diff --git a/beat/core/agent.py b/beat/core/agent.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 30bba1be928eb405ac05a6e827343f0ae2ef6921..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/beat/core/agent.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
-#                                                                             #
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/           #
-# Contact: beat.support@idiap.ch                                              #
-#                                                                             #
-# This file is part of the beat.core module of the BEAT platform.             #
-#                                                                             #
-# Commercial License Usage                                                    #
-# Licensees holding valid commercial BEAT licenses may use this file in       #
-# accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you      #
-# and Idiap. For further information contact tto@idiap.ch                     #
-#                                                                             #
-# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero      #
-# Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software and appearing    #
-# in the file LICENSE.AGPL included in the packaging of this file.            #
-# The BEAT platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but    #
-# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY  #
-# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                        #
-#                                                                             #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License along      #
-# with the BEAT platform. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.           #
-#                                                                             #
-import os
-import shutil
-import simplejson
-import glob
-import logging
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import gevent
-import zmq.green as zmq
-import requests
-from gevent import monkey
-from . import utils
-from . import dock
-from . import baseformat
-from beat.backend.python.message_handler import MessageHandler
-class Server(MessageHandler):
-  '''A 0MQ server for our communication with the user process'''
-  def __init__(self, input_list, output_list, host_address):
-    # Starts our 0MQ server
-    self.context = zmq.Context()
-    self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PAIR)
-    self.address = 'tcp://' + host_address
-    port = self.socket.bind_to_random_port(self.address, min_port=50000)
-    self.address += ':%d' % port
-    logger.debug("zmq server bound to `%s'", self.address)
-    super(Server, self).__init__(input_list, self.context, self.socket)
-    self.output_list = output_list
-    # implementations
-    self.callbacks.update(dict(
-      wrt = self.write,
-      idm = self.is_data_missing,
-      oic = self.output_is_connected,
-    ))
-  def destroy(self):
-    self.context.destroy()
-  def __str__(self):
-    return 'Server(%s)' % self.address
-  def _get_output_candidate(self, name):
-    retval = self.output_list[name]
-    if retval is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not find output `%s'" % name)
-    return retval
-  def write(self, name, packed):
-    """Syntax: wrt output data"""
-    logger.debug('recv: wrt %s <bin> (size=%d)', name, len(packed))
-    # Get output object
-    output_candidate = self._get_output_candidate(name)
-    if output_candidate is None:
-      raise RuntimeError("Could not find output `%s' to write to" % name)
-    data = output_candidate.data_sink.dataformat.type()
-    data.unpack(packed)
-    output_candidate.write(data)
-    logger.debug('send: ack')
-    self.socket.send('ack')
-  def is_data_missing(self, name):
-    """Syntax: idm output"""
-    logger.debug('recv: idm %s', name)
-    output_candidate = self._get_output_candidate(name)
-    what = 'tru' if output_candidate.isDataMissing() else 'fal'
-    logger.debug('send: %s', what)
-    self.socket.send(what)
-  def output_is_connected(self, name):
-    """Syntax: oic output"""
-    logger.debug('recv: oic %s', name)
-    output_candidate = self._get_output_candidate(name)
-    what = 'tru' if output_candidate.isConnected() else 'fal'
-    logger.debug('send: %s', what)
-    self.socket.send(what)
-class Agent(object):
-  '''Handles synchronous commands.
-  We use the greenlets for this implementation. Objects of this class are in
-  charge of three separate tasks:
-  1. Handling the execution of the user process (in a docker container)
-  3. Implementing a pipe-based API for I/O that the user process can query
-  Parameters:
-    virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, optional): The amount of virtual memory
-      (in Megabytes) available for the job. If set to zero, no limit will be
-      applied.
-    max_cpu_percent (int): The maximum amount of CPU usage allowed in a system.
-      This number must be an integer number between 0 and
-      ``100*number_of_cores`` in your system. For instance, if your system has
-      2 cores, this number can go between 0 and 200. If it is <= 0, then we
-      don't track CPU usage.
