diff --git a/beat/core/execution/__init__.py b/beat/core/execution/__init__.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ae98da9c4d687468f82210dfa56e33e4487fa462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beat/core/execution/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+#                                                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/           #
+# Contact: beat.support@idiap.ch                                              #
+#                                                                             #
+# This file is part of the beat.core module of the BEAT platform.             #
+#                                                                             #
+# Commercial License Usage                                                    #
+# Licensees holding valid commercial BEAT licenses may use this file in       #
+# accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you      #
+# and Idiap. For further information contact tto@idiap.ch                     #
+#                                                                             #
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero      #
+# Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software and appearing    #
+# in the file LICENSE.AGPL included in the packaging of this file.            #
+# The BEAT platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but    #
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY  #
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                        #
+#                                                                             #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License along      #
+# with the BEAT platform. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.           #
+#                                                                             #
+from .docker import DockerExecutor
+from .local import LocalExecutor
diff --git a/beat/core/execution.py b/beat/core/execution/docker.py
similarity index 98%
rename from beat/core/execution.py
rename to beat/core/execution/docker.py
index 064f490b45bb9f924ce5d1f97f1c9cb3afbb1bb0..f3c4e39208902983c0a519a9d6643651ee0aa65a 100755
--- a/beat/core/execution.py
+++ b/beat/core/execution/docker.py
@@ -40,15 +40,15 @@ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 import simplejson
-from . import schema
-from . import database
-from . import algorithm
-from . import inputs
-from . import outputs
-from . import data
-from . import stats
-from . import agent
-from . import dock
+from .. import schema
+from .. import database
+from .. import algorithm
+from .. import inputs
+from .. import outputs
+from .. import data
+from .. import stats
+from .. import agent
+from .. import dock
 from beat.backend.python.helpers import convert_experiment_configuration_to_container
 from beat.backend.python.helpers import create_inputs_from_configuration
diff --git a/beat/core/execution/local.py b/beat/core/execution/local.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bd69eecd7411efbc9392a9afeb5e81d2fd126dba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/beat/core/execution/local.py
@@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8 :
+#                                                                             #
+# Copyright (c) 2017 Idiap Research Institute, http://www.idiap.ch/           #
+# Contact: beat.support@idiap.ch                                              #
+#                                                                             #
+# This file is part of the beat.core module of the BEAT platform.             #
+#                                                                             #
+# Commercial License Usage                                                    #
+# Licensees holding valid commercial BEAT licenses may use this file in       #
+# accordance with the terms contained in a written agreement between you      #
+# and Idiap. For further information contact tto@idiap.ch                     #
+#                                                                             #
+# Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of the GNU Affero      #
+# Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software and appearing    #
+# in the file LICENSE.AGPL included in the packaging of this file.            #
+# The BEAT platform is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but    #
+# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY  #
+# or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                        #
+#                                                                             #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero Public License along      #
+# with the BEAT platform. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.           #
+#                                                                             #
+'''Execution utilities'''
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+import errno
+import tempfile
+import subprocess
+import zmq.green as zmq
+import time
+import collections
+import logging
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+import simplejson
+from .. import schema
+from .. import database
+from .. import algorithm
+from .. import inputs
+from .. import outputs
+from .. import data
+from .. import stats
+class LocalExecutor(object):
+  """Executors runs the code given an execution block information, externally
+  Parameters:
+    prefix (str): Establishes the prefix of your installation.
+    data (dict, str): The piece of data representing the block to be executed.
+      It must validate against the schema defined for execution blocks. If a
+      string is passed, it is supposed to be a fully qualified absolute path to
+      a JSON file containing the block execution information.
+    cache (str, optional): If your cache is not located under
+      ``<prefix>/cache``, then specify a full path here. It will be used
+      instead.
+    dataformat_cache (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping dataformat names to
+      loaded dataformats. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may
+      greatly speed-up database loading times as dataformats that are already
+      loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that
+      the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying dataformats
+      change.
+    database_cache (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping database names to
+      loaded databases. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may
+      greatly speed-up database loading times as databases that are already
+      loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that
+      the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying databases
+      change.
+    algorithm_cache (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping algorithm names to
+      loaded algorithms. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may
+      greatly speed-up database loading times as algorithms that are already
+      loaded may be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that
+      the cache is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying algorithms
+      change.
