		};
-		expect(c).to.have.props(
-			Object.keys(expectedProps)
-		).deep.equal(
-			Object.values(expectedProps)
-		);
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.css b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 1926a309e7d0ffcdae11d0ed06e29ea5b927da5c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-.toolchainEditor svg {
-	cursor: pointer;
-.toolchainEditor text:hover {
-	clip-path: none;
-/* .iBlock:hover, */
-.toolchainEditor .oBlock:hover {
-	stroke: black;
-	stroke-width: 3;
-.toolchainEditor .tcConnection > line:hover + line,
-.toolchainEditor .tcConnection > line + line:hover {
-	stroke-width: 5;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e32138175c031de7179a3ad0154f4c4a1d35d69..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1520 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import './ToolchainEditor.css';
-import * as React from 'react';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane,
-	Navbar,
-	Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	Badge,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import { connect } from 'react-redux';
-import { ContextMenu, MenuItem, ContextMenuTrigger, SubMenu } from 'react-contextmenu';
-import { getRandomBrightColor, generateNewKey, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import {
-	getValidToolchainObj as getValidObj,
-	nameValidator, nameSegmentsForEntity, getTcFromExpName, getValidAlgorithmObj
-} from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatObject } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { fetchLayout, genModuleApiFuncs } from '@helpers/api';
-import Validate, { VALIDATORS } from '@helpers/schema';
-import * as Actions from '@store/actions.js';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors.js';
-import type { FlattenedDatabaseEntry } from '@store/selectors';
-import Block from './ToolchainBlock.jsx';
-import type { NormalBlock, AnalyzerBlock, BlockType, ConnectionType, BlockSet, Group, Contents } from '@helpers/toolchainTypes';
-import { connectionToId } from './ToolchainConnection.jsx';
-import ValidSchemaBadge from '../ValidSchemaBadge.jsx';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import EditModal from './ToolchainModal.jsx';
-import type { ModalCache, ModalAction } from './ToolchainModal.jsx';
-import GraphicalEditor, {
-	blockWidth,
-	gridDistance,
-	convertWorldToDataCoords,
-	clampCoordsToGrid,
-} from './GraphicalEditor.jsx';
-import type { Protocol, Set as ProtocolSet } from '../database/DatabaseEditor.jsx';
-import InsertObjectModal from './InsertObjectModal.jsx';
-import RenameGroupModal from './RenameGroupModal.jsx';
-type Props = {
-	// saved data for the current toolchain
-	data: {
-		name: string,
-		contents: Contents,
-		extraContents: {
-			groups: Group[]
-		},
-	},
-	// all toolchains
-	toolchains: BeatObject[],
-	// all databases
-	databases: BeatObject[],
-	// sets of protocols of databases
-	// get protocols for InsertObjectModal
-	protocols: any,
-	sets: FlattenedDatabaseEntry[],
-	normalAlgorithms: BeatObject[],
-	analyzerAlgorithms: BeatObject[],
-	// func to save changes on the current tc
-	saveFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	updateFunc: (BeatObject) => any,
-	// creates an algorithm from block data from the ToolchainModal
-	createAlgorithmFromBlock: (data: NormalBlock | AnalyzerBlock, conns: ConnectionType[]) => any,
-// represents a timeline of state changes
-// the current state sits between the paste & future states
-// enables very fast redo/undo
-type History = {
-	// past states
-	past: BeatObject[],
-	// future states
-	future: BeatObject[],
-type State = {
-	// info for the modal for editing blocks
-	// if the fields are undefined, the modal shouldnt be up
-	modalBlockInfo: {
-		// navigating to a specific block in the JSON
-		// requires a set and a name
-		set: ?BlockSet,
-		name: ?string,
-		active: boolean,
-	},
-	// the clipboard for copy/pasting blocks
-	clipboard?: BlockType[],
-	// is the object insertion modal active?
-	insertModalActive: boolean,
-	// is the modal for renaming groups active?
-	renameGroupModalInfo: ?string,
-	// the current history for the editor
-	history: History,
-// generates a new history object whenever the user does an action that changes state
-const generateNewHistory = (state: State, data: any): History => {
-	return {
-		past: [
-			...state.history.past,
-			copyObj(data),
-		],
-		future: [],
-	};
-const generateConnectionRepresentations = (connections: ConnectionType[]) => Object.assign({}, ...connections.map(c => ({[`${ c.from }/${ c.to }`]: []})));
-// helper func for addBlocks()
-// generates all the new data necessary for a new block,
-// including the representation (location & dimensions),
-// the channel color,
-// and an initial block object
-const generateNewBlockData = (blockName: string, set: BlockSet, x: number, y: number, copyBlock?: ?BlockType) => {
-	let newBlock = copyBlock ? { ...copyBlock } : undefined;
-	if(newBlock === undefined){
-		newBlock = {};
-		if(set === 'blocks' || set === 'analyzers'){
-			newBlock.inputs = [
-				'input',
-			];
-			newBlock.synchronized_channel = '';
-		}
-		if(set === 'blocks' || set === 'datasets'){
-			newBlock.outputs = [
-				'output',
-			];
-		}
-	}
-	newBlock.name = blockName;
-	const repBlock = {
-		col: x,
-		row: y,
-		height: 3,
-		width: blockWidth / gridDistance,
-	};
-	let newChannelColor = set === 'datasets' ? getRandomBrightColor() : null;
-	return {
-		block: newBlock,
-		rep: repBlock,
-		channelColor: newChannelColor,
-	};
-// finds a block by name from the three block sub-arrays:
-// blocks (normal blocks), datasets (dataset blocks), analyzers (analyzer blocks)
-const findBlock = (contents: any, name: string): BlockType => {
-	const b = contents.blocks.find(b => b.name === name) ||
-		contents.datasets.find(b => b.name === name) ||
-		contents.analyzers.find(b => b.name === name)
-	;
-	if(!b)
-		throw new Error(`invalid block name: ${ name }`);
-	return b;
-export class ToolchainEditor extends React.PureComponent<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props) {
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		modalBlockInfo: {
-			name: undefined,
-			set: undefined,
-			active: false,
-		},
-		clipboard: undefined,
-		insertModalActive: false,
-		renameGroupModalInfo: undefined,
-		history: {
-			past: [],
-			future: [],
-		},
-	}
-	/* HELPERS */
-	// helper to set the contents (this.props.data.contents) object
-	setContents = (newContents: any) => {
-		this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
-			history: generateNewHistory(prevState, props.data),
-		}));
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: {
-				...this.props.data.contents,
-				...newContents,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	// helper to set the groups (this.props.data.extraContents.groups)
-	setGroups = (groups: Group[]) => {
-		this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
-			history: generateNewHistory(prevState, props.data),
-		}));
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			extraContents: {
-				...this.props.data.extraContents,
-				groups,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	// finds a block by name from the three block sub-arrays:
-	// blocks (normal blocks), datasets (dataset blocks), analyzers (analyzer blocks)
-	findBlock = (name: string): BlockType => findBlock(this.props.data.contents, name);
-	// gets possible channels the block can sync to
-	getPossibleChannels = (blockName: string) => {
-		const relConns = this.props.data.contents.connections.filter(c => c.to.split('.')[0] === blockName) || [];
-		const possibleChannels = Array.from(new Set(relConns.map(c => c.channel)))
-		.reduce((o, channel) => ({...o, [channel]: this.props.data.contents.representation.channel_colors[channel]}), {});
-		return possibleChannels;
-	}
-	/* HISTORY */
-	// undoes history by saving the current state to the future
-	// and switching to the latest history state
-	undoHistory = () => {
-		if(this.state.history.past.length === 0)
-			return this.state;
-		const newPast = [...this.state.history.past];
-		const newData = newPast.pop();
-		const newFuture = [...this.state.history.future, copyObj(this.props.data)];
-		this.setState({
-			history: {
-				past: newPast,
-				future: newFuture,
-			},
-		});
-		if(!newData){
-			console.error(`No past state found!`);
-			return;
-		}
-		this.props.updateFunc(newData);
-	};
-	// redoes history by putting the current state in the past
-	// and switching to the earliest future state
-	redoHistory = () => {
-		if(this.state.history.future.length === 0)
-			return this.state;
-		const newFuture = [...this.state.history.future];
-		const newData = newFuture.pop();
-		const newPast = [...this.state.history.past, copyObj(this.props.data)];
-		this.setState({
-			history: {
-				past: newPast,
-				future: newFuture,
-			},
-		});
-		if(!newData){
-			console.error(`No future state found!`);
-			return;
-		}
-		this.props.updateFunc(newData);
-	};
-	/* MODALS */
-	// toggles whether the object insert modal is active or not
-	toggleInsertModal = () => {
-		this.setState((prevState) => ({ insertModalActive: !prevState.insertModalActive }));
-	}
-	// toggles whether the group rename modal is active or not
-	toggleRenameGroupModal = (val: ?string) => {
-		this.setState((prevState) => ({ renameGroupModalInfo: val }));
-	}
-	closeEditModal = () => {
-		this.setState({
-			modalBlockInfo: {
-				...this.state.modalBlockInfo,
-				active: false,
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	/* GROUPS */
-	// renames a group from an old name to a new one
-	renameGroup = (oldName: string, newName: string) => {
-		this.setGroups(this.props.data.extraContents.groups.map(g => g.name === oldName ? {...g, name: newName} : g));
-	}
-	// creates a connection between a block's output and a block's input with a specific channel
-	createConnections = (connectionData: ConnectionType[]) => {
-		const rep = this.props.data.contents.representation;
-		// assign empty synchronized_channel vals on blocks that are getting their first connection
-		const toBlockNamesAndChannels = connectionData.map(c => [c.to.split('.')[0], c.channel]);
-		const assignBlockChannels = (blocks: BlockType[]) => {
-			return blocks.map(b => {
-				if(this.props.data.contents.connections.find(c => c.to.startsWith(`${ b.name }.`)) && b.synchronized_channel !== '')
-					return b;
-				const tbnc = toBlockNamesAndChannels.find(([n, c]) => n === b.name);
-				if(!tbnc)
-					return b;
-				return {
-					...b,
-					synchronized_channel: tbnc[1],
-				};
-			})
-			;
-		};
-		const newBlocks = assignBlockChannels(this.props.data.contents.blocks);
-		const newAnalyzers = assignBlockChannels(this.props.data.contents.analyzers);
-		const newRepConns = generateConnectionRepresentations(connectionData);
-		this.setContents({
-			blocks: newBlocks,
-			analyzers: newAnalyzers,
-			connections: [
-				...this.props.data.contents.connections,
-				...connectionData,
-			],
-			representation: {
-				...rep,
-				connections: {
-					...rep.connections,
-					...newRepConns,
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	// deletes a connection
-	// looks at the representation object and the connections array
-	deleteConnection = (cn: ConnectionType) => {
-		const rep = {...this.props.data.contents.representation};
-		rep.connections = Object.entries(rep.connections).filter(([name, rep]) => {
-			const [from, to] = name.split('/');
-			if(from === cn.from && to === cn.to)
-				return false;
-			return true;
-		})
-		.reduce((cs, [name, rep]) => ({...cs, [name]: rep}), {})
-		;
-		const newConns = this.props.data.contents.connections.filter(c => {
-			if(c.from === cn.from && c.to === cn.to)
-				return false;
-			return true;
-		});
-		// if the given block has no conns to it, the syncd channel should become ''
-		const removeInvalidChannels = (b: NormalBlock | AnalyzerBlock): NormalBlock | AnalyzerBlock => {
-			if(newConns.find(c => c.to.split('.')[0] == b.name))
-				return b;
-			return {
-				...b,
-				synchronized_channel: '',
-			};
-		};
-		const newContents = {
-			connections: newConns,
-			blocks: this.props.data.contents.blocks.map(b => removeInvalidChannels(b)),
-			analyzers: this.props.data.contents.analyzers.map(b => removeInvalidChannels(b)),
-			representation: rep,
-		};
-		this.setContents(newContents);
-	}
-	/* BLOCKS */
-	// adds new blocks at a certain location via an array of arrays of info about the new block(s)
-	// it will also copy connections via looking for connections between copied blocks and copying them to the related new blocks
-	// Parameters:
-	// blockData: each array is info about a new block:
-	// 	- the first string is the new name
-	// 	- the BlockSet is the set to put the block in
-	// 	- the numbers are the x & y coords of the new block
-	// 	- last entry is an optional block object to copy from
-	// connections:
-	// 	if you are inserting blocks from different toolchains, give the new connections as the second arg!
-	// 	these new connections should already be updated to have the new syncd channel names
-	addBlocks = (blockData: [string, BlockSet, number, number, ?BlockType][], connections: ConnectionType[]) => {
-		const newBlocks = blockData.map(d => generateNewBlockData(...d));
-		const sets = blockData.map(b => b[1]);
-		const rep = {
-			...this.props.data.contents.representation,
-			blocks: {
-				...this.props.data.contents.representation.blocks,
-				...newBlocks.reduce((newReps, b) => ({...newReps, [b.block.name]: b.rep}), {}),
-			},
-			channel_colors: {
-				...this.props.data.contents.representation.channel_colors,
-				...newBlocks.filter(b => b.channelColor !== null)
-				.reduce((newColors, b) => ({...newColors, [b.block.name]: b.channelColor}), {}),
-			}
-		};
-		const newContents = {
-			blocks: [...this.props.data.contents.blocks, ...newBlocks.filter((b, i) => sets[i] === 'blocks').map(b => b.block)],
-			datasets: [...this.props.data.contents.datasets, ...newBlocks.filter((b, i) => sets[i] === 'datasets').map(b => b.block)],
-			analyzers: [...this.props.data.contents.analyzers, ...newBlocks.filter((b, i) => sets[i] === 'analyzers').map(b => b.block)],
-			representation: rep,
-			connections: this.props.data.contents.connections,
-		};
-		// if the blocks werent copied from an external toolchain,
-		// check for connection info from the copied blocks and create new connections between the new blocks
-		if(!connections){
-			const copyBlocks = blockData.filter(bd => bd.length > 4);
-			const newConnections: ConnectionType[] = [...this.props.data.contents.connections].map(({ from, to, channel }) => {
-				const fromBlock = copyBlocks.find(bd => from.startsWith(`${ bd[4].name }.`));
-				const toBlock = copyBlocks.find(bd => to.startsWith(`${ bd[4].name }.`));
-				if(!fromBlock || !toBlock)
-					return false;
-				const newFromBlockData = newBlocks.find(b => b.block.name === fromBlock[0]);
-				if(!newFromBlockData)
-					return false;
-				else {
-					return {
-						from: from.replace(`${ fromBlock[4].name }.`, `${ fromBlock[0] }.`),
-						to: to.replace(`${ toBlock[4].name }.`, `${ toBlock[0] }.`),
-						channel: newFromBlockData.block.synchronized_channel || newFromBlockData.block.name,
-					};
-				}
-			})
-			.filter(c => c);
-			newContents.connections = [...this.props.data.contents.connections, ...newConnections];
-			const newRepConns = generateConnectionRepresentations(newConnections);
-			newContents.representation.connections = {...rep.connections, ...newRepConns};
-		} else {
-			// add the new connections from the copied toolchain
-			const newConnections = connections;
-			newContents.connections = [...this.props.data.contents.connections, ...newConnections];
-			const newRepConns = generateConnectionRepresentations(newConnections);
-			newContents.representation.connections = {...rep.connections, ...newRepConns};
-		}
-		this.setContents(newContents);
-	}
-	// updates a blocks location in the graphical editor by providing an x & y offset relative to the current location.
-	updateBlockLocations = (bLocs: {blockName: string, x: number, y: number}[]) => {
-		const rep = this.props.data.contents.representation;
-		const newReps = bLocs
-		.map(bLoc => ({ [bLoc.blockName]: { ...rep.blocks[bLoc.blockName], col: bLoc.x, row: bLoc.y }}))
-		.reduce((o, bLoc) => ({ ...o, ...bLoc }), {});;
-		this.setContents({
-			representation: {
-				...rep,
-				blocks: {
-					...rep.blocks,
-					...newReps,
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	// deletes a block from the toolchain,
-	// as well as any connections to/from it
-	// if it was the sole member of a group, deletes the group too
-	deleteBlocks = (names: string[]) => {
-		const rep = copyObj(this.props.data.contents.representation);
-		names.forEach(name => {
-			delete rep.blocks[name];
-			delete rep.channel_colors[name];
-		});
-		rep.connections = Object.entries(rep.connections).filter(([name, rep]) => {
-			const [from, to] = name.split('/');
-			if(names.find(blockName => to.startsWith(`${ blockName }.`) || from.startsWith(`${ blockName }.`)))
-				return false;
-			return true;
-		})
-		.reduce((cs, [name, r]) => ({...cs, [name]: r}), {})
-		;
-		const newContents = {
-			...this.props.data.contents,
-			blocks: this.props.data.contents.blocks.filter(s => !names.includes(s.name)),
-			datasets: this.props.data.contents.datasets.filter(s => !names.includes(s.name)),
-			analyzers: this.props.data.contents.analyzers.filter(s => !names.includes(s.name)),
-			connections: this.props.data.contents.connections.filter(c => {
-				if(names.find(blockName => c.to.startsWith(`${ blockName }.`) || c.from.startsWith(`${ blockName }.`)))
-					return false;
-				return true;
-			}),
-			representation: rep,
-		};
-		const newGroups = this.props.data.extraContents.groups
-		.map(({ name, blocks }) => ({ name, blocks: blocks.filter(n => !names.includes(n)) }))
-		.filter(g => g.blocks.length !== 0);
-		this.setState({
-			history: generateNewHistory(this.state, this.props.data),
-		});
-		this.props.updateFunc({
-			...this.props.data,
-			contents: newContents,
-			extraContents: {
-				...this.props.data.extraContents,
-				groups: newGroups,
-			},
-		});
-	}
-	// updates the block data for a given block
-	// by sequentially applying all updates made from the ToolchainModal editor
-	// to the data of the toolchain.
-	updateBlockData = (data: ModalCache) => {
-		const set = this.state.modalBlockInfo.set;
-		const name = this.state.modalBlockInfo.name;
-		if(!set || !name){
-			console.error(`Modal not open for update for ${ data.name }`);
-			return;
-		}
-		const oldData = this.props.data;
-		const oldBlock = oldData.contents[set].find(b => b.name === name);
-		if(!oldBlock){
-			console.error(`cannot find block ${ name }`);
-			return;
-		}
-		let newData = copyObj(oldData);
-		// update name
-		if(name !== data.name) {
-			newData = this.updateBlockNameFunc(newData, set, name, data.name);
-		}
-		// update channel
-		if(data.synchronized_channel && oldBlock.synchronized_channel !== data.synchronized_channel){
-			newData = this.updateBlockChannelFunc(newData, data.name, set, data.synchronized_channel);
-		}
-		const findNewBlock = () => newData.contents[set].find(b => b.name === data.name);
-		let newBlock = findNewBlock();
-		// update inputs
-		if(Array.isArray(data.inputs)){
-			// first change names
-			// when the modal opens,
-			// a new "change" operation is added to the cache
-			// for each input/output already in the block, with a name === original
-			// to avoid extra processing, skip these if they exist
-			const [oldNames, newNames] = data.inputs.filter(o => o.action === 'change' && o.original !== o.name)
-			.reduce(([oldNames, newNames], o) => [[...oldNames, o.original], [...newNames, o.name]], [[], []]);
-			newData = this.updateBlockIONamesFunc(newData, newBlock.name, set, 'input', oldNames, newNames);
-			newBlock = findNewBlock();
-			data.inputs.filter(o => o.action !== 'change')
-			.forEach(o => {
-				switch(o.action){
-					case 'delete':
-						newData = this.deleteBlockIOFunc(newData, newBlock.name, set, 'input', o.original);
-						break;
-					case 'add':
-						newData = this.addBlockIOFunc(newData, newBlock.name, set, 'input', o.name);
-						break;
-					default:
-						break;
-				}
-				newBlock = findNewBlock();
-			});
-		}
-		// update outputs
-		if(Array.isArray(data.outputs)){
-			const [oldNames, newNames] = data.outputs.filter(o => o.action === 'change' && o.original !== o.name)
-			.reduce(([oldNames, newNames], o) => [[...oldNames, o.original], [...newNames, o.name]], [[], []]);
-			newData = this.updateBlockIONamesFunc(newData, newBlock.name, set, 'output', oldNames, newNames);
-			newBlock = findNewBlock();
-			data.outputs.filter(o => o.action !== 'change')
-			.forEach(o => {
-				switch(o.action){
-					case 'delete':
-						newData = this.deleteBlockIOFunc(newData, newBlock.name, set, 'output', o.original);
-						break;
-					case 'add':
-						newData = this.addBlockIOFunc(newData, newBlock.name, set, 'output', o.name);
-						break;
-					default:
-						break;
-				}
-				newBlock = findNewBlock();
-			});
-		}
-		this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
-			history: generateNewHistory(prevState, props.data),
-		}));
-		this.props.updateFunc(newData);
-	}
-	// changes a block's name given the set it belongs to, the old name, and the new name
-	updateBlockNameFunc = (oldData: any, set: BlockSet, oldName: string, newName: string): any => {
-		// func to update from/to strings with old names to new names
-		const updateConn = (from, to): string[] => {
-			const fromSplit = from.split('.');
-			fromSplit[0] = fromSplit[0] === oldName ? newName : fromSplit[0];
-			const toSplit = to.split('.');
-			toSplit[0] = toSplit[0] === oldName ? newName : toSplit[0];
-			return [fromSplit.join('.'), toSplit.join('.')];
-		};
-		// update the block & conn representation with the new names
-		const rep = {...oldData.contents.representation};
-		rep.blocks = {...rep.blocks};
-		rep.blocks[newName] = rep.blocks[oldName];
-		delete rep.blocks[oldName];
-		rep.connections = Object.entries(rep.connections).map(([name, rep]) => {
-			if(!name.includes(oldName))
-				return [name, rep];
-			const [from, to] = name.split('/');
-			const updated = updateConn(from, to);
-			return [updated.join('/'), rep];
-		})
-		.reduce((cs, c) => ({...cs, [c[0]]: c[1]}), {})
-		;
-		// update the channel colors
-		if(set === 'datasets'){
-			rep.channel_colors[newName] = rep.channel_colors[oldName];
-			delete rep.channel_colors[oldName];
-		}
-		// update blocks & connections
-		const newContents = {
-			...oldData.contents,
-			[set]: oldData.contents[set].map(s => s.name === oldName ? {...s, name: newName} : s),
-			// update the conns, both the names of the blocks and the channel
-			connections: oldData.contents.connections.map(c => {
-				if(!c.from.includes(oldName) && !c.to.includes(oldName) && c.channel !== oldName)
-					return c;
-				const newChannel = c.channel === oldName ? newName : c.channel;
-				const updated = updateConn(c.from, c.to);
-				return {
-					channel: newChannel,
-					from: updated[0],
-					to: updated[1],
-				};
-			}),
-			representation: rep,
-		};
-		// if the changed block is a dataset, update the synchronized_channel on all blocks using its old name
-		if(set === 'datasets'){
-			newContents['blocks'] = oldData.contents.blocks
-			.map(s => s.synchronized_channel === oldName ? {...s, synchronized_channel: newName} : s)
-			;
-			newContents['analyzers'] = oldData.contents.analyzers
-			.map(s => s.synchronized_channel === oldName ? {...s, synchronized_channel: newName} : s)
-			;
-		}
-		const newGroups = oldData.extraContents.groups
-		.map(({ name, blocks }) => ({ name, blocks: blocks.map(n => n === oldName ? newName : n) }));
-		this.setState((prevState, props) => ({
-			history: generateNewHistory(prevState, props.data),
-			modalBlockInfo: {
-				active: true,
-				name: newName,
-				set
-			}
-		}));
-		return {
-			...oldData,
-			contents: newContents,
-			extraContents: {
-				...oldData.extraContents,
-				groups: newGroups,
-			},
-		};
-	}
-	// update multiple block names at once
-	updateBlockIONamesFunc = (oldData: any, blockName: string, set: BlockSet, ioType: 'input' | 'output', oldNames: string[], newNames: string[]) => {
-		const combinedNames = oldNames.map(oldName => `${ blockName }.${ oldName }`);
-		// gets the new name for the i/o from the old name OR from the old combined name (in the form `${blockName}.${oldName}`)
-		const getNewFromOld = (oldName: string): ?string => {
-			const foundCombined = combinedNames.findIndex(cn => cn === oldName);
-			const found = oldNames.findIndex(o => o === oldName);
-			if(foundCombined > -1){
-				return newNames[foundCombined];
-			} else if(found > -1){
-				return newNames[found];
-			} else {
-				return undefined;
-			}
-		};
-		// updates a connection to use the new names
-		const updateConn = (from, to): string[] => {
-			const fromSplit = from.split('.');
-			const toSplit = to.split('.');
-			if(ioType === 'output')
-				fromSplit[1] = getNewFromOld(from) || fromSplit[1];
-			else if(ioType === 'input')
-				toSplit[1] = getNewFromOld(to) || toSplit[1];
-			return [fromSplit.join('.'), toSplit.join('.')];
-		};
-		const rep = {...oldData.contents.representation};
-		// fix all the names in `contents.representation.connections`
-		const newRepConns = Object.entries(rep.connections).map(([name, crep]) => {
-			if(!oldNames.some(oldName => name.includes(`.${ oldName }`)))
-				return [name, crep];
-			const [from, to] = name.split('/');
-			const updated = updateConn(from, to);
-			return [updated.join('/'), crep];
-		})
-		.reduce((cs, [name, crep]) => ({...cs, [name]: crep}), {})
-		;
-		// fix all the connection objects in `contents.connections`
-		const newConns = oldData.contents.connections.map(c => {
-			const updated = updateConn(c.from, c.to);
-			return {
-				...c,
-				from: updated[0],
-				to: updated[1],
-			};
-		});
-		const newContents = {
-			...oldData.contents,
-			[set]: oldData.contents[set].map(s => {
-				if(s.name !== blockName)
-					return s;
-				const newBlock = {
-					...s,
-				};
-				if(ioType === 'input')
-					newBlock.inputs = newBlock.inputs.map(str => getNewFromOld(str) || str);
-				if(ioType === 'output')
-					newBlock.outputs = newBlock.outputs.map(str => getNewFromOld(str) || str);
-				return newBlock;
-			}),
-			connections: newConns,
-			representation: {
-				...rep,
-				connections: newRepConns,
-			},
-		};
-		return {
-			...oldData,
-			contents: newContents,
-		};
-	}
-	// add a new input or output to a block
-	addBlockIOFunc = (oldData: any, blockName: string, set: BlockSet, ioType: 'input' | 'output', newName: string) => {
-		const newContents = {
-			...oldData.contents,
-			[set]: oldData.contents[set].map(s => {
-				if(s.name !== blockName)
-					return s;
-				const newBlock = {
-					...s,
-				};
-				if(ioType === 'input')
-					newBlock.inputs = [...newBlock.inputs, newName];
-				if(ioType === 'output')
-					newBlock.outputs = [...newBlock.outputs, newName];
-				return newBlock;
-			}),
-		};
-		return {
-			...oldData,
-			contents: newContents,
-		};
-	}
-	// deletes an input or output from a block,
-	// as well as any connections connected to it
-	deleteBlockIOFunc = (oldData: any, blockName: string, set: BlockSet, ioType: 'input' | 'output', ioName: string) => {
-		const rep = {...oldData.contents.representation};
-		const connectionLabel = `${ blockName }.${ ioName }`;
-		rep.connections = Object.entries(rep.connections).filter(([name, rep]) => {
-			if(!name.includes(ioName))
-				return true;
-			const [from, to] = name.split('/');
-			if(ioType === 'input' && to === connectionLabel)
-				return false;
-			if(ioType === 'output' && from === connectionLabel)
-				return false;
-			return true;
-		})
-		.reduce((cs, [name, rep]) => ({...cs, [name]: rep}), {})
-		;
-		const newContents = {
-			...oldData.contents,
-			[set]: oldData.contents[set].map(s => {
-				if(s.name !== blockName)
-					return s;
-				const newBlock = {
-					...s,
-				};
-				if(ioType === 'input')
-					newBlock.inputs = newBlock.inputs.filter(str => str !== ioName);
-				if(ioType === 'output')
-					newBlock.outputs = newBlock.outputs.filter(str => str !== ioName);
-				return newBlock;
-			}),
-			connections: oldData.contents.connections.filter(c => {
-				if(ioType === 'input' && c.to === connectionLabel)
-					return false;
-				if(ioType === 'output' && c.from === connectionLabel)
-					return false;
-				return true;
-			}),
-		};
-		return {
-			...oldData,
-			contents: newContents,
-		};
-	}
-	// changes the block's sync'd channel
-	// also updates all connections from the block
-	updateBlockChannelFunc = (oldData: any, blockName: string, set: BlockSet, channel: string) => {
-		const queue = [oldData.contents[set].find(b => b.name === blockName)];
-		const oldChannel = `${ queue[0].synchronized_channel }`;
-		const bNames = Object.keys(oldData.contents.representation.blocks);
-		const conns = oldData.contents.connections;
-		const updatedBlocks: { [string]: BlockType } = {};
-		const updatedConnections: { [string]: ConnectionType } = {};
-		while(queue.length > 0){
-			const b = queue.shift();
-			if(b.synchronized_channel === oldChannel){
-				updatedBlocks[b.name] = {
-					...b,
-					synchronized_channel: channel,
-				};
-				conns
-				.filter(c => c.from.startsWith(`${ b.name }.`))
-				.forEach(c => {