-  '''
-  def __init__(self, virtual_memory_in_megabytes, max_cpu_percent):
-    self.virtual_memory_in_megabytes = virtual_memory_in_megabytes
-    self.max_cpu_percent = max_cpu_percent
-    self.tempdir = None
-    self.db_tempdir = None
-    self.process = None
-    self.db_process = None
-    self.server = None
-  def __enter__(self):
-    '''Start of context manager'''
-    logger.debug("Entering processing context...")
-    # Creates a temporary directory for the user process
-    self.tempdir = utils.temporary_directory()
-    logger.debug("Created temporary directory `%s'", self.tempdir)
-    self.db_tempdir = utils.temporary_directory()
-    logger.debug("Created temporary directory `%s'", self.db_tempdir)
-    self.process = None
-    self.db_process = None
-    return self
-  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
-    if self.tempdir is not None and os.path.exists(self.tempdir):
-      shutil.rmtree(self.tempdir)
-      self.tempdir = None
-    if self.db_tempdir is not None and os.path.exists(self.db_tempdir):
-      shutil.rmtree(self.db_tempdir)
-      self.db_tempdir = None
-    self.process = None
-    self.db_process = None
-    logger.debug("Exiting processing context...")
-  def run(self, configuration, host, timeout_in_minutes=0, daemon=0, db_address=None):
-    """Runs the algorithm code
-    Parameters:
-      configuration (object): A *valid*, preloaded
-        :py:class:`beat.core.execution.DockerExecutor` object.
-      host (:py:class:Host): A configured docker host that will execute the
-        user process. If the host does not have access to the required
-        environment, an exception will be raised.
-      timeout_in_minutes (int): The number of minutes to wait for the user
-        process to execute. After this amount of time, the user process is
-        killed with :py:attr:`signal.SIGKILL`. If set to zero, no timeout will
-        be applied.
-      daemon (int): If this variable is set, then we don't really start the
-        user process, but just kick out 0MQ server, print the command-line and
-        sleep for that many seconds. You're supposed to start the client by
-        hand then and debug it.
-    """
-    # Recursively copies configuration data to <tempdir>/prefix
-    configuration.dump_runner_configuration(self.tempdir)
-    if db_address is not None:
-      configuration.dump_databases_provider_configuration(self.db_tempdir)
-      # Modify the paths to the databases in the dumped configuration files
-      root_folder = os.path.join(self.db_tempdir, 'prefix', 'databases')
-      database_paths = {}
-      if not configuration.data.has_key('datasets_root_path'):
-        for db_name in configuration.databases.keys():
-          json_path = os.path.join(root_folder, db_name + '.json')
-          with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
-            db_data = simplejson.load(f)
-          database_paths[db_name] = db_data['root_folder']
-          db_data['root_folder'] = os.path.join('/databases', db_name)
-          with open(json_path, 'w') as f:
-            simplejson.dump(db_data, f, indent=4)
-    # Server for our single client
-    self.server = Server(configuration.input_list, configuration.output_list,
-        host.ip)
-    # Figures out the images to use
-    envkey = '%(name)s (%(version)s)' % configuration.data['environment']
-    if envkey not in host:
-      raise RuntimeError("Environment `%s' is not available on docker " \
-          "host `%s' - available environments are %s" % (envkey, host,
-            ", ".join(host.environments.keys())))
-    if db_address is not None:
-      try:
-        db_envkey = host.db2docker(database_paths.keys())
-      except:
-        raise RuntimeError("No environment found for the databases `%s' " \
-            "- available environments are %s" % (
-              ", ".join(database_paths.keys()),
-              ", ".join(host.db_environments.keys())))
-    # Launches the process (0MQ client)
-    tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(self.tempdir))
-    cmd = ['execute', self.server.address, tmp_dir]
-    if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: cmd.insert(1, '--debug')
-    if daemon > 0:
-      image = host.env2docker(envkey)
-      logger.debug("Daemon mode: start the user process with the following " \
-              "command: `docker run -ti %s %s'", image, ' '.join(cmd))
-      cmd = ['sleep', str(daemon)]
-      logger.debug("Daemon mode: sleeping for %d seconds", daemon)
-    else:
-      if db_address is not None:
-        tmp_dir = os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(self.db_tempdir))
-        db_cmd = ['databases_provider', db_address, tmp_dir]
-        volumes = {}
-        if not configuration.data.has_key('datasets_root_path'):
-          for db_name, db_path in database_paths.items():
-            volumes[db_path] = {