+    library_cache (dict, optional): A dictionary mapping library names to
+      loaded libraries. This parameter is optional and, if passed, may greatly
+      speed-up library loading times as libraries that are already loaded may
+      be re-used. If you use this parameter, you must guarantee that the cache
+      is refreshed as appropriate in case the underlying libraries change.
+  Attributes:
+    cache (str): The path to the cache currently being used
+    errors (list): A list containing errors found while loading this execution
+      block.
+    data (dict): The original data for this executor, as loaded by our JSON
+      decoder.
+    algorithm (beat.core.algorithm.Algorithm): An object representing the
+      algorithm to be run.
+    databases (dict): A dictionary in which keys are strings with database
+      names and values are :py:class:`database.Database`, representing the
+      databases required for running this block. The dictionary may be empty
+      in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.
+    views (dict): A dictionary in which the keys are tuples pointing to the
+      ``(<database-name>, <protocol>, <set>)`` and the value is a setup view
+      for that particular combination of details. The dictionary may be empty
+      in case all inputs are taken from the file cache.
+    input_list (beat.core.inputs.InputList): A list of inputs that will be
+      served to the algorithm.
+    output_list (beat.core.outputs.OutputList): A list of outputs that the
+      algorithm will produce.
+    data_sources (list): A list with all data-sources created by our execution
+      loader.
+    data_sinks (list): A list with all data-sinks created by our execution
+      loader. These are useful for clean-up actions in case of problems.
+    custom_root_folders (dict): A dictionary where the keys are database
+      identifiers (`<db_name>/<version>`) and the values are paths to the
+      given database's files. These values will override the value found
+      in the database's metadata.
+  """
+  def __init__(self, prefix, data, cache=None, dataformat_cache=None,
+          database_cache=None, algorithm_cache=None, library_cache=None, custom_root_folders=None):
+    self.prefix = prefix
+    self.cache = cache or os.path.join(self.prefix, 'cache')
+    # check cache - halt if required
+    if not os.path.exists(self.cache):
+      raise IOError("Cache path `%s' does not exist" % self.cache)
+    # some attributes
+    self.algorithm = None
+    self.databases = {}
+    self.views = {}
+    self.input_list = None
+    self.output_list = None
+    self.data_sinks = []
+    self.data_sources = []
+    # runs validation if required
+    self.errors = []
+    self.data = data
+    if custom_root_folders is not None and not isinstance(custom_root_folders, collections.Mapping):
+      raise TypeError("The custom root folders must be in dictionary format")
+    self.custom_root_folders = custom_root_folders
+    # temporary caches, if the user has not set them, for performance
+    database_cache = database_cache if database_cache is not None else {}
+    dataformat_cache = dataformat_cache if dataformat_cache is not None else {}
+    algorithm_cache = algorithm_cache if algorithm_cache is not None else {}
+    library_cache = library_cache if library_cache is not None else {}
+    self._load(data, dataformat_cache, algorithm_cache, database_cache,
+            library_cache)
+  def _load(self, data, dataformat_cache, algorithm_cache, database_cache,
+          library_cache):
+    """Loads the block execution information"""
+    # reset
+    self.data = None
+    self.errors = []
+    self.algorithm = None
+    self.databases = {}
+    self.views = {}
+    self.input_list = None
+    self.output_list = None
+    self.data_sinks = []
+    self.data_sources = []
+    self.db_address = None
+    if not isinstance(data, dict): #user has passed a file pointer
+      if not os.path.exists(data):
+        self.errors.append('File not found: %s' % data)
+        return
+    # this runs basic validation, including JSON loading if required
+    self.data, self.errors = schema.validate('execution', data)
+    if self.errors: return #don't proceed with the rest of validation
+    # at this point, the execution information is loaded, must now go on and
+    # load the algorithm code.
+    if self.data['algorithm'] in algorithm_cache: #reuse
+      self.algorithm = algorithm_cache[self.data['algorithm']]
+    else: #load it, use dataformat cache if possible
+      self.algorithm = algorithm.Algorithm(self.prefix,
+              self.data['algorithm'], dataformat_cache, library_cache)
+      algorithm_cache[self.algorithm.name] = self.algorithm
+    if not self.algorithm.valid:
+      self.errors += self.algorithm.errors
+      return #don't proceed if algorithm is bogus!