-					const curr = c.to.split('.')[0];
-					// if theres more than one connection to this block
-					// that is synced to the old channel,
-					// dont change the channel of this block
-					// because the old channel is still valid
-					if(
-						conns
-						.filter(c => c.to.startsWith(`${ curr }.`) && c.channel === oldChannel)
-						.length === 1
-					)
-						queue.push(findBlock(oldData.contents, curr));
-					updatedConnections[connectionToId(c)] = {
-						...c,
-						channel,
-					};
-				});
-			}
-		}
-		const newContents = {
-			...oldData.contents,
-			datasets: oldData.contents.datasets.map(b => updatedBlocks[b.name] || b),
-			blocks: oldData.contents.blocks.map(b => updatedBlocks[b.name] || b),
-			analyzers: oldData.contents.analyzers.map(b => updatedBlocks[b.name] || b),
-			connections: oldData.contents.connections.map(c => updatedConnections[connectionToId(c)] || c),
-		};
-		return {
-			...oldData,
-			contents: newContents,
-		};
-	}
-	createAlgorithmFromBlock = async (algName: string) => {
-		const {active, name, set} = this.state.modalBlockInfo;
-		const data = this.props.data.contents[set].find(b => b.name === name);
-		if(!data){
-			console.error(`cannot find ${ name } to create ${ algName } in blocks or analyzers`);
-			return;
-		}
-		const conns = this.props.data.contents.connections
-		.filter(c => c.to.startsWith(`${ name }.`))
-		;
-		await this.props.createAlgorithmFromBlock({ ...data, name: algName }, conns);
-	}
-	svgContextMenuLocation: ?[number, number] = undefined
-	// handles the left click on the svg's background
-	// shows a menu to add/paste blocks at the click location
-	handleSvgContextMenu = (e: any, data: { x: number, y: number, selectBlocks: (string[]) => any, clicked: string }) => {
-		const {blocks, datasets, analyzers, representation} = this.props.data.contents;
-		const { x, y, selectBlocks, clicked } = data;
-		let newBlockName = '';
-		const usedNames = this.getUsedNames();
-		switch(clicked){
-			case 'addBlock':
-				newBlockName = generateNewKey('block', usedNames);
-				this.addBlocks([[newBlockName, 'blocks', x, y]]);
-				break;
-			case 'addDataset':
-				newBlockName = generateNewKey('dataset', usedNames);
-				this.addBlocks([[newBlockName, 'datasets', x, y]]);
-				break;
-			case 'addAnalyzer':
-				newBlockName = generateNewKey('analyzer', usedNames);
-				this.addBlocks([[newBlockName, 'analyzers', x, y]]);
-				break;
-			case 'addObject':
-				this.svgContextMenuLocation = [x, y];
-				this.toggleInsertModal();
-				break;
-			case 'paste':
-				if(!this.state.clipboard || this.state.clipboard.length === 0)
-					return;
-				const blocksToCopy = this.state.clipboard;
-				const sets = blocksToCopy.map(b => {
-					if(!b.hasOwnProperty('inputs'))
-						return 'datasets';
-					if(!b.hasOwnProperty('outputs'))
-						return 'analyzers';
-					return 'blocks';
-				});
-				//first element in the blocksToCopy array is the one used to offset the other blocks
-				const b0 = blocksToCopy[0];
-				const b0Rep = representation.blocks[b0.name];
-				const offsetX = x - b0Rep.col;
-				const offsetY = y - b0Rep.row;
-				const newBlockData = blocksToCopy.map((b, i, bs) => {
-					const bRep = representation.blocks[b.name];
-					const set = sets[i];
-					const newX = bRep.col + offsetX;
-					const newY = bRep.row + offsetY;
-					const newName = generateNewKey(b.name, usedNames);
-					return [newName, set, newX, newY, {...b}];
-				});
-				this.addBlocks(newBlockData);
-				selectBlocks(newBlockData.map(d => d[0]));
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	// copy either a block or array of blocks to the clipboard
-	copyToClipboard = (data: any[]) => {
-		this.setState({
-			clipboard: data,
-		});
-	}
-	// handles a right click on a block
-	handleBlockContextMenu = (e: any, data: { name: string, clicked: string }) => {
-		const {name, clicked} = data;
-		switch(clicked){
-			case 'delete':
-				this.deleteBlocks([name]);
-				break;
-			case 'copy':
-				this.copyToClipboard([this.findBlock(name)]);
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	// handles a right click on a connection
-	handleConnectionContextMenu = (e: any, data: { connection: ConnectionType, clicked: string }) => {
-		const {connection, clicked} = data;
-		switch(clicked){
-			case 'delete':
-				this.deleteConnection(connection);
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	// handles a right click on a group
-	handleGroupContextMenu = (e: any, data: { group: string, selectBlocks: (BlockType[]) => any, clicked: string }) => {
-		const {group, clicked, selectBlocks} = data;
-		const groups = this.props.data.extraContents.groups;
-		const g = groups.find(g => g.name === group);
-		switch(clicked){
-			case 'delete':
-				this.setGroups(groups.filter(g => g.name !== group));
-				break;
-			case 'copy':
-				this.copyToClipboard(g.blocks.map(b => this.findBlock(b)).filter(b => b));
-				break;
-			case 'select':
-				selectBlocks(g.blocks.map(b => this.findBlock(b)).filter(b => b));
-				break;
-			case 'collapse':
-				this.setGroups(groups.map(g => g.name === group ? { ...g, collapsed: !g.collapsed } : g));
-				break;
-			case 'rename':
-				this.toggleRenameGroupModal(group);
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	// gets all the used names in the toolchain:
-	// group names & block names
-	getUsedNames = (): string[] => [
-		...this.props.data.extraContents.groups.map(g => g.name),
-		...Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.representation.blocks)
-	];
-	// handles a right click on an area selection
-	handleAreaSelectContextMenu = (e: any, data: { selection: BlockType[], clicked: string }) => {
-		const {selection, clicked} = data;
-		const groups = this.props.data.extraContents.groups;
-		switch(clicked){
-			case 'createGroup':
-				const newGroupName = generateNewKey('group', this.getUsedNames());
-				this.setGroups([
-					...groups,
-					{
-						name: newGroupName,
-						blocks: selection.map(b => b.name),
-						collapsed: false,
-					}
-				]);
-				break;
-			case 'copy':
-				this.copyToClipboard(selection);
-				break;
-			case 'delete':
-				this.deleteBlocks(selection.map(b => b.name));
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-	}
-	lastClickBlockName = ''
-	lastClickMs = 0
-	// handles left clicking on a block
-	handleBlockClick = (blockName: string, set: BlockSet) => {
-		const currTime = Date.now();
-		// 1sec throttling
-		const delay = 1000;
-		if(currTime - this.lastClickMs > delay || blockName !== this.lastClickBlockName){
-			this.lastClickBlockName = blockName;
-			const newMBI = {
-				set,
-				name: blockName,
-				active: true,
-			};
-			this.setState({
-				modalBlockInfo: newMBI,
-			});
-		}
-		this.lastClickBlockName = blockName;
-		this.lastClickMs = currTime;
-	}
-	// uses the server's /layout endpoint to get a graphviz layout for this toolchain
-	autoLayout = async () => {
-		// first save the tc to the BEAT prefix
-		const serverSaveFunc = genModuleApiFuncs('toolchain').put;
-		await serverSaveFunc(this.props.data);
-		// then fetch the new layout
-		const json = await fetchLayout(this.props.data.name);
-		// transform the received layout into objs for updateBlockLocations
-		const posRaw = json.objects
-		.filter(o => o.hasOwnProperty('pos'))
-		.map(o => {
-			const [x, y] = o.pos.split(',').map(n => Number.parseFloat(n));
-			return {
-				blockName: o.name,
-				x,
-				y,
-			};
-		})
-		;
-		// flip the blocks' y-coord across the middle of the layout
-		// because graphviz's y-axis starts at the bottom while svg
-		// starts at the top
-		const midY = Math.max(...posRaw.map(o => o.y)) / 2;
-		const pos = posRaw.map(({blockName, x, y}) => {
-			const ry = y - (2 * (y - midY));
-			return {
-				blockName,
-				// round to the nearest grid lines
-				x: Math.round(x / gridDistance),
-				y: Math.round(ry / gridDistance),
-			};
-		});
-		// update locations
-		this.updateBlockLocations(pos);
-		// dont save locally because it kills the undo/redo stack!
-	}
-	renderGraphicalEditor = () => {
-		return (
-			<Container>
-				<Row>
-				</Row>
-				<Row>
-					<GraphicalEditor
-						interactable
-						repData={this.props.data.contents.representation}
-						blocks={this.props.data.contents.blocks}
-						datasets={this.props.data.contents.datasets}
-						analyzers={this.props.data.contents.analyzers}
-						connections={this.props.data.contents.connections}
-						groups={this.props.data.extraContents.groups}
-						handleBlockClick={this.handleBlockClick}
-						updateBlockLocations={this.updateBlockLocations}
-						createConnection={(from: string, to: string, channel: string) => this.createConnections([{ from, to, channel }])}
-						toolbarContent={
-							<React.Fragment>
-								<Button
-									size='sm'
-									onClick={this.undoHistory}
-									disabled={this.state.history.past.length === 0}
-								>
-									Undo
-								</Button>
-								<Button
-									size='sm'
-									onClick={this.redoHistory}
-									disabled={this.state.history.future.length === 0}
-								>
-									Redo
-								</Button>
-								<Button
-									size='sm'
-									onClick={this.autoLayout}
-									title={'This will use Graphviz to generate a more visually understandable layout for your toolchain.'}
-									disabled={!!Validate(VALIDATORS['toolchain'], this.props.data)}
-								>
-									Layout
-								</Button>
-							</React.Fragment>
-						}
-						divChildren={
-							<React.Fragment>
-								<ContextMenu
-									id='blockContextMenu'
-									hideOnLeave={true}
-								>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'delete'}}
-										onClick={this.handleBlockContextMenu}
-									>
-										Delete Block
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'copy'}}
-										onClick={this.handleBlockContextMenu}
-									>
-										Copy Block
-									</MenuItem>
-								</ContextMenu>
-								<ContextMenu
-									id='connectionContextMenu'
-									hideOnLeave={true}
-								>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'delete'}}
-										onClick={this.handleConnectionContextMenu}
-									>
-										Delete Connection
-									</MenuItem>
-								</ContextMenu>
-								<ContextMenu
-									id='svgContextMenu'
-									hideOnLeave={true}
-								>
-									{
-										this.state.clipboard !== undefined &&
-											<MenuItem
-												data={{ clicked: 'paste'}}
-												onClick={this.handleSvgContextMenu}
-											>
-												Paste Here
-											</MenuItem>
-									}
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'addBlock'}}
-										onClick={this.handleSvgContextMenu}
-									>
-										Add Block Here
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'addDataset'}}
-										onClick={this.handleSvgContextMenu}
-									>
-										Add Dataset Here
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'addAnalyzer'}}
-										onClick={this.handleSvgContextMenu}
-									>
-										Add Analyzer Here
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'addObject'}}
-										onClick={this.handleSvgContextMenu}
-									>
-										Insert Object Here
-									</MenuItem>
-								</ContextMenu>
-								<ContextMenu
-									id='groupContextMenu'
-									hideOnLeave={true}
-								>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'copy'}}
-										onClick={this.handleGroupContextMenu}
-									>
-										Copy Group Blocks
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'select'}}
-										onClick={this.handleGroupContextMenu}
-									>
-										Select Group Blocks
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'collapse'}}
-										onClick={this.handleGroupContextMenu}
-									>
-										Toggle Collapsed
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'rename'}}
-										onClick={this.handleGroupContextMenu}
-									>
-										Rename
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'delete'}}
-										onClick={this.handleGroupContextMenu}
-									>
-										Delete Group
-									</MenuItem>
-								</ContextMenu>
-								<ContextMenu
-									id='areaSelectContextMenu'
-									hideOnLeave={true}
-								>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'copy'}}
-										onClick={this.handleAreaSelectContextMenu}
-									>
-										Copy Blocks
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'createGroup'}}
-										onClick={this.handleAreaSelectContextMenu}
-									>
-										Create Group
-									</MenuItem>
-									<MenuItem
-										data={{ clicked: 'delete'}}
-										onClick={this.handleAreaSelectContextMenu}
-									>
-										Delete Blocks
-									</MenuItem>
-								</ContextMenu>
-							</React.Fragment>
-						}
-					>
-					</GraphicalEditor>
-				</Row>
-			</Container>
-		);
-	}
-	// modal that pops up when left clicking a block
-	renderEditModal = () => {
-		const {active, name, set} = this.state.modalBlockInfo;
-		if(!name || !set)
-			return null;
-		const possibleChannels = active ? this.getPossibleChannels(name) : {};
-		return (
-			<EditModal
-				data={this.props.data.contents[set].find(d => d.name === name)}
-				active={active}
-				toggle={() => this.closeEditModal()}
-				blockNames={Object.keys(this.props.data.contents.representation.blocks) || []}
-				deleteBlock={() => this.deleteBlocks([name])}
-				possibleChannels={possibleChannels}
-				updateBlockData={this.updateBlockData}
-				createAlgorithmFromBlock={this.createAlgorithmFromBlock}
-			/>
-		);
-	}
-	renderInsertModal = () => {
-		return (
-			<InsertObjectModal
-				toolchains={this.props.toolchains}
-				protocols={this.props.protocols}
-				sets={this.props.sets}
-				normalAlgorithms={this.props.normalAlgorithms}
-				analyzerAlgorithms={this.props.analyzerAlgorithms}
-				active={this.state.insertModalActive}
-				toggle={this.toggleInsertModal}
-				addNewBlocks={(type, newBlocksData, newConnections) => {
-					if(!this.svgContextMenuLocation)
-						return;
-					const [x, y] = this.svgContextMenuLocation;
-					for(const b of newBlocksData){
-						b[2] += x;
-						b[3] += y;
-					}
-					this.addBlocks(newBlocksData, newConnections);
-				}}
-				usedNames={this.getUsedNames()}
-			/>
-		);
-	}
-	renderRenameGroupModal = () => {
-		return (
-			<RenameGroupModal
-				active={this.state.renameGroupModalInfo !== undefined}
-				toggle={this.toggleRenameGroupModal}
-				usedNames={this.getUsedNames()}
-				currentName={this.state.renameGroupModalInfo || ''}
-				saveNewName={(name) => {
-					const oldName = this.state.renameGroupModalInfo;
-					if(!oldName)
-						return;
-					this.renameGroup(oldName, name);
-				}}
-			/>
-		);
-	}
-	render = () => (
-		<div className='toolchainEditor'>
-			<div className='d-flex'>
-				<Button
-					className='mx-auto'
-					outline
-					color='secondary'
-					onClick={() => this.props.saveFunc(this.props.data)}
-				>
-					Save Changes (Changes are <ValidSchemaBadge entity='toolchain' obj={this.props.data} />)
-				</Button>
-			</div>
-			<Form onSubmit={(e) => e.preventDefault()}>
-				<FormGroup tag='fieldset'>
-					<FormGroup>
-						<Label>Short Description</Label>
-						<Input
-							type='text'
-							className='tcDescription'
-							placeholder='Toolchain description...'
-							value={this.props.data.contents['description']}
-							onChange={e => this.setContents({ ...this.props.data.contents, 'description': e.target.value})}
-						/>
-					</FormGroup>
-				</FormGroup>
-				{ this.renderGraphicalEditor() }
-				{ this.renderEditModal() }
-				{ this.renderInsertModal() }
-				{ this.renderRenameGroupModal() }
-			</Form>
-		</div>
-	);
-const mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => {
-	const tcs = Selectors.toolchainGet(state);
-	const obj = {
-		toolchains: tcs,
-		databases: Selectors.databaseGet(state),
-		sets: Selectors.flattenedDatabases(state),
-		protocols: Selectors.databaseProtocols(state),
-		normalAlgorithms: Selectors.normalBlocks(state),
-		analyzerAlgorithms: Selectors.analyzerBlocks(state),
-		data: tcs[ownProps.index] || getValidObj()
-	};
-	return obj;
-const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch, ownProps) => ({
-	// replace the obj in the Redux store with the new object
-	updateFunc: (obj) => {
-		console.log(`dispatching for ${ obj.name }`);
-		dispatch(Actions[`toolchainUpdate`](obj.name, obj));
-	},
-	createAlgorithmFromBlock: async (data: NormalBlock | AnalyzerBlock, conns: ConnectionType[]) => {
-		let newObj = getValidAlgorithmObj({ name: data.name, contents: {} });
-		// generate the alg obj
-		// first, separate into groups
-		// look at all connections to block, each different channel is a different group
-		// put the inputs in the corresponding groups as well
-		const inputGroups = conns.reduce((groups, c) => {
-			const input = c.to.split('.')[1];
-			const channel: string = c.channel;
-			if(Array.isArray(groups[channel])){
-				groups[channel].push(input);
-			} else {
-				groups[channel] = [input];
-			}
-			return groups;
-		}, {});
-		// coverts a list of input names to the format needed for algorithm groups
-		const groupListToObj = (iList: string[]): {[string]: any} =>
-			iList.reduce((o, i) => ({...o, [i]: { type: '' }}), {});
-		// generate group objs from the inputs split between groups
-		newObj.contents.groups = Object.entries(inputGroups)
-		.map(([gName, inputs], i) => ({ name: gName, inputs: groupListToObj(inputs) }) );
-		// is normal block
-		if(Array.isArray(data.outputs)){
-			// all block outputs only go to first group
-			if(Array.isArray(data.outputs) && newObj.contents.groups.length > 0){
-				newObj.contents.groups[0].outputs = groupListToObj(data.outputs);
-			}
-		}
-		// is analyzer block
-		else {
-			// make it an analyzer
-			delete newObj.contents['splittable'];
-			newObj.contents.results = {};
-		}
-		console.log(newObj);
-		await dispatch(Actions.createObject('algorithm', newObj)());
-	}
-export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(ToolchainEditor);
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc44c5e4c72fb7557f1cc90ceea9bfd0b931405..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainEditor.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1103 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import chai, { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-// sometimes we dont care about order of items in arrays when comparing objects deeply
-import deepEqualInAnyOrder from 'deep-equal-in-any-order';
-import { getValidToolchainObj as getValidObj, getValidDatabaseObj, getValidAlgorithmObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { ToolchainEditor as C } from '.';
-import * as Selectors from '@store/selectors';
-import reducer from '@store/reducers';
-import testTcs from '@test/test_tcs.json';
-import testDbs from '@test/test_dbs.json';
-import testAlgs from '@test/test_algs.json';
-const getIrisTc = (color1: string = '#008000', color2: string = '#FF0000') => {
-	return {
-		'name': 'test/iris/1',
-		'contents': {
-			'description': '',
-			'datasets': [
-				{
-					'name': 'training_data',
-					'outputs': [
-						'measurements',
-						'species'
-					]
-				},
-				{
-					'name': 'testing_data',
-					'outputs': [
-						'measurements',
-						'species'
-					]
-				}
-			],
-			'blocks': [
-				{
-					'inputs': [
-						'measurements',
-						'species'
-					],
-					'name': 'training_alg',
-					'outputs': [
-						'lda_machine'
-					],
-					'synchronized_channel': 'training_data'
-				},
-				{
-					'inputs': [
-						'lda_machine',
-						'measurements'
-					],
-					'name': 'testing_alg',
-					'outputs': [
-						'scores'
-					],
-					'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-				}
-			],
-			'analyzers': [
-				{
-					'inputs': [
-						'scores',
-						'species'
-					],
-					'name': 'analyzer',
-					'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-				}
-			],
-			'connections': [
-				{
-					'channel': 'testing_data',
-					'from': 'testing_alg.scores',
-					'to': 'analyzer.scores'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'training_data',
-					'from': 'training_alg.lda_machine',
-					'to': 'testing_alg.lda_machine'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'testing_data',
-					'from': 'testing_data.measurements',
-					'to': 'testing_alg.measurements'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'training_data',
-					'from': 'training_data.measurements',
-					'to': 'training_alg.measurements'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'training_data',
-					'from': 'training_data.species',
-					'to': 'training_alg.species'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'testing_data',
-					'from': 'testing_data.species',
-					'to': 'analyzer.species'
-				}
-			],
-			'representation': {
-				'blocks': {
-					'analyzer': {
-						'col': 46,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 4,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'testing_alg': {
-						'col': 32,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 3,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'testing_data': {
-						'col': 6,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 5,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'training_alg': {
-						'col': 19,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 0,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'training_data': {
-						'col': 6,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 0,
-						'width': 10
-					}
-				},
-				'channel_colors': {
-					'testing_data': color2,
-					'training_data': color1
-				},
-				'connections': {
-					'testing_alg.scores/analyzer.scores': [],
-					'testing_data.measurements/testing_alg.measurements': [],
-					'testing_data.species/analyzer.species': [],
-					'training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda_machine': [],
-					'training_data.measurements/training_alg.measurements': [],
-					'training_data.species/training_alg.species': []
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		'extraContents': {
-			'groups': []
-		}
-	};
-describe('<ToolchainEditor />', function() {
-	// these tests might take a long time, comparatively
-	this.timeout(10000);
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	describe('accepts', () => {
-		const tcs = testTcs.map(tc => getValidObj(tc));
-		const dbs = testDbs.map(db => getValidDatabaseObj(db));
-		const algs = testAlgs.map(alg => getValidAlgorithmObj(alg));
-		const state = {
-			...reducer({}, { type: '', payload: {}}),
-			toolchain: tcs,
-			database: dbs,
-			algorithm: algs,
-		};
-		const sets = Selectors.flattenedDatabases(state);
-		const protocols = Selectors.databaseProtocols(state);
-		const normalAlgorithms = Selectors.normalBlocks(state);
-		const analyzerAlgorithms = Selectors.analyzerBlocks(state);
-		tcs.forEach(function(tc){
-			const saveFunc = () => {};
-			const updateFunc = () => {};
-			it(`${ tc.name }`, () => {
-				wrapper = mount(
-					<C
-						data={tc}
-						sets={sets}
-						protocols={protocols}
-						toolchains={state.toolchain}
-						databases={state.database}
-						normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-						analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-						saveFunc={saveFunc}
-						updateFunc={updateFunc}
-					/>
-				);
-				expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-					['data', 'sets', 'protocols', 'toolchains', 'databases', 'normalAlgorithms', 'analyzerAlgorithms', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-				).deep.equal(
-					[tc, sets, protocols, tcs, state.database, normalAlgorithms, analyzerAlgorithms, saveFunc, updateFunc]
-				);
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('creates', () => {
-		const tcs = [];
-		const dbs = testDbs.map(db => getValidDatabaseObj(db));
-		const algs = testAlgs.map(alg => getValidAlgorithmObj(alg));
-		const state = {
-			...reducer({}, { type: '', payload: {}}),
-			toolchain: tcs,
-			database: dbs,
-			algorithm: algs,
-		};
-		const sets = Selectors.flattenedDatabases(state);
-		const normalAlgorithms = Selectors.normalBlocks(state);
-		const protocols = Selectors.databaseProtocols(state);
-		const analyzerAlgorithms = Selectors.analyzerBlocks(state);
-		it(`test/iris/1`, () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const tcName = 'test/iris/1';
-			const tc = getValidObj({name: tcName, contents: {}});
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'sets', 'protocols', 'toolchains', 'databases', 'normalAlgorithms', 'analyzerAlgorithms', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', tcName);
-			// add lots of blocks
-			const _selectBlocks = (bNames: string[]) => { return; };
-			const selectBlocks = sinon.spy(_selectBlocks);
-			/* add blocks via contextmenu handler */
-			// pretend to right click at a spot by calling the event handler
-			// dataset 1 training_data @ 6,0
-			wrapper.instance().handleSvgContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'addDataset', x: 6, y: 0, selectBlocks });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(1);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.datasets.length).to.equal(1);
-			// dataset 2 @ 6,5
-			wrapper.instance().handleSvgContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'addDataset', x: 6, y: 5, selectBlocks });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(2);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.datasets.length).to.equal(2);
-			// block 1 (training) @ 19,0
-			wrapper.instance().handleSvgContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'addBlock', x: 19, y: 0, selectBlocks });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(3);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.blocks.length).to.equal(1);
-			// block 2 (testing) @ 32,3
-			wrapper.instance().handleSvgContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'addBlock', x: 32, y: 3, selectBlocks });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(4);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.blocks.length).to.equal(2);
-			// block 3 (analyzer) @ 46,4
-			wrapper.instance().handleSvgContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'addAnalyzer', x: 46, y: 4, selectBlocks });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(5);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.analyzers.length).to.equal(1);
-			/* open edit modal for each & edit blocks via input onChange stuff */
-			// training_data
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_dataset').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').props().value).to.equal('dataset');
-			wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'training_data' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			/*
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="output"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'measurements' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="output0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'species' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(false);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.datasets[0]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'training_data',
-				'outputs': [
-					'measurements',
-					'species'
-				]
-			});
-			// testing_data
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_dataset0').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').props().value).to.equal('dataset0');
-			wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'testing_data' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			/*
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="output"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'measurements' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="output0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'species' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.datasets[1]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'testing_data',
-				'outputs': [
-					'measurements',
-					'species'
-				]
-			});
-			// training_alg
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_block').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').props().value).to.equal('block');
-			wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'training_alg' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(1).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			/*
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(0).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(1).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="input"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'measurements' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="input0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'species' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="output"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'lda_machine' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.blocks[0]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'training_alg',
-				'inputs': [
-					'measurements',
-					'species'
-				],
-				'outputs': [
-					'lda_machine'
-				],
-				'synchronized_channel': '',
-			});
-			// testing_alg
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_block0').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').props().value).to.equal('block0');
-			wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'testing_alg' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(1).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			/*