-              'bind': os.path.join('/databases', db_name),
-              'mode': 'ro',
-            }
-        else:
-          volumes[configuration.data['datasets_root_path']] = {
-            'bind': configuration.data['datasets_root_path'],
-            'mode': 'ro',
-          }
-        # Note: we only support one databases image loaded at the same time
-        self.db_process = dock.Popen(
-          host,
-          db_envkey,
-          command=db_cmd,
-          tmp_archive=self.db_tempdir,
-          volumes=volumes
-        )
-      volumes = {}
-      if not configuration.proxy_mode:
-        volumes[configuration.cache] = {
-          'bind': '/cache',
-          'mode': 'rw',
-        }
-        # for name, details in configuration.data['inputs'].items():
-        #   if 'database' in details:
-        #     continue
-        #
-        #   basename = os.path.join(configuration.cache, details['path'])
-        #   filenames = glob.glob(basename + '*.data')
-        #   filenames.extend(glob.glob(basename + '*.data.checksum'))
-        #   filenames.extend(glob.glob(basename + '*.data.index'))
-        #   filenames.extend(glob.glob(basename + '*.data.index.checksum'))
-        #
-        #   for filename in filenames:
-        #     volumes[filename] = {
-        #       'bind': os.path.join('/cache', filename.replace(configuration.cache + '/', '')),
-        #       'mode': 'ro',
-        #     }
-        #
-        # if 'result' in configuration.data:
-        #   outputs_config = {
-        #     'result': configuration.data['result']
-        #   }
-        # else:
-        #   outputs_config = configuration.data['outputs']
-        #
-        # for name, details in outputs_config.items():
-        #   basename = os.path.join(configuration.cache, details['path'])
-        #   dirname = os.path.dirname(basename)
-        #
-        #   volumes[dirname] = {
-        #     'bind': os.path.join('/cache', dirname.replace(configuration.cache + '/', '')),
-        #     'mode': 'rw',
-        #   }
-      self.process = dock.Popen(
-        host,
-        envkey,
-        command=cmd,
-        tmp_archive=self.tempdir,
-        virtual_memory_in_megabytes=self.virtual_memory_in_megabytes,
-        max_cpu_percent=self.max_cpu_percent,
-        volumes=volumes
-      )
-    # provide a tip on how to stop the test
-    if daemon > 0:
-      logger.debug("To stop the daemon, press CTRL-c or kill the user " \
-              "process with `docker kill %s`", self.process.pid)
-    # Serve asynchronously
-    self.server.set_process(self.process)
-    self.server.start()
-    timed_out = False
-    try:
-      timeout = (60*timeout_in_minutes) if timeout_in_minutes else None
-      status = self.process.wait(timeout)
-    except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
-      logger.warn("user process has timed out after %d minutes",
-              timeout_in_minutes)
-      self.process.kill()
-      status = self.process.wait()
-      if self.db_process is not None:
-        self.db_process.kill()
-        self.db_process.wait()
-      timed_out = True
-    except KeyboardInterrupt: #developer pushed CTRL-C
-      logger.info("stopping user process on CTRL-C console request")
-      self.process.kill()
-      status = self.process.wait()
-      if self.db_process is not None:
-        self.db_process.kill()
-        self.db_process.wait()
-    finally:
-      self.server.stop.set()
-    # Collects final information and returns to caller
-    process = self.process
-    self.process = None
-    retval = dict(
-        stdout = process.stdout,
-        stderr = process.stderr,
-        status = status,
-        timed_out = timed_out,
-        statistics = self.server.last_statistics,
-        system_error = self.server.system_error,
-        user_error = self.server.user_error,
-        )
-    process.rm()
-    if self.db_process is not None:
-      retval['stdout'] += '\n' + self.db_process.stdout
-      retval['stderr'] += '\n' + self.db_process.stderr
-      self.db_process.rm()
-      self.db_process = None
-    self.server.destroy()
-    self.server = None
-    return retval
-  def kill(self):
-    """Stops the user process by force - to be called from signal handlers"""
-    if self.server is not None:
-      self.server.kill()
diff --git a/beat/core/dock.py b/beat/core/dock.py
index fda2f2a6d51cfc12501c9f5819edb9e805f356bd..ca2245cf50ead548dd6d45fe216deb196a34f2af 100755
--- a/beat/core/dock.py
+++ b/beat/core/dock.py
@@ -292,6 +292,26 @@ class Host(object):
     return (environments, db_environments)
+  def create_archive(self, src):
+    c = six.moves.cStringIO()
+    with tarfile.open(mode='w', fileobj=c) as tar:
+      tar.add(src, arcname=os.path.basename(src))
+    return c.getvalue()
+  def put_archive(self, container, archive, dest='/tmp', chmod=None):
+    # Place the tarball into the container