+    # load databases (if any is required)
+    for name, details in self.data['inputs'].items():
+      if 'database' in details:
+        if details['database'] not in self.databases:
+          if details['database'] in database_cache: #reuse
+            db = database_cache[details['database']]
+          else: #load it
+            db = database.Database(self.prefix, details['database'],
+                    dataformat_cache)
+            database_cache[db.name] = db
+          self.databases[details['database']] = db
+          if not db.valid:
+            self.errors += db.errors
+  def __enter__(self):
+    """Prepares inputs and outputs for the processing task
+    Raises:
+      IOError: in case something cannot be properly setup
+    """
+    self._prepare_inputs()
+    self._prepare_outputs()
+    return self
+  def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
+    """Closes all sinks and disconnects inputs and outputs
+    """
+    for sink in self.data_sinks:
+      # we save the output only if no valid error has been thrown
+      # n.b.: a system exit will raise SystemExit which is not an Exception
+      if not isinstance(exc_type, Exception): sink.close()
+      sink.reset()
+    self.input_list = None
+    self.output_list = None
+    self.data_sinks = []
+    self.data_sources = []
+  def _prepare_inputs(self):
+    """Prepares all input required by the execution."""
+    self.input_list = inputs.InputList()
+    # This is used for parallelization purposes
+    start_index, end_index = self.data.get('range', (None, None))
+    db_views = {}
+    for name, details in self.data['inputs'].items():
+      if 'database' in details: #it is a dataset input
+        # create the remote input
+        db = self.databases[details['database']]
+        configName = "database/%s" % db.name
+        if self.custom_root_folders is not None and configName in self.custom_root_folders:
+          db.data['root_folder'] = self.custom_root_folders[configName]
+        dataformat_name = db.set(details['protocol'], details['set'])['outputs'][details['output']]
+        # Get the relevant data for the requested view
+        view_key = (details['database'], details['protocol'], details['set'])
+        if not db_views.has_key(view_key):
+          # create the view
+          v = db.view(view_key[1], view_key[2])
+          # setup
+          v.prepare_outputs()
+          v.setup()
+          db_views[view_key] = v
+        else:
+          v = db_views[view_key]
+        #v.obj.outputs = v.outputs
+        # Use the database view as an in-memory data source
+        v_data_source = data.MemoryDataSource(v.done, next_callback=v.next)
+        v_output = v.outputs[details['output']]
+        # Output the data from the view
+        v_output.data_sink.data_sources.append(v_data_source)
+        # Create a new local input
+        input = inputs.Input(name, db.dataformats[dataformat_name], v_data_source)
+        #input = inputs.RemoteInput(name, db.dataformats[dataformat_name], self.db_socket)
+        # Synchronization bits
+        group = self.input_list.group(details['channel'])
+        if group is None:
+          group = inputs.InputGroup(
+                    details['channel'],
+                    synchronization_listener=outputs.SynchronizationListener(),
+                    restricted_access=(details['channel'] == self.data['channel'])
+                  )
+          self.input_list.add(group)
+        group.add(input)
+      else:
+        data_source = data.CachedDataSource()
+        self.data_sources.append(data_source)
+        if details['channel'] == self.data['channel']: #synchronized
+          status = data_source.setup(
+                    filename=os.path.join(self.cache, details['path'] + '.data'),
+                    prefix=self.prefix,
+                    force_start_index=start_index,
+                    force_end_index=end_index,
+                  )
+        else:
+          status = data_source.setup(
+                    filename=os.path.join(self.cache, details['path'] + '.data'),
+                    prefix=self.prefix,
+                  )
+        if not status:
+          raise IOError("cannot load cache file `%s'" % details['path'])
+        input = inputs.Input(name, self.algorithm.input_map[name], data_source)
+        # Synchronization bits
+        group = self.input_list.group(details['channel'])
+        if group is None:
+          group = inputs.InputGroup(
+                    details['channel'],
+                    synchronization_listener=outputs.SynchronizationListener(),
+                    restricted_access=(details['channel'] == self.data['channel'])
+                  )
+          self.input_list.add(group)
+        group.add(input)
+  def _prepare_outputs(self):
+    """Prepares all output required by the execution."""