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(0).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(1).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="input"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'measurements' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="input0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'lda_machine' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="output"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'scores' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.blocks[1]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'testing_alg',
-				'inputs': [
-					'measurements',
-					'lda_machine'
-				],
-				'outputs': [
-					'scores'
-				],
-				'synchronized_channel': '',
-			});
-			// analyzer
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_analyzer').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal').find('CacheInput#tcModalInitFocus').props().value).to.equal('analyzer');
-			/*
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-secondary').at(1).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="input"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'scores' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="input0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'species' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.analyzers[0]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'analyzer',
-				'inputs': [
-					'scores',
-					'species'
-				],
-				'synchronized_channel': '',
-			});
-			/* connect stuff via createConnections() */
-			// channel: training_data
-			wrapper.instance().createConnections([{ from: 'training_data.measurements', to: 'training_alg.measurements', channel: 'training_data' }]);
-			// channel: training_data
-			wrapper.instance().createConnections([{ from: 'training_data.species', to: 'training_alg.species', channel: 'training_data' }]);
-			// channel: testing_data
-			wrapper.instance().createConnections([{ from: 'testing_data.measurements', to: 'testing_alg.measurements', channel: 'testing_data' }]);
-			// channel: training_data
-			wrapper.instance().createConnections([{ from: 'training_alg.lda_machine', to: 'testing_alg.lda_machine', channel: 'training_data' }]);
-			// channel: testing_data
-			wrapper.instance().createConnections([{ from: 'testing_data.species', to: 'analyzer.species', channel: 'testing_data' }]);
-			// channel: testing_data
-			wrapper.instance().createConnections([{ from: 'testing_alg.scores', to: 'analyzer.scores', channel: 'testing_data' }]);
-			/* fix channels */
-			/*
-			// testing_alg
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_testing_alg').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.find('.modal #channelSelector DropdownItem#channel-testing_data').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('button.close').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.blocks[1]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'testing_alg',
-				'inputs': [
-					'measurements',
-					'lda_machine'
-				],
-				'outputs': [
-					'scores'
-				],
-				'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data',
-			});
-			// analyzer
-			/*
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_analyzer').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.find('.modal #channelSelector DropdownItem#channel-testing_data').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.find('button.close').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			*/
-			expect(wrapper.props().data.contents.analyzers[0]).to.deep.equal({
-				'name': 'analyzer',
-				'inputs': [
-					'scores',
-					'species'
-				],
-				'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data',
-			});
-			/* theres alot of expect statements here for a reason:
-			 * each statement checks a sub-part of the toolchain
-			 * its redundant when the test passes but helpful when somethings off,
-			 * you can narrow the part of the tc that isn't right alot quicker
-			 */
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			const ch1 = data.contents.representation.channel_colors['training_data'];
-			const ch2 = data.contents.representation.channel_colors['testing_data'];
-			expect(data.contents.datasets).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder( [
-				{
-					'name': 'training_data',
-					'outputs': [
-						'measurements',
-						'species'
-					]
-				},
-				{
-					'name': 'testing_data',
-					'outputs': [
-						'measurements',
-						'species'
-					]
-				}
-			]);
-			expect(data.contents.blocks).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder([
-				{
-					'inputs': [
-						'measurements',
-						'species'
-					],
-					'name': 'training_alg',
-					'outputs': [
-						'lda_machine'
-					],
-					'synchronized_channel': 'training_data'
-				},
-				{
-					'inputs': [
-						'lda_machine',
-						'measurements'
-					],
-					'name': 'testing_alg',
-					'outputs': [
-						'scores'
-					],
-					'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-				}
-			]);
-			expect(data.contents.analyzers).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder([
-				{
-					'inputs': [
-						'scores',
-						'species'
-					],
-					'name': 'analyzer',
-					'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-				}
-			]);
-			expect(data.contents.connections).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder([
-				{
-					'channel': 'testing_data',
-					'from': 'testing_alg.scores',
-					'to': 'analyzer.scores'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'training_data',
-					'from': 'training_alg.lda_machine',
-					'to': 'testing_alg.lda_machine'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'testing_data',
-					'from': 'testing_data.measurements',
-					'to': 'testing_alg.measurements'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'training_data',
-					'from': 'training_data.measurements',
-					'to': 'training_alg.measurements'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'training_data',
-					'from': 'training_data.species',
-					'to': 'training_alg.species'
-				},
-				{
-					'channel': 'testing_data',
-					'from': 'testing_data.species',
-					'to': 'analyzer.species'
-				}
-			]);
-			expect(data.contents.representation).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder({
-				'blocks': {
-					'analyzer': {
-						'col': 46,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 4,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'testing_alg': {
-						'col': 32,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 3,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'testing_data': {
-						'col': 6,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 5,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'training_alg': {
-						'col': 19,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 0,
-						'width': 10
-					},
-					'training_data': {
-						'col': 6,
-						'height': 3,
-						'row': 0,
-						'width': 10
-					}
-				},
-				'channel_colors': {
-					'testing_data': ch2,
-					'training_data': ch1
-				},
-				'connections': {
-					'testing_alg.scores/analyzer.scores': [],
-					'testing_data.measurements/testing_alg.measurements': [],
-					'testing_data.species/analyzer.species': [],
-					'training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda_machine': [],
-					'training_data.measurements/training_alg.measurements': [],
-					'training_data.species/training_alg.species': []
-				}
-			});
-			expect(data).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder(getIrisTc(ch1, ch2));
-		});
-	});
-	describe('Insert Object Modal', () => {
-		const timeout = (ms) => {
-			return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
-		}
-		const tcs = testTcs.map(tc => getValidObj(tc));
-		const dbs = testDbs.map(db => getValidDatabaseObj(db));
-		const algs = testAlgs.map(alg => getValidAlgorithmObj(alg));
-		const state = {
-			...reducer({}, { type: '', payload: {}}),
-			toolchain: tcs,
-			database: dbs,
-			algorithm: algs,
-		};
-		const sets = Selectors.flattenedDatabases(state);
-		const normalAlgorithms = Selectors.normalBlocks(state);
-		const protocols = Selectors.databaseProtocols(state);
-		const analyzerAlgorithms = Selectors.analyzerBlocks(state);
-		it(`inserts test/iris_advanced/1`, async () => {
-			const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-			const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-				wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-			};
-			const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-			const tcName = 'test/iom/1';
-			const tc = getValidObj({name: tcName, contents: {}});
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			expect(wrapper).to.have.props(
-				['data', 'sets', 'protocols', 'toolchains', 'databases', 'normalAlgorithms', 'analyzerAlgorithms', 'saveFunc', 'updateFunc']
-			);
-			expect(wrapper.props().data).to.have.property('name', tcName);
-			const _selectBlocks = (bNames: string[]) => { return; };
-			const selectBlocks = sinon.spy(_selectBlocks);
-			// context-menu insert obj modal
-			// insert at x:6 because thats where the original toolchain has its first block on the x-axis
-			wrapper.instance().handleSvgContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'addObject', x: 6, y: 0, selectBlocks });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('InsertObjectModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			expect(updateFunc.callCount).to.equal(0);
-			// search for "test/iris" in toolchain list
-			wrapper.find('InsertObjectModal Input[placeholder="Search..."]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'test/iris' }});
-			wrapper.update();
-			// wait for fuse process to search & return result list
-			await timeout(1000);
-			wrapper.update();
-			// click on the iris_advanced one, which should be first
-			const res = wrapper.find('ListGroup.searchResults ListGroupItem');
-			expect(res).to.have.lengthOf(4);
-			expect(res.at(0).html()).to.include('test/iris_advanced/1');
-			res.at(0).simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			const ch1 = data.contents.representation.channel_colors['training_data'];
-			const ch2 = data.contents.representation.channel_colors['testing_data'];
-			// make sure the toolchain was inserted
-			// basically make sure the toolchain is the same as test/iris_advanced/1 but w different name
-			expect(data.contents).to.deep.equalInAnyOrder({
-				'analyzers': [
-					{
-						'inputs': [
-							'scores',
-							'species'
-						],
-						'name': 'analyzer',
-						'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-					}
-				],
-				'blocks': [
-					{
-						'inputs': [
-							'measurements',
-							'species'
-						],
-						'name': 'training_alg',
-						'outputs': [
-							'lda_machine'
-						],
-						'synchronized_channel': 'training_data'
-					},
-					{
-						'inputs': [
-							'lda_machine',
-							'measurements'
-						],
-						'name': 'testing_alg',
-						'outputs': [
-							'scores'
-						],
-						'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-					},
-					{
-						'inputs': [
-							'measurements'
-						],
-						'name': 'pre_training',
-						'outputs': [
-							'measurements'
-						],
-						'synchronized_channel': 'training_data'
-					},
-					{
-						'inputs': [
-							'measurements'
-						],
-						'name': 'pre_testing',
-						'outputs': [
-							'measurements'
-						],
-						'synchronized_channel': 'testing_data'
-					}
-				],
-				'connections': [
-					{
-						'channel': 'testing_data',
-						'from': 'testing_alg.scores',
-						'to': 'analyzer.scores'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'training_data',
-						'from': 'training_alg.lda_machine',
-						'to': 'testing_alg.lda_machine'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'testing_data',
-						'from': 'testing_data.species',
-						'to': 'analyzer.species'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'training_data',
-						'from': 'training_data.species',
-						'to': 'training_alg.species'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'training_data',
-						'from': 'training_data.measurements',
-						'to': 'pre_training.measurements'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'training_data',
-						'from': 'pre_training.measurements',
-						'to': 'training_alg.measurements'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'testing_data',
-						'from': 'testing_data.measurements',
-						'to': 'pre_testing.measurements'
-					},
-					{
-						'channel': 'testing_data',
-						'from': 'pre_testing.measurements',
-						'to': 'testing_alg.measurements'
-					}
-				],
-				'datasets': [
-					{
-						'name': 'training_data',
-						'outputs': [
-							'measurements',
-							'species'
-						]
-					},
-					{
-						'name': 'testing_data',
-						'outputs': [
-							'measurements',
-							'species'
-						]
-					}
-				],
-				'description': '',
-				'representation': {
-					'blocks': {
-						'analyzer': {
-							'col': 59,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 6,
-							'width': 10
-						},
-						'pre_testing': {
-							'col': 19,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 5,
-							'width': 10
-						},
-						'pre_training': {
-							'col': 19,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 0,
-							'width': 10
-						},
-						'testing_alg': {
-							'col': 46,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 5,
-							'width': 10
-						},
-						'testing_data': {
-							'col': 6,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 6,
-							'width': 10
-						},
-						'training_alg': {
-							'col': 32,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 1,
-							'width': 10
-						},
-						'training_data': {
-							'col': 6,
-							'height': 3,
-							'row': 1,
-							'width': 10
-						}
-					},
-					'channel_colors': {
-						'testing_data': ch2,
-						'training_data': ch1
-					},
-					'connections': {
-						'pre_testing.measurements/testing_alg.measurements': [],
-						'pre_training.measurements/training_alg.measurements': [],
-						'testing_alg.scores/analyzer.scores': [],
-						'testing_data.measurements/pre_testing.measurements': [],
-						'testing_data.species/analyzer.species': [],
-						'training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda_machine': [],
-						'training_data.measurements/pre_training.measurements': [],
-						'training_data.species/training_alg.species': []
-					}
-				}
-			});
-		});
-	});
-	describe('Regression Tests', () => {
-		const timeout = (ms) => {
-			return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
-		};
-		const tcs = testTcs.map(tc => getValidObj(tc));
-		const dbs = testDbs.map(db => getValidDatabaseObj(db));
-		const algs = testAlgs.map(alg => getValidAlgorithmObj(alg));
-		const state = {
-			...reducer({}, { type: '', payload: {}}),
-			toolchain: tcs,
-			database: dbs,
-			algorithm: algs,
-		};
-		const sets = Selectors.flattenedDatabases(state);
-		const normalAlgorithms = Selectors.normalBlocks(state);
-		const protocols = Selectors.databaseProtocols(state);
-		const analyzerAlgorithms = Selectors.analyzerBlocks(state);
-		const saveFunc = sinon.spy();
-		const _updateFunc = (obj) => {
-			wrapper.setProps && wrapper.setProps({ data: obj });
-		};
-		const updateFunc = sinon.spy(_updateFunc);
-		const tcName = 'test/iris/1';
-		it('Properly changes connection names when renaming an input', () => {
-			const tc = getValidObj(getIrisTc());
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			// change testing_alg.lda_machine to testing_alg.lda
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_testing_alg').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="lda_machine"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'lda' }});
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="lda"]').props().value).to.equal('lda');
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			expect(data.contents.representation.connections).to.not.have.property('training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda_machine');
-			expect(data.contents.representation.connections).to.have.property('training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda');
-		});
-		it('Properly changes connection names when renaming an output', () => {
-			const tc = getValidObj(getIrisTc());
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			// change testing_alg.lda_machine to testing_alg.lda
-			wrapper.find('rect#block_training_alg').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('ToolchainModal').props().active).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="lda_machine"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'lda' }});
-			wrapper.find('.modal button.btn-success').simulate('click');
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.find('.modal CacheInput[value="lda"]').props().value).to.equal('lda');
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			expect(data.contents.representation.connections).to.not.have.property('training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda_machine');
-			expect(data.contents.representation.connections).to.have.property('training_alg.lda/testing_alg.lda_machine');
-		});
-		it('Properly deletes the training_data.species/training_alg.species connection', async () => {
-			const conToDel = { from: 'training_data.species', to: 'training_alg.species', channel: 'training_data' };
-			const tc = getValidObj(getIrisTc());
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			// change testing_alg.lda_machine to testing_alg.lda
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-species-training_alg-species')).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.instance().handleConnectionContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'delete', connection: conToDel });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-species-training_alg-species')).to.equal(false);
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			expect(data.contents.representation.connections).to.not.have.property('training_data.species/training_data.species');
-			expect(data.contents.connections.findIndex(c => c.from == conToDel.from && c.to == conToDel.to)).to.equal(-1);
-		});
-		it('Properly deletes conns between training_data & training_alg, and clears training_alg sync channel', async () => {
-			const conToDel = { from: 'training_data.species', to: 'training_alg.species', channel: 'training_data' };
-			const conToDel2 = { from: 'training_data.measurements', to: 'training_alg.measurements', channel: 'training_data' };
-			const tc = getValidObj(getIrisTc());
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			// change testing_alg.lda_machine to testing_alg.lda
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-species-training_alg-species')).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-measurements-training_alg-measurements')).to.equal(true);
-			wrapper.instance().handleConnectionContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'delete', connection: conToDel });
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.instance().handleConnectionContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'delete', connection: conToDel2 });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-species-training_alg-species')).to.equal(false);
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-measurements-training_alg-measurements')).to.equal(false);
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			expect(data.contents.blocks.find(b => b.name == 'training_alg')).to.have.property('synchronized_channel', '');
-		});
-		it('Disables the layout button when the toolchain is invalid', async () => {
-			const conToDel = { from: 'training_data.species', to: 'training_alg.species', channel: 'training_data' };
-			const conToDel2 = { from: 'training_data.measurements', to: 'training_alg.measurements', channel: 'training_data' };
-			const tc = getValidObj(getIrisTc());
-			wrapper = mount(
-				<C
-					data={tc}
-					sets={sets}
-					protocols={protocols}
-					toolchains={state.toolchain}
-					databases={state.database}
-					normalAlgorithms={normalAlgorithms}
-					analyzerAlgorithms={analyzerAlgorithms}
-					saveFunc={saveFunc}
-					updateFunc={updateFunc}
-				/>
-			);
-			// change testing_alg.lda_machine to testing_alg.lda
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-species-training_alg-species')).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-measurements-training_alg-measurements')).to.equal(true);
-			expect(wrapper.find('Button[title="This will use Graphviz to generate a more visually understandable layout for your toolchain."]'))
-			.to.have.prop('disabled', false);
-			wrapper.instance().handleConnectionContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'delete', connection: conToDel });
-			wrapper.update();
-			wrapper.instance().handleConnectionContextMenu({}, { clicked: 'delete', connection: conToDel2 });
-			wrapper.update();
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-species-training_alg-species')).to.equal(false);
-			expect(wrapper.exists('#training_data-measurements-training_alg-measurements')).to.equal(false);
-			const data = wrapper.props().data;
-			expect(data.contents.blocks.find(b => b.name == 'training_alg')).to.have.property('synchronized_channel', '');
-			expect(wrapper.find('Button[title="This will use Graphviz to generate a more visually understandable layout for your toolchain."]'))
-			.to.have.prop('disabled', true);
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainModal.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainModal.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 972393d6ed92e39f88a4cb214b9930b394500a11..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainModal.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import * as React from 'react';
-import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
-import {
-	Container,
-	Row,
-	Col,
-	Button,
-	ButtonGroup,
-	Form,
-	FormGroup,
-	Label,
-	Input,
-	InputGroup,
-	FormText,
-	Collapse,
-	Card,
-	CardHeader,
-	CardBody,
-	TabContent, TabPane,
-	Navbar,
-	Nav, NavItem, NavLink, CardTitle, CardText,
-	FormFeedback,
-	Alert,
-	InputGroupAddon,
-	Badge,
-	Modal, ModalBody, ModalHeader, ModalFooter,
-	UncontrolledDropdown, UncontrolledButtonDropdown, DropdownToggle, DropdownMenu, DropdownItem,
-} from 'reactstrap';
-import CacheInput from '../CacheInput.jsx';
-import DeleteInputBtn from '../DeleteInputBtn.jsx';
-import { generateNewKey, copyObj } from '@helpers';
-import { toUrl } from '@helpers/api';
-import type { BlockType } from '@helpers/toolchainTypes';
-type Props = {
-	// is the modal active?
-	active: boolean,
-	// block data
-	data: BlockType,
-	// name of all blocks
-	blockNames: string[],
-	// possible channels the block can be sync'd to (an obj w keys as channel names & vals as colours)
-	possibleChannels: { [string]: string },
-	// func to close modal
-	toggle: () => any,
-	// delete the block
-	deleteBlock: () => any,
-	// updates the block info
-	updateBlockData: (data: ModalCache) => any,
-	// creates an Algorithm based on the current block given the new alg's name
-	createAlgorithmFromBlock: (algName: string) => any,
-export type ModalAction = 'delete' | 'add' | 'change';
-type IO = { name: string, action: ?ModalAction, original: string };
-export type ModalCache = {
-	name: string,
-	synchronized_channel: ?string,
-	inputs: ?IO[],
-	outputs: ?IO[],
-type State = {
-	// name, synchronized_channel, inputs, outputs
-	cache: ModalCache,
-	// name of the algorithm to create using this block's data
-	algName: string,
-	// are there unsaved changes for the block?
-	unsavedChanges: boolean,
-	// whether the alg creation was successful or not
-	wasSuccessful: ?boolean,
-const newCacheFromData = (data: BlockType): ModalCache => {
-	return {
-		synchronized_channel: data.synchronized_channel || undefined,
-		name: data.name,
-		inputs: data.inputs ? data.inputs.map(i => ({ name: i, action: 'change', original: i })) : undefined,
-		outputs: data.outputs ? data.outputs.map(i => ({ name: i, action: 'change', original: i })) : undefined,
-	};
-const getCurrentObjs = (arr: any) => arr
-.filter((o, i, os) => o.action !== 'delete' && !os.slice(i).find(p => p.action === 'delete' && p.name === o.name));
-const getCurrentNames = (arr: any) => getCurrentObjs(arr).map(o => o.name);
-class ToolchainModal extends React.Component<Props, State> {
-	constructor(props: Props){
-		super(props);
-	}
-	state = {
-		cache: newCacheFromData(this.props.data),
-		algName: '/',
-		unsavedChanges: false,
-		wasSuccessful: null,
-	}
-	componentDidUpdate = (prevProps: Props, prevState: State) => {
-		if(this.props.data && prevProps.data !== this.props.data){
-			this.setState({ cache: newCacheFromData(this.props.data) });
-		}
-	}
-	updateAlgName = (newName: string) => {
-		this.setState({ algName: newName });
-	}
-	addIO = (io: boolean) => {
-		const arr = io ? 'inputs' : 'outputs';
-		const newKey = generateNewKey(io ? 'input' : 'output', getCurrentNames(this.state.cache[arr]));
-		this.setState({
-			cache: {
-				...this.state.cache,
-				[arr]: [
-					...this.state.cache[arr],
-					{
-						name: newKey,
-						action: 'add',
-						original: newKey,
-					}
-				]
-			},
-			unsavedChanges: true,
-		});
-	}
-	deleteIO = (io: boolean, name: string) => {
-		const arr = io ? 'inputs' : 'outputs';
-		this.setState({
-			cache: {
-				...this.state.cache,
-				[arr]: [
-					...this.state.cache[arr],
-					{
-						name: name,
-						action: 'delete',
-						original: name,
-					}
-				]
-			},
-			unsavedChanges: true,
-		});
-	}
-	changeIO = (io: boolean, oldObj: IO, newName: string) => {
-		const arr = io ? 'inputs' : 'outputs';
-		const newObj = {...oldObj, name: newName};
-		const newArr = this.state.cache[arr].map(o => {
-			if(o.original === oldObj.original){
-				return newObj;
-			} else {
-				return o;
-			}
-		});
-		this.setState({
-			cache: {
-				...this.state.cache,
-				[arr]: newArr,
-			},
-			unsavedChanges: true,
-		});
-	}
-	changeName = (newName: string) => {
-		this.setState({
-			cache: {
-				...this.state.cache,
-				name: newName,
-			},
-			unsavedChanges: newName !== this.props.data.name,
-		});
-	}
-	changeChannel = (channel: string) => {
-		//console.log(`changing channel from ${ this.state.cache.synchronized_channel } to ${ channel }`);
-		this.setState({
-			cache: {
-				...this.state.cache,
-				synchronized_channel: channel,
-			},
-			unsavedChanges: channel !== this.props.data.synchronized_channel,
-		});
-	}
-	saveBlock = () => {
-		this.props.updateBlockData(this.state.cache);
-		this.setState({ unsavedChanges: false });
-	}
-	// creates an Algorithm from the (potentially unsaved) block data
-	// and gives the user a link to go edit it in a new tab
-	createAlgorithmFromBlock = async () => {
-		const algName = `${ this.state.algName }/1`;
-		try {
-			await this.props.createAlgorithmFromBlock(algName);
-			this.setState({ wasSuccessful: true });
-		} catch(e) {
-			this.setState({ wasSuccessful: false });
-		}
-		//window.open(, '_blank');
-	}
-	resetCaches = () => {
-		this.setState({ cache: newCacheFromData(this.props.data), unsavedChanges: false, algName: '/', wasSuccessful: null });
-	}
-	renderAlgorithmCreator = () => {
-		const segs = this.state.algName.split('/');
-		const user = segs[0];
-		const name = segs[1];
-		const unsavedChanges = this.state.unsavedChanges;
-		const algStr = user == '' || name == '' ? '' : `"${ this.state.algName }"`;
-		return (
-			<React.Fragment>
-				<Alert color='secondary'>
-					<Label>
-						Create an Algorithm from this Block
-					</Label>
-					<Row>
-						<Col sm='4 mr-0 pr-0'>
-							<CacheInput
-								fieldTest
-								value={user}
-								onChange={(e) => this.updateAlgName(`${ e.target.value }/${ name }`)}
-								placeholder={'Username...'}
-								disabled={unsavedChanges}
-							/>
-						</Col>
-						<Col sm='4 mr-0 pr-0'>
-							<CacheInput
-								fieldTest
-								value={name}
-								onChange={(e) => this.updateAlgName(`${ user }/${ e.target.value }`)}
-								placeholder={'Name...'}
-								disabled={unsavedChanges}
-							/>
-						</Col>
-						<Col sm='4'>
-							<Button
-								block
-								color='secondary'
-								onClick={() => {
-									this.createAlgorithmFromBlock();
-								}}
-								disabled={user == '' || name == '' || unsavedChanges}
-							>
-								Create { algStr }
-							</Button>
-						</Col>
-					</Row>
-					{ unsavedChanges && user !== '' && name !== '' &&
-							<Row>
-								<Col>
-									<span className='text-danger'>
-										Please save your changes before creating an algorithm!
-									</span>
-								</Col>
-							</Row>
-					}
-					{ this.state.wasSuccessful &&
-							<Row>
-								<Col>
-									<span>
-										The algorithm was created!{' '}
-										<Link
-											rel="noopener noreferrer"
-											target='_blank'
-											to={`/algorithm/${ this.state.algName }/1`}
-										>
-											Edit it here
-										</Link>
-										.
-										If you do not see it, please refresh your browser tab or window.
-									</span>
-								</Col>
-							</Row>
-					}
-					{ this.state.wasSuccessful === false &&
-							<Row>
-								<Col>
-									<span className='text-danger'>
-										The algorithm could not be created. Please create it manually.