+    logger.debug("[docker] archive -> %s@%s", container['Id'][:12], dest)
+    self.client.put_archive(container, dest, archive)
+    # (If necessary) Change permissions to access the path
+    if chmod is not None:
+      ex = self.client.exec_create(container, cmd=['chmod', '-R', chmod, dest])
+      output = self.client.exec_start(ex) # waits until it is executed
   def put_path(self, container, src, dest='/tmp', chmod=None):
     """Puts a given src path into a destination folder
@@ -322,24 +342,17 @@ class Host(object):
     # The docker API only accepts in-memory tar archives
-    c = six.moves.cStringIO()
-    with tarfile.open(mode='w', fileobj=c) as tar:
-      tar.add(src, arcname=os.path.basename(src))
-    archive = c.getvalue()
+    archive = self.create_archive(src)
     # Place the tarball into the container
-    path = os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src))
-    logger.debug("[docker] archive -> %s@%s", container['Id'][:12], dest)
-    self.client.put_archive(container, dest, archive)
-    if chmod is not None:
-      # Change permissions to access the path
-      ex = self.client.exec_create(container, cmd=['chmod', '-R', chmod, dest])
-      output = self.client.exec_start(ex) #waits until it is executed
+    self.put_archive(container, archive, dest='/tmp',
+                     # dest=os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(src)),
+                     chmod=chmod
+    )
-  def create_container(self, image, command, tmp_path=None, host_args=None,
-      **args):
+  def create_container(self, image, command, configuration_archive=None,
+                       configuration_path=None, host_args=None, **args):
     """Prepares the docker container for running the user code
@@ -350,8 +363,8 @@ class Host(object):
       command (list): A list of strings with the command to run inside the
-      tmp_path (str): A path with a file name or directory that will be
-        copied into the container (inside ``/tmp``), supposedly with
+      configuration_path (str): a path with a file name or directory that will
+        be copied into the container (inside ``/tmp``), supposedly with
         information that is used by the command.
       host_args (dict): A dictionary that will be transformed into a
@@ -397,12 +410,14 @@ class Host(object):
     args['host_config'] = self.client.create_host_config(**config_args)
     logger.debug("[docker] create_container %s %s", image, ' '.join(command))
-    container = self.client.create_container(image=image, command=command,
-        **args)
+    container = self.client.create_container(image=image, command=command, **args)
-    if tmp_path is not None:
-      self.put_path(container, tmp_path)
+    if configuration_archive is not None:
+      self.put_archive(container, configuration_archive)
+    if configuration_path is not None:
+      self.put_path(container, configuration_path)
     return container
@@ -495,7 +510,7 @@ class Popen:
-  def __init__(self, host, image, command, tmp_archive=None,
+  def __init__(self, host, image, command, configuration_archive=None,
       virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0, **args):
     self.host = host
@@ -546,7 +561,7 @@ class Popen:
     # creates the container
     self.container = self.host.create_container(image=image,
-        command=command, tmp_path=tmp_archive,
+        command=command, configuration_archive=configuration_archive,
         host_args=host_args, **args)
     # Starts the container
diff --git a/beat/core/execution/docker.py b/beat/core/execution/docker.py
index aef7c32e5688a84a1870a592b90865a9db5a1f39..549d9980b35461635dd5d9bd0da6025c3b43e4b6 100755
--- a/beat/core/execution/docker.py
+++ b/beat/core/execution/docker.py
@@ -29,14 +29,21 @@
 '''Execution utilities'''
 import os
-import sys
+import requests
+import simplejson
 import zmq.green as zmq
 import logging
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+from gevent import monkey
 from .. import stats
-from .. import agent
+from .. import message_handler
+from .. import utils
+from .. import dock
 from .base import BaseExecutor
@@ -149,6 +156,7 @@ class DockerExecutor(BaseExecutor):
     self.db_socket = None
     self.db_address = None
     self.proxy_mode = proxy_mode
+    self.message_handler = None
     # Check if the execution environment supports proxy_mode=False (if necessary)
     if not self.proxy_mode:
@@ -186,8 +194,6 @@ class DockerExecutor(BaseExecutor):
     super(DockerExecutor, self).__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
-    self.agent = None
     if self.context is not None:
       self.context = None
@@ -223,7 +229,7 @@ class DockerExecutor(BaseExecutor):
   def process(self, virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0, max_cpu_percent=0,
-              timeout_in_minutes=0, daemon=0):
+              timeout_in_minutes=0):
     """Executes the user algorithm code using an external program.