+    self.output_list = outputs.OutputList()
+    # This is used for parallelization purposes
+    start_index, end_index = self.data.get('range', (None, None))
+    if 'outputs' in self.data: #it is a normal block (not analyzer)
+      for name, details in self.data['outputs'].items():
+        path = os.path.join(self.cache, details['path'] + '.data')
+        dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+        # Make sure that the directory exists while taking care of race
+        # conditions. see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273192/check-if-a-directory-exists-and-create-it-if-necessary
+        try:
+          if (len(dirname) > 0):
+            os.makedirs(dirname)
+        except OSError as exception:
+          if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+            raise
+        data_sink = data.CachedDataSink()
+        self.data_sinks.append(data_sink)
+        status = data_sink.setup(
+                filename=path,
+                dataformat=self.algorithm.dataformats[self.algorithm.output_map[name]],
+                encoding='binary',
+                max_size=0, #in bytes, for individual file chunks
+                )
+        if not status:
+          raise IOError("cannot create cache sink `%s'" % details['path'])
+        input_group = self.input_list.group(details['channel'])
+        if (input_group is None) or not hasattr(input_group, 'synchronization_listener'):
+          synchronization_listener = None
+        else:
+          synchronization_listener = input_group.synchronization_listener
+        self.output_list.add(outputs.Output(name, data_sink,
+            synchronization_listener=synchronization_listener,
+            force_start_index=start_index or 0)
+            )
+    else: #it is an analyzer
+      name = 'result'
+      details = self.data[name]
+      path = os.path.join(self.cache, details['path'] + '.data')
+      dirname = os.path.dirname(path)
+      # Make sure that the directory exists while taking care of race
+      # conditions. see: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/273192/check-if-a-directory-exists-and-create-it-if-necessary
+      try:
+        if (len(dirname) > 0):
+          os.makedirs(dirname)
+      except OSError as exception:
+        if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST:
+          raise
+      data_sink = data.CachedDataSink()
+      self.data_sinks.append(data_sink)
+      status = data_sink.setup(
+              filename=path,
+              dataformat=self.algorithm.result_dataformat(),
+              encoding='binary',
+              )
+      if not status:
+        raise IOError("cannot create cache sink `%s'" % details['path'])
+      self.output_list.add(outputs.Output(name, data_sink,
+          force_start_index=start_index or 0))
+  def process(self, virtual_memory_in_megabytes=0,
+          max_cpu_percent=0, timeout_in_minutes=0, daemon=0):
+    """Executes the user algorithm code using an external program.
+    If ``executable`` is set, then execute the process using an external
+    program, else, uses the python application living by the side of this
+    installation (if one is found).
+    The execution interface follows the backend API as described in our
+    documentation.
+    We use green subprocesses this implementation. Each co-process is linked
+    to us via 2 uni-directional pipes which work as datain and dataout
+    end-points. The parent process (i.e. the current one) establishes the
+    connection to the child and then can pass/receive commands, data and logs.
+    Usage of the data pipes (datain, dataout) is **synchronous** - you send a
+    command and block for an answer. The co-process is normally controlled by
+    the current process, except for data requests, which are user-code driven.
+    The nature of our problem does not require an *asynchronous* implementation
+    which, in turn, would require a much more complex set of dependencies (on
+    asyncio or Twisted for example).
+    Parameters:
+      virtual_memory_in_megabytes (int, Optional): The amount of virtual memory
+        (in Megabytes) available for the job. If set to zero, no limit will be
+        applied.
+      max_cpu_percent (int, Optional): The maximum amount of CPU usage allowed
+        in a system. This number must be an integer number between 0 and
+        ``100*number_of_cores`` in your system. For instance, if your system
+        has 2 cores, this number can go between 0 and 200. If it is <= 0, then
+        we don't track CPU usage.
+      timeout_in_minutes (int): The number of minutes to wait for the user
+        process to execute. After this amount of time, the user process is
+        killed with :py:attr:`signal.SIGKILL`. If set to zero, no timeout will
+        be applied.
+      daemon (int): If this variable is set, then we don't really start the
+        user process, but just kick out 0MQ server, print the command-line and
+        sleep for that many seconds. You're supposed to start the client by
+        hand then and debug it.
+    Returns:
+      dict: A dictionary which is JSON formattable containing the summary of
+        this block execution.