-									</span>
-								</Col>
-							</Row>
-					}
-				</Alert>
-			</React.Fragment>
-		);
-	}
-	render = () => {
-		const data = this.state.cache;
-		if(!data)
-			return null;
-		const hasInputs = Array.isArray(data.inputs);
-		const hasOutputs = Array.isArray(data.outputs);
-		// TODO: right now this is just an escape hatch for channel changing not propogating throughout the network. this needs to be fixed
-		const channelSelectDisabled = false; //Object.keys(this.props.possibleChannels).length === 1;
-		const currChannel: string = data.synchronized_channel || '';
-		const formatChannel = (channel: string) => {
-			return (
-				<span>
-					<span style={{backgroundColor: this.props.possibleChannels[channel] || '#000000'}}>
-						&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
-					</span>
-					&nbsp;
-					{ channel === '' ? '<none>' : channel }
-				</span>
-			);
-		};
-		const inputNames = hasInputs ? getCurrentNames(data.inputs) : [];
-		const outputNames = hasOutputs ? getCurrentNames(data.outputs) : [];
-		const inputDup = inputNames.slice().sort().find((n, i, ns) => i !== 0 && n === ns[i - 1]);
-		const outputDup = outputNames.slice().sort().find((n, i, ns) => i !== 0 && n === ns[i - 1]);
-		const hasInputDups = inputDup != undefined;
-		const hasOutputDups = outputDup != undefined;
-		return (
-			<Modal
-				size='lg'
-				isOpen={this.props.active}
-				toggle={this.props.toggle}
-				fade={true}
-				onOpened={e => {
-					const f = document.querySelector('#tcModalInitFocus');
-					if(f && f.focus)
-						f.focus();
-					this.resetCaches();
-				}}
-			>
-				<ModalHeader toggle={this.props.toggle}>
-					Editing <pre className='preInline'>{data.name}</pre>
-					{' '}
-				</ModalHeader>
-				<ModalBody>
-					<Form>
-						<FormGroup>
-							{
-								hasInputs && this.renderAlgorithmCreator()
-							}
-						</FormGroup>
-						<FormGroup row>
-							<Col>
-								<Label>Block Name</Label>
-								<CacheInput
-									delay={200}
-									id='tcModalInitFocus'
-									value={data.name || ''}
-									fieldTest={true}
-									onChange={(e) => {
-										this.changeName(e.target.value);
-									}}
-									validateFunc={(str) => {
-										if(str === this.props.data.name){
-											return true;
-										}
-										if(this.props.blockNames.includes(str)){
-											return <span>This name is already taken by an existing block</span>;
-										}
-										if(str.includes('-')){
-											return <span>{`Cannot include the dash ("-") character`}</span>;
-										}
-										return true;
-									}}
-								/>
-							</Col>
-							{ data.synchronized_channel !== undefined
-								&&
-									<Col>
-										<Label>Synchronized channel</Label>
-										<div>
-											<UncontrolledDropdown
-												id='channelSelector'
-												disabled={channelSelectDisabled}
-											>
-												<DropdownToggle caret outline block>
-													{ formatChannel(currChannel || '') }
-												</DropdownToggle>
-												<DropdownMenu>
-													{
-														Array.from(new Set([...Object.keys(this.props.possibleChannels), currChannel || '']))
-														.filter(c => c !== '')
-														.map((c, i) =>
-															<DropdownItem
-																id={`channel-${ c }`}
-																key={i}
-																onClick={e => this.changeChannel(c)}
-															>
-																{ formatChannel(c) }
-															</DropdownItem>
-														)
-													}
-												</DropdownMenu>
-											</UncontrolledDropdown>
-										</div>
-									</Col>
-							}
-						</FormGroup>
-						<Row>
-							{
-								hasInputs &&
-									<Col sm={hasOutputs ? 6 : 12}>
-										<Label>Inputs</Label>
-										{
-											getCurrentObjs(data.inputs)
-											.map((obj, i, inputs) => {
-												const input = obj.name;
-												return (
-													<FormGroup
-														key={i}
-													>
-														<CacheInput
-															value={input}
-															fieldTest={true}
-															onChange={(e) => {
-																this.changeIO(true, obj, e.target.value);
-															}}
-															invalid={input === inputDup}
-														>
-															<DeleteInputBtn
-																deleteFunc={e => {
-																	this.deleteIO(true, input);
-																}}
-															/>
-														</CacheInput>
-													</FormGroup>
-												);
-											})
-										}
-										<Button
-											onClick={e => {
-												this.addIO(true);
-											}}
-										>
-											Add Input
-										</Button>
-									</Col>
-							}
-							{
-								hasOutputs &&
-									<Col sm={hasInputs ? 6 : 12}>
-										<Label>Outputs</Label>
-										{
-											getCurrentObjs(data.outputs)
-											.map((obj, i, outputs) => {
-												const output = obj.name;
-												return (
-													<FormGroup
-														key={i}
-													>
-														<CacheInput
-															value={output}
-															fieldTest={true}
-															onChange={(e) => {
-																this.changeIO(false, obj, e.target.value);
-															}}
-														>
-															<DeleteInputBtn
-																deleteFunc={e => {
-																	this.deleteIO(false, output);
-																}}
-															/>
-														</CacheInput>
-													</FormGroup>
-												);
-											})
-										}
-										<Button
-											onClick={e => {
-												this.addIO(false);
-											}}
-										>
-											Add Output
-										</Button>
-									</Col>
-							}
-						</Row>
-					</Form>
-				</ModalBody>
-				<ModalFooter>
-					<Button color='danger'
-						onClick={(e) => {
-							this.props.deleteBlock();
-							this.props.toggle();
-						}}
-					>
-						Delete Block
-					</Button>
-					<Button color='success'
-						disabled={hasInputDups || hasOutputDups}
-						onClick={(e) => {
-							this.saveBlock();
-							this.props.toggle();
-						}}
-					>
-						Save Changes
-					</Button>
-				</ModalFooter>
-			</Modal>
-		);
-	}
-export default ToolchainModal;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainModal.spec.jsx b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainModal.spec.jsx
deleted file mode 100644
index cb6a8d250b9767b75aa3ae1cdd1db8598dd1b8e1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/ToolchainModal.spec.jsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import React from 'react';
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import { mount } from 'enzyme';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import C from './ToolchainModal.jsx';
-// sleep for a bit, to wait for async things
-const sleep = (ms) => {
-	return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
-describe('<ToolchainModal />', function () {
-	this.timeout(10000);
-	let wrapper;
-	afterEach(() => {
-		if(wrapper && wrapper.unmount)
-			wrapper.unmount();
-	});
-	const testBlockData = {
-		name: 'block1',
-		inputs: [
-			'input1',
-		],
-		outputs: [
-			'output1',
-		],
-		synchronized_channel: 'dataset1',
-	};
-	const testBlockData2 = {
-		name: 'block1',
-		inputs: [
-			'input0',
-			'input1',
-		],
-		outputs: [
-			'output1',
-		],
-		synchronized_channel: 'dataset1',
-	};
-	const testChannels = { 'dataset1': '#880000' };
-	const testBlockNames = ['block1'];
-	it('accepts the test data with the right props', () => {
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				active={true}
-				data={testBlockData}
-				blockNames={testBlockNames}
-				possibleChannels={testChannels}
-				toggle={() => {}}
-				deleteBlock={() => {}}
-				updateBlockData={() => {}}
-				createAlgorithmFromBlock={() => {}}
-			/>
-		);
-		expect(wrapper).to.have.props([
-			'active',
-			'data',
-			'blockNames',
-			'possibleChannels',
-			'toggle',
-			'deleteBlock',
-			'updateBlockData',
-			'createAlgorithmFromBlock',
-		]);
-	});
-	it('lets you change the name to another valid name', async () => {
-		const newBlockName = 'block2';
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				active={true}
-				data={testBlockData}
-				blockNames={testBlockNames}
-				possibleChannels={testChannels}
-				toggle={() => {}}
-				deleteBlock={() => {}}
-				updateBlockData={() => {}}
-				createAlgorithmFromBlock={() => {}}
-			/>
-		);
-		wrapper.find('input#tcModalInitFocus').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: newBlockName }});
-		wrapper.update();
-		await sleep(300);
-		wrapper.update();
-		expect(wrapper.exists('.input-group-append .text-danger')).to.equal(false);
-	});
-	it('doesnt let you change the name to a valid name with a dash ("-") in it', async () => {
-		const newBlockName = 'block-2';
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				active={true}
-				data={testBlockData}
-				blockNames={testBlockNames}
-				possibleChannels={testChannels}
-				toggle={() => {}}
-				deleteBlock={() => {}}
-				updateBlockData={() => {}}
-				createAlgorithmFromBlock={() => {}}
-			/>
-		);
-		wrapper.find('input#tcModalInitFocus').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: newBlockName }});
-		wrapper.update();
-		await sleep(300);
-		wrapper.update();
-		expect(wrapper.exists('.input-group-append .text-danger')).to.equal(true);
-	});
-	it('lets you switch the names of inputs (test 1)', async () => {
-		const newBlockName = 'block';
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				active={true}
-				data={testBlockData2}
-				blockNames={testBlockNames}
-				possibleChannels={testChannels}
-				toggle={() => {}}
-				deleteBlock={() => {}}
-				updateBlockData={() => {}}
-				createAlgorithmFromBlock={() => {}}
-			/>
-		);
-		wrapper.find('input[value="input0"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'input1' }});
-		wrapper.update();
-		await sleep(1000);
-		wrapper.find('input[value="input1"]').at(1).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'input0' }});
-		wrapper.update();
-		await sleep(1000);
-		wrapper.update();
-		expect(wrapper.state('cache')).to.have.deep.property('inputs', [
-			{ action: 'change', name: 'input1', original: 'input0' },
-			{ action: 'change', name: 'input0', original: 'input1' },
-		]);
-	});
-	it('lets you switch the names of inputs (test 2)', async () => {
-		const newBlockName = 'block';
-		wrapper = mount(
-			<C
-				active={true}
-				data={testBlockData2}
-				blockNames={testBlockNames}
-				possibleChannels={testChannels}
-				toggle={() => {}}
-				deleteBlock={() => {}}
-				updateBlockData={() => {}}
-				createAlgorithmFromBlock={() => {}}
-			/>
-		);
-		wrapper.find('input[value="input1"]').prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'input0' }});
-		wrapper.update();
-		await sleep(1000);
-		wrapper.find('input[value="input0"]').at(0).prop('onChange')( { target: { value: 'input1' }});
-		wrapper.update();
-		await sleep(1000);
-		wrapper.update();
-		expect(wrapper.state('cache')).to.have.deep.property('inputs', [
-			{ action: 'change', name: 'input1', original: 'input0' },
-			{ action: 'change', name: 'input0', original: 'input1' },
-		]);
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/index.js b/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 307b74929f2cb920f004f9294e25febba61faad4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/components/toolchain/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import ConnectedToolchainEditor, {ToolchainEditor} from './ToolchainEditor.jsx';
-import GraphicalEditor from './GraphicalEditor.jsx';
-export {
-	ToolchainEditor,
-	GraphicalEditor,
-export default ConnectedToolchainEditor;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/api.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/api.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 618229ba77c0c388101f11ab88aea570aaca49aa..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/api.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-// API helpers not tied to any specific library
-import { pluralize } from './beat.js';
-import type { BeatEntity } from './beat.js';
-import type { StringObject } from '.';
-export type Fetchable = BeatEntity | 'settings' | 'environments';
-const fetchConfig = {
-	mode: 'cors'
-let port = '5000';
-export const toUrl = (str: string) => `${ port }/${ str }`;
-// curried func for calling the REST API
-// basically:
-// <response> = genApiCall(<http rest verb>)(<endpoint>)(<payload if any>)
-const genApiCall = (method) => (be: Fetchable) => async (obj: any) => {
-	const validMethods = ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'];
-	if(!validMethods.includes(method))
-		throw new Error(`invalid method: ${ method }`);
-	const headers = new Headers();
-	if(method !== 'GET')
-		headers.append('Content-Type', 'application/json');
-	const config = {
-		headers,
-		...fetchConfig,
-		...{
-			method,
-			body: obj ? JSON.stringify(obj) : obj
-		}
-	};
-	const seg = be === 'settings' || be === 'environments' ? be : pluralize(be);
-	let res = await fetch(toUrl(seg), config);
-	let json = await res.json();
-	console.log(json);
-	return json;
-// sets the port number for api calls
-export const setPort = (newPort: number) => {
-	port = newPort;
-// gens all the default API funcs for an endpoint
-export const genModuleApiFuncs = (be: Fetchable) => {
-	return {
-		get: genApiCall('GET')(be),
-		post: genApiCall('POST')(be),
-		put: genApiCall('PUT')(be),
-		delete: genApiCall('DELETE')(be),
-	};
-// fetches layout info from graphviz for a toolchain
-const layoutUrl = toUrl('layout');
-export const fetchLayout = async (tcName: string) => {
-	const layoutConfig = {
-		headers: {
-			'Accept': 'application/json',
-			'Content-Type': 'application/json'
-		},
-		method: 'POST',
-		body: JSON.stringify({ toolchain: tcName }),
-	};
-	const res = await fetch(layoutUrl, layoutConfig);
-	const json = await res.json();
-	return JSON.parse(json);
-// generates a python file from a template given some args payload
-const templatesUrl = toUrl('templates');
-// given the BEAT entity and a dict of args, tries to generate a python file from a template
-// returns either the response if successful or `false` if the python file already exists
-const generateTemplate = async (be: string, args: {[string]: any}) => {
-	const templatesConfig = {
-		headers: {
-			'Accept': 'application/json',
-			'Content-Type': 'application/json'
-		},
-		method: 'POST',
-		body: JSON.stringify({ entity: be, ...args}),
-	};
-	const res = await fetch(templatesUrl, templatesConfig);
-	if(res.status === 200){
-		// okay
-		const json = await res.json();
-		return JSON.parse(json);
-	} else {
-		if(res.status === 409){
-			// python file already exists, return false to let callers know
-			return false;
-		}
-	}
-export const generateDatabaseTemplate = async (name: string, confirm: boolean, views: string[]) => {
-	return generateTemplate('databases', {name, views, confirm});
-export const generateAlgorithmTemplate = async (name: string, confirm: boolean, contents: any) => {
-	return generateTemplate('algorithms', {name, contents, confirm});
-export const generateLibraryTemplate = async (name: string, confirm: boolean, uses: StringObject) => {
-	return generateTemplate('libraries', {name, uses, confirm});
-export const generatePlotterTemplate = async (name: string, confirm: boolean, uses: StringObject) => {
-	return generateTemplate('plotters', {name, uses, confirm});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/beat.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/beat.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 77d15e8f9eca6b3173f2a35cd66b2561bc3d3dbb..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/beat.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,525 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-// BEAT-specific helpers
-import { copyObj } from '.';
-import type { Contents as ToolchainContents, Group } from './toolchainTypes';
-// all the BEAT entities
-export type BeatEntity = 'database' | 'library' | 'dataformat' | 'algorithm' | 'toolchain' | 'experiment' | 'plotter' | 'plotterparameter';
-// format of an instance of a beat entity in redux store
-export type BeatObject = {|
-	// name of the object
-	name: string,
-	// contents (whats stored in the JSON files in the beat prefix)
-	contents: any,
-	// extra contents that are additions, arent relevant to the web platform, and dont conform to the BEAT schemas
-	extraContents?: {
-		groups: Group[]
-	},
-// format for the settings object
-export type BeatSettings = {|
-	prefix: string
-// format for an environment object (info about the available docker envs)
-export type BeatEnvironment = {|
-	name: string,
-	packages: { [string]: string },
-	queues: {
-		[string]: {
-			memory_limit: number,
-			nb_slots: number,
-			max_slots_per_user: number,
-			nb_cores_per_slot: number,
-			time_limit: number,
-		},
-	},
-	accessibility: string,
-	languages: [ string ],
-	version: string,
-	short_description: string,
-export const BEAT_ENTITIES: BeatEntity[] = [
-	'database',
-	'library',
-	'dataformat',
-	'algorithm',
-	'toolchain',
-	'experiment',
-	'plotter',
-	'plotterparameter',
-// types auto-recognized by beat.core
-export const BUILTIN_TYPES = [
-	'int8',
-	'int16',
-	'int32',
-	'int64',
-	'uint8',
-	'uint16',
-	'uint32',
-	'uint64',
-	'float32',
-	'float64',
-	'complex64',
-	'complex128',
-	'bool',
-	'string',
-	'array',
-	'object',
-// result types for analyzers
-export const ANALYZER_RESULT_TYPES = [
-	'int32',
-	'float32',
-	'bool',
-	'string'
-// get toolchain name from experiment name
-export const getTcFromExpName = (expName: string) => expName.split('/').slice(1, 4).join('/');
-// default object for beat entity instances
-export const getDefaultEntityObject = () => ({name: '', contents: {}});
-// most fields/name of/in beat objects need to conform to this regex
-export const rxField = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$/;
-// how many segments (separated by '/') are in an entity's name
-export const nameSegmentsForEntity = (entity: BeatEntity) => {
-	if(entity === 'database')
-		return 2;
-	if(entity === 'experiment')
-		return 5;
-	return 3;
-// pluralizes an entity
-export const pluralize = (be: BeatEntity): string => {
-	switch(be) {
-		case 'database':
-			return 'databases';
-		case 'library':
-			return 'libraries';
-		case 'dataformat':
-			return 'dataformats';
-		case 'algorithm':
-			return 'algorithms';
-		case 'toolchain':
-			return 'toolchains';
-		case 'experiment':
-			return 'experiments';
-		case 'plotter':
-			return 'plotters';
-		case 'plotterparameter':
-			return 'plotterparameters';
-		default:
-			throw new Error(`Cannot pluralize invalid BE: "${ be }"`);
-	}
-// validates that a name for beat object of an entity is fine, given the names for all objects of that entity
-export const nameValidator = (be: BeatEntity, allNames?: string[] = []) => (name: string): boolean => {
-	if(allNames.includes(name)){
-		return false;
-	}
-	const rxThreeSeg = /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/\d+$/;
-	const rxTwoSeg = /^[A-Za-z0-9_]+\/\d+$/;
-	const rxFiveSeg = /^[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\/\d+\/[A-Za-z0-9_-]+$/;
-	if(be !== 'database' && be !== 'experiment' && !rxThreeSeg.test(name))
-		return false;
-	if(be === 'database' && !rxTwoSeg.test(name))
-		return false;
-	if(be === 'experiment' && !rxFiveSeg.test(name))
-		return false;
-	const segs = name.split('/');
-	if(segs.length < 2){
-		return false;
-	}
-	if(segs[0] === '/') {
-		return false;
-	}
-	if(segs[segs.length - 1] === '/'){
-		return false;
-	}
-	return true;
-// some editors are prime targets for better/additional validation
-export type ValidatorObjectField = boolean | boolean[];
-// only algs & libs have this extra validation right now
-export type ValidatorObject = AlgorithmValidatorObject | LibraryValidatorObject;
-export type ValidatorFunc = (obj: BeatObject, allObjs: BeatObject[]) => ValidatorObject;
-// algorithm validator info
-export type AlgorithmValidatorObject = {
-	// is algorithm name valid?
-	name: ValidatorObjectField,
-	// is there at least one endpoint group?
-	endpoint0Exists: ValidatorObjectField,
-	// does the first endpoint have at least 1 input field?
-	endpoint0InputExists: ValidatorObjectField,
-	// does the first endpoint have at least 1 output field?
-	endpoint0OutputExists: ValidatorObjectField,
-	// does each endpoint have a unique name?
-	endpointNamesUnique: ValidatorObjectField,
-	// is there at least 1 result?
-	result0Exists: ValidatorObjectField,
-// lots of checks for algs
-export const algorithmValidator = (obj: BeatObject, allObjs: BeatObject[]): AlgorithmValidatorObject => {
-	let name = false;
-	try {
-		name = nameValidator('algorithm', allObjs.map(o => o.name))(obj.name);
-	} catch(e){}
-	let endpoint0Exists = false;
-	try {
-		endpoint0Exists = obj.contents.groups.length > 0;
-	} catch(e){}
-	let endpoint0InputExists = false;
-	try {
-		endpoint0InputExists = Object.keys(obj.contents.groups[0].inputs).length > 0;
-	} catch(e){}
-	let endpoint0OutputExists = false;
-	try {
-		endpoint0OutputExists = Object.keys(obj.contents.groups[0].outputs).length > 0;
-	} catch(e){}
-	let endpointNamesUnique = false;
-	try {
-		endpointNamesUnique = Array.from(new Set(obj.contents.groups.map(g => g.name))).length === obj.contents.groups.length;
-	} catch(e){}
-	let result0Exists = false;
-	try {
-		result0Exists = Object.keys(obj.contents.results).length > 0;
-	} catch(e){}
-	const valid: AlgorithmValidatorObject = {
-		name,
-		endpoint0Exists,
-		endpoint0InputExists,
-		endpoint0OutputExists,
-		endpointNamesUnique,
-		result0Exists,
-	};
-	return valid;
-// extra validation for libs
-export type LibraryValidatorObject = {
-	// is library name valid?
-	name: ValidatorObjectField,
-	// is language valid?
-	language: ValidatorObjectField,
-export const libraryValidator = (obj: BeatObject, allObjs: BeatObject[]): LibraryValidatorObject => {
-	let name = false;
-	try {
-		name = nameValidator('library', allObjs.map(o => o.name))(obj.name);
-	} catch(e) {
-	}
-	let language = false;
-	try {
-		language = obj.contents.language === 'python';
-	} catch(e) {
-	}
-	return {
-		name,
-		language,
-	};
-// these next several funcs, the "getValid***Obj", returns a properly-formed JSON obj,
-// optionally filling in fields with an existing obj.
-// basically they exist to keep malformed JSON from breaking the editors.
-export const getValidAlgorithmObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			parameters: {},
-			uses: {},
-			groups: [
-				{
-					name: 'group',
-					inputs: {},
-					outputs: {},
-				}
-			],
-			description: '',
-			language: 'python',
-			...getObj.contents,
-		},
-	};
-	if(!obj.contents.hasOwnProperty('results') && !obj.contents.hasOwnProperty('splittable'))
-		obj.contents.splittable = false;
-	return obj;
-export const getValidDatabaseObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	if(Array.isArray(getObj.contents.protocols)){
-		getObj.contents.protocols = getObj.contents.protocols
-		.map(p => {
-			p.sets = p.sets.map(s => ({parameters: {}, ...s}));
-			return p;
-		});
-	}
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			'description': '',
-			'root_folder': '',
-			'protocols': [],
-			...getObj.contents,
-		},
-	};
-	return obj;
-export const getValidDataformatObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			'#description': '',
-			...getObj.contents,
-		},
-	};
-	return obj;
-export type ParameterValue = number | string | boolean;
-// returns the default value for a specific parameter, given the parameter object
-export const expGetDefaultParameterValue = (parameter: any): ParameterValue => {
-	const parsedDefault = Number.parseFloat(parameter.default);
-	if(parameter.default)
-		return Number.isNaN(parsedDefault) ? parameter.default : parsedDefault;
-	if(parameter.range)
-		return parameter.range[0];
-	if(parameter.choice && parameter.choice.length > 0)
-		return parameter.choice.length[0];
-	switch(parameter.type){
-		case 'string':
-			return '';
-		case 'bool':
-			return false;
-		// number
-		default:
-			return 0;
-	}
-export const getValidExperimentObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}, tc: BeatObject, algs: BeatObject[]) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	getObj.contents.datasets = getObj.contents.datasets || {};
-	getObj.contents.blocks = getObj.contents.blocks || {};
-	getObj.contents.analyzers = getObj.contents.analyzers || {};
-	const datasets = tc.contents.datasets
-	.map(ds => ({[ds.name]: getObj.contents.datasets[ds.name] || {set: '', protocol: '', database: ''}}))
-	.reduce((o, ods) => ({...o, ...ods}), {...getObj.contents.datasets});
-	const blocks = tc.contents.blocks
-	.map(b => ({
-		[b.name]: {
-			algorithm: '',
-			inputs: b.inputs ? b.inputs.reduce((o, inp) => ({...o, [inp]: ''}), {}) : {},
-			outputs: b.outputs ? b.outputs.reduce((o, out) => ({...o, [out]: ''}), {}) : {},
-			parameters: {},
-			...(getObj.contents.blocks[b.name] || {})
-		}
-	}))
-	.reduce((o, blk) => ({...o, ...blk}), {...getObj.contents.blocks});
-	const analyzers = tc.contents.analyzers
-	.map(a => ({
-		[a.name]: {
-			algorithm: '',
-			inputs: a.inputs ? a.inputs.reduce((o, inp) => ({...o, [inp]: ''}), {}) : {},
-			parameters: {},
-			...(getObj.contents.analyzers[a.name] || {})
-		}
-	}))
-	.reduce((o, ana) => ({...o, ...ana}), {...getObj.contents.analyzers});
-	const paramAlgs = Object.entries({...blocks, ...analyzers})
-	.map(([bName, block]) => algs.find(a => a.name === block.algorithm))
-	.filter(a => a !== null && a !== undefined && a.contents.parameters !== undefined && Object.keys(a.contents.parameters).length > 0)
-	.map(a => ({
-		[a.name]: Object.entries(a.contents.parameters)
-		.map(([pName, param]) => ({[pName]: expGetDefaultParameterValue(param)}))
-		.reduce((o, p) => ({...o, ...p}), {})
-	}))
-	.reduce((o, p) => ({...o, ...p}), {});
-	;
-	const globals = {
-		queue: 'Default',
-		environment: {
-			version: '0.0.4',
-			name: 'Scientific Python 2.7'
-		},
-		...paramAlgs,
-		...getObj.contents.globals
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			description: '',
-			...getObj.contents,
-			globals,
-			datasets,
-			blocks,
-			analyzers,
-		},
-	};
-	return obj;
-export const getValidLibraryObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			'description': '',
-			'language': 'python',
-			'uses': {},
-			...getObj.contents,
-		},
-	};
-	return obj;
-export const getValidToolchainObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		extraContents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			'description': '',
-			datasets: [],
-			blocks: [],
-			analyzers: [],
-			connections: [],
-			representation: {
-				connections: {},
-				blocks: {},
-				channel_colors: {},
-			},
-			...getObj.contents,
-		},
-		extraContents: {
-			groups: [],
-			...getObj.extraContents
-		}
-	};
-	return obj;
-export const getValidPlotterObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			description: '',
-			language: 'python',
-			parameters: {},
-			dataformat: '',
-			uses: {},
-			...getObj.contents,
-		}
-	};
-	return obj;
-export const getValidPlotterparameterObj = (data: BeatObject = {name: '', contents: {}}) => {
-	const getObj = {
-		name: '',
-		contents: {},
-		...copyObj(data)
-	};
-	const obj = {
-		...getObj,
-		contents: {
-			description: '',
-			...getObj.contents,
-		}
-	};
-	return obj;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/beat.spec.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/beat.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b4e62f0701f6c4d570d078dffd9be82ff3f6dca..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/beat.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import { expect } from 'chai';
-import sinon from 'sinon';
-import { spies } from '@test';
-import { nameValidator } from './beat.js';
-describe('nameValidator', () => {
-	describe('database names', () => {
-		let be = 'database';
-		let otherNames = [];
-		it('should not accept names with a "-" character', () => {
-			expect(nameValidator(be, otherNames)('replay-me/1')).to.equal(false);
-		});
-		it('should accept names with a "_" character', () => {
-			expect(nameValidator(be, otherNames)('replay_me/1')).to.equal(true);
-		});
-		it('should accept names with only ascii characters', () => {
-			expect(nameValidator(be, otherNames)('replayme/1')).to.equal(true);
-		});
-	});
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/index.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 34ab4b3a1dbe43a1a3d2e97c1e53cbd3d1c20f36..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-// basic helpers - common bits of code refactored to DRY
-import copy from 'fast-copy';
-export { debounce, throttle } from 'throttle-debounce';
-// changes a field in an object to a different name
-// only required because keys are often mutable
-export const changeObjFieldName = (obj: {}, oldName: string, newName: string): {} => {
-	return Object.entries(obj)
-	.map(([name, val]) => [name === oldName ? newName : name, val])
-	.reduce((o, [name, val]) => ({...o, [name]: val}), {});
-// generates a new unique key given a prefix (like "value" or "param") and possibly conflicting keys
-export const generateNewKey = (keyPrefix: string = '', existingKeys: string[]) => {
-	if(!existingKeys.includes(keyPrefix))
-		return keyPrefix;
-	let newKey = '';
-	let v = 0;
-	while(true) {
-		const tryKey = `${ keyPrefix }${ v }`;
-		if(existingKeys.includes(tryKey)){
-			v++;
-			continue;
-		}
-		newKey = tryKey;
-		break;
-	}
-	return newKey;
- * Generates a random "bright" colour, ignoring extreme values (very close to white/black).
- * Adapted from https://stackoverflow.com/a/1484514
- */
-export const getRandomBrightColor = () => {
-	var letters = '789ABCD';
-	var color = '#';
-	for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-		color += letters[Math.floor(Math.random() * letters.length)];
-	}
-	return color;
-// recursively sorts an object's keys in alphabetical order
-// useful for comparing (deeply nested) objects in stringified form.
-// probably would be better to use another dep specialized in deeply comparing objects?