     The execution interface follows the backend API as described in our
@@ -259,11 +265,6 @@ class DockerExecutor(BaseExecutor):
         killed with :py:attr:`signal.SIGKILL`. If set to zero, no timeout will
         be applied.
-      daemon (int): If this variable is set, then we don't really start the
-        user process, but just kick out 0MQ server, print the command-line and
-        sleep for that many seconds. You're supposed to start the client by
-        hand then and debug it.
       dict: A dictionary which is JSON formattable containing the summary of
@@ -275,22 +276,190 @@ class DockerExecutor(BaseExecutor):
       raise RuntimeError("execution information is bogus:\n  * %s" % \
               '\n  * '.join(self.errors))
-    with agent.Agent(virtual_memory_in_megabytes, max_cpu_percent) as runner:
-      self.agent = runner
+    # Creates an in-memory archive containing all the configuration and files
+    # needed by the processing container
+    configuration_path = utils.temporary_directory()
+    self.dump_runner_configuration(configuration_path)
+    processing_archive = self.host.create_archive(configuration_path)
+    # (If necessary) Creates an in-memory archive containing all the configuration
+    # and files needed by the databases container
+    if self.db_address is not None:
+      databases_configuration_path = utils.temporary_directory()
+      self.dump_databases_provider_configuration(databases_configuration_path)
+      # Modify the paths to the databases in the dumped configuration files
+      root_folder = os.path.join(databases_configuration_path, 'prefix', 'databases')
+      database_paths = {}
+      if not self.data.has_key('datasets_root_path'):
+        for db_name in self.databases.keys():
+          json_path = os.path.join(root_folder, db_name + '.json')
+          with open(json_path, 'r') as f:
+            db_data = simplejson.load(f)
+          database_paths[db_name] = db_data['root_folder']
+          db_data['root_folder'] = os.path.join('/databases', db_name)
+          with open(json_path, 'w') as f:
+            simplejson.dump(db_data, f, indent=4)
+      databases_archive = self.host.create_archive(databases_configuration_path)
+    # Creates the message handler
+    self.message_handler = message_handler.ProxyMessageHandler(
+            self.input_list, self.output_list, self.host.ip)
+    # Determine the docker image to use for the processing
+    processing_environment = '%(name)s (%(version)s)' % self.data['environment']
+    if processing_environment not in self.host:
+      raise RuntimeError("Environment `%s' is not available on docker " \
+          "host `%s' - available environments are %s" % (processing_environment,
+            self.host, ", ".join(self.host.environments.keys())))
+    # (If necessary) Instantiate the docker container that provide the databases
+    databases_container = None
+    if self.db_address is not None:
+      # Determine the docker image to use for the databases
+      try:
+        databases_environment = self.host.db2docker(database_paths.keys())
+      except:
+        raise RuntimeError("No environment found for the databases `%s' " \
+            "- available environments are %s" % (
+              ", ".join(database_paths.keys()),
+              ", ".join(self.host.db_environments.keys())))
+      # Specify the volumes to mount inside the container
+      volumes = {}
+      if not self.data.has_key('datasets_root_path'):
+        for db_name, db_path in database_paths.items():
+          volumes[db_path] = {
+            'bind': os.path.join('/databases', db_name),
+            'mode': 'ro',
+          }
+      else:
+        volumes[self.data['datasets_root_path']] = {
+          'bind': self.data['datasets_root_path'],
+          'mode': 'ro',
+        }
+      # Instantiate the container
+      # Note: we only support one databases image loaded at the same time
+      cmd = [
+        'databases_provider',
+        self.db_address,
+        os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(databases_configuration_path))
+      ]
+      databases_container = dock.Popen(
+        self.host,
+        databases_environment,
+        command=cmd,
+        configuration_archive=databases_archive,
+        volumes=volumes
+      )
+    # Specify the volumes to mount inside the algorithm container