+    """
+    def _create_result(status, error_message=''):
+      return {
+        'status': status,
+        'statistics': {
+          'data': self.io_statistics
+        },
+        'stderr': '',
+        'stdout': '',
+        'system_error': '',
+        'user_error': error_message,
+        'timed_out': False
+      }
+    def _process_exception(exception, prefix, contribution_kind):
+      import traceback
+      exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
+      tb = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)
+      contributions_prefix = os.path.join(prefix, contribution_kind) + os.sep
+      for first_line, line in enumerate(tb):
+        if line[0].startswith(contributions_prefix):
+          break
+      if first_line == len(tb):
+        first_line = 0
+      s = ''.join(traceback.format_list(tb[first_line:]))
+      s = s.replace(contributions_prefix, '').strip()
+      return "%s\n%s: %s" % (s, type(exception).__name__, exception)
+    if not self.valid:
+      raise RuntimeError("execution information is bogus:\n  * %s" % \
+              '\n  * '.join(self.errors))
+    self.runner = self.algorithm.runner()
+    retval = self.runner.setup(self.data['parameters'])
+    if not self.input_list or not self.output_list:
+      raise RuntimeError("I/O for execution block has not yet been set up")
+    using_output = self.output_list[0] if self.analysis else self.output_list
+    _start = time.time()
+    try:
+      main_group = self.input_list.main_group
+      while main_group.hasMoreData():
+        main_group.restricted_access = False
+        main_group.next()
+        main_group.restricted_access = True
+        try:
+          if not self.runner.process(self.input_list, using_output):
+            return _create_result(1, "The algorithm returned 'False'")
+        except Exception as e:
+          message = _process_exception(e, self.prefix, 'algorithms')
+          return _create_result(1, message)
+    except Exception as e:
+      message = _process_exception(e, self.prefix, 'databases')
+      return _create_result(1, message)
+    missing_data_outputs = [x for x in self.output_list if x.isDataMissing()]
+    proc_time = time.time() - _start
+    if missing_data_outputs:
+      raise RuntimeError("Missing data on the following output(s): %s" % \
+          ', '.join([x.name for x in missing_data_outputs]))
+    # some local information
+    logger.debug("Total processing time was %.3f seconds" , proc_time)
+    return _create_result(0)
+  @property
+  def valid(self):
+    """A boolean that indicates if this executor is valid or not"""
+    return not bool(self.errors)
+  @property
+  def analysis(self):
+    """A boolean that indicates if the current block is an analysis block"""
+    return 'result' in self.data
+  @property
+  def outputs_exist(self):
+    """Returns ``True`` if outputs this block is supposed to produce exists."""
+    if self.analysis:
+      path = os.path.join(self.cache, self.data['result']['path']) + '*'
+      if not glob.glob(path): return False
+    else:
+      for name, details in self.data['outputs'].items():
+        path = os.path.join(self.cache, details['path']) + '*'
+        if not glob.glob(path): return False
+    # if you get to this point all outputs already exist
+    return True
+  @property
+  def io_statistics(self):
+    """Summarize current I/O statistics looking at data sources and sinks, inputs and outputs
+    Returns:
+      dict: A dictionary summarizing current I/O statistics
+    """
+    return stats.io_statistics(self.data, self.input_list, self.output_list)
+  def __str__(self):
+    return simplejson.dumps(self.data, indent=4)
+  def write(self, path):
+    """Writes contents to precise filesystem location"""
+    with open(path, 'wt') as f: f.write(str(self))
+  def dump_runner_configuration(self, directory):
+    """Exports contents useful for a backend runner to run the algorithm"""
+    data = {
+            'algorithm': self.data['algorithm'],
+            'parameters': self.data['parameters'],
+            }
+    data['inputs'] = \
+            dict([(k, v['channel']) for k,v in self.data['inputs'].items()])
+    if 'outputs' in self.data:
+      data['outputs'] = \
+              dict([(k, v['channel']) for k,v in self.data['outputs'].items()])
+    else:
+      data['result'] = self.data['channel']
+    data['channel'] = self.data['channel']