-export const sortObject = (o: any) => Object.entries(o)
-.sort(([n1, v1], [n2, v2]) => n1 > n2 ? 1 : -1)
-.reduce((o, [n, v]) => ({...o, [n]: Object((v: any)) === v ? sortObject(v) : v}), {});
-export const copyObj = (any: any) => {
-	return copy(any);
-export type GenericObject = {[string]: any};
-export type StringObject = {[string]: string};
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/algorithm.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/algorithm.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 55609d747fac34b7e51d5bf88005992e302242ef..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/algorithm.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "algorithm",
-        "title": "Algorithm descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of an algorithm",
-        "oneOf": [
-                { "$ref": "#/definitions/block" },
-                { "$ref": "#/definitions/analyzer" }
-        ],
-        "definitions": {
-                "endpoints": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                        "type": "object",
-                                        "properties": {
-                                                "type": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                                "description": { "type": "string" }
-                                        },
-                                        "required": [
-                                                "type"
-                                        ],
-                                        "additionalProperties": false
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "io_group": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "type": "string" },
-                                "inputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/endpoints" },
-                                "outputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/endpoints" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "inputs",
-                                "outputs"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "input_group": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "type": "string" },
-                                "inputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/endpoints" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "inputs"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "block_groups": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "items": [
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/io_group" }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalItems": { "$ref": "#/definitions/input_group" },
-                        "minItems": 1
-                },
-                "range": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "items": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/value" },
-                        "minItems": 2,
-                        "maxItems": 2
-                },
-                "choice": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "items": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/value" },
-                        "minItems": 2
-                },
-                "parameter": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "type": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                "default": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/value" },
-                                "description": { "type": "string" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "type"
-                        ]
-                },
-                "range_parameter": {
-                        "allOf": [
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter" },
-                                {
-                                        "properties": {
-                                                "range": { "$ref": "#/definitions/range" }
-                                        },
-                                        "required": [
-                                                "range"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "choice_parameter": {
-                        "allOf": [
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter" },
-                                {
-                                        "properties": {
-                                                "choice": { "$ref": "#/definitions/choice" }
-                                        },
-                                        "required": [
-                                                "choice"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "parameters": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                        "oneOf": [
-                                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/range_parameter" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/choice_parameter" }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "block": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "language": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/language" },
-                                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                                "groups": { "$ref": "#/definitions/block_groups" },
-                                "parameters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameters" },
-                                "splittable": { "type": "boolean" },
-                                "uses": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/uses" },
-                                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "language",
-                                "groups",
-                                "splittable"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "analyzer_groups": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/input_group" },
-                        "minItems": 1
-                },
-                "resulttype": {
-                        "oneOf": [
-                                { "type": "string", "enum": [ "int32", "float32", "bool", "string" ] },
-                                { "type": "string", "pattern": "^system/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[0-9]+$" },
-                                { "type": "string", "pattern": "^plot/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[0-9]+$" }
-                        ]
-                },
-                "result": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "type": { "$ref": "#/definitions/resulttype" },
-                                "display": { "type": "boolean" },
-                                "description": { "type": "string" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "type"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "results": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/result"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "analyzer": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "language": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/language" },
-                                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                                "groups": { "$ref": "#/definitions/analyzer_groups" },
-                                "parameters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameters" },
-                                "results": { "$ref": "#/definitions/results" },
-                                "uses": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/uses" },
-                                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "language",
-                                "groups",
-                                "results"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/common.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/common.json
deleted file mode 100644
index b9443dce609562ba26cb19171f40215cfeced658..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/common.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "common",
-        "title": "Common definitions for BEAT",
-        "description": "This schema defines common properties of a BEAT objects",
-        "definitions": {
-                "reference": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[0-9]+$"
-                },
-                "basetype": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "enum": [
-                                "int8",
-                                "int16",
-                                "int32",
-                                "int64",
-                                "uint8",
-                                "uint16",
-                                "uint32",
-                                "uint64",
-                                "float32",
-                                "float64",
-                                "complex64",
-                                "complex128",
-                                "bool",
-                                "string"
-                        ]
-                },
-                "value": {
-                        "oneOf": [
-                                { "type": "string" },
-                                { "type": "number" },
-                                { "type": "boolean" }
-                        ]
-                },
-                "description": {
-                        "type": "string"
-                },
-                "language": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "enum": [
-                                "unknown",
-                                "python",
-                                "cxx",
-                                "matlab",
-                                "r"
-                        ]
-                },
-                "uses": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false,
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/reference"
-                                }
-                        }
-                },
-                "version": {
-                        "type": "number",
-                        "multipleOf": 1.0,
-                        "minimum": 1.0
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/database.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/database.json
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a1cb0a20ae60083950eb345616369397586c52..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/database.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "database",
-        "title": "Database descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of a BEAT database",
-        "type": "object",
-        "properties": {
-                "root_folder": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^(/[^/]+)+$"
-                },
-                "protocols": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 1,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/protocol" }
-                },
-                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-        },
-        "required": [
-                "root_folder",
-                "protocols"
-        ],
-        "additionalProperties": false,
-        "definitions": {
-                "identifier": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$"
-                },
-                "view": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"
-                },
-                "protocol": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/protocol_name" },
-                                "template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "sets": {
-                                        "type": "array",
-                                        "minItems": 1,
-                                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/set" }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "required": ["name", "template", "sets"],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "protocol_name": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z0-9_][\\.a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"
-                },
-                "set": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "view": { "$ref": "#/definitions/view" },
-                                "parameters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameters" },
-                                "outputs": {
-                                        "type": "object",
-                                        "patternProperties": {
-                                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                                        "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "minProperties": 0,
-                                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                                        "additionalProperties": false
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "required": ["name", "view", "outputs"],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "parameters": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter_value"
-                                }
-                        }
-                },
-                "parameter_value": {
-                        "oneOf": [
-                                {
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "type": "number"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "type": "boolean"
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        }
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deleted file mode 100644
index e244fd7c0fc6100e9e578805b85505d981e7a5ff..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/dataformat.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "dataformat",
-        "title": "Dataformat descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of a data format",
-        "type": "object",
-        "properties": {
-                "#extends": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                "#description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                "#schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-        },
-        "patternProperties": {
-                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                        "oneOf": [
-                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/array1d" },
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/array2d" },
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/array3d" },
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/array4d" },
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/array5d" },
-                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                { "$ref": "#" }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        "additionalProperties": false,
-        "definitions": {
-                "array1d": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 2,
-                        "maxItems": 2,
-                        "items": [
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                {
-                                        "oneOf": [
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#" }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalItems": false
-                },
-                "array2d": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 3,
-                        "maxItems": 3,
-                        "items": [
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                {
-                                        "oneOf": [
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#" }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalItems": false
-                },
-                "array3d": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 4,
-                        "maxItems": 4,
-                        "items": [
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                {
-                                        "oneOf": [
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#" }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalItems": false
-                },
-                "array4d": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 5,
-                        "maxItems": 5,
-                        "items": [
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                {
-                                        "oneOf": [
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#" }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalItems": false
-                },
-                "array5d": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 6,
-                        "maxItems": 6,
-                        "items": [
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                { "type": "integer" },
-                                {
-                                        "oneOf": [
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/basetype" },
-                                                { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                                { "$ref": "#" }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "additionalItems": false
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/execution.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/execution.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c6e0fa820e2f963a0a040e7c8de74dfe7abd5f15..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/execution.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "execution",
-        "title": "Single algorithm execution descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of an execution block",
-        "oneOf": [
-                { "$ref": "#/definitions/block" },
-                { "$ref": "#/definitions/analyzer" }
-        ],
-        "definitions": {
-                "hash": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{64}$"
-                },
-                "cache_path": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/[a-fA-F0-9]{2}/[a-fA-F0-9]{58}$"
-                },
-                "cache_input": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "path": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_path" },
-                                "hash": { "$ref": "#/definitions/hash" },
-                                "channel": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "endpoint": { "$ref": "toolchain#/definitions/identifier" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "path",
-                                "hash",
-                                "channel",
-                                "endpoint"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "dataset_input": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "database": {
-                                        "$ref": "experiment#/definitions/versioned_database"
-                                },
-                                "protocol": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/protocol_name" },
-                                "set": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "output": { "$ref": "toolchain#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "channel": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "path": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_path" },
-                                "hash": { "$ref": "#/definitions/hash" },
-                                "endpoint": { "$ref": "toolchain#/definitions/identifier" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "database",
-                                "protocol",
-                                "set",
-                                "output",
-                                "channel",
-                                "hash",
-                                "path",
-                                "endpoint"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "input": {
-                        "oneOf": [
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_input" },
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/dataset_input" }
-                        ]
-                },
-                "output": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "path": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_path" },
-                                "hash": { "$ref": "#/definitions/hash" },
-                                "channel": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "endpoint": { "$ref": "toolchain#/definitions/identifier" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "path",
-                                "hash",
-                                "channel",
-                                "endpoint"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "input_map": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/input"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "minProperties": 1,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "range_value": {
-                        "oneOf": [
-                                { "type": "null" },
-                                {
-                                        "type": "number",
-                                        "multipleOf": 1.0,
-                                        "minimum": 0.0
-                                }
-                        ]
-                },
-                "range": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "minItems": 2,
-                        "maxItems": 2,
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/range_value" }
-                },
-                "element": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "inputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/input_map" },
-                                "channel": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "algorithm": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                "parameters": { "$ref": "experiment#/definitions/parameter_set" },
-                                "queue":  { "$ref": "experiment#/definitions/queue" },
-                                "environment":  { "$ref": "experiment#/definitions/environment" },
-                                "range": { "$ref": "#/definitions/range" },
-                                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "inputs",
-                                "channel",
-                                "algorithm",
-                                "parameters",
-                                "queue",
-                                "environment"
-                        ]
-                },
-                "output_map": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/output"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "minProperties": 1,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "block": {
-                        "allOf": [
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/element" },
-                                {
-                                        "properties": {
-                                                "outputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/output_map" },
-                                                "nb_slots": { "$ref": "experiment#/definitions/slots" }
-                                        },
-                                        "required": [
-                                                "outputs",
-                                                "nb_slots"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                },
-                "result": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "path": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_path" },
-                                "hash": { "$ref": "#/definitions/hash" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "path",
-                                "hash"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "analyzer": {
-                        "allOf": [
-                                { "$ref": "#/definitions/element" },
-                                {
-                                        "properties": {
-                                                "result": { "$ref": "#/definitions/result" }
-                                        },
-                                        "required": [
-                                                "result"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/experiment.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/experiment.json
deleted file mode 100644
index dd909cfd77528d5d26150407ab3e1393d85da3a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/experiment.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "experiment",
-        "title": "Experiment descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of a experiment",
-        "type": "object",
-        "properties": {
-                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                "datasets": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dataset" }
-                        },
-                        "minProperties": 1,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "blocks": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/block" }
-                        },
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "analyzers": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": { "$ref": "#/definitions/analyzer" }
-                        },
-                        "minProperties": 1,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "globals": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "queue":  { "$ref": "#/definitions/queue" },
-                                "environment":  { "$ref": "#/definitions/environment" }
-                        },
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/[0-9]+$": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter_set"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-        },
-        "required": [
-                "datasets",
-                "blocks",
-                "analyzers",
-                "globals"
-        ],
-        "additionalProperties": false,
-        "definitions": {
-                "queue": {
-                        "type": "string"
-                },
-                "environment": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "type": "string" },
-                                "version": { "type": "string" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "name",
-                                "version"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "slots": {
-                        "type": "integer",
-                        "minimum": 1,
-                        "exclusiveMinimum": false
-                },
-                "versioned_database": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*/[0-9]+$"
-                },
-                "dataset": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "set": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "protocol": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/protocol_name" },
-                                "database": { "$ref": "#/definitions/versioned_database" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "set",
-                                "protocol",
-                                "database"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "connection_map": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "toolchain#/definitions/identifier"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "minProperties": 1,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "block": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "inputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/connection_map" },
-                                "outputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/connection_map" },
-                                "algorithm": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                "parameters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter_set" },
-                                "queue":  { "$ref": "#/definitions/queue" },
-                                "environment":  { "$ref": "#/definitions/environment" },
-                                "nb_slots": { "$ref": "#/definitions/slots" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "inputs",
-                                "outputs",
-                                "algorithm"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "analyzer": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "inputs": { "$ref": "#/definitions/connection_map" },
-                                "algorithm": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference" },
-                                "parameters": { "$ref": "#/definitions/parameter_set" },
-                                "queue":  { "$ref": "#/definitions/queue" },
-                                "environment":  { "$ref": "#/definitions/environment" },
-                                "nb_slots": { "$ref": "#/definitions/slots" }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "inputs",
-                                "algorithm"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "parameter_set": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "patternProperties": {
-                                "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                        "$ref": "common#/definitions/value"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "minProperties": 0,
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/index.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 03e33d6e88fab73f6fbf1c9e8df41ada3346cbd3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-import Ajv from 'ajv';
-import common from './common.json';
-import dataformat from './dataformat.json';
-import database from './database.json';
-import library from './library.json';
-import algorithm from './algorithm.json';
-import toolchain from './toolchain.json';
-import experiment from './experiment.json';
-import execution from './execution.json';
-import plotter from './plotter.json';
-import plotterparameter from './plotterparameter.json';
-import draft04 from 'ajv/lib/refs/json-schema-draft-04.json';
-const ajv = new Ajv({ allErrors: true, schemaId: 'id' });
-ajv.addSchema([common, dataformat, database, library, algorithm, toolchain, experiment, plotter, plotterparameter, execution]);
-export const VALIDATORS = {
-	dataformat: ajv.compile(dataformat),
-	database: ajv.compile(database),
-	library: ajv.compile(library),
-	algorithm: ajv.compile(algorithm),
-	toolchain: ajv.compile(toolchain),
-	experiment: ajv.compile(experiment),
-	plotter: ajv.compile(plotter),
-	plotterparameter: ajv.compile(plotterparameter),
-	execution: ajv.compile(execution),
-export default function validate(validator, obj) {
-	const isValid = validator(obj.contents || obj);
-	const errs = validator.errors;
-	/*
-	if(!isValid) {
-		console.error(`Object "${ obj.name || obj }" not valid!:`);
-		console.log(obj);
-		console.log(validator.errors);
-	}
-	*/
-	return isValid ? false : errs;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/library.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/library.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5f0021fd142a96e325f6ef8fa31faae4c2f3ed..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/library.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "library",
-        "title": "Library descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of a library",
-        "type": "object",
-        "required": [
-                "language"
-        ],
-        "properties": {
-                "language": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/language" },
-                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                "uses": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/uses" },
-                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-        },
-        "additionalProperties": false
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/plotter.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/plotter.json
deleted file mode 100644
index f5d32f2bd3fce1061d87a75e48a06e83a8858d84..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/plotter.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "plotter",
-        "title": "Plotting algorithm descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of a plotting algorithm",
-        "type": "object",
-        "properties": {
-                "language": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/language" },
-                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                "parameters": { "$ref": "algorithm#/definitions/parameters" },
-                "dataformat": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^plot/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[0-9]+$"
-                },
-                "uses": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/uses" },
-                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-        },
-        "required": [
-                "language",
-                "parameters",
-                "dataformat"
-        ],
-        "additionalProperties": false
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/plotterparameter.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/plotterparameter.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 59760635cd341736e004d2856265cacf5c7abc18..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/plotterparameter.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "plotterparameter",
-        "title": "Plotter configurator descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of an instance of a plot configuration",
-        "type": "object",
-        "properties": {
-                "description": {
-                        "type": "string"
-                },
-                "plotter": {
-                        "$ref": "common#/definitions/reference"
-                },
-                "data": {
-                        "$ref": "experiment#/definitions/parameter_set"
-                }
-        },
-		"required": ["plotter"]
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/toolchain.json b/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/toolchain.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c14cc86a2fc578097209679478937e1ba6a9dc5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/schema/toolchain.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-        "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#",
-        "id": "toolchain",
-        "title": "Toolchain descriptor",
-        "description": "This schema defines the properties of a toolchain",
-        "type": "object",
-        "properties": {
-                "description": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/description" },
-                "datasets": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/dataset" }
-                },
-                "blocks": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/block" }
-                },
-                "analyzers": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/analyzer" }
-                },
-                "connections": {
-                        "type": "array",
-                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/connection" }
-                },
-                "representation": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/representation/connections"
-                                },
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/representation/blocks"
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "$ref": "#/definitions/representation/channel_colors"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "required": [
-                                "connections",
-                                "blocks",
-                                "channel_colors"
-                        ],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "schema_version": { "$ref": "common#/definitions/version" }
-        },
-        "required": [
-                "datasets",
-                "blocks",
-                "analyzers",
-                "connections",
-                "representation"
-        ],
-        "additionalProperties": false,
-        "definitions": {
-                "identifier": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"
-                },
-                "dataset": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "outputs": {
-                                        "type": "array",
-                                        "minItems": 1,
-                                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                                        "items": { "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier" }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "required": ["name", "outputs"],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "block": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "synchronized_channel": {
-                                        "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier"
-                                },
-                                "inputs": {
-                                        "type": "array",
-                                        "minItems": 1,
-                                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" }
-                                },
-                                "outputs": {
-                                        "type": "array",
-                                        "minItems": 1,
-                                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "required": ["name", "synchronized_channel", "inputs", "outputs"],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "analyzer": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "name": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" },
-                                "synchronized_channel": {
-                                        "$ref": "database#/definitions/identifier"
-                                },
-                                "inputs": {
-                                        "type": "array",
-                                        "minItems": 1,
-                                        "uniqueItems": true,
-                                        "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "required": ["name", "synchronized_channel", "inputs"],
-                        "additionalProperties": false
-                },
-                "endpoint": {
-                        "type": "string",
-                        "pattern": "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$"
-                },
-                "connection": {
-                        "type": "object",
-                        "properties": {
-                                "from": { "$ref": "#/definitions/endpoint" },
-                                "to": { "$ref": "#/definitions/endpoint" },
-                                "channel": { "$ref": "#/definitions/identifier" }
-                        },
-                        "required": ["from", "to", "channel"],
-                        "additionalProperties": false,
-                        "definitions": {
-                        }
-                },
-                "representation": {
-                        "connections": {
-                                "type": "object",
-                                "patternProperties": {
-                                        "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*.[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                                "type": "array",
-                                                "items": {
-                                                        "type": "object",
-                                                        "properties": {
-                                                                "col": { "type": "integer" },
-                                                                "row": { "type": "integer" }
-                                                        },
-                                                        "required": [ "col", "row" ],
-                                                        "additionalProperties": false
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "additionalProperties": false
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "type": "object",
-                                "patternProperties": {
-                                        "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                                "type": "object",
-                                                "properties": {
-                                                        "col": { "type": "integer" },
-                                                        "row": { "type": "integer" },
-                                                        "width": { "type": "integer" },
-                                                        "height": { "type": "integer" }
-                                                },
-                                                "required": [ "col", "row", "width", "height" ],
-                                                "additionalProperties": false
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "additionalProperties": false
-                        },
-                        "channel_colors": {
-                                "type": "object",
-                                "patternProperties": {
-                                        "^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*$": {
-                                                "type": "string",
-                                                "pattern": "^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}$"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "additionalProperties": false
-                        }
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/search.worker.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/search.worker.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ac1fed2f0d2a99315d14ffa4ee8772e0f8cea805..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/search.worker.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
- * Uses Fuse.js to provide a fast & async search provider as a SharedWorker
- */
-import Fuse from 'fuse.js';
-declare var self: DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope;
-let fuse;
-let searchData;
-const updateFuseInstance = ({ data, options }) => {
-	searchData = data;
-	fuse = new Fuse(searchData, options);
-const search = str => {
-	if(fuse && searchData)
-		return fuse.search(str);
-	else if(!searchData)
-		throw new Error(`searchData is not instantiated!`);
-	else if(!fuse)
-		throw new Error(`fuse is not instantiated!`);
-self.onmessage = (msg: any) => {
-	const { type, payload } = msg.data;
-	switch (type) {
-		case 'dataChanged':
-			updateFuseInstance(payload);
-			break;
-		case 'search':
-			const result = search(payload);
-			self.postMessage(result);
-			break;
-		default:
-			console.error(`SearchWorker got undefined message: ${ type } with payload ${ payload }`);
-			break;
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/src/helpers/toolchainTypes.js b/conda/js/src/helpers/toolchainTypes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e5c586f15b0c215b84cb971f29da1a6945f9a9c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/helpers/toolchainTypes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-export type ConnectionType = {|
-	from: string,
-	to: string,
-	channel: string,
-export type NormalBlock = {|
-	inputs: string[],
-	outputs: string[],
-	synchronized_channel: string,
-	name: string,
-export type DatasetBlock = {|
-	outputs: string[],
-	name: string,
-export type AnalyzerBlock = {|
-	inputs: string[],
-	synchronized_channel: string,
-	name: string,
-export type BlockType = NormalBlock | DatasetBlock | AnalyzerBlock;
-export type BlockSet = 'analyzers' | 'blocks' | 'datasets';
-export type BlockCoords = {|
-	x: number,
-	y: number,
-	height: number,
-	width: number,
-export type Group = {|
-	name: string,
-	blocks: string[],
-	collapsed: boolean,
-export type LocationMapEntry = {|
-	block: BlockCoords,
-	inputs?: { [string]: BlockCoords },
-	outputs?: { [string]: BlockCoords },
-export type LocationMap = {|
-	[string]: LocationMapEntry,
-export type Contents = {|
-	description: string,
-	datasets: DatasetBlock[],
-	blocks: NormalBlock[],
-	analyzers: AnalyzerBlock[],
-	connections: ConnectionType[],
-	representation: {
-		blocks: { [string]: BlockCoords },
-		channel_colors: { [string]: string },
-		connections: { [string]: any[] },
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/src/store/actionTypes.js b/conda/js/src/store/actionTypes.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 025b0004e8a98caa28bce12985400e2f0e65a2a7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/store/actionTypes.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-// the action types (constants) are defined here
-// if you want to add one, youll need to add the constant string to the ActionType below
-// and also add a line for the constant
-export type ActionType = 'FETCH_ALL'
-export const FETCH_ALL: ActionType = 'FETCH_ALL';
-export const SAVE_DATABASE: ActionType = 'SAVE_DATABASE';
-export const ADD_DATABASE: ActionType = 'ADD_DATABASE';
-export const DELETE_DATABASE: ActionType = 'DELETE_DATABASE';
-export const UPDATE_DATABASE: ActionType = 'UPDATE_DATABASE';
-export const SAVE_LIBRARY: ActionType = 'SAVE_LIBRARY';
-export const ADD_LIBRARY: ActionType = 'ADD_LIBRARY';
-export const DELETE_LIBRARY: ActionType = 'DELETE_LIBRARY';
-export const UPDATE_LIBRARY: ActionType = 'UPDATE_LIBRARY';
-export const SAVE_DATAFORMAT: ActionType = 'SAVE_DATAFORMAT';
-export const ADD_DATAFORMAT: ActionType = 'ADD_DATAFORMAT';
-export const SAVE_ALGORITHM: ActionType = 'SAVE_ALGORITHM';
-export const ADD_ALGORITHM: ActionType = 'ADD_ALGORITHM';
-export const DELETE_ALGORITHM: ActionType = 'DELETE_ALGORITHM';
-export const UPDATE_ALGORITHM: ActionType = 'UPDATE_ALGORITHM';
-export const SAVE_TOOLCHAIN: ActionType = 'SAVE_TOOLCHAIN';
-export const ADD_TOOLCHAIN: ActionType = 'ADD_TOOLCHAIN';
-export const DELETE_TOOLCHAIN: ActionType = 'DELETE_TOOLCHAIN';
-export const UPDATE_TOOLCHAIN: ActionType = 'UPDATE_TOOLCHAIN';
-export const SAVE_EXPERIMENT: ActionType = 'SAVE_EXPERIMENT';
-export const ADD_EXPERIMENT: ActionType = 'ADD_EXPERIMENT';
-export const SAVE_PLOTTER: ActionType = 'SAVE_PLOTTER';
-export const ADD_PLOTTER: ActionType = 'ADD_PLOTTER';
-export const DELETE_PLOTTER: ActionType = 'DELETE_PLOTTER';
-export const UPDATE_PLOTTER: ActionType = 'UPDATE_PLOTTER';
-export const SAVE_SETTINGS: ActionType = 'SAVE_SETTINGS';
-export const UPDATE_SETTINGS: ActionType = 'UPDATE_SETTINGS';
-export const CLEAR_UNSAVED: ActionType = 'CLEAR_UNSAVED';
diff --git a/conda/js/src/store/actions.js b/conda/js/src/store/actions.js
deleted file mode 100644
index c6cc7510af9e17a2e805d1a6b74f46af5fb6b4cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/store/actions.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-/* Actions for Redux
- * all the actions for redux are defined here
- * some actions are actually async action creators for async stuff (API calls)
- * most are pretty simple and tied to a specific BEAT entity
- * each entity has the same actions available, allowing lots of templating stuff
- * these actions specify a type, using the constants in the ActionTypes
-import type {
-	ActionType,
-} from './actionTypes';
-import * as Types from './actionTypes.js';
-import type { Dispatch } from 'redux';
-import { genModuleApiFuncs } from '@helpers/api';
-import { BEAT_ENTITIES } from '@helpers/beat';
-import type { BeatEntity, BeatObject, BeatSettings, BeatEnvironment } from '@helpers/beat';
-export type Action = {|
-	type: ActionType,
-	payload: any,
-	error?: boolean,
-	meta?: mixed,
-export type ActionCreator = (any, any) => Action;
-export type ActionThunkCreator = (any) => (dispatch: Dispatch<*>) => Promise<*>;
-// helper to sort of flatten api response objects to arrays
-const objToArr = (data: any): any[] => {
-	if(!data)
-		throw new Error(`Invalid data "${ data }"`);
-	if(Array.isArray(data))
-		return data;
-	return Object.entries(data)
-	.map(([k, obj]) => objToArr(obj))
-	.reduce((a: any[], objs: any[]) => [...a, ...objs], [])
-	;
-export const fetchAllObjects: ActionThunkCreator = () => async (dispatch: Dispatch<*>) => {
-	//console.log(`fetchAllObjects`);
-	const getFuncs = [...BEAT_ENTITIES].map(e => genModuleApiFuncs(e).get);
-	const jsons = await Promise.all(getFuncs.map(async (get): Promise<*> => get()));
-	const arrs = jsons.map((j, i, js) => objToArr(j));
-	//dispatch(settingsSave(arrs[8]));
-	dispatch(databaseSave(arrs[0]));
-	dispatch(librarySave(arrs[1]));
-	dispatch(dataformatSave(arrs[2]));
-	dispatch(algorithmSave(arrs[3]));
-	dispatch(toolchainSave(arrs[4]));
-	dispatch(experimentSave(arrs[5]));
-	dispatch(plotterSave(arrs[6]));
-	dispatch(plotterparameterSave(arrs[7]));
-	dispatch(clearUnsaved());
-	const settingsGet = genModuleApiFuncs('settings').get;
-	const settingsJson = await settingsGet();
-	dispatch(settingsSave(settingsJson));
-	const envGet = genModuleApiFuncs('environments').get;
-	const envJson = await envGet();
-	dispatch(environmentsSave(envJson));
-export const deleteObject = (entity: BeatEntity, obj: BeatObject): ActionThunkCreator => () =>  async (dispatch: Dispatch<*>) => {
-	const del = genModuleApiFuncs(entity).delete;
-	const res = await del(obj);
-	switch(entity){
-		case 'database':
-			dispatch(databaseDelete(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'library':
-			dispatch(libraryDelete(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'dataformat':
-			dispatch(dataformatDelete(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'algorithm':
-			dispatch(algorithmDelete(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'toolchain':
-			dispatch(toolchainDelete(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'experiment':
-			dispatch(experimentDelete(obj));
-		case 'plotter':
-			dispatch(plotterDelete(obj));
-		case 'plotterparameter':
-			dispatch(plotterparameterDelete(obj));
-			break;
-	}
-export const createObject = (entity: BeatEntity, obj: BeatObject, copiedObjName?: string): ActionThunkCreator => () =>  async (dispatch: Dispatch<*>) => {
-	const post = genModuleApiFuncs(entity).post;
-	const payload = {
-		obj,
-		copiedObjName: copiedObjName || '',
-	};
-	const res = await post(payload);
-	switch(entity){
-		case 'database':
-			dispatch(databaseAdd(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'library':
-			dispatch(libraryAdd(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'dataformat':
-			dispatch(dataformatAdd(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'algorithm':
-			dispatch(algorithmAdd(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'toolchain':
-			dispatch(toolchainAdd(obj));
-			break;
-		case 'experiment':
-			dispatch(experimentAdd(obj));
-		case 'plotter':
-			dispatch(plotterAdd(obj));
-		case 'plotterparameter':
-			dispatch(plotterparameterAdd(obj));
-			break;
-	}
-export const databaseSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_DATABASE, payload: objs, });
-const databaseAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_DATABASE, payload: obj, });
-const databaseDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_DATABASE, payload: obj, });
-export const databaseUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_DATABASE, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const librarySave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_LIBRARY, payload: objs, });
-const libraryAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_LIBRARY, payload: obj, });
-const libraryDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_LIBRARY, payload: obj, });
-export const libraryUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_LIBRARY, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const dataformatSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_DATAFORMAT, payload: objs, });
-const dataformatAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_DATAFORMAT, payload: obj, });
-const dataformatDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_DATAFORMAT, payload: obj, });
-export const dataformatUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_DATAFORMAT, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const algorithmSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_ALGORITHM, payload: objs, });
-const algorithmAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_ALGORITHM, payload: obj, });
-const algorithmDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_ALGORITHM, payload: obj, });
-export const algorithmUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_ALGORITHM, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const toolchainSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_TOOLCHAIN, payload: objs, });
-const toolchainAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_TOOLCHAIN, payload: obj, });
-const toolchainDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_TOOLCHAIN, payload: obj, });
-export const toolchainUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_TOOLCHAIN, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const experimentSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_EXPERIMENT, payload: objs, });
-const experimentAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_EXPERIMENT, payload: obj, });
-const experimentDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_EXPERIMENT, payload: obj, });
-export const experimentUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_EXPERIMENT, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const plotterSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_PLOTTER, payload: objs, });
-const plotterAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_PLOTTER, payload: obj, });
-const plotterDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_PLOTTER, payload: obj, });
-export const plotterUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_PLOTTER, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const plotterparameterSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatObject[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_PLOTTERPARAMETER, payload: objs, });
-const plotterparameterAdd: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.ADD_PLOTTERPARAMETER, payload: obj, });
-const plotterparameterDelete: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.DELETE_PLOTTERPARAMETER, payload: obj, });
-export const plotterparameterUpdate: ActionCreator = (oldName: string, obj: BeatObject): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_PLOTTERPARAMETER, payload: {oldName, obj}, });
-export const environmentsSave: ActionCreator = (objs: BeatEnvironment[]): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_ENVIRONMENTS, payload: objs, });
-export const settingsSave: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatSettings): Action => ({ type: Types.SAVE_SETTINGS, payload: obj, });
-export const settingsUpdate: ActionCreator = (obj: BeatSettings): Action => ({ type: Types.UPDATE_SETTINGS, payload: obj, });
-export const clearUnsaved: ActionCreator = (): Action => ({ type: Types.CLEAR_UNSAVED, payload: null, });
diff --git a/conda/js/src/store/index.js b/conda/js/src/store/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 78296f7110aac7a5800ee13c57322fb8293b412e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/store/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-import createStore from './store';
-import { fetchAllObjects } from './actions.js';
-const store = createStore();
-export default store;
diff --git a/conda/js/src/store/reducers.js b/conda/js/src/store/reducers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e8ca439c9a8861c9debe69458e29e559df1598b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/store/reducers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-/* Reducers for Redux
- * all the reducers are here.