+    volumes = {}
+    if not self.proxy_mode:
+      volumes[self.cache] = {
+        'bind': '/cache',
+        'mode': 'rw',
+      }
+    # Instantiate the algorithm container
+    cmd = [
+      'execute',
+      self.message_handler.address,
+      os.path.join('/tmp', os.path.basename(configuration_path))
+    ]
+    if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG:
+      cmd.insert(1, '--debug')
+    algorithm_container = dock.Popen(
+      self.host,
+      processing_environment,
+      command=cmd,
+      configuration_archive=processing_archive,
+      virtual_memory_in_megabytes=virtual_memory_in_megabytes,
+      max_cpu_percent=max_cpu_percent,
+      volumes=volumes
+    )
+    # Process the messages until the container is done
+    self.message_handler.set_process(algorithm_container)
+    self.message_handler.start()
+    timed_out = False
+    try:
+      timeout = (60 * timeout_in_minutes) if timeout_in_minutes else None
+      status = algorithm_container.wait(timeout)
+    except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout:
+      logger.warn("user process has timed out after %d minutes", timeout_in_minutes)
+      algorithm_container.kill()
+      status = algorithm_container.wait()
+      if databases_container is not None:
+        databases_container.kill()
+        databases_container.wait()
+      timed_out = True
+    except KeyboardInterrupt: # Developer pushed CTRL-C
+      logger.info("stopping user process on CTRL-C console request")
+      algorithm_container.kill()
+      status = algorithm_container.wait()
+      if databases_container is not None:
+        databases_container.kill()
+        databases_container.wait()
+    finally:
+      self.message_handler.stop.set()
+    # Collects final information and returns to caller
+    retval = dict(
+        stdout = algorithm_container.stdout,
+        stderr = algorithm_container.stderr,
+        status = status,
+        timed_out = timed_out,
+        statistics = self.message_handler.last_statistics,
+        system_error = self.message_handler.system_error,
+        user_error = self.message_handler.user_error,
+    )
+    if 'data' in retval['statistics']:
+      stats.update(retval['statistics']['data'], self.io_statistics)
+    else:
+      logger.warn("cannot find 'data' entry on returned stats, " \
+              "therefore not appending I/O info either")
+    algorithm_container.rm()
-      #synchronous call - always returns after a certain timeout
-      retval = runner.run(self, self.host, timeout_in_minutes=timeout_in_minutes,
-              daemon=daemon, db_address=self.db_address)
+    if databases_container is not None:
+      retval['stdout'] += '\n' + databases_container.stdout
+      retval['stderr'] += '\n' + databases_container.stderr
+      databases_container.rm()
-      #adds I/O statistics from the current executor, if its complete already
-      #otherwise, it means the running process went bananas, ignore it ;-)
-      if 'statistics' in retval:
-        if 'data' in retval['statistics']:
-          stats.update(retval['statistics']['data'], self.io_statistics)
-        else:
-          logger.warn("cannot find 'data' entry on returned stats, " \
-                  "therefore not appending I/O info either")
+    self.message_handler.destroy()
+    self.message_handler = None
     return retval
@@ -298,8 +467,8 @@ class DockerExecutor(BaseExecutor):
   def kill(self):
     """Stops the user process by force - to be called from signal handlers"""
-    if self.agent is not None:
-      self.agent.kill()
+    if self.message_handler is not None:
+      self.message_handler.kill()
       return True
     return False
diff --git a/beat/core/message_handler.py b/beat/core/message_handler.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..766d10ade931bdb923ed8dc1e655be012a7e335f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beat/core/message_handler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+#                                                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/           #
+# Contact: beat.support@idiap.ch                                              #
+#                                                                             #
+# This file is part of the beat.core module of the BEAT platform.             #