+    with open(os.path.join(directory, 'configuration.json'), 'wb') as f:
+      simplejson.dump(data, f, indent=2)
+    tmp_prefix = os.path.join(directory, 'prefix')
+    if not os.path.exists(tmp_prefix): os.makedirs(tmp_prefix)
+    self.algorithm.export(tmp_prefix)
+  def dump_databases_provider_configuration(self, directory):
+    """Exports contents useful for a backend runner to run the algorithm"""
+    with open(os.path.join(directory, 'configuration.json'), 'wb') as f:
+      simplejson.dump(self.data, f, indent=2)
+    tmp_prefix = os.path.join(directory, 'prefix')
+    if not os.path.exists(tmp_prefix): os.makedirs(tmp_prefix)
+    for db in self.databases.values():
+      db.export(tmp_prefix)
+  def kill(self):
+    """Stops the user process by force - to be called from signal handlers"""
+    if self.agent is not None:
+      self.agent.kill()
+      return True
+    return False
diff --git a/beat/core/test/test_execution.py b/beat/core/test/test_execution.py
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index b8ba10325fae341e0a4dd38b7c56e63cf0104f15..d4cb5f72156b7553dd67c34fb883d0a101f18ee2
--- a/beat/core/test/test_execution.py
+++ b/beat/core/test/test_execution.py
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ import unittest
 from ..experiment import Experiment
 from ..execution import DockerExecutor
+from ..execution import LocalExecutor
 from ..hash import hashFileContents
 from ..data import CachedDataSource
 from ..dock import Host
@@ -57,23 +58,6 @@ from .utils import cleanup
 class TestExecution(unittest.TestCase):
-  @classmethod
-  def setUpClass(cls):
-    cls.host = Host()
-    cls.host.setup(raise_on_errors=False)
-  @classmethod
-  def tearDownClass(cls):
-    cls.host.teardown()
-    cleanup()
-  def setUp(self):
-    super(TestExecution, self).setUp()
-    self.proxy_mode = True
   def check_output(self, prefix, path):
     '''Checks if a given output exists, together with its indexes and checksums
@@ -130,9 +114,8 @@ class TestExecution(unittest.TestCase):
     # can we execute it?
     results = []
     for key, value in scheduled.items():
-      executor = DockerExecutor(self.host, prefix, value['configuration'], tmp_prefix,
-            dataformat_cache, database_cache, algorithm_cache,
-            proxy_mode=self.proxy_mode)
+      executor = self.create_executor(prefix, value['configuration'], tmp_prefix,
+                                      dataformat_cache, database_cache, algorithm_cache)
       assert executor.valid, '\n  * %s' % '\n  * '.join(executor.errors)
       with executor:
@@ -241,9 +224,6 @@ class TestExecution(unittest.TestCase):
   def test_double_triangle_1(self):
     assert self.execute('user/user/double_triangle/1/double_triangle', [{'out_data': 42}]) is None
-  def test_cxx_double_1(self):
-    assert self.execute('user/user/double/1/cxx_double', [{'out_data': 42}]) is None
   def test_inputs_mix_1(self):
     assert self.execute('user/user/inputs_mix/1/test', [{'sum': 12272, 'nb': 10}]) is None
@@ -286,8 +266,54 @@ class TestExecution(unittest.TestCase):
-class TestExecutionNoProxy(TestExecution):
+class TestDockerExecution(TestExecution):
+  @classmethod
+  def setUpClass(cls):
+    cls.host = Host()
+    cls.host.setup(raise_on_errors=False)
+  @classmethod
+  def tearDownClass(cls):
+    cls.host.teardown()
+    cleanup()
   def setUp(self):
-    super(TestExecutionNoProxy, self).setUp()
+    super(TestDockerExecution, self).setUp()
+    self.proxy_mode = True
+  def create_executor(self, prefix, configuration, tmp_prefix, dataformat_cache,
+                      database_cache, algorithm_cache):
+    return DockerExecutor(self.host, prefix, configuration, tmp_prefix,
+                          dataformat_cache, database_cache, algorithm_cache,
+                          proxy_mode=self.proxy_mode)
+  def test_cxx_double_1(self):
+    assert self.execute('user/user/double/1/cxx_double', [{'out_data': 42}]) is None
+class TestDockerExecutionNoProxy(TestDockerExecution):
+  def setUp(self):
+    super(TestDockerExecutionNoProxy, self).setUp()
     self.proxy_mode = False
+class TestLocalExecution(TestExecution):
+  def create_executor(self, prefix, configuration, tmp_prefix, dataformat_cache,
+                      database_cache, algorithm_cache):
+    return LocalExecutor(prefix, configuration, tmp_prefix,
+                         dataformat_cache, database_cache, algorithm_cache)
+# Don't run tests from the base class
+del TestExecution