- * since most actions are similar (all entities have the same basic actions available) there's alot of templating that happens.
-import { combineReducers } from 'redux';
-import type { Action } from './actions.js';
-import type { BeatObject, BeatSettings, BeatEnvironment } from '@helpers/beat.js';
-export type State = {|
-	+database: BeatObject[],
-	+library: BeatObject[],
-	+dataformat: BeatObject[],
-	+algorithm: BeatObject[],
-	+toolchain: BeatObject[],
-	+experiment: BeatObject[],
-	+plotter: BeatObject[],
-	+plotterparameter: BeatObject[],
-	+settings: BeatSettings,
-	+environments: BeatEnvironment[],
-	+unsaved: boolean,
-export type Reducer = (state: State, action: Action) => State;
-const initialState: State = {
-	database: [],
-	library: [],
-	dataformat: [],
-	algorithm: [],
-	toolchain: [],
-	experiment: [],
-	plotter: [],
-	plotterparameter: [],
-	settings: {
-		prefix: '',
-	},
-	environments: [],
-	unsaved: false,
-const saveFunc = (state: BeatObject[], objs: BeatObject[]): BeatObject[] => [...objs].sort((a, b) => a.name > b.name ? 1 : -1);
-const addFunc = (state: BeatObject[], obj: BeatObject): BeatObject[] => [obj, ...state];
-const deleteFunc = (state: BeatObject[], obj: BeatObject): BeatObject[] => state.filter(o => o.name !== obj.name);
-const updateFunc = (state: BeatObject[], { oldName, obj }): BeatObject[] => state.map(o => o.name === oldName ? obj : o);
-const entityFunc = (state: BeatObject[], actionType: string, payload: any): BeatObject[] => {
-	let func;
-	switch(true){
-		case (/^SAVE_/.test(actionType)):
-			func = saveFunc;
-			break;
-		case (/^ADD_/.test(actionType)):
-			func = addFunc;
-			break;
-		case (/^DELETE_/.test(actionType)):
-			func = deleteFunc;
-			break;
-		case (/^UPDATE_/.test(actionType)):
-			func = updateFunc;
-			break;
-		default:
-			throw new Error(`Invalid actionType "${ actionType }"`);
-	}
-	return func(state, payload);
-const database = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('DATABASE') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const library = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('LIBRARY') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const dataformat = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('DATAFORMAT') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const algorithm = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('ALGORITHM') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const toolchain = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('TOOLCHAIN') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const experiment = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('EXPERIMENT') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const plotter = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('PLOTTER') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const plotterparameter = (state: BeatObject[] = [], action: Action) => action.type.endsWith('PLOTTERPARAMETER') ? entityFunc(state, action.type, action.payload) : state;
-const settings = (state: BeatSettings = {prefix: ''}, action: Action) => {
-	if(!action.type.endsWith('SETTINGS'))
-		return state;
-	const {type, payload} = action;
-	switch(type){
-			return {
-				...state,
-				...payload,
-			};
-		case 'SAVE_SETTINGS':
-			return {
-				...payload
-			};
-		default:
-			throw new Error(`Invalid actionType "${ type }"`);
-	}
-const environments = (state: BeatEnvironment[] = [], action: Action) => {
-	if(!action.type.endsWith('ENVIRONMENTS'))
-		return state;
-	const {type, payload} = action;
-	switch(type){
-			return payload;
-		default:
-			throw new Error(`Invalid actionType "${ type }"`);
-	}
-const unsaved = (state: boolean, action: Action) => {
-	if(action.type === 'CLEAR_UNSAVED')
-		return false;
-	else if(!action.type.startsWith('SAVE_')){
-		return true;
-	}
-	return state;
-export default combineReducers({
-	database,
-	library,
-	dataformat,
-	algorithm,
-	toolchain,
-	experiment,
-	plotter,
-	plotterparameter,
-	settings,
-	environments,
-	unsaved,
diff --git a/conda/js/src/store/selectors.js b/conda/js/src/store/selectors.js
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index 7277cbb1a7e9183e772dc0f6292aec4ac69916d0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/src/store/selectors.js
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@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-/* State selectors for our Redux store via Reselect
- * basically a bunch of memoized shortcuts to certain state/derived state
-import { createSelector } from 'reselect';
-import type { State } from './reducers.js';
-import { getTcFromExpName } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidDatabaseObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidDataformatObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidLibraryObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidAlgorithmObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidToolchainObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidExperimentObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidPlotterObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-import { getValidPlotterparameterObj } from '@helpers/beat';
-const getObjs = {
-	database: getValidDatabaseObj,
-	dataformat: getValidDataformatObj,
-	library: getValidLibraryObj,
-	algorithm: getValidAlgorithmObj,
-	toolchain: getValidToolchainObj,
-	experiment: getValidExperimentObj,
-	plotter: getValidPlotterObj,
-	plotterparameter: getValidPlotterparameterObj,
-export const databaseGet = (state: State) => state.database.map(o => getObjs['database'](o));
-export const dataformatGet = (state: State) => state.dataformat.map(o => getObjs['dataformat'](o));
-export const libraryGet = (state: State) => state.library.map(o => getObjs['library'](o));
-export const algorithmGet = (state: State) => state.algorithm.map(o => getObjs['algorithm'](o));
-export const toolchainGet = (state: State) => state.toolchain.map(o => getObjs['toolchain'](o));
-export const experimentGet = (state: State) => createSelector(
-	state => state.experiment,
-	algorithmGet,
-	toolchainGet,
-	(exps, algs, tcs) => exps.map(o => {
-		const tcName = getTcFromExpName(o.name);
-		const tc = tcs.find(tc => tc.name === tcName);
-		if(!tc)
-			throw new Error(`Could not find toolchain for experiment "${ o.name }`);
-		return getObjs['experiment'](o, tc, algs);
-	})
-export const plotterGet = (state: State) => state.plotter.map(o => getObjs['plotter'](o));
-export const plotterparameterGet = (state: State) => state.plotterparameter.map(o => getObjs['plotterparameter'](o));
-export const settingsGet = (state: State) => state.settings;
-export const environmentsGet = (state: State) => state.environments;
-export const unsavedGet = (state: State) => state.unsaved;
-export type FlattenedDatabaseEntry = {|
-	database: string,
-	protocol: string,
-	protocolTemplate: string,
-	set: string,
-	setTemplate: string,
-	outputs: {
-		[string]: string,
-	},
-export const databaseProtocols: ((state: State) => any[]) = createSelector(
-	databaseGet,
-	(dbs) => dbs.map((db, i) =>
-		db.contents.protocols ? db.contents.protocols.map(p =>
-			({
-				...p,
-				database: db.name,
-			})
-		) : []
-	).reduce((a, ps) => [...a, ...ps], [])
-export const flattenedDatabases: ((state: State) => FlattenedDatabaseEntry[]) = createSelector(
-	databaseGet,
-	(dbs) => dbs.map((db, i) =>
-		db.contents.protocols ? db.contents.protocols.map(p =>
-			p.sets.map(s =>
-				({
-					database: dbs[i].name,
-					protocol: p.name,
-					protocolTemplate: p.template,
-					set: s.name,
-					setTemplate: s.template,
-					outputs: s.outputs,
-				})
-			)
-		).reduce((a, ss) => [...a, ...ss], []) : []
-	).reduce((a, ss) => [...a, ...ss], [])
-export const normalBlocks = createSelector(
-	algorithmGet,
-	(alg) => alg.filter(alg => alg.contents.results === undefined)
-export const analyzerBlocks = createSelector(
-	algorithmGet,
-	(alg) => alg.filter(alg => alg.contents.results !== undefined)
diff --git a/conda/js/src/store/store.js b/conda/js/src/store/store.js
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--- a/conda/js/src/store/store.js
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@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// @flow
-// builds the store and fetches the objects
-import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux';
-import reducer from './reducers';
-import type { State } from './reducers';
-import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
-const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose;
-const createStoreFunc = (preloadedState?: State) => {
-	return preloadedState ?
-		createStore(
-			reducer,
-			preloadedState,
-			composeEnhancers(
-				applyMiddleware(
-					thunk,
-				),
-			),
-		)
-		:
-		createStore(
-			reducer,
-			composeEnhancers(
-				applyMiddleware(
-					thunk,
-				),
-			),
-		);
-export default createStoreFunc;
diff --git a/conda/js/test/index.js b/conda/js/test/index.js
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index d68aa5e71a3e670b161673d196519bb959d3be53..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-import { configure } from 'enzyme';
-import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';
-import chai from 'chai';
-import chaiEnzyme from 'chai-enzyme';
-configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
-import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css';
-function importAll (r) {
-	r.keys().forEach(r);
-export const spies = [];
-afterEach(function masterAfterEach() {
-	while(spies.length > 0){
-		const spy = spies.pop();
-		if(spy && spy.restore)
-			spy.restore();
-	}
-// require all test files using special Webpack feature
-// https://webpack.js.org/guides/dependency-management/#require-context
-const componentTestsContext = require.context('../src/components', true, /\.spec.js(x)?$/);
-const helperTestsContext = require.context('../src/helpers', true, /\.spec.js(x)?$/);
-const storeTestsContext = require.context('../src/store', true, /\.spec.js(x)?$/);
-const e2eTestsContext = require.context('.', true, /\.spec.js(x)?$/);
diff --git a/conda/js/test/selenium_test.js b/conda/js/test/selenium_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31a49d7b3e404f6d7812bc72e843ca4e6dd60a9b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/selenium_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
-const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
-const options = new firefox.Options();
-(async function example() {
-	let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').setFirefoxOptions(options).build();
-	try {
-		await driver.get('http://www.google.com/ncr');
-		await driver.findElement(By.name('q')).sendKeys('webdriver', Key.RETURN);
-		await driver.wait(until.titleIs('webdriver - Google Search'), 10000);
-		console.log('it worked!');
-	} finally {
-		await driver.quit();
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/test/selenium_tutorial_test.js b/conda/js/test/selenium_tutorial_test.js
deleted file mode 100644
index df6170deda63248d967412cb5c10c9a0a659bc0a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/selenium_tutorial_test.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-// must have the rest server running with at least the contents of the tutorial prefix
-const {Builder, By, Key, until} = require('selenium-webdriver');
-const firefox = require('selenium-webdriver/firefox');
-// window size we're testing with
-const winX = 1920, winY = 1080;
-const options = new firefox.Options();
-// sometimes, selenium will hang forever in the middle of the test if the test is ran headlessly
-// if you encounter this issue, comment out this headless flag
-// (it doesn't seem to ever hang when running non-headlessly)
-// the test shouldnt take more than a minute-ish either way
-options.addArguments(`--window-size=${ winX },${ winY }`);
-(async function example() {
-	let driver = await new Builder().forBrowser('firefox').setFirefoxOptions(options).build();
-	await driver.manage().window().setRect({x: 0, y: 0, width: winX, height: winY});
-	try {
-		await driver.get('http://localhost:9101/');
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		// navigate to exp list
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('experiments')).click();
-		//.sendKeys('webdriver', Key.RETURN);
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search experiments..."]'), 2000));
-		// click the clone button next to test/test/iris/1/iris
-		let eLink = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('test/test/iris/1/iris'));
-		await eLink.findElement(By.xpath('../..')).findElement(By.css('button.btn-outline-success')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.modal')), 2000);
-		// make new exp
-		let eUser = await driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="Experiment user..."]'));
-		await eUser.clear();
-		await eUser.sendKeys('selenium');
-		let eName = driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="Experiment name..."]'));
-		await eName.clear();
-		await eName.sendKeys('means');
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-primary')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.linkText('selenium/test/iris/1/means')), 2000);
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// go to new exp
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/test/iris/1/means')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.experimentEditor')), 2000);
-		// click on training_alg block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_training_alg')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_training_alg')), 2000);
-		// set the algorithm to the new one
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="test/means_training/1"]')).click();
-		// do same for testing_alg block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_testing_alg')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_testing_alg')), 2000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="test/means_testing/1"]')).click();
-		// make sure the exp is still valid
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.badge-success')), 2000);
-		// save exp
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('div.experimentEditor > div.d-flex > button.btn-outline-secondary')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		// go back and delete exp
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('experiments')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search experiments..."]'), 2000));
-		eLink = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/test/iris/1/means'));
-		await eLink.findElement(By.xpath('../..')).findElement(By.css('button.btn-outline-danger')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-danger')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		// navigate to tc list
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('toolchains')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search toolchains..."]'), 2000));
-		// click the clone button next to test/iris/1
-		let tLink = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('test/iris/1'));
-		await tLink.findElement(By.xpath('../..')).findElement(By.css('button.btn-outline-success + button.btn-outline-success')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.modal')), 2000);
-		// make new tc
-		const tUser = await driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="Toolchain user..."]'));
-		await tUser.clear();
-		await tUser.sendKeys('selenium');
-		const tName = driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="New toolchain name..."]'));
-		await tName.clear();
-		await tName.sendKeys('iris_advanced');
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-primary')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.linkText('selenium/iris_advanced/1')), 2000);
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// go to new tc
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/iris_advanced/1')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.toolchainEditor')), 2000);
-		// delete conn between training_data.measurements & training_alg.measurements
-		let rcEl = await driver.findElement(By.css('#\\#training_data-measurements-training_alg-measurements'));
-		await driver.actions().contextClick(rcEl).perform();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('nav.react-contextmenu--visible > div')).click();
-		// delete conn between testing_data.measurements & testing_alg.measurements
-		rcEl = await driver.findElement(By.css('#\\#testing_data-measurements-testing_alg-measurements'));
-		await driver.actions().contextClick(rcEl).perform();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('nav.react-contextmenu--visible > div')).click();
-		// add training preprocessor block way below the rest of the toolchain
-		let originEl = await driver.findElement(By.css('#block_testing_data'));
-		await driver.actions().move({x: 100, y: 100, origin: originEl}).pause(500).contextClick().perform();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('nav.react-contextmenu--visible > div:first-child')).click();
-		// edit training preprocessor
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('#block_block')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// name
-		let tbName = await driver.findElement(By.css('#tcModalInitFocus'));
-		tbName.clear();
-		tbName.sendKeys('pre_training');
-		// input
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal-body .btn-secondary')).click();
-		let tbiName = await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal-body > form > div.row input'));
-		await tbiName.clear();
-		await tbiName.sendKeys('measurements');
-		// output
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal-body .col-sm-6 + .col-sm-6 .btn-secondary')).click();
-		let tboName = await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal-body > form > div.row .col-sm-6 + .col-sm-6 input'));
-		await tboName.clear();
-		await tboName.sendKeys('measurements');
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		//close
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.close')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// copy the block
-		rcEl = await driver.findElement(By.css('#block_pre_training'));
-		await driver.actions().contextClick(rcEl).perform();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('nav.react-contextmenu--visible > div + div')).click();
-		// paste testing preprocessor block way below the rest of the toolchain
-		originEl = await driver.findElement(By.css('#block_pre_training'));
-		await driver.actions().move({x: 150, origin: originEl}).pause(500).contextClick().perform();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('nav.react-contextmenu--visible > div:first-child')).click();
-		// unselect pasted block
-		await driver.actions().move({y: 200, origin: originEl}).pause(500).click().pause(500).perform();
-		// edit the block name
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('#block_pre_training0')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		tbName = await driver.findElement(By.css('#tcModalInitFocus'));
-		await tbName.clear();
-		await tbName.sendKeys('pre_testing');
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		//close
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.close')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// connect pre_training to rest of tc
-		// data to pre
-		let fromBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#training_data-output-measurements'));
-		let toBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#pre_training-input-measurements'));
-		await driver.actions().dragAndDrop(fromBox, toBox).pause(200).perform();
-		// pre to alg
-		fromBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#pre_training-output-measurements'));
-		toBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#training_alg-input-measurements'));
-		await driver.actions().dragAndDrop(fromBox, toBox).pause(200).perform();
-		// connect pre_testing to rest of tc
-		// data to pre
-		fromBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#testing_data-output-measurements'));
-		toBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#pre_testing-input-measurements'));
-		await driver.actions().dragAndDrop(fromBox, toBox).pause(500).perform();
-		// pre to alg
-		fromBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#pre_testing-output-measurements'));
-		toBox = await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#testing_alg-input-measurements'));
-		await driver.actions().dragAndDrop(fromBox, toBox).pause(500).perform();
-		// fix the channel on pre_training
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('#block_pre_training')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal-body select.form-control')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal-body option[value="training_data"]')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(500);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.close')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// layout the tc
-		await driver.findElement(By.xpath('//button[contains(.,"Layout")]')).click();
-		// needs to communicate w graphviz, give it some time
-		await driver.sleep(5000);
-		// make sure the tc is still valid
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.badge-success')), 2000);
-		// save
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('div.toolchainEditor > div.d-flex > button.btn-outline-secondary')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		// navigate to alg list
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('algorithms')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search algorithms..."]'), 2000));
-		// click the new button
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.dropdown + div > .btn-outline-success')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.modal')), 2000);
-		// make new alg
-		const aUser = await driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="Algorithm user..."]'));
-		await aUser.clear();
-		await aUser.sendKeys('selenium');
-		const aName = driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="New algorithm name..."]'));
-		await aName.clear();
-		await aName.sendKeys('iris_preprocessor');
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-primary')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.linkText('selenium/iris_preprocessor/1')), 2000);
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// go to new alg
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/iris_preprocessor/1')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('ul.nav-fill.nav.nav-tabs')), 2000);
-		// add an input & output
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('#newInputBtn')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('#newOutputBtn')).click();
-		// change input & output name to "measurements"
-		let aiDiv = await driver.findElement(By.css('#newInputBtn')).findElement(By.xpath('..')).findElement(By.css('div:first-child'));
-		let aoDiv = await driver.findElement(By.css('#newOutputBtn')).findElement(By.xpath('..')).findElement(By.css('div:first-child'));
-		let aiName = await aiDiv.findElement(By.css('input'));
-		await aiName.clear();
-		await aiName.sendKeys('measurements');
-		let aoName = await aoDiv.findElement(By.css('input'));
-		await aoName.clear();
-		await aoName.sendKeys('measurements');
-		// select type system/array_1d_floats/1
-		await aiDiv.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await aiDiv.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="system/array_1d_floats/1"]')).click();
-		await aoDiv.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await aoDiv.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="system/array_1d_floats/1"]')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(500);
-		// save
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.tab-pane.active > div > div.d-flex > button.btn-outline-secondary')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		// navigate to exp list
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('experiments')).click();
-		//.sendKeys('webdriver', Key.RETURN);
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search experiments..."]'), 2000));
-		// click the new button
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.dropdown + div > .btn-outline-success')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.modal')), 2000);
-		// make new exp
-		eUser = await driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="Experiment user..."]'));
-		await eUser.clear();
-		await eUser.sendKeys('selenium');
-		let eTc = await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal select'));
-		await eTc.click();
-		await eTc.findElement(By.css('select option[value="selenium/iris_advanced/1"]')).click();
-		eName = driver.findElement(By.css('input[placeholder="Experiment name..."]'));
-		await eName.clear();
-		await eName.sendKeys('iris');
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-primary')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.linkText('selenium/selenium/iris_advanced/1/iris')), 2000);
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// go to new exp
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/selenium/iris_advanced/1/iris')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.experimentEditor')), 2000);
-		// assign dataset protocol
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.datasets select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css(`.datasets select option[value='{"testing_data":{"database":"iris/1","protocol":"Main","set":"training"},"training_data":{"database":"iris/1","protocol":"Main","set":"testing"}}']`)).click();
-		// pre_training block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_pre_training')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_pre_training')), 2000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="selenium/iris_preprocessor/1"]')).click();
-		// pre_testing block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_pre_testing')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_pre_testing')), 2000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="selenium/iris_preprocessor/1"]')).click();
-		// training_alg block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_training_alg')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_training_alg')), 2000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="test/iris_training/1"]')).click();
-		// testing_alg block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_testing_alg')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_testing_alg')), 2000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="test/iris_testing/1"]')).click();
-		// analyzer block
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('rect#block_analyzer')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('div.block_analyzer')), 2000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select')).click();
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('select.custom-select option[value="test/iris_analyzer/1"]')).click();
-		// make sure the exp is still valid
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('.badge-success')), 2000);
-		// save exp
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('div.experimentEditor > div.d-flex > button.btn-outline-secondary')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		/**************************************************************
-		 */
-		// go back and delete toolchain (which also deletes the associated experiment)
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('toolchains')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search toolchains..."]'), 2000));
-		tLink = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/iris_advanced/1'));
-		await tLink.findElement(By.xpath('../..')).findElement(By.css('button.btn-outline-danger')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-danger')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		// go back and delete algorithm
-		await driver.findElement(By.linkText('algorithms')).click();
-		await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(By.css('input[placeholder="Search algorithms..."]'), 2000));
-		tLink = await driver.findElement(By.linkText('selenium/iris_preprocessor/1'));
-		await tLink.findElement(By.xpath('../..')).findElement(By.css('button.btn-outline-danger')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		await driver.findElement(By.css('.modal button.btn-danger')).click();
-		await driver.sleep(1000);
-		console.log('selenium tests finished successfully!');
-	} catch(e) {
-		console.log('selenium tests failed!');
-		console.error(e);
-	} finally {
-		await driver.quit();
-	}
diff --git a/conda/js/test/test_algs.json b/conda/js/test/test_algs.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a41206a4fbb3e3b4a6a0e15a5af6c9493f3e135..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/test_algs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1290 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_preprocessor/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "measurements": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Rounds each measurement in an Iris dataset sample to the nearest integer",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_testing/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "system/float/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "lda_machine": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group0"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_training/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "species": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "lda_machine": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/linear_machine_projection/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm linearizes and accumulates images into a buffer",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": true
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/linear_machines_scoring/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "comparison_ids": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "probes",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "template_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "templates"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm generates comparison scores",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": true
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/means_testing/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "system/float/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "means": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group0"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/means_training/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "species": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "means": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/pca/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "number-of-components": {
-                                        "default": 5,
-                                        "type": "uint32"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Principal Component Analysis (PCA)",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/pcatest/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "number-of-components": {
-                                        "default": 5,
-                                        "type": "uint32"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {},
-                                        "name": "group"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Principal Component Analysis (PCA)",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/testing/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {},
-                                        "name": "group",
-                                        "outputs": {}
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/linear_machine_projection/4",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm linearizes and accumulates images into a buffer",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": true
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/linear_machines_scoring/4",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "probe_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "comparison_ids": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "probes",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "template_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "templates"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm generates comparison scores",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": true
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/pca/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "number-of-components": {
-                                        "default": 5,
-                                        "type": "uint32"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Principal Component Analysis (PCA)",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_analyzer/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "system/float/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "species": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "float32"
-                                },
-                                "roc": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "plot/isoroc/1"
-                                },
-                                "scores_distribution": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "plot/bar/1"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_analyzer_error/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "system/float/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "species": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "float32"
-                                },
-                                "roc": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "plot/isoroc/1"
-                                },
-                                "scores_distribution": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "plot/bar/1"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_analyzertest/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "system/float/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "species": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "group"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "float32"
-                                },
-                                "roc": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "plot/isoroc/1"
-                                },
-                                "scores_distribution": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "plot/bar/1"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "test/postperf_iso/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Standard metrics for biometric system evaluation",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "display": true,
-                                        "type": "float32"
-                                },
-                                "number_of_negatives": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "int32"
-                                },
-                                "number_of_positives": {
-                                        "display": false,
-                                        "type": "int32"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/postperf_iso/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Standard metrics for biometric system evaluation",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "number_of_negatives": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "far": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "roc": {
-                                        "type": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "scores_distribution": {
-                                        "type": "plot/bar/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "frr": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "threshold": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "number_of_positives": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "aythamimm/manhattan_scaled_scoring/63",
-                "contents": {
-                        "splittable": false,
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "field": {
-                                        "default": "given_name",
-                                        "type": "string",
-                                        "description": "",
-                                        "choice": [
-                                                "given_name",
-                                                "family_name",
-                                                "email",
-                                                "nationality",
-                                                "id_number",
-                                                "all_five"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "comparison_ids": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "keystroke": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/atvs_keystroke/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "probes",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "elie_khoury/string_probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "template_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/text/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "model_template": {
-                                                        "type": "aythamimm/keystroke_model/6"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "templates"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm computes the score given a GMM and UBM using the Linear Scoring"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/linear_machine_projection/4",
-                "contents": {
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm linearizes and accumulates images into a buffer"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/linear_machines_scoring/4",
-                "contents": {
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "probe_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "comparison_ids": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "probes",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "template_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "templates"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "This algorithm generates comparison scores"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/pca/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "splittable": false,
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_uint8/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "number-of-components": {
-                                        "default": 5,
-                                        "type": "uint32"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "description": "Principal Component Analysis (PCA)"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/postperf_iso/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "tutorial/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "parameters": {},
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "results": {
-                                "number_of_negatives": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "far": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "roc": {
-                                        "type": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "scores_distribution": {
-                                        "type": "plot/bar/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "frr": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "threshold": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "number_of_positives": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "description": "Standard metrics for biometric system evaluation"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/cropping_rgb/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_3d_uint8/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "eye_centers": {
-                                                        "type": "system/eye_positions/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "cropped_image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "left-eye-x": {
-                                        "default": "48",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "x-coordinate of the left eye on the cropped image"
-                                },
-                                "left-eye-y": {
-                                        "default": "16",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "y-coordinate of the left eye on the cropped image"
-                                },
-                                "crop-height": {
-                                        "default": "80",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "height of the resulting cropped image"
-                                },
-                                "crop-width": {
-                                        "default": "64",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "width of the resulting cropped image"
-                                },
-                                "right-eye-x": {
-                                        "default": "15",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "x-coordinate of the right eye on the cropped image"
-                                },
-                                "right-eye-y": {
-                                        "default": "16",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "y-coordinate of the right eye on the cropped image"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "description": "Crop and normalize a face from an RGB image",
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/eerhter_postperf/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores_test": {
-                                                        "type": "user/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "test"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores_dev": {
-                                                        "type": "user/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "dev"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "number_of_negatives_dev": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "far_test": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "far_dev": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "number_of_negatives_test": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "roc_test": {
-                                        "type": "plot/scatter/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "roc_dev": {
-                                        "type": "plot/scatter/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "hter": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "threshold": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "frr_dev": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "eer": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "number_of_positives_test": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "frr_test": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": true
-                                },
-                                "number_of_positives_dev": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_add/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "offset": {
-                                        "default": "1",
-                                        "type": "int32"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "uses": {
-                                "lib": "user/thelib/1"
-                        },
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "roc": {
-                                        "type": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "plot": {
-                                        "type": "plot/scatter/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "out_data": {
-                                        "type": "int32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "bar_plot": {
-                                        "type": "plot/bar/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_echo_error/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_echo_ignore/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data2": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "sub"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_echo_sleep/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "delay": {
-                                        "default": "30",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "Time to sleep in seconds"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/integers_mean_analyzer/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": {
-                                                        "type": "system/integer/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "results": {
-                                "plot": {
-                                        "type": "plot/scatter/1",
-                                        "display": false
-                                },
-                                "out_data": {
-                                        "type": "float32",
-                                        "display": false
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/linear_machines_scoring/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "probe_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "comparison_ids": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "probe_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "probes",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": {
-                                                        "type": "user/probe_scores/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "template_client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "template_projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "templates"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "description": "Minimum Euclidean distance comparison against a template matrix",
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/linear_machine_x2_projection/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "name": "main",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "subspace_lda": {
-                                                        "type": "user/linear_machine/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "subspace_pca": {
-                                                        "type": "user/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "splittable": true,
-                        "description": "Accumulate images and apply two linear transformations",
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/pca_lda/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "groups": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": {
-                                                        "type": "system/array_2d_floats/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "client_id": {
-                                                        "type": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                }
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace_lda": {
-                                                        "type": "user/linear_machine/1"
-                                                },
-                                                "subspace_pca": {
-                                                        "type": "user/linear_machine/1"
-                                                }
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "number-of-pca-components": {
-                                        "default": "5",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "the number of dimensions to retain after applying PCA"
-                                },
-                                "number-of-lda-components": {
-                                        "default": "2",
-                                        "type": "uint32",
-                                        "description": "the number of dimensions to retain after applying LDA"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "splittable": false,
-                        "description": "Principal Component Analysis (PCA) + Linear Discrimanant Analysis (LDA)",
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/test/test_dbs.json b/conda/js/test/test_dbs.json
deleted file mode 100644
index eb5d1a78d81fa681116aa0dd44e2ded8f6a8c25d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/test_dbs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2511 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "iris/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "",
-                        "root_folder": "/not/needed",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "Main",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "parameters": {},
-                                                        "name": "training",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "measurements": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "species": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "iris",
-                                                        "view": "Training"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "parameters": {},
-                                                        "name": "testing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "measurements": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "species": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "iris",
-                                                        "view": "Testing"
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "template": "iris"
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "atnt/3",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/att_faces",
-                        "description": "The AT&T Database of Faces",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "idiap",
-                                        "template": "simple_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_2d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "Train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_2d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "Templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "image": "system/array_2d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "idiap_test_eyepos",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "TrainEyePositions"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "TemplatesEyePositions",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "ProbesEyePositions",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "TemplatesEyePositions",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "ProbesEyePositions",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "avspoof/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "The AVspoof Database",
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/AVSpoof",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "smalltest_verify_train",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "smalltest_verify_train_spoof",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "smalltest_verification",
-                                        "template": "advanced_speaker_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTraining"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "devel",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "devel",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "test",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "test",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "smalltest_verification_spoof",
-                                        "template": "speaker_recognition_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "devel",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "dev_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "test",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "test_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "grandtest_verify_train",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "grandtest_verify_train_spoof",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "grandtest_verification",
-                                        "template": "advanced_speaker_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTraining",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "group": "train"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "grandtest_verification_spoof",
-                                        "template": "speaker_recognition_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "physicalaccess_verify_train",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "physicalaccess_verify_train_spoof",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "physicalaccess_verification",
-                                        "template": "advanced_speaker_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTraining",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "group": "train"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "physicalaccess_verification_spoof",
-                                        "template": "speaker_recognition_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "logicalaccess_verify_train",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "logicalaccess_verify_train_spoof",
-                                        "template": "verify_trainset_speech_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "logicalaccess_verification",
-                                        "template": "advanced_speaker_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTraining",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "group": "train"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "RecognitionTemplates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "enroll",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "probe",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "logicalaccess_verification_spoof",
-                                        "template": "speaker_recognition_spoof",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "test_attacks",
-                                                        "template": "attacks",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "purpose": "attack",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "attack_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "smalltest_antispoofing",
-                                        "template": "simple_speech_antispoofing",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "train",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "devel",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "test",
-                                                                "protocol": "smalltest"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "eval_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "grandtest_antispoofing",
-                                        "template": "simple_speech_antispoofing",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "group": "train"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "eval_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "grandtest",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "physicalaccess_antispoofing",
-                                        "template": "simple_speech_antispoofing",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "group": "train"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "eval_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "physical_access",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "logicalaccess_antispoofing",
-                                        "template": "simple_speech_antispoofing",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "group": "train"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "group": "devel"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "eval_probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "SimpleAntispoofing",
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "attack_type": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "class": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "logical_access",
-                                                                "group": "test"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "banca/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/banca/english/images/images",
-                        "description": "The BANCA Database of Faces",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "P",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "P"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "P",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "P",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "P",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "P",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "G",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "G"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "G",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "G",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "G",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "G",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "Mc",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Mc"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Mc",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Mc",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Mc",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Mc",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "Md",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Md"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Md",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Md",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Md",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Md",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "Ma",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ma"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ma",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ma",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ma",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ma",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "Ud",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ud"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ud",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ud",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ud",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ud",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "Ua",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ua"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ua",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ua",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ua",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "Ua",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "kboc16/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/kboc16",
-                        "description": "The KBOC16 database",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "A",
-                                        "template": "simple_keystroke_recognition_kboc16",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "templates",
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "A"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "keystroke": "system/kboc16_keystroke/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "name": "probes",
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "A"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                                                                "keystroke": "system/kboc16_keystroke/1"
-                                                        }
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "D",
-                                        "template": "simple_keystroke_recognition_kboc16",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "keystroke": "system/kboc16_keystroke/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates",
-                                                        "name": "templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "D"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "keystroke": "system/kboc16_keystroke/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes",