+#                                                                             #
+# Commercial License Usage                                                    #
+# Licensees holding valid commercial BEAT licenses may use this file in       #
+# accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you      #
+# and Idiap. For further information contact tto@idiap.ch                     #
+#                                                                             #
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero      #
+# Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software and appearing    #
+# in the file LICENSE.AGPL included in the packaging of this file.            #
+# The BEAT platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but    #
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY  #
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                        #
+#                                                                             #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License along      #
+# with the BEAT platform. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.           #
+#                                                                             #
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import gevent
+import zmq.green as zmq
+from gevent import monkey
+from beat.backend.python.message_handler import MessageHandler
+class ProxyMessageHandler(MessageHandler):
+  '''A 0MQ server for our communication with the user process
+  Add support for output-related messages.
+  '''
+  def __init__(self, input_list, output_list, host_address):
+    # Starts our 0MQ server
+    self.context = zmq.Context()
+    self.socket = self.context.socket(zmq.PAIR)
+    self.address = 'tcp://' + host_address
+    port = self.socket.bind_to_random_port(self.address, min_port=50000)
+    self.address += ':%d' % port
+    logger.debug("zmq server bound to `%s'", self.address)
+    super(ProxyMessageHandler, self).__init__(input_list, self.context, self.socket)
+    self.output_list = output_list
+    # implementations
+    self.callbacks.update(dict(
+      wrt = self.write,
+      idm = self.is_data_missing,
+      oic = self.output_is_connected,
+    ))
+  def destroy(self):
+    self.context.destroy()
+  def __str__(self):
+    return 'Server(%s)' % self.address
+  def _get_output_candidate(self, name):
+    retval = self.output_list[name]
+    if retval is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not find output `%s'" % name)
+    return retval
+  def write(self, name, packed):
+    """Syntax: wrt output data"""
+    logger.debug('recv: wrt %s <bin> (size=%d)', name, len(packed))
+    # Get output object
+    output_candidate = self._get_output_candidate(name)
+    if output_candidate is None:
+      raise RuntimeError("Could not find output `%s' to write to" % name)
+    data = output_candidate.data_sink.dataformat.type()
+    data.unpack(packed)
+    output_candidate.write(data)
+    logger.debug('send: ack')
+    self.socket.send('ack')
+  def is_data_missing(self, name):
+    """Syntax: idm output"""
+    logger.debug('recv: idm %s', name)
+    output_candidate = self._get_output_candidate(name)
+    what = 'tru' if output_candidate.isDataMissing() else 'fal'
+    logger.debug('send: %s', what)
+    self.socket.send(what)
+  def output_is_connected(self, name):
+    """Syntax: oic output"""
+    logger.debug('recv: oic %s', name)
+    output_candidate = self._get_output_candidate(name)
+    what = 'tru' if output_candidate.isConnected() else 'fal'
+    logger.debug('send: %s', what)
+    self.socket.send(what)
diff --git a/beat/core/test/test_docker.py b/beat/core/test/test_docker.py
index 66aca256965d0abc5fa56469e2e764ae8f251141..a4b0eccda92bcc4a982a4ab9b3152c12d5ab9000 100644
--- a/beat/core/test/test_docker.py
+++ b/beat/core/test/test_docker.py
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ class AsyncTest(unittest.TestCase):
     with Popen(self.host, 'Python 2.7 (1.1.0)', ['python', tmp_name,
         str(processes)], max_cpu_percent=max_cpu_percent,
-        tmp_archive=program) as p:
+        configuration_path=program) as p:
       p.statistics() # start recording
diff --git a/beat/core/test/test_execution.py b/beat/core/test/test_execution.py
old mode 100755
new mode 100644