-                                                        "name": "probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "D"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "mobio/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/mobio/IMAGES_PNG",
-                        "description": "The MOBIO Database of Faces",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "male",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "male",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "male",
-                                                                "group": "dev",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "male",
-                                                                "group": "dev",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "male",
-                                                                "group": "eval",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "male",
-                                                                "group": "eval",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "female",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "female",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "female",
-                                                                "group": "dev",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "female",
-                                                                "group": "dev",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "female",
-                                                                "group": "eval",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "female",
-                                                                "group": "eval",
-                                                                "annotations": "../IMAGE_ANNOTATIONS"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "simple/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/this/database/does/not/require/a/path",
-                        "description": "A test database that emits integers",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "protocol",
-                                        "template": "test_integers",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "out": "system/integer/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "set",
-                                                        "template": "set",
-                                                        "view": "View"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "out": "system/integer/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "set2",
-                                                        "template": "set",
-                                                        "view": "View2"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "protocol2",
-                                        "template": "test_integers",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "out": "system/integer/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "set",
-                                                        "template": "set",
-                                                        "view": "LargeView"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "out": "system/integer/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "set2",
-                                                        "template": "set",
-                                                        "view": "View2"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "voxforge/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/VoxForge/audio/denoised/SpeechCorpus/Trunk/Audio/Main/16kHz_16bit",
-                        "description": "The VoxForge Database",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "default",
-                                        "template": "advanced_speaker_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "template": "train",
-                                                        "view": "Train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "speech": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/text/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_text/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "xm2vts/2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "root_folder": "/remote/dataset/xm2vtsdb/images",
-                        "description": "The XM2VTS Database of Faces",
-                        "protocols": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "lp1",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp1",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp1",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp1",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp1",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "lp2",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp2"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp2",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp2",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp2",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "lp2",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "darkened-lp1",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp1",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp1",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp1",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp1",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "darkened-lp2",
-                                        "template": "advanced_face_recognition",
-                                        "sets": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Train",
-                                                        "name": "train",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp2"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "train"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "dev_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp2",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "dev_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp2",
-                                                                "group": "dev"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "template_id": "system/uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Templates",
-                                                        "name": "test_templates",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp2",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "templates"
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "outputs": {
-                                                                "image": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                                                                "probe_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "file_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "client_id": "system/uint64/1",
-                                                                "eye_centers": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                                                                "template_ids": "system/array_1d_uint64/1"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "view": "Probes",
-                                                        "name": "test_probes",
-                                                        "parameters": {
-                                                                "protocol": "darkened-lp2",
-                                                                "group": "eval"
-                                                        },
-                                                        "template": "probes"
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/test/test_dfs.json b/conda/js/test/test_dfs.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b3fe3bb5f65a8a2e80c718f5f0966d65b31f224..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/test_dfs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,427 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "aythamimm/keystroke_model/6",
-                "contents": {
-                        "nationality_average": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "#description": "Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of float values",
-                        "email_average": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "family_name_std": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "family_name_average": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "id_number_std": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "given_name_std": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "email_std": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "id_number_average": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "nationality_std": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "given_name_average": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "elie_khoury/string_probe_scores/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "client_identity": "string",
-                        "scores": [
-                                0,
-                                {
-                                        "template_identity": "string",
-                                        "score": "float64"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "#description": "Score for verification"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "plot/bar/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Array of bar plots",
-                        "data": [
-                                0,
-                                {
-                                        "label": "string",
-                                        "x": [
-                                                0,
-                                                "float64"
-                                        ],
-                                        "y": [
-                                                0,
-                                                "float64"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "A set of ROC plots as described by ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006(E)",
-                        "data": [
-                                0,
-                                {
-                                        "label": "string",
-                                        "number_of_positives": "uint64",
-                                        "number_of_negatives": "uint64",
-                                        "false_positives": [
-                                                0,
-                                                "float64"
-                                        ],
-                                        "false_negatives": [
-                                                0,
-                                                "float64"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "plot/scatter/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "A set of 2-D scatter plots with X/Y and a label",
-                        "data": [
-                                0,
-                                {
-                                        "y": [
-                                                0,
-                                                "float64"
-                                        ],
-                                        "x": [
-                                                0,
-                                                "float64"
-                                        ],
-                                        "label": "string"
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/array_1d_floats/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of float values",
-                        "value": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/array_1d_text/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "text": [
-                                0,
-                                "string"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/array_1d_uint64/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Basic format containing a one-dimensional array of unsigned integer (64 bits) values",
-                        "value": [
-                                0,
-                                "uint64"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/array_2d_floats/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Basic format containing a two-dimensional array of float values",
-                        "value": [
-                                0,
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/array_2d_uint8/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Two-dimensional array of 8 unsigned integer values",
-                        "value": [
-                                0,
-                                0,
-                                "uint8"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/array_3d_uint8/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "value": [
-                                0,
-                                0,
-                                0,
-                                "uint8"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/coordinates/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Contains the coordinates of a pixel",
-                        "y": "int32",
-                        "x": "int32"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/eye_positions/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "The position of the eyes of a person in an image",
-                        "right": "system/coordinates/1",
-                        "left": "system/coordinates/1"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/integer/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Single (32 bits) integer value",
-                        "value": "int32"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/kboc16_keystroke/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Raw KBOC16 keystroke data",
-                        "timestamps": [
-                                0,
-                                "int32"
-                        ],
-                        "key_events": [
-                                0,
-                                "string"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/text/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Basic format containing a text",
-                        "text": "string"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "system/uint64/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Basic format containing only a single unsigned integer (64 bits) value",
-                        "value": "uint64"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/atvs_keystroke/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "#description": "Raw ATVS keystroke data",
-                        "holdtime": {
-                                "given_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "family_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "email": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "nationality": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "id_number": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ]
-                        },
-                        "rplatency": {
-                                "given_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "family_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "email": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "nationality": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "id_number": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ]
-                        },
-                        "pplatency": {
-                                "given_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "family_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "email": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "nationality": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "id_number": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ]
-                        },
-                        "rrlatency": {
-                                "given_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "family_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "email": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "nationality": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "id_number": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ]
-                        },
-                        "prlatency": {
-                                "given_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "family_name": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "email": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "nationality": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ],
-                                "id_number": [
-                                        0,
-                                        "int32"
-                                ]
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/linear_machine/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "input_divide": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "input_subtract": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "weights": [
-                                0,
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "biases": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "#description": "Linear Projection container"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/probe_scores/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "client_identity": "uint64",
-                        "scores": [
-                                0,
-                                {
-                                        "template_identity": "uint64",
-                                        "score": "float64"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "#description": "Container that stores the scores of a probe"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/linear_machine/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "input_divide": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "input_subtract": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "#description": "Linear Projection Machine",
-                        "weights": [
-                                0,
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ],
-                        "biases": [
-                                0,
-                                "float64"
-                        ]
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/probe_scores/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "client_identity": "uint64",
-                        "#description": "Score for verification",
-                        "scores": [
-                                0,
-                                {
-                                        "template_identity": "uint64",
-                                        "score": "float64"
-                                }
-                        ]
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/test/test_exps.json b/conda/js/test/test_exps.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a9cf6fa96cc3e76ad13091788d1b0442d9156e4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/test/test_exps.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,787 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "test/test/iris_advanced/1/iris",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "",
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analyzer": {
-                                        "algorithm": "test/iris_analyzer/1",
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": "scores",
-                                                "species": "species"
-                                        },
-                                        "parameters": {}
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "pre_testing": {
-                                        "algorithm": "test/iris_preprocessor/1",
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": "measurements"
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "measurements": "measurements"
-                                        },
-                                        "parameters": {}
-                                },
-                                "pre_training": {
-                                        "algorithm": "test/iris_preprocessor/1",
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": "measurements"
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "measurements": "measurements"
-                                        },
-                                        "parameters": {}
-                                },
-                                "testing_alg": {
-                                        "algorithm": "test/iris_testing/1",
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "lda_machine": "lda_machine",
-                                                "measurements": "measurements"
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": "scores"
-                                        },
-                                        "parameters": {}
-                                },
-                                "training_alg": {
-                                        "algorithm": "test/iris_training/1",
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "measurements": "measurements",
-                                                "species": "species"
-                                        },
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "lda_machine": "lda_machine"
-                                        },
-                                        "parameters": {}
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "testing_data": {
-                                        "database": "iris/1",
-                                        "protocol": "Main",
-                                        "set": "training"
-                                },
-                                "training_data": {
-                                        "database": "iris/1",
-                                        "protocol": "Main",
-                                        "set": "testing"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "Default",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "name": "Scientific Python 2.7",
-                                        "version": "0.0.4"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/tutorial/eigenface/1/atnt-eigenfaces-7-comps",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores": "scores"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "tutorial/postperf_iso/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "templates": {
-                                        "set": "templates",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                },
-                                "train": {
-                                        "set": "train",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                },
-                                "probes": {
-                                        "set": "probes",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "scoring": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "probe_projections": "probe_builder_projections",
-                                                "comparison_ids": "probes_template_ids",
-                                                "probe_id": "probes_probe_id",
-                                                "template_id": "templates_template_id",
-                                                "probe_client_id": "probes_client_id",
-                                                "template_client_id": "templates_client_id",
-                                                "template_projections": "template_builder_projections"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "tutorial/linear_machines_scoring/4",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": "scores"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "linear_machine_training": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "tutorial/pca/2",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace": "subspace"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "template_builder": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "subspace": "subspace",
-                                                "id": "template_id"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "tutorial/linear_machine_projection/4",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": "projections"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "probe_builder": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "subspace": "subspace",
-                                                "id": "probe_id"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "tutorial/linear_machine_projection/4",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": "projections"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "Default",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "0.0.4",
-                                        "name": "Scientific Python 2.7"
-                                },
-                                "tutorial/pca/2": {
-                                        "number-of-components": 7
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/double/1/double_error",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo1": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "echo2": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_error/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/double/1/double",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo1": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "echo2": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/fisherface/1/atnt",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "scores_dev": "scoring_dev_scores",
-                                                "scores_test": "scoring_test_scores"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/eerhter_postperf/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "dev_probes": {
-                                        "set": "dev_probes",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap_test_eyepos",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                },
-                                "test_templates": {
-                                        "set": "test_templates",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap_test_eyepos",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                },
-                                "train": {
-                                        "set": "train",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap_test_eyepos",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                },
-                                "dev_templates": {
-                                        "set": "dev_templates",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap_test_eyepos",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                },
-                                "test_probes": {
-                                        "set": "test_probes",
-                                        "protocol": "idiap_test_eyepos",
-                                        "database": "atnt/3"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "template_builder_test": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image_gray",
-                                                "subspace_lda": "subspace_lda",
-                                                "id": "template_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca": "subspace_pca"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/linear_machine_x2_projection/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": "projections"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "linear_machine_training": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image_gray",
-                                                "client_id": "client_id"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/pca_lda/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "subspace_lda": "subspace_lda",
-                                                "subspace_pca": "subspace_pca"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "template_builder_dev": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image_gray",
-                                                "subspace_lda": "subspace_lda",
-                                                "id": "template_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca": "subspace_pca"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/linear_machine_x2_projection/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": "projections"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "cropping_rgb_probe_test": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "eye_centers": "eye_centers"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/cropping_rgb/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "cropped_image": "image_gray"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "cropping_rgb_ubm": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "eye_centers": "eye_centers"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/cropping_rgb/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "cropped_image": "image_gray"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "cropping_rgb_template_dev": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "eye_centers": "eye_centers"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/cropping_rgb/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "cropped_image": "image_gray"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "probe_builder_test": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image_gray",
-                                                "subspace_lda": "subspace_lda",
-                                                "id": "probe_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca": "subspace_pca"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/linear_machine_x2_projection/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": "projections"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "cropping_rgb_template_test": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "eye_centers": "eye_centers"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/cropping_rgb/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "cropped_image": "image_gray"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "cropping_rgb_probe_dev": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image",
-                                                "eye_centers": "eye_centers"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/cropping_rgb/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "cropped_image": "image_gray"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "scoring_dev": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "probe_projections": "probe_builder_dev_projections",
-                                                "comparison_ids": "dev_probes_template_ids",
-                                                "probe_id": "dev_probes_probe_id",
-                                                "template_id": "dev_templates_template_id",
-                                                "probe_client_id": "dev_probes_client_id",
-                                                "template_client_id": "dev_templates_client_id",
-                                                "template_projections": "template_builder_dev_projections"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/linear_machines_scoring/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": "scores"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "scoring_test": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "probe_projections": "probe_builder_test_projections",
-                                                "comparison_ids": "test_probes_template_ids",
-                                                "probe_id": "test_probes_probe_id",
-                                                "template_id": "test_templates_template_id",
-                                                "probe_client_id": "test_probes_client_id",
-                                                "template_client_id": "test_templates_client_id",
-                                                "template_projections": "template_builder_test_projections"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/linear_machines_scoring/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "scores": "scores"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "probe_builder_dev": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "image": "image_gray",
-                                                "subspace_lda": "subspace_lda",
-                                                "id": "probe_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca": "subspace_pca"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/linear_machine_x2_projection/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "projections": "projections"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                },
-                                "user/pca_lda/1": {
-                                        "number-of-pca-components": 5,
-                                        "number-of-lda-components": 2
-                                },
-                                "user/cropping_rgb/1": {
-                                        "left-eye-x": 48,
-                                        "left-eye-y": 16,
-                                        "crop-height": 80,
-                                        "crop-width": 64,
-                                        "right-eye-x": 15,
-                                        "right-eye-y": 16
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/single/1/single_add2",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_add/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                },
-                                "user/integers_add/1": {
-                                        "offset": 2
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/single/1/single_add",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_add/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                },
-                                "user/integers_add/1": {
-                                        "offset": 2
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/single/1/single",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/single/1/single_large",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_mean_analyzer/1",
-                                        "parameters": {}
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol2",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "nb_slots": 2,
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "parameters": {},
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/single/1/single_sleep",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_sleep/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/triangle/1/triangle",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                },
-                                "set2": {
-                                        "set": "set2",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo1": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "echo2": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "echo3": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data2": "in2",
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_ignore/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/user/triangle/1/triangle_sleep",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": {
-                                "analysis": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_analyzer/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "datasets": {
-                                "set": {
-                                        "set": "set",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                },
-                                "set2": {
-                                        "set": "set2",
-                                        "protocol": "protocol",
-                                        "database": "simple/1"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "blocks": {
-                                "echo1": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_sleep/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "echo2": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_sleep/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "echo3": {
-                                        "inputs": {
-                                                "in_data2": "in2",
-                                                "in_data": "in"
-                                        },
-                                        "algorithm": "user/integers_echo_ignore/1",
-                                        "outputs": {
-                                                "out_data": "out"
-                                        }
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "globals": {
-                                "queue": "queue",
-                                "environment": {
-                                        "version": "1.2.0",
-                                        "name": "Python 2.7"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        }
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "user/anotherlib/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "uses": {},
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/thelib/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "uses": {
-                                "lib": "user/anotherlib/1"
-                        },
-                        "language": "python"
-                }
-        }
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--- a/conda/js/test/test_plotterparameters.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "plot/bar/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "Default parameters for bar plots",
-                        "plotter": "plot/bar/1",
-                        "data": {
-                                "title-fontsize": 12,
-                                "bar-norm": true,
-                                "axis-fontsize": 10,
-                                "height": 600,
-                                "width": 800,
-                                "grid": true,
-                                "bar-alpha": 0.75,
-                                "legend-fontsize": 8,
-                                "legend-loc": "best",
-                                "dpi": 120
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "Default parameters for an ISO/ROC curve",
-                        "plotter": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                        "data": {
-                                "ylim-bottom": 0,
-                                "title-fontsize": 12,
-                                "axis-fontsize": 10,
-                                "height": 600,
-                                "width": 800,
-                                "grid": true,
-                                "ylim-top": 100,
-                                "xlim-right": 100,
-                                "legend-fontsize": 8,
-                                "legend-loc": "best",
-                                "xlim-left": 0,
-                                "dpi": 120
-                        }
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/test/test_plotters.json b/conda/js/test/test_plotters.json
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/conda/js/test/test_plotters.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "plot/bar/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "Basic bar plotter for simple histograms",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "axis-fontsize": {
-                                        "default": 10,
-                                        "description": "Controls the axis font size (labels and values)",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "bar-alpha": {
-                                        "default": 0.75,
-                                        "description": "Value for the alpha effect in the bar plot",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "bar-norm": {
-                                        "default": true,
-                                        "description": "If set to true will normalize the distribution between 0-1",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "bar_attributes": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "Bar attributes passed directly to Matplotlib",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "content_type": {
-                                        "choice": [
-                                                "image/png",
-                                                "image/jpeg",
-                                                "application/pdf"
-                                        ],
-                                        "default": "image/png",
-                                        "description": "The type of image returned",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "dpi": {
-                                        "default": 60,
-                                        "description": "Dots-per-inch in raster image formats",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "grid": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If we should draw grid lines or not for the plot",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "height": {
-                                        "default": 300,
-                                        "description": "Height of the resulting image in pixels",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "legend": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "Short description of the data, to be added to the plot",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "legend-bbox-to-anchor": {
-                                        "default": "1.0&1.0",
-                                        "description": "Specify any arbitrary location for the legend ",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "legend-fontsize": {
-                                        "default": 12,
-                                        "description": "Controls the font size of the legend",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "legend-loc": {
-                                        "default": "best",
-                                        "description": "The location of the legend",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "title": {
-                                        "default": "Bar plot",
-                                        "description": "The title for this plot",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "title-fontsize": {
-                                        "default": 10,
-                                        "description": "Controls the title font size",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "width": {
-                                        "default": 400,
-                                        "description": "Width of the resulting image in pixels",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "xaxis_multiplier": {
-                                        "default": 1,
-                                        "description": "The multiplication factor for the X-axis (horizontal)",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "xlabel": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "The label of the X-axis (horizontal)",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "yaxis_log": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If Y-axis (vertical) should be in log-scale",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "yaxis_multiplier": {
-                                        "default": 1,
-                                        "description": "The multiplication factor for the Y-axis (vertical)",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "ylabel": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "The label of the Y-axis (vertical)",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "dataformat": "plot/bar/1",
-                        "uses": {
-                                "baselib": "plot/baselib/1"
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "ROC/DET plotter following the ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006(E) standard",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "axis-fontsize": {
-                                        "default": 10,
-                                        "description": "Controls the axis font size (labels and values)",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "content_type": {
-                                        "choice": [
-                                                "image/png",
-                                                "image/jpeg",
-                                                "application/pdf"
-                                        ],
-                                        "default": "image/png",
-                                        "description": "The type of image returned",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "det": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If set, plot a DET curve instead of a ROC",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "dpi": {
-                                        "default": 60,
-                                        "description": "Dots-per-inch in raster image formats",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "grid": {
-                                        "default": true,
-                                        "description": "If we should draw grid lines or not for the plot",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "height": {
-                                        "default": 300,
-                                        "description": "Height of the resulting image in pixels",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "legend": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "Short description of the data, to be added to the plot",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "legend-fontsize": {
-                                        "default": 12,
-                                        "description": "Controls the font size of the legend",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "legend-loc": {
-                                        "default": "best",
-                                        "description": "The location of the legend",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "line_attributes": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "Scatter/Line attributes passed directly to Matplotlib",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "title": {
-                                        "default": "ISO/IEC 19795-1:2006(E) ROC",
-                                        "description": "The title for this plot",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "title-fontsize": {
-                                        "default": 10,
-                                        "description": "Controls the title font size",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "width": {
-                                        "default": 400,
-                                        "description": "Width of the resulting image in pixels",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "xaxis_log": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If X-axis (horizontal) should be in log-scale",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "xaxis_multiplier": {
-                                        "default": "100.0",
-                                        "description": "The multiplication factor for the X-axis (horizontal)",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "xlabel": {
-                                        "default": "False Positives (False Match Rate), in %",
-                                        "description": "The label of the X-axis (horizontal)",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "xlim-left": {
-                                        "default": "0.0",
-                                        "description": "",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "xlim-right": {
-                                        "default": "100.0",
-                                        "description": "",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "yaxis_log": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If Y-axis (vertical) should be in log-scale",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "yaxis_multiplier": {
-                                        "default": "100.0",
-                                        "description": "The multiplication factor for the Y-axis (vertical)",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "ylabel": {
-                                        "default": "True Positives (1 - False Non-Match Rate), in %",
-                                        "description": "The label of the Y-axis (vertical)",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "ylim-bottom": {
-                                        "default": "0.0",
-                                        "description": "",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "ylim-top": {
-                                        "default": "100.0",
-                                        "description": "",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "dataformat": "plot/isoroc/1",
-                        "uses": {
-                                "baselib": "plot/baselib/1"
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "plot/scatter/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "description": "Basic scatter plotter for simple lines",
-                        "language": "python",
-                        "parameters": {
-                                "content_type": {
-                                        "choice": [
-                                                "image/png",
-                                                "image/jpeg",
-                                                "application/pdf"
-                                ],
-                                "default": "image/png",
-                                "description": "The type of image returned",
-                                "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "dpi": {
-                                        "default": 60,
-                                        "description": "Dots-per-inch in raster image formats",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "grid": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If we should draw grid lines or not for the plot",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "height": {
-                                        "default": 300,
-                                        "description": "Height of the resulting image in pixels",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "legend": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "Short description of the data, to be added to the plot",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "line_attributes": {
-                                        "default": "",
-                                        "description": "Scatter/Line attributes passed directly to Matplotlib",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "title": {
-                                        "default": "Scatter plot",
-                                        "description": "The title for this plot",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "width": {
-                                        "default": 400,
-                                        "description": "Width of the resulting image in pixels",
-                                        "type": "uint16"
-                                },
-                                "xaxis_log": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If X-axis (horizontal) should be in log-scale",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "xaxis_multiplier": {
-                                        "default": "1.0",
-                                        "description": "The multiplication factor for the X-axis (horizontal)",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "xlabel": {
-                                        "default": "X",
-                                        "description": "The label of the X-axis (horizontal)",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                },
-                                "yaxis_log": {
-                                        "default": false,
-                                        "description": "If Y-axis (vertical) should be in log-scale",
-                                        "type": "bool"
-                                },
-                                "yaxis_multiplier": {
-                                        "default": "1.0",
-                                        "description": "The multiplication factor for the Y-axis (vertical)",
-                                        "type": "float64"
-                                },
-                                "ylabel": {
-                                        "default": "Y",
-                                        "description": "The label of the Y-axis (vertical)",
-                                        "type": "string"
-                                }
-                        },
-                        "dataformat": "plot/scatter/1",
-                        "uses": {
-                                "baselib": "plot/baselib/1"
-                        }
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/test/test_tcs.json b/conda/js/test/test_tcs.json
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--- a/conda/js/test/test_tcs.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2934 +0,0 @@
-        {
-                "name": "test/iris_advanced/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "analyzers": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "scores",
-                                                "species"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "analyzer",
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "testing_data"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "blocks": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "measurements",
-                                                "species"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "training_alg",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "lda_machine"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "training_data"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "lda_machine",
-                                                "measurements"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "testing_alg",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "scores"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "testing_data"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "measurements"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "pre_training",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "measurements"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "training_data"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "measurements"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "pre_testing",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "measurements"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "testing_data"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "connections": [
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "testing_data",
-                                        "from": "testing_alg.scores",
-                                        "to": "analyzer.scores"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "training_data",
-                                        "from": "training_alg.lda_machine",
-                                        "to": "testing_alg.lda_machine"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "testing_data",
-                                        "from": "testing_data.species",
-                                        "to": "analyzer.species"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "training_data",
-                                        "from": "training_data.species",
-                                        "to": "training_alg.species"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "training_data",
-                                        "from": "training_data.measurements",
-                                        "to": "pre_training.measurements"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "training_data",
-                                        "from": "pre_training.measurements",
-                                        "to": "training_alg.measurements"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "testing_data",
-                                        "from": "testing_data.measurements",
-                                        "to": "pre_testing.measurements"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "channel": "testing_data",
-                                        "from": "pre_testing.measurements",
-                                        "to": "testing_alg.measurements"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "datasets": [
-                                {
-                                        "name": "training_data",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "measurements",
-                                                "species"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "name": "testing_data",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "measurements",
-                                                "species"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "",
-                        "representation": {
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "analyzer": {
-                                                "col": 59,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 6,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        },
-                                        "pre_testing": {
-                                                "col": 19,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 5,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        },
-                                        "pre_training": {
-                                                "col": 19,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        },
-                                        "testing_alg": {
-                                                "col": 46,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 5,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        },
-                                        "testing_data": {
-                                                "col": 6,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 6,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        },
-                                        "training_alg": {
-                                                "col": 32,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 1,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        },
-                                        "training_data": {
-                                                "col": 6,
-                                                "height": 3,
-                                                "row": 1,
-                                                "width": 10
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "testing_data": "#ff00ff",
-                                        "training_data": "#00ff00"
-                                },
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "pre_testing.measurements/testing_alg.measurements": [],
-                                        "pre_training.measurements/training_alg.measurements": [],
-                                        "testing_alg.scores/analyzer.scores": [],
-                                        "testing_data.measurements/pre_testing.measurements": [],
-                                        "testing_data.species/analyzer.species": [],
-                                        "training_alg.lda_machine/testing_alg.lda_machine": [],
-                                        "training_data.measurements/pre_training.measurements": [],
-                                        "training_data.species/training_alg.species": []
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "tutorial/eigenface/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "datasets": [
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "template_id",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "image"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "probe_id",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "template_ids",
-                                                "image"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "probes"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "blocks": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "train",
-                                        "name": "linear_machine_training",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "subspace"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "template_id",
-                                                "subspace"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "templates",
-                                        "name": "template_builder",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "projections"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "probe_id",
-                                                "subspace"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "probes",
-                                        "name": "probe_builder",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "projections"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "templates_client_id",
-                                                "templates_template_id",
-                                                "template_builder_projections",
-                                                "probes_client_id",
-                                                "probes_probe_id",
-                                                "probe_builder_projections",
-                                                "probes_template_ids"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "probes",
-                                        "name": "scoring",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "scores"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Simple Face Recognition toolchain for EigenFaces",
-                        "analyzers": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "scores"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "probes",
-                                        "name": "analysis"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "connections": [
-                                {
-                                        "to": "linear_machine_training.image",
-                                        "from": "train.image",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder.image",
-                                        "from": "templates.image",
-                                        "channel": "templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder.template_id",
-                                        "from": "templates.template_id",
-                                        "channel": "templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder.subspace",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder.image",
-                                        "from": "probes.image",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder.probe_id",
-                                        "from": "probes.probe_id",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder.subspace",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.templates_client_id",
-                                        "from": "templates.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.templates_template_id",
-                                        "from": "templates.template_id",
-                                        "channel": "templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.template_builder_projections",
-                                        "from": "template_builder.projections",
-                                        "channel": "templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.probes_client_id",
-                                        "from": "probes.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.probes_probe_id",
-                                        "from": "probes.probe_id",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.probe_builder_projections",
-                                        "from": "probe_builder.projections",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring.probes_template_ids",
-                                        "from": "probes.template_ids",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "analysis.scores",
-                                        "from": "scoring.scores",
-                                        "channel": "probes"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "representation": {
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "templates.template_id/template_builder.template_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 10
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 10
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 10
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "templates.template_id/scoring.templates_template_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probes.client_id/scoring.probes_client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 20
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 20
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 20,
-                                                        "row": 20
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 20,
-                                                        "row": 16
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 16
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 16
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "templates.client_id/scoring.templates_client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 8
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 8
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 8
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probes.image/probe_builder.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probes.probe_id/scoring.probes_probe_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 17
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 17
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 17
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "train.image/linear_machine_training.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 8,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 9,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "templates.image/template_builder.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probe_builder.projections/scoring.probe_builder_projections": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 31,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 31,
-                                                        "row": 18
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 18
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 18
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "scoring.scores/analysis.scores": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 40,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 41,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 42,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probes.probe_id/probe_builder.probe_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "template_builder.projections/scoring.template_builder_projections": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 32,
-                                                        "row": 9
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 32,
-                                                        "row": 15
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 15
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 15
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace/probe_builder.subspace": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probes.template_ids/scoring.probes_template_ids": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace/template_builder.subspace": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 3
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "templates": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 5,
-                                                "col": 0,
-                                                "height": 5
-                                        },
-                                        "scoring": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 11,
-                                                "col": 34,
-                                                "height": 9
-                                        },
-                                        "template_builder": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 7,
-                                                "col": 22,
-                                                "height": 5
-                                        },
-                                        "linear_machine_training": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 1,
-                                                "col": 9,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "analysis": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 11,
-                                                "col": 43,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "probe_builder": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 20,
-                                                "col": 22,
-                                                "height": 5
-                                        },
-                                        "train": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 1,
-                                                "col": 0,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "probes": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 17,
-                                                "col": 0,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "templates": "#6AA84F",
-                                        "train": "#0000FF",
-                                        "probes": "#CC0000"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/double/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "datasets": [
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "set"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "blocks": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "echo1",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "echo2",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Double integer echoing from a single database channel",
-                        "analyzers": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "analysis"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "connections": [
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo1.in",
-                                        "from": "set.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo2.in",
-                                        "from": "echo1.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "analysis.in",
-                                        "from": "echo2.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "representation": {
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "set.out/echo1.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 4,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "echo2.out/analysis.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 23,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 24,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 25,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "echo1.out/echo2.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 14,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "set": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": -1,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "echo2": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": 16,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "analysis": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": 25,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "echo1": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": 7,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "set": "#0000FF"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/fisherface/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "datasets": [
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "template_id",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "probe_id",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "template_ids",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "template_id",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "probe_id",
-                                                "client_id",
-                                                "template_ids",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "test_probes"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "blocks": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "train",
-                                        "name": "cropping_rgb_ubm",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image_gray"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "dev_templates",
-                                        "name": "cropping_rgb_template_dev",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image_gray"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "dev_probes",
-                                        "name": "cropping_rgb_probe_dev",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image_gray"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "test_templates",
-                                        "name": "cropping_rgb_template_test",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image_gray"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image",
-                                                "eye_centers"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "test_probes",
-                                        "name": "cropping_rgb_probe_test",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "image_gray"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image_gray",
-                                                "client_id"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "train",
-                                        "name": "linear_machine_training",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "subspace_pca",
-                                                "subspace_lda"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image_gray",
-                                                "template_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca",
-                                                "subspace_lda"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "dev_templates",
-                                        "name": "template_builder_dev",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "projections"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image_gray",
-                                                "probe_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca",
-                                                "subspace_lda"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "dev_probes",
-                                        "name": "probe_builder_dev",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "projections"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "dev_templates_client_id",
-                                                "dev_templates_template_id",
-                                                "template_builder_dev_projections",
-                                                "dev_probes_client_id",
-                                                "dev_probes_probe_id",
-                                                "probe_builder_dev_projections",
-                                                "dev_probes_template_ids"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "dev_probes",
-                                        "name": "scoring_dev",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "scores"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image_gray",
-                                                "template_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca",
-                                                "subspace_lda"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "test_templates",
-                                        "name": "template_builder_test",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "projections"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "image_gray",
-                                                "probe_id",
-                                                "subspace_pca",
-                                                "subspace_lda"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "test_probes",
-                                        "name": "probe_builder_test",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "projections"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "test_templates_client_id",
-                                                "test_templates_template_id",
-                                                "template_builder_test_projections",
-                                                "test_probes_client_id",
-                                                "test_probes_probe_id",
-                                                "probe_builder_test_projections",
-                                                "test_probes_template_ids"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "test_probes",
-                                        "name": "scoring_test",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "scores"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Fisher-faces for Face Recognition",
-                        "analyzers": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "scoring_dev_scores",
-                                                "scoring_test_scores"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "test_probes",
-                                        "name": "analysis"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "connections": [
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_ubm.image",
-                                        "from": "train.image",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_ubm.eye_centers",
-                                        "from": "train.eye_centers",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_template_dev.image",
-                                        "from": "dev_templates.image",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_template_dev.eye_centers",
-                                        "from": "dev_templates.eye_centers",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_probe_dev.image",
-                                        "from": "dev_probes.image",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_probe_dev.eye_centers",
-                                        "from": "dev_probes.eye_centers",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_template_test.image",
-                                        "from": "test_templates.image",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_template_test.eye_centers",
-                                        "from": "test_templates.eye_centers",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_probe_test.image",
-                                        "from": "test_probes.image",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "cropping_rgb_probe_test.eye_centers",
-                                        "from": "test_probes.eye_centers",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "linear_machine_training.image_gray",
-                                        "from": "cropping_rgb_ubm.image_gray",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "linear_machine_training.client_id",
-                                        "from": "train.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_dev.image_gray",
-                                        "from": "cropping_rgb_template_dev.image_gray",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_dev.template_id",
-                                        "from": "dev_templates.template_id",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_dev.subspace_pca",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_dev.subspace_lda",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_dev.image_gray",
-                                        "from": "cropping_rgb_probe_dev.image_gray",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_dev.probe_id",
-                                        "from": "dev_probes.probe_id",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_dev.subspace_pca",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_dev.subspace_lda",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.dev_templates_client_id",
-                                        "from": "dev_templates.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.dev_templates_template_id",
-                                        "from": "dev_templates.template_id",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.template_builder_dev_projections",
-                                        "from": "template_builder_dev.projections",
-                                        "channel": "dev_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.dev_probes_client_id",
-                                        "from": "dev_probes.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.dev_probes_probe_id",
-                                        "from": "dev_probes.probe_id",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.probe_builder_dev_projections",
-                                        "from": "probe_builder_dev.projections",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_dev.dev_probes_template_ids",
-                                        "from": "dev_probes.template_ids",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_test.image_gray",
-                                        "from": "cropping_rgb_template_test.image_gray",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_test.template_id",
-                                        "from": "test_templates.template_id",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_test.subspace_pca",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "template_builder_test.subspace_lda",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_test.image_gray",
-                                        "from": "cropping_rgb_probe_test.image_gray",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_test.probe_id",
-                                        "from": "test_probes.probe_id",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_test.subspace_pca",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "probe_builder_test.subspace_lda",
-                                        "from": "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda",
-                                        "channel": "train"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.test_templates_client_id",
-                                        "from": "test_templates.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.test_templates_template_id",
-                                        "from": "test_templates.template_id",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.template_builder_test_projections",
-                                        "from": "template_builder_test.projections",
-                                        "channel": "test_templates"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.test_probes_client_id",
-                                        "from": "test_probes.client_id",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.test_probes_probe_id",
-                                        "from": "test_probes.probe_id",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.probe_builder_test_projections",
-                                        "from": "probe_builder_test.projections",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "scoring_test.test_probes_template_ids",
-                                        "from": "test_probes.template_ids",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "analysis.scoring_dev_scores",
-                                        "from": "scoring_dev.scores",
-                                        "channel": "dev_probes"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "analysis.scoring_test_scores",
-                                        "from": "scoring_test.scores",
-                                        "channel": "test_probes"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "representation": {
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "dev_probes.image/cropping_rgb_probe_dev.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 44,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_templates.eye_centers/cropping_rgb_template_dev.eye_centers": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 16
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 16
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 16
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 12
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 12
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 20,
-                                                        "row": 12
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "train.eye_centers/cropping_rgb_ubm.eye_centers": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 8
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 8
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 9,
-                                                        "row": 8
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 9,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 11,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "train.image/cropping_rgb_ubm.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 6
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 6
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 8,
-                                                        "row": 6
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 8,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 11,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_probes.eye_centers/cropping_rgb_probe_test.eye_centers": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 42
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 42
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 42
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 50
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 18,
-                                                        "row": 50
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 50
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_templates.eye_centers/cropping_rgb_template_test.eye_centers": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 33
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 33
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 33
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 18,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_probes.probe_id/probe_builder_dev.probe_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 57,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 58,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "scoring_test.scores/analysis.scoring_test_scores": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 75,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 76,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 78,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 78,
-                                                        "row": 37
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 80,
-                                                        "row": 37
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 81,
-                                                        "row": 37
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "cropping_rgb_ubm.image_gray/linear_machine_training.image_gray": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 18,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_templates.client_id/scoring_dev.dev_templates_client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 15
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 15
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 15
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 26
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 26
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 26
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda/template_builder_test.subspace_lda": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 35,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 35,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 38,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 39,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_templates.client_id/scoring_test.test_templates_client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 32
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 32
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 32
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_probes.template_ids/scoring_test.test_probes_template_ids": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 41
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 41
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 46
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 46
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 46
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_probes.probe_id/probe_builder_test.probe_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 39
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 39
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 39
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 50
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 47,
-                                                        "row": 50
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 48,
-                                                        "row": 50
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_templates.image/cropping_rgb_template_test.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 30
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 30
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 30
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 18,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "template_builder_test.projections/scoring_test.template_builder_test_projections": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 45,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 46,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 47,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 47,
-                                                        "row": 42
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 42
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 42
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_templates.template_id/scoring_test.test_templates_template_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 11,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 11,
-                                                        "row": 41
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 41
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 41
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca/template_builder_dev.subspace_pca": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 39,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 39,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 44,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "cropping_rgb_template_test.image_gray/template_builder_test.image_gray": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 24,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 25,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 38,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 39,
-                                                        "row": 35
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probe_builder_dev.projections/scoring_dev.probe_builder_dev_projections": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 64,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 65,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 66,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 66,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "train.client_id/linear_machine_training.client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 20,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 20,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_probes.client_id/scoring_dev.dev_probes_client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 29
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 29
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 29
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "probe_builder_test.projections/scoring_test.probe_builder_test_projections": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 54,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 55,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 57,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 57,
-                                                        "row": 45
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 45
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 45
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_probes.client_id/scoring_test.test_probes_client_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 9,
-                                                        "row": 40
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 9,
-                                                        "row": 43
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 43
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 43
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca/probe_builder_test.subspace_pca": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 36,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 36,
-                                                        "row": 51
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 47,
-                                                        "row": 51
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 48,
-                                                        "row": 51
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_probes.eye_centers/cropping_rgb_probe_dev.eye_centers": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 25
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 25
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 30,
-                                                        "row": 25
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 30,
-                                                        "row": 20
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 20
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 44,
-                                                        "row": 20
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca/probe_builder_dev.subspace_pca": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 38,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 38,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 57,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 58,
-                                                        "row": 23
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_templates.template_id/template_builder_test.template_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 31
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 27,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 27,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 38,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 39,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_probes.image/cropping_rgb_probe_test.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 10,
-                                                        "row": 38
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 10,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 18,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda/probe_builder_dev.subspace_lda": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 32,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 32,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 57,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 58,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "test_probes.probe_id/scoring_test.test_probes_probe_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 39
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 39
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 8,
-                                                        "row": 39
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 8,
-                                                        "row": 44
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 44
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 44
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_templates.image/cropping_rgb_template_dev.image": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 11,
-                                                        "row": 13
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 11,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 19,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 20,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "scoring_dev.scores/analysis.scoring_dev_scores": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 75,
-                                                        "row": 26
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 76,
-                                                        "row": 26
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 78,
-                                                        "row": 26
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 78,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 80,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 81,
-                                                        "row": 36
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda/template_builder_dev.subspace_lda": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 34,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 44,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_templates.template_id/template_builder_dev.template_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 12
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 12
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 44,
-                                                        "row": 12
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_lda/probe_builder_test.subspace_lda": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 33,
-                                                        "row": 52
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 47,
-                                                        "row": 52
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 48,
-                                                        "row": 52
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_probes.probe_id/scoring_dev.dev_probes_probe_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 55,
-                                                        "row": 22
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 55,
-                                                        "row": 30
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 30
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 30
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "template_builder_dev.projections/scoring_dev.template_builder_dev_projections": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 50,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 51,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 53,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 53,
-                                                        "row": 28
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 28
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 28
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "cropping_rgb_probe_test.image_gray/probe_builder_test.image_gray": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 25,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 26,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 47,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 48,
-                                                        "row": 49
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_templates.template_id/scoring_dev.dev_templates_template_id": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 14
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 17,
-                                                        "row": 27
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 27
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 27
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "cropping_rgb_probe_dev.image_gray/probe_builder_dev.image_gray": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 50,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 51,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 52,
-                                                        "row": 19
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 52,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 57,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 58,
-                                                        "row": 21
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "linear_machine_training.subspace_pca/template_builder_test.subspace_pca": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 28,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 29,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 37,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 37,
-                                                        "row": 37
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 38,
-                                                        "row": 37
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 39,
-                                                        "row": 37
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "dev_probes.template_ids/scoring_dev.dev_probes_template_ids": [
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-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 7,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 24
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 21,
-                                                        "row": 32
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 68,
-                                                        "row": 32
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 69,
-                                                        "row": 32
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "cropping_rgb_template_dev.image_gray/template_builder_dev.image_gray": [
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-                                                        "col": 26,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 27,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 43,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 44,
-                                                        "row": 11
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "template_builder_test": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 33,
-                                                "col": 39,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        },
-                                        "scoring_test": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 38,
-                                                "col": 69,
-                                                "height": 9
-                                        },
-                                        "dev_templates": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 11,
-                                                "col": 1,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        },
-                                        "linear_machine_training": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 2,
-                                                "col": 22,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "template_builder_dev": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 9,
-                                                "col": 44,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        },
-                                        "dev_probes": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 19,
-                                                "col": 1,
-                                                "height": 7
-                                        },
-                                        "analysis": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 34,
-                                                "col": 81,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "test_probes": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 36,
-                                                "col": 1,
-                                                "height": 7
-                                        },
-                                        "cropping_rgb_ubm": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 2,
-                                                "col": 12,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "train": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 4,
-                                                "col": 1,
-                                                "height": 5
-                                        },
-                                        "cropping_rgb_probe_test": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 47,
-                                                "col": 19,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "probe_builder_test": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 47,
-                                                "col": 48,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        },
-                                        "cropping_rgb_template_test": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 33,
-                                                "col": 18,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "cropping_rgb_probe_dev": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 17,
-                                                "col": 44,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "scoring_dev": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 24,
-                                                "col": 69,
-                                                "height": 9
-                                        },
-                                        "test_templates": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 28,
-                                                "col": 1,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        },
-                                        "cropping_rgb_template_dev": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 9,
-                                                "col": 20,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        },
-                                        "probe_builder_dev": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 19,
-                                                "col": 58,
-                                                "height": 6
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "dev_probes": "#ff0000",
-                                        "test_templates": "#9900ff",
-                                        "train": "#0000FF",
-                                        "dev_templates": "#00ff00",
-                                        "test_probes": "#7F6000"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/single/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "datasets": [
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "set"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "blocks": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "echo",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "Single integer echoing on a single channel",
-                        "analyzers": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "analysis"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "connections": [
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo.in",
-                                        "from": "set.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "analysis.in",
-                                        "from": "echo.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "representation": {
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "echo.out/analysis.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 14,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "set.out/echo.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 4,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "set": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": -1,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "analysis": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": 14,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "echo": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": 6,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "set": "#0000FF"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        },
-        {
-                "name": "user/triangle/1",
-                "contents": {
-                        "datasets": [
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "set"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ],
-                                        "name": "set2"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "blocks": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "echo1",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set2",
-                                        "name": "echo2",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in",
-                                                "in2"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "echo3",
-                                        "outputs": [
-                                                "out"
-                                        ]
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "description": "A single intersection of two de-synchronized channels",
-                        "analyzers": [
-                                {
-                                        "inputs": [
-                                                "in"
-                                        ],
-                                        "synchronized_channel": "set",
-                                        "name": "analysis"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "connections": [
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo1.in",
-                                        "from": "set.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo2.in",
-                                        "from": "set2.out",
-                                        "channel": "set2"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo3.in",
-                                        "from": "echo1.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "echo3.in2",
-                                        "from": "echo2.out",
-                                        "channel": "set2"
-                                },
-                                {
-                                        "to": "analysis.in",
-                                        "from": "echo3.out",
-                                        "channel": "set"
-                                }
-                        ],
-                        "representation": {
-                                "connections": {
-                                        "set.out/echo1.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 4,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "set2.out/echo2.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 4,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 5,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 6,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "echo1.out/echo3.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 14,
-                                                        "row": 2
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 14,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "echo2.out/echo3.in2": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 12,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 13,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 14,
-                                                        "row": 7
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 14,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 15,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 16,
-                                                        "row": 5
-                                                }
-                                        ],
-                                        "echo3.out/analysis.in": [
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 22,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 23,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 24,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                },
-                                                {
-                                                        "col": 25,
-                                                        "row": 4
-                                                }
-                                        ]
-                                },
-                                "blocks": {
-                                        "set": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": -1,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "set2": {
-                                                "width": 5,
-                                                "row": 5,
-                                                "col": -1,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "analysis": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 2,
-                                                "col": 25,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "echo1": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 0,
-                                                "col": 6,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "echo2": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 5,
-                                                "col": 6,
-                                                "height": 3
-                                        },
-                                        "echo3": {
-                                                "width": 6,
-                                                "row": 2,
-                                                "col": 16,
-                                                "height": 4
-                                        }
-                                },
-                                "channel_colors": {
-                                        "set": "#0000FF",
-                                        "set2": "#6AA84F"
-                                }
-                        }
-                }
-        }
diff --git a/conda/js/webpack.config.js b/conda/js/webpack.config.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 391ad8e8d7eae8773a4ae4f38463bb410b48d7cd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/conda/js/webpack.config.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-const { resolve } = require('path');
-var webpack = require('webpack')
-const VisualizerPlugin = require('webpack-visualizer-plugin');
-const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
-const TerserPlugin = require('terser-webpack-plugin')
-const dist = resolve(__dirname, '../../beat/editor/js');
-const isExternal = (module) => module.context && module.context.indexOf('node_modules') === -1;
-module.exports = {
-	entry: {
-		main: [
-			'react-hot-loader/patch',
-			// all our code starts here
-			'./main.jsx',
-		]
-	},
-	mode: 'development',
-	devtool: 'inline-source-map',
-	output: {
-		// use [name] for sanity checks & debugging
-		filename: '[name].js',
-		// output in './dist/'
-		path: dist,
-		publicPath: '/',
-		globalObject: 'this',
-	},
-	module: {
-		rules: [
-			// load our js files with babel-loader
-			{
-				test: /\.js(x)?$/,
-				loader: 'babel-loader',
-				// js deps shouldnt need any loaders
-				exclude: /node_modules/
-			},
-			// web/shared worker files
-			{
-				test: /\.worker\.js$/,
-				use: [
-					'worker-loader',
-					'babel-loader',
-				]
-			},
-			// load css with:
-			{
-				test: /\.css$/,
-				use: [
-					// style-loader -> pulls in the file initially
-					'style-loader',
-					// css-loader -> handles css
-					'css-loader',
-					// postcss-loader -> postprocess css (like babel for css)
-					'postcss-loader'
-				],
-				exclude: /node_modules/,
-			},
-			{
-				test: /\.css$/,
-				use: [
-					// style-loader -> pulls in the file initially
-					'style-loader',
-					// css-loader -> handles css
-					'css-loader',
-				],
-				include: /node_modules/,
-			},
-			// files should be handled by file-loader
-			{
-				test: /\.(png|jpeg(2)?|gif)(\?[a-z0-9]+)?$/,
-				loader: 'file-loader'
-			},
-			// fonts should be handled by file-loader but with special output format
-			{
-				test: /\.(ttf|otf|eot|woff(2)?)(\?[a-z0-9]+)?$/,
-				loader: 'file-loader?name=fonts/[name].[ext]?[hash]'
-			},
-			// special loader for svg
-			{
-				test: /\.(svg)(\?[a-z0-9]+)?$/,
-				loader: 'svg-inline-loader'
-			}
-		]
-	},
-	resolve: {
-		extensions: [
-			'.js', '.jsx'
-		],
-		alias: {
-			// icons
-			/*
-			'icon': resolve(__dirname, './node_modules/feather-icons/dist/icons'),
-			*/
-			'@store': resolve(__dirname, './src/store'),
-			'@helpers': resolve(__dirname, './src/helpers'),
-			'@test': resolve(__dirname, './test'),
-		}
-	},
-	devServer: {
-	},
-	plugins: [
-		//uses the index.ejs template to generate dynamic html pages based on hashes
-		new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
-			alwaysWriteToDisk: true,
-			template: 'index.html'
-		}),
-		/*******************
-		 *******************/
-		//generate a little viz for insight into bundle contents/sizes
-		new VisualizerPlugin()
-	]
-if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'debug'){
-	// setup the devserver
-	module.exports.devServer = {
-		// use the history api if necessary
-		historyApiFallback: true,
-		// serve the content in the output path
-		contentBase: dist,
-		port: 9101
-	}
-if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test'){
-	// when testing with karma, almost all plugins are useless
-	module.exports.plugins = [
-		new webpack.NamedModulesPlugin()
-	];
-	// make sure to use fancy sourcemaps
-	module.devtool = 'inline-source-map'
-// PROD
-// TODO: pull out into different webpack config
-if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
-	module.mode = 'production';
-	module.exports.output.publicPath = './';
-	module.exports.plugins = [
-		// make sure the env is the string 'production'
-		new webpack.DefinePlugin({
-			'process.env': {
-				// need the nested quotes!
-				NODE_ENV: '"production"'
-			}
-		}),
-	].concat(module.exports.plugins);
-	module.exports.optimization = {
-		minimizer: [new TerserPlugin()]
-